When the World is led by a Child

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  • #61
Such an intelligent reply. Thank you for your input.

Hello earth to Coyote president Trump is not a professional politician. How do you expect him to act, like Bush? Obama? Hell maybe Trump should go on national TV and tell the American people that if they like their doctor and plan, they can keep them oh and they will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance. And Bush the man could barely complete a sentence. What exactly is the standard you people are judging president Trump by?

Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.
Hello earth to Coyote president Trump is not a professional politician. How do you expect him to act, like Bush? Obama? Hell maybe Trump should go on national TV and tell the American people that if they like their doctor and plan, they can keep them oh and they will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance. And Bush the man could barely complete a sentence. What exactly is the standard you people are judging president Trump by?

Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

Go ahead, make a rational argument that a man brilliant enough to become a billionaire, and having never run for office before run for the highest office in the land, beat the entire GOP establishment and their money in the primary, then beat Hillary, Bill, Obama, their $1.2 billion dollar war chest, the entire liberal media, and a bunch of GOP hacks in the general, go ahead make a rational argument that this man is not competent. You can't, its an utterly stupid argument. Go lick your wounds lib.

I'm not sure how much brilliance there is when you started out life as a billionaire. But moving beyond that - "brilliance" doesn't necessarily translate as "competence" in other fields.

I prefer competence to brilliance, and if the two come in the same package so much the better. Unfortunately, they don't seem to.

You lie, wow shocker. Trump did not start out in life as a billionaire, that's a lie you just made up. Go wash your mouth out with soap.

I stand corrected - he inherited millions not billions.

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.
  • Thread starter
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  • #63
Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

Go ahead, make a rational argument that a man brilliant enough to become a billionaire, and having never run for office before run for the highest office in the land, beat the entire GOP establishment and their money in the primary, then beat Hillary, Bill, Obama, their $1.2 billion dollar war chest, the entire liberal media, and a bunch of GOP hacks in the general, go ahead make a rational argument that this man is not competent. You can't, its an utterly stupid argument. Go lick your wounds lib.

I'm not sure how much brilliance there is when you started out life as a billionaire. But moving beyond that - "brilliance" doesn't necessarily translate as "competence" in other fields.

I prefer competence to brilliance, and if the two come in the same package so much the better. Unfortunately, they don't seem to.

You lie, wow shocker. Trump did not start out in life as a billionaire, that's a lie you just made up. Go wash your mouth out with soap.

I stand corrected - he inherited millions not billions.

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.

Once you are in the millions what does it matter to the likes of you and me and Joe Blow?

But if that is the best you can muster in defense of your messiah keep it up.
Trump is a spoiled brat and an idiot that monopolize on the fact that millions of Americans are spoiled brats and idiots.

His election was a mass rebellion against intelligence.
Hello earth to Coyote president Trump is not a professional politician. How do you expect him to act, like Bush? Obama? Hell maybe Trump should go on national TV and tell the American people that if they like their doctor and plan, they can keep them oh and they will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance. And Bush the man could barely complete a sentence. What exactly is the standard you people are judging president Trump by?

Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.

Please, Obama and Biden were on the ballot. Obama stated clearly his policies and legacy were on the line and yet the American people in 30 states, including 3 blue states of PA, MI, and WI voted for Trump.
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  • #67
Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.

Please, Obama and Biden were on the ballot. Obama stated clearly his policies and legacy were on the line and yet the American people in 30 states, including 3 blue states of PA, MI, and WI voted for Trump.

Please, the main reason they voted for Trump was because he WASN'T Hillary - Obama's approval rating was extremely high but even that couldn't get the vote out for Hillary.

GOP senator: Biden would have beat Trump
Go ahead, make a rational argument that a man brilliant enough to become a billionaire, and having never run for office before run for the highest office in the land, beat the entire GOP establishment and their money in the primary, then beat Hillary, Bill, Obama, their $1.2 billion dollar war chest, the entire liberal media, and a bunch of GOP hacks in the general, go ahead make a rational argument that this man is not competent. You can't, its an utterly stupid argument. Go lick your wounds lib.

