When thou art converted


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Feb 22, 2004
I've been thinking about the apostle Peter a bit lately. His life is interesting. He is depicted as an extremely zealous believer. We know from Matthew 16 that He has a testimony that Jesus is the messiah and that he recieved that testimony from the Father. We know he is one of the only people recorded in history to walk on water. We know he went on several missions during the Saviors lifetime which it was said they healed many. We know he was one of the twelve who helped feed 5000.

And yet despite all of this, on the night He was betrayed Christ told Peter:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.(Luke 22:32)

Despite everything Peter did during the three years He walked with Christ, despite the mighty miracles, he was Jesus telling Him He wasn't converted.

So what does it take to be converted?
I've been thinking about the apostle Peter a bit lately. His life is interesting. He is depicted as an extremely zealous believer. We know from Matthew 16 that He has a testimony that Jesus is the messiah and that he recieved that testimony from the Father. We know he is one of the only people recorded in history to walk on water. We know he went on several missions during the Saviors lifetime which it was said they healed many. We know he was one of the twelve who helped feed 5000.

And yet despite all of this, on the night He was betrayed Christ told Peter:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.(Luke 22:32)

Despite everything Peter did during the three years He walked with Christ, despite the mighty miracles, he was Jesus telling Him He wasn't converted.

So what does it take to be converted?

I don't understand how you can believe Peter was not converted.We have many interpretations of that passage.

Jesus was only telling him that he was worried that his faith would fail him. And it happens to so many of us on our journey in life. We are not perfect souls.


I can attest to that. We fail our faith so many times. As did Peter.
And we have to look at the context of the definition of converted. Sheesh. Makes me crazy.
Conversion is an ongoing process, in my simple opinion.

John Taylor and Wilfred Woodruff, initially Methodist exhorters, believed that working toward perfectionism (see John Wesley) was the way to walk the Christian path.

I think I agree with the perfectionists although not to the extent that the Nazarenes have with the path of holiness.

Peter, thus, is an inspiration and a guide for the believer.
Conversion is an ongoing process, in my simple opinion.

John Taylor and Wilfred Woodruff, initially Methodist exhorters, believed that working toward perfectionism (see John Wesley) was the way to walk the Christian path.

I think I agree with the perfectionists although not to the extent that the Nazarenes have with the path of holiness.

Peter, thus, is an inspiration and a guide for the believer.

Interesting way you put that Jake. And well done. Conversion is truly an ongoing process.

I started out as Anglican. Until sitting in Grade 10 history class I went " OMG my religion was started by Henry VIII so he didn't have to kill any more wives?"

Oh man. That smoked me.

Then I thought what the heck I'll go to the big one. Catholic. Holy toledo priest scandals. BAD CHOICE.

I tried so many others. And then and you really don't want to know my demon possessed dream house story. I realized religion is a lie.

Faith is not.
I think a person needs a faith community, and I treat mine as a metaphor for spiritual community not for organized institutional authority. Anglicanism speaks to me in a good way, but I always ignore the priestly authority nonsense. What they say may be good, may not. Holy Eucharist rocks.
Just hold onto faith. One day Sunni Man and me will cross a bridge.And one will be right. And one will be wrong. But living in faith we will be embraced.

I beleive this with all my heart.

And then I can torment him into eternity because I was right.

Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.

Biblical link please.
I should always make sure I am just a simple girl who fell into Christ after years of searching. Sometimes horrified over the Anglican church going what the hell you got a religion because you were tired of killing your wives?
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.

Biblical link please.
Accurate Historical accts of Rabbis are found in the Talmud, in this case the story of Yehuda- Judas is found in Makkot 5b. You'll have to look up Shimon online search with key phrases gave you like Appointed high priest by Salome.
Your own NT story of the Widows mite is a Jannaeus Alexander coin and along with the book of acts and elsewhere talking about slew and hanged on a tree (yeshu of 100bc's sentence) gives away the secret of the compiled image of christ spanning many eras and figures called christ. At least 3 (trinity)figures create the image.
Conversion, in the spiritual/ religious sense, occurs anytime someone experiences an extended or permanent paradigm shift. All it takes is choice and willpower.

One of the most badass practices of chaos magick is the ability to transform your Weltanschauung into a model suitable for specific rituals by Willing yourself into experiencing a temporary yet complete paradigm shift, in other words, using the power of belief as a tool and sheer force of Will to jump from one spiritual/ religious system into another... allowing one to explore various often contradictory pantheons and religions whenever a ritual requires. These shifts are temporary though and it takes an extreme amount of willpower and discipline for one to effectively harness this technique.

Conversion lasts much longer and is often permanent, though not always, as some people will move from religion to religion until they find what feels "right" to them, while others will find that no one religion holds all the answers they seek.

Conversion, in the spiritual/ religious sense, occurs anytime someone experiences an extended or permanent paradigm shift. All it takes is choice and willpower.

