When Trump says something as dumb as “wages are too high”, do his supporters automatically...

In order for Trump's plan to succeed, quality of life has to go way down. Not for him or the people who's tax cuts he made permanent (the wealthiest) though.
Edgetho has a point, but right wingers do it from time to time as well, I believe.
You Trumpets need to take one for the team and tell your boss that you’re making too much and demand he cut your pay.

I’m sure he’ll be happy to oblige.
The DOW is around 25,000 and hovers in record territory every day and everyone's 401k's are making money instead of losing and unemployment is at a record low. So why do hypocrite lefties still hate him when he says something like that?
Well, two things: One, Trump happens to have a point. Two, there is no value in talking about this because in most cases employers set wages.

Go to the D.C. area and compare wages there with wages for the same jobs in other parts of the country--jobs that start at $40K in other areas of the country start at $60K or higher in the D.C. area. Why? Because federal money pays those salaries and creates artificial demand that drives up wages far beyond what their jobs justify.
Well, two things: One, Trump happens to have a point. Two, there is no value in talking about this because in most cases employers set wages.

Go to the D.C. area and compare wages there with wages for the same jobs in other parts of the country--jobs that start at $40K in other areas of the country start at $60K or higher in the D.C. area. Why? Because federal money pays those salaries and creates artificial demand that drives up wages far beyond what their jobs justify.
You’re so right. We need to lower the minimum wage to $2 so we will never have this crisis again!
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
when the democrats tell you something billy,do you automatically eat it up?....
No and I’ve told you that many times before. Stop pretending otherwise.
am i pretending?....when was the last time anyone here has ever seen you do a thread bad mouthing democrats?.....
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
when the democrats tell you something billy,do you automatically eat it up?....
No and I’ve told you that many times before. Stop pretending otherwise.
am i pretending?....when was the last time anyone here has ever seen you do a thread bad mouthing democrats?.....
Hillary a couple of weeks ago. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
when the democrats tell you something billy,do you automatically eat it up?....
No and I’ve told you that many times before. Stop pretending otherwise.
am i pretending?....when was the last time anyone here has ever seen you do a thread bad mouthing democrats?.....
Hillary a couple of weeks ago. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.
no im not....you and dean are alike,every time trump takes a shit you guys find something to post about the guy....and you both are only doing it because you feel you are getting back at those who did nothing but get on Obama every time he took a shit and had to post something about him....your kind of people are part of the problem as to why this country is going under.....the tit for tat crowd.....you people should be proud of yourself....
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
when the democrats tell you something billy,do you automatically eat it up?....
No and I’ve told you that many times before. Stop pretending otherwise.

Well, neither do we. "Blindly following"? You realize don't you, that you aren't really attacking him, you're attacking us? Doesn't exactly win you any support or change anybody's mind, so why word your OP in this way?
Sounds like the logical thing is for Democrats to donate their tax cuts back to the government and the Republicans to ask for a pay cut. Glad I'm a political independent.
This is up there with “Energy prices must necessarily increase” “At a certain point, you make too much money”

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