When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

1). What do the Zionist Nazis occupying Palestine have to do with the year "1941"?
2). What country are you referring to as "yours"?
3). Which country are you asking about that was "attacked without warning"?

*** The education has now begun. 🧐
Good grief. He didn't even know the USA was attacked without warning on Decmber 7, 1941. And then what we did was nuke HIroshima & Nagasaki killing over 250,000 & those who survived lived the rest of their lives sick & suffering from the consequences.

You see, it's nice nice to attack Israel without warning like Hamas did. Sure looks like Israel has a long way to go to beat what we did. Don't you agree?
1). What do the Zionist Nazis occupying Palestine have to do with the year "1941"?
2). What country are you referring to as "yours"?
3). Which country are you asking about that was "attacked without warning"?

*** The education has now begun. 🧐
Good grief. He didn't even know the USA was attacked without warning on Decmber 7, 1941.
Good grief. You don’t even know that the US knew well in advance that the attack was underway. Either read the facts or have someone read it for you. :deal:
And then what we did was nuke HIroshima & Nagasaki killing over 250,000 & those who survived lived the rest of their lives sick & suffering from the consequences.
Yes, and then the US did it again by illegally invading and occupying Vietnam and using internationally illegal weapons such as napalm and Agent Orange ….. without any provocation by the Vietnamese. And more than once again in Irak, and Syria, and Iran, and Afghanistan, and Grenada, etc. etc. etc. But what is the point of your statement? That if the US can get away with it then it is OK for others to get away with it regardless of the discrepant similarities? :eusa_sick:
You see, it's nice nice to attack Israel without warning like Hamas did.
It was a long time coming. The Palestinians tried diplomacy through the UN to no avail. The Palestinians have had ”nothing to lose” so they bravely struck against enormous odds. :drillsergeant:
Sure looks like Israel has a long way to go to beat what we did.
So the rockets and missiles obliterating innocent men, women, and children in Palestine don’t qualify? :laugh2:
Don't you agree?
What precisely is it that you want me to agree to? Give me a clear question and I’ll give you a clear answer. :45:

*** 👉 Educating you is a lo-o-o-ong process. ⏯️
Good grief. You don’t even know that the US knew well in advance that the attack was underway. Either read the facts or have someone read it for you. :deal:

Yes, and then the US did it again by illegally invading and occupying Vietnam and using internationally illegal weapons such as napalm and Agent Orange ….. without any provocation by the Vietnamese. And more than once again in Irak, and Syria, and Iran, and Afghanistan, and Grenada, etc. etc. etc. But what is the point of your statement? That if the US can get away with it then it is OK for others to get away with it regardless of the discrepant similarities? :eusa_sick:

It was a long time coming. The Palestinians tried diplomacy through the UN to no avail. The Palestinians have had ”nothing to lose” so they bravely struck against enormous odds. :drillsergeant:

So the rockets and missiles obliterating innocent men, women, and children in Palestine don’t qualify? :laugh2:

What precisely is it that you want me to agree to? Give me a clear question and I’ll give you a clear answer. :45:

*** 👉 Educating you is a lo-o-o-ong process. ⏯️
The Palestinian people are the victims of hamas, not Israel. Billions of dollars spent on war by hamas that should have been spent on the Palestinian people to make their lives better. The religion of hate and murder, Islam. That's the problem. Not Israel.
The Palestinian people are the victims of hamas, not Israel. Billions of dollars spent on war by hamas that should have been spent on the Palestinian people to make their lives better. The religion of hate and murder, Islam. That's the problem. Not Israel.
At some point the Palestinians will get it right that Hamas is their worst enemy. How many more thousands dead it will take, who knows?
At some point the Palestinians will get it right that Hamas is their worst enemy. How many more thousands dead it will take, who knows?
As long as the Iranian brand of Islam is allowed to breathe.
The Palestinian people are the victims of hamas, not Israel.
The Palestinian people are the victims of Zionism and martyrs of the resistance against Israel.
Billions of dollars spent on war by hamas that should have been spent on the Palestinian people to make their lives better.
How many times must the Palestinians rebuild their schools and infrastructure destroyed by the Zionists before they finally spend their money on actively fighting to stop Israel's treachery?
The religion of hate and murder, Islam. That's the problem. Not Israel.
So, you are saying that it's neither Israel nor Zionism ... but Judaism itself that is the source of hatred and murder? You are an anti-Semite and a Nazi for sure. :hmpf:
The Palestinian people are the victims of Zionism and martyrs of the resistance against Israel.