I'm not sure how much brilliance there is when you started out life as a billionaire. But moving beyond that - "brilliance" doesn't necessarily translate as "competence" in other fields.

I prefer competence to brilliance, and if the two come in the same package so much the better. Unfortunately, they don't seem to.

You lie, wow shocker. Trump did not start out in life as a billionaire, that's a lie you just made up. Go wash your mouth out with soap.

I stand corrected - he inherited millions not billions.

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.

Once you are in the millions what does it matter to the likes of you and me and Joe Blow?

But if that is the best you can muster in defense of your messiah keep it up.

You are the one trying to make the absurd claim that Trump is incompetent, when clearly he is in a very elite group of people who were competent enough to grow millions into billions. How many people on the planet have been able to do that? Of course you completely ignored the rest of my argument. How did someone who you claim is incompetent whoop your ass? Trump whooped the GOP's ass, Hillary's ass, the DNC's ass, the liberal media's ass. That's a lot of ass whooping.

I'll let you off the hook, this is where you claim Trump only won because the American people are stupid.
" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.

Please, Obama and Biden were on the ballot. Obama stated clearly his policies and legacy were on the line and yet the American people in 30 states, including 3 blue states of PA, MI, and WI voted for Trump.

Please, the main reason they voted for Trump was because he WASN'T Hillary - Obama's approval rating was extremely high but even that couldn't get the vote out for Hillary.

GOP senator: Biden would have beat Trump

LOL even Obama thinks Biden is a buffoon old foot in mouth has already lost how many primaries? You libs are funny.
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  • #69
Trump had three things going for him: he's a hell of a salesman (works well in the business world), he was a political outsider and he wasn't Hillary.

As an outsider - he had no experience. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Would we get brain surgery from a man with no experience? Hell no.
But we'll not only elect a man with no experience governance or politics to the highest office in the world - we'll applaud that lack of experience as a virtue. And we'll continue to applaud lack of experience when the ediface constructed during the campaign crumbles and breaks under pressure and that is exactly what is happening when you have a man who is essentially, a child with neither the desire nor interest in meeting the demands of the job.
he had no experience.

Correct = he has no experience

1. selling access for money
2. selling out America for money and favorable media coverage
3. lying to the American people about big things like Global Warming
4. letting criminals off if they donate to the Clinton Foundation
5. stealing from the US taxpayer hand over fist
Hello earth to Coyote president Trump is not a professional politician. How do you expect him to act, like Bush? Obama? Hell maybe Trump should go on national TV and tell the American people that if they like their doctor and plan, they can keep them oh and they will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance. And Bush the man could barely complete a sentence. What exactly is the standard you people are judging president Trump by?

Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.

He would have crushed Uncle Joe, that big stupid smile he used in the Ryan debate would have been slapped off of his face by Trump, Cruz or Rubio.
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  • #72
I'm not sure how much brilliance there is when you started out life as a billionaire. But moving beyond that - "brilliance" doesn't necessarily translate as "competence" in other fields.

I prefer competence to brilliance, and if the two come in the same package so much the better. Unfortunately, they don't seem to.

You lie, wow shocker. Trump did not start out in life as a billionaire, that's a lie you just made up. Go wash your mouth out with soap.

I stand corrected - he inherited millions not billions.

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.

Once you are in the millions what does it matter to the likes of you and me and Joe Blow?

But if that is the best you can muster in defense of your messiah keep it up.

You are the one trying to make the absurd claim that Trump is incompetent, when clearly he is in a very elite group of people who were competent enough to grow millions into billions. How many people on the planet have been able to do that? Of course you completely ignored the rest of my argument. How did someone who you claim is incompetent whoop your ass? Trump whooped the GOP's ass, Hillary's ass, the DNC's ass, the liberal media's ass. That's a lot of ass whooping.

