When Trump says something as dumb as “wages are too high”, do his supporters automatically...

lying sack of shit.....you started no thread about hillary....
Lol whatever dude. Don’t believe me. It was there.
you do realize you can check the threads you started....wasnt there....
I made a thread regarding liberals being more objective than conservatives. That objectivity was being able to honestly criticize Hillary. I laid out in the thread all of the baggage she had.
Was that thread before or after the last presidential election?
Obviously after. That was back in 2016 dude:
Then your thread regarding Hillary's baggage is a rather empty thread, Billy. It would have had more
credence if you had posted it before the election.
Everyone has piled on Hillary since the election
The DOW is around 25,000 and hovers in record territory every day and everyone's 401k's are making money instead of losing and unemployment is at a record low. So why do hypocrite lefties still hate him when he says something like that?

Dow is down for the year;
CPI has grown for 2 straight months.
Liberals are generally smarter than us, so I'll let you guys explain the effect of the cause.

A. U.S. worker makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexican worker makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Who you hiring to make the stuff? Shame Trump won't read into your wisdom, but you have my attention.
Liberals are generally smarter than us, so I'll let you guys explain the effect of the cause.

A. U.S. worker makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexican worker makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Who you hiring to make the stuff? Shame Trump won't read into your wisdom, but you have my attention.

I am sure you are willing to take that pay cut and work for no bennies. That is the Rethugicon west dream right there.
When the previous President told you repeatedly if you liked your doctor and current healthcare plan you would be able to keep them period the obamabots said what?
I cant help but wonder, what the hell does this have to do with this thread? Is Obama running again?
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
It just goes right over their heads. They hear it, and will even repeat it word for word, but they don't really comprehend it.

But, we do comprehend it and the context that it was used in, almost three years ago. Labor costs drive up product costs, and since our wages are higher than our trade competitors, we have to look for ways to become more competitive in world trade. Low wages and lower environmental regulations has been driving manufacturing to Mexico, China, etc.
When the previous President told you repeatedly if you liked your doctor and current healthcare plan you would be able to keep them period the obamabots said what?
That there was a grandfather clause in the PPACA that allowed that very thing. And there was! Thanks to the Capitalistic GREED of the insurance companies, they chose not to take advantage of the grandfather clause and canceled the old plans.
The DOW is around 25,000 and hovers in record territory every day and everyone's 401k's are making money instead of losing and unemployment is at a record low. So why do hypocrite lefties still hate him when he says something like that?
The DOW is closer to 24,000 and is well below record territory, everyone's 401k's were making money under Obama, and unemployment is not in record territory, plus the first quarter after Donnie Dirt Bag's tax cuts took effect GDP growth was 2.0%, not the 4 to 5% promised.
Maybe Lefties hate liars!
This "wages are too high" was made nearly 3 years years ago. Whats happening today?
1) Inflation at six-year high.
2) wages have declined over past year

No wonder the trumpsters need to blame immigrants for their problems.
The DOW is around 25,000 and hovers in record territory every day and everyone's 401k's are making money instead of losing and unemployment is at a record low. So why do hypocrite lefties still hate him when he says something like that?
Didnt you get the memo? Dont talk about stock market any more. Trump's policies are decimating stocks.
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
It just goes right over their heads. They hear it, and will even repeat it word for word, but they don't really comprehend it.

But, we do comprehend it and the context that it was used in, almost three years ago. Labor costs drive up product costs, and since our wages are higher than our trade competitors, we have to look for ways to become more competitive in world trade. Low wages and lower environmental regulations has been driving manufacturing to Mexico, China, etc.
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
It just goes right over their heads. They hear it, and will even repeat it word for word, but they don't really comprehend it.

But, we do comprehend it and the context that it was used in, almost three years ago. Labor costs drive up product costs, and since our wages are higher than our trade competitors, we have to look for ways to become more competitive in world trade. Low wages and lower environmental regulations has been driving manufacturing to Mexico, China, etc.
Our wages aren't too high, theirs are too low.
When the previous President told you repeatedly if you liked your doctor and current healthcare plan you would be able to keep them period the obamabots said what?
I cant help but wonder, what the hell does this have to do with this thread? Is Obama running again?
The point of the post is the blind supporters of Obama were just as willing to accept anything he said without question just as the blind supporters of Trump are something the lefts seems to conveniently forget.Hope this cleared it up for you.
am i pretending?....when was the last time anyone here has ever seen you do a thread bad mouthing democrats?.....
Hillary a couple of weeks ago. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.
lying sack of shit.....you started no thread about hillary....
Lol whatever dude. Don’t believe me. It was there.
you do realize you can check the threads you started....wasnt there....
I made a thread regarding liberals being more objective than conservatives. That objectivity was being able to honestly criticize Hillary. I laid out in the thread all of the baggage she had.
all her baggage?.....i seriously doubt that billy...your threads tell a different story about the shit you believe...if hillary told you to have sex with her,you would be all over that....
...believe it?

I’m just wondering what limitations, if any, do Trumpsters have when blindly following this orange sack of garbage.

Donald Trump doubles down: 'Our wages are too high'
when the democrats tell you something billy,do you automatically eat it up?....
You just answer a question with a question....never mind.... you voted for Trump.
every time you say something about me i have asked you to prove what you said and so far you have just ignored it...so now lets see you put up anything with me saying i voted for trump or even me saying the guy is a great guy...when you cant do that issa, unlike you,i will accept your apology....but i know that wont happen because thats the kind of person you are....
When the previous President told you repeatedly if you liked your doctor and current healthcare plan you would be able to keep them period the obamabots said what?
I cant help but wonder, what the hell does this have to do with this thread? Is Obama running again?
The point of the post is the blind supporters of Obama were just as willing to accept anything he said without question just as the blind supporters of Trump are something the lefts seems to conveniently forget.Hope this cleared it up for you.

Well, You seem to have a point of discussion after all! Why not start a thread on it?

Getting back to Trump's comment about wages being too high, I suggest that the GOP lead congress, which has given themselves pay raises 10 times in the last 10 years, while raising the minimum wage one time, consider Trump's comments as another brilliant Trump insight, and act upon it...
When the previous President told you repeatedly if you liked your doctor and current healthcare plan you would be able to keep them period the obamabots said what?
I cant help but wonder, what the hell does this have to do with this thread? Is Obama running again?
The point of the post is the blind supporters of Obama were just as willing to accept anything he said without question just as the blind supporters of Trump are something the lefts seems to conveniently forget.Hope this cleared it up for you.

Well, You seem to have a point of discussion after all! Why not start a thread on it?

Getting back to Trump's comment about wages being too high, I suggest that the GOP lead congress, which has given themselves pay raises 10 times in the last 10 years, while raising the minimum wage one time, consider Trump's comments as another brilliant Trump insight, and act upon it...
Because I felt like expressing it on this one I'm not the first poster to do that nor will I be the last. I recall no resistance a popular term nowdays