One of the most badass practices of chaos magick is the ability to transform your Weltanschauung into a model suitable for specific rituals by Willing yourself into experiencing a temporary yet complete paradigm shift, in other words, using the power of belief as a tool and sheer force of Will to jump from one spiritual/ religious system into another... allowing one to explore various often contradictory pantheons and religions whenever a ritual requires. These shifts are temporary though and it takes an extreme amount of willpower and discipline for one to effectively harness this technique.

Conversion lasts much longer and is often permanent, though not always, as some people will move from religion to religion until they find what feels "right" to them, while others will find that no one religion holds all the answers they seek.

Always wanted to ask you do you worship Aleister Crowley? Or are you from new group who fancies themselves over the man
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.
Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.

Biblical link please.
Accurate Historical accts of Rabbis are found in the Talmud, in this case the story of Yehuda- Judas is found in Makkot 5b. You'll have to look up Shimon online search with key phrases gave you like Appointed high priest by Salome.
Your own NT story of the Widows mite is a Jannaeus Alexander coin and along with the book of acts and elsewhere talking about slew and hanged on a tree (yeshu of 100bc's sentence) gives away the secret of the compiled image of christ spanning many eras and figures called christ. At least 3 (trinity)figures create the image.

Are you saying Peter wasn't converted to Lucifer while others are correcting you and admitting he converted away from YHWH and over to Lucifer?

The Peter character is partly borrowing the life of 100bc Rabbi Shimon Ben Shetach reinstated as high priest by Salome Jannaeus' wife, which is why Shimon becomes Peter that ends up head of the church.
SHIMON WAS FRIENDS WITH 100BC Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai who was used for the Judas story of weeping over causing someone to be sentenced unfairly.
Learning ACTUAL history is a dangerous thing people.

Say what????
Conversion, in the spiritual/ religious sense, occurs anytime someone experiences an extended or permanent paradigm shift. All it takes is choice and willpower.

One of the most badass practices of chaos magick is the ability to transform your Weltanschauung into a model suitable for specific rituals by Willing yourself into experiencing a temporary yet complete paradigm shift, in other words, using the power of belief as a tool and sheer force of Will to jump from one spiritual/ religious system into another... allowing one to explore various often contradictory pantheons and religions whenever a ritual requires. These shifts are temporary though and it takes an extreme amount of willpower and discipline for one to effectively harness this technique.

Conversion lasts much longer and is often permanent, though not always, as some people will move from religion to religion until they find what feels "right" to them, while others will find that no one religion holds all the answers they seek.

Always wanted to ask you do you worship Aleister Crowley? Or are you from new group who fancies themselves over the man

I don't worship Crowley, and I don't fancy myself over him... I admire and respect him and much of his work. Thelema is only one of many, many spiritual/ religious systems that have inspired my own... which can best be described as an epic combination of the Abrahamic religions and ancient Sumero-Babylonian mythology... with influences drawn from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Kaballah, Thelema, The Order of Nine Angles, various ancient and modern pagan traditions, and numerous other spiritual/ religious systems.

I belong to no group when it comes to religion. I am my own prophet and I am my own messiah.
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I've been thinking about the apostle Peter a bit lately. His life is interesting. He is depicted as an extremely zealous believer. We know from Matthew 16 that He has a testimony that Jesus is the messiah and that he recieved that testimony from the Father. We know he is one of the only people recorded in history to walk on water. We know he went on several missions during the Saviors lifetime which it was said they healed many. We know he was one of the twelve who helped feed 5000.

And yet despite all of this, on the night He was betrayed Christ told Peter:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.(Luke 22:32)

Despite everything Peter did during the three years He walked with Christ, despite the mighty miracles, he was Jesus telling Him He wasn't converted.

So what does it take to be converted?

I don't understand how you can believe Peter was not converted.We have many interpretations of that passage.

Jesus was only telling him that he was worried that his faith would fail him. And it happens to so many of us on our journey in life. We are not perfect souls.


I can attest to that. We fail our faith so many times. As did Peter.

Maybe being converted and having faith are not the same thing.
I've been thinking about the apostle Peter a bit lately. His life is interesting. He is depicted as an extremely zealous believer. We know from Matthew 16 that He has a testimony that Jesus is the messiah and that he recieved that testimony from the Father. We know he is one of the only people recorded in history to walk on water. We know he went on several missions during the Saviors lifetime which it was said they healed many. We know he was one of the twelve who helped feed 5000.

And yet despite all of this, on the night He was betrayed Christ told Peter:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.(Luke 22:32)

Despite everything Peter did during the three years He walked with Christ, despite the mighty miracles, he was Jesus telling Him He wasn't converted.

So what does it take to be converted?

Walk on water in front of me and manifest matter out of nothing and I'll believe anything you say. :)
Despite everything Peter did during the three years He walked with Christ, despite the mighty miracles, he was Jesus telling Him He wasn't converted.

So what does it take to be converted?

Jesus was not telling him that he was not converted. He was saying that his faith would be tested but when he , turned back, converted, stopped doubting, his faith would strengthen others.

"But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers."

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