I'll let you off the hook, this is where you claim Trump only won because the American people are stupid.

I'm not on any hook, but thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind for future fishing.

Let's look at "competence".

I'm an extremely competent dog trainer. Does that make me competent to be president?
Pablo Escobar was a drug lord with a net worth of 30 Billion. Clearly he was a good businessman and a member of a very elite group. Clearly he was brilliant. Does that make him competent to be president? (setting aside the fact he isn't American and is rather dead).
Jimmy Carter's networth is 5 million - not a billionaire, but still an elite group. He campaigned as an outsider and won. Was he competent?

Being a good businessman doesn't necessarily translate into being a good president, or political leader. Nor does it mean you are competent at anything other than business. Check it out for yourself: 7 Businessmen Who Became US Presidents | Bankrate.com

As a note: I've never claimed Trump won because the American people are stupid. He won because two badly flawed candidates ran and he wasn't Hillary. The margins were very thin, and I think that indicates how troubled this election was. He was a good salesman.
Not talking about "professional politicians" - talking about competent professionals.

" talking about competent professionals"

That is an oxymoron when discussing politics. Hillary is a perfect example of this.

Again, who cares about Hillary? This is about Trump.

And no, I disagree. There's this idea that anyone who is a "professional politician" is automatically bad. That one can't be "competent" and a "politician", but I disagree.

Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

and more.

LMAO, everyone of those could be applied to the Magic Negro. Look Trump sucks, but you don't seem to have the integrity to accept that your side had nobody who could beat him. I never said ALL professional Politicians are bad, but the current crop from either suck equally.
You're wrong. We put up a flawed candidate. If Biden had run I doubt Trump would have beaten him.

He would have crushed Uncle Joe, that big stupid smile he used in the Ryan debate would have been slapped off of his face by Trump, Cruz or Rubio.

The left refuse to accept rejection. The American people took the House away from the Democrats, then the Senate and finally the White House hello.
You lie, wow shocker. Trump did not start out in life as a billionaire, that's a lie you just made up. Go wash your mouth out with soap.

I stand corrected - he inherited millions not billions.

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.

Once you are in the millions what does it matter to the likes of you and me and Joe Blow?

But if that is the best you can muster in defense of your messiah keep it up.

You are the one trying to make the absurd claim that Trump is incompetent, when clearly he is in a very elite group of people who were competent enough to grow millions into billions. How many people on the planet have been able to do that? Of course you completely ignored the rest of my argument. How did someone who you claim is incompetent whoop your ass? Trump whooped the GOP's ass, Hillary's ass, the DNC's ass, the liberal media's ass. That's a lot of ass whooping.

I'll let you off the hook, this is where you claim Trump only won because the American people are stupid.

I'm not on any hook, but thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind for future fishing.

Let's look at "competence".

I'm an extremely competent dog trainer. Does that make me competent to be president?
Pablo Escobar was a drug lord with a net worth of 30 Billion. Clearly he was a good businessman and a member of a very elite group. Clearly he was brilliant. Does that make him competent to be president? (setting aside the fact he isn't American and is rather dead).
Jimmy Carter's networth is 5 million - not a billionaire, but still an elite group. He campaigned as an outsider and won. Was he competent?

Being a good businessman doesn't necessarily translate into being a good president, or political leader. Nor does it mean you are competent at anything other than business. Check it out for yourself: 7 Businessmen Who Became US Presidents | Bankrate.com

As a note: I've never claimed Trump won because the American people are stupid. He won because two badly flawed candidates ran and he wasn't Hillary. The margins were very thin, and I think that indicates how troubled this election was. He was a good salesman.

I believe you are correct, the only reason I voted for him was that he was not that b*tch. This however was my last participatory election, 2016 taught me that it was all theatre. It saddens me, but our system is a lie.
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  • #75
he had no experience.