How many times must the Palestinians rebuild their schools and infrastructure destroyed by the Zionists before they finally spend their money on actively fighting to stop Israel's treachery?

So, you are saying that it's neither Israel nor Zionism ... but Judaism itself that is the source of hatred and murder? You are an anti-Semite and a Nazi for sure. :hmpf:
No. I'm saying the Iranian brand of Islam is the problem. What the fuck is wrong with you
No. I'm saying the Iranian brand of Islam is the problem. What the fuck is wrong with you
If you dislike "the Iranian brand of Islam" then lodge your complaint at the CIA that encouraged and nurtured it. You are to blame for the development of "Iran's brand of Islam". Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it. So ..... what the fuck is wrong with you? Hmmm❓
If you dislike "the Iranian brand of Islam" then lodge your complaint at the CIA that encouraged and nurtured it. You are to blame for the development of "Iran's brand of Islam". Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it. So ..... what the fuck is wrong with you? Hmmm❓
Islamists took over Iran during the Carter administration and he did nothing. Islamic terrorists took over Iran. You appear afraid to confront the truth. Islamic terrorists.
If you dislike "the Iranian brand of Islam" then lodge your complaint at the CIA that encouraged and nurtured it. You are to blame for the development of "Iran's brand of Islam". Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it. ...
Islamists took over Iran during the Carter administration and he did nothing. Islamic terrorists took over Iran. You appear afraid to confront the truth. Islamic terrorists.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Why do people like you open your mouths without any knowledge of the subject? A jalapeño-induced fart makes more sense than you. :(
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Why do people like you open your mouths without any knowledge of the subject? A jalapeño-induced fart makes more sense than you. :(
Why do you support Islamic terrorists?
If you dislike "the Iranian brand of Islam" then lodge your complaint at the CIA that encouraged and nurtured it. You are to blame for the development of "Iran's brand of Islam". Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it. So ..... what the fuck is wrong with you? Hmmm❓
Islamists took over Iran during the Carter administration and he did nothing. Islamic terrorists took over Iran. You appear afraid to confront the truth. Islamic terrorists.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Why do people like you open your mouths without any knowledge of the subject? A jalapeño-induced fart makes more sense than you. :(

Why do you support Islamic terrorists?
Go back to the sandbox. :lolly:I'm not wasting another second of my time with you.
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal. The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits an occupying power from transferring its population to the area it occupies.
Others who have said that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegal include:
Laws Violated: Israel has violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (which are legally binding on member-nations U.N. Charter, Article 25 (1945)
  • United Nations Special Rapporteur: Michael Lynk said in 2017 that the Israeli occupation was illegal
  • Legal Adviser of the Department of State of the United States: In 1978, the Legal Adviser reached the same conclusion
Israel has also violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Israel has occupied Jerusalem since 1967. Israel administers most of the West Bank, but 42% of it is under autonomous rule by the Palestinian Authority. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

About half of Gaza's population of 2.3 million people are children. Since October 7, Israeli attacks have killed at least 5,500 children, according to Palestinian officials. That is one Palestinian child killed every 10 minutes, or about one out of every 200 children in the Gaza Strip.

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal.

That's funny!
When did Palestine get any territory? When did Israel "occupy" it?
If you dislike "the Iranian brand of Islam" then lodge your complaint at the CIA that encouraged and nurtured it. You are to blame for the development of "Iran's brand of Islam". Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it. So ..... what the fuck is wrong with you? Hmmm❓

Iran had a full-functioning DEMOCRACY but you intentionally destroyed it.

You're lying.
Go back to the sandbox. :lolly:I'm not wasting another second of my time with you.
Face it dude. Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. The Persian empire, home of Cyrus the Great under Zoroastrian rule. And just look at Iran today under Muslim rule.

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