Correct = he has no experience

Good point.

1. selling access for money
Donald Trump Is Selling Access to the ‘Winter White House’ for $200,000
Trump inauguration's 'Cabinet dinner' offers access for cash

2. selling out America for money and favorable media coverage

Russian State-Run Bank Financed Deal Involving Trump Hotel Partner
Piece by Piece, Trump is Selling our Country to the Highest Bidder

3. lying to the American people about big things like Global Warming
oh the lies...where to start

4. letting criminals off if they donate to the Clinton Foundation
too early in his presidency to judge

5. stealing from the US taxpayer hand over fist
hard to comment on that sense we haven't seen his tax returns...unlike previous presidents...
  • Thread starter
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  • #76

Very good lib, and the mathematical difference between millions and BILLIONS? That's right, it destroys your entire argument.

Once you are in the millions what does it matter to the likes of you and me and Joe Blow?

But if that is the best you can muster in defense of your messiah keep it up.

You are the one trying to make the absurd claim that Trump is incompetent, when clearly he is in a very elite group of people who were competent enough to grow millions into billions. How many people on the planet have been able to do that? Of course you completely ignored the rest of my argument. How did someone who you claim is incompetent whoop your ass? Trump whooped the GOP's ass, Hillary's ass, the DNC's ass, the liberal media's ass. That's a lot of ass whooping.

I'll let you off the hook, this is where you claim Trump only won because the American people are stupid.

I'm not on any hook, but thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind for future fishing.

Let's look at "competence".

I'm an extremely competent dog trainer. Does that make me competent to be president?
Pablo Escobar was a drug lord with a net worth of 30 Billion. Clearly he was a good businessman and a member of a very elite group. Clearly he was brilliant. Does that make him competent to be president? (setting aside the fact he isn't American and is rather dead).
Jimmy Carter's networth is 5 million - not a billionaire, but still an elite group. He campaigned as an outsider and won. Was he competent?

Being a good businessman doesn't necessarily translate into being a good president, or political leader. Nor does it mean you are competent at anything other than business. Check it out for yourself: 7 Businessmen Who Became US Presidents | Bankrate.com

As a note: I've never claimed Trump won because the American people are stupid. He won because two badly flawed candidates ran and he wasn't Hillary. The margins were very thin, and I think that indicates how troubled this election was. He was a good salesman.

I believe you are correct, the only reason I voted for him was that he was not that b*tch. This however was my last participatory election, 2016 taught me that it was all theatre. It saddens me, but our system is a lie.

I will not stop voting - no matter what...
Trump isn't selling out at all. Nobody has gotten any SOLYNDRA type handouts.

Your partisan hypocrisy and dishonesty is off the scale.
Here's what "competence" means:
The understanding that being President is not the same as Emperor - there are 3 coequal branches of government.
The understanding that just because you make an EO doesn't mean it's Constitutional or a decree.
The understanding that in order to get things done you have to be able to work with diverse groups - not just your supporters.
You need to be able to negotiate, make deals - and that means give and take.
You need to be mature enough to realize the world isn't composed of only "winners" and "losers" and that a "win-win" outcome is often desirable.
You need to accept defeat gracefully and use it as a template to adjust your strategy.

Wonderful exposure of Obama's incompetence, but what does it have to do with Trump?
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  • #80
You didn't read the OP did you?. :rolleyes-41: Sheesh.

It appeared that you merely quoted the article you had cited, plus adding a cartoon. Does that constitute original content?

Reading comprehension dude. The first line is original content. Now go play gotcha with some one else.

The first line, is my opinion on the article, and on the farce that is the Trump Administration.

Thank god he has McMaster - that man has more guts, more integrity and more credibility than any other person in that White House and his reputation across the board is proof. I think it's the man's concern for our country - not our president - that keeps him there despite the fact he could end up slightly tarnished. I'd rather see him in office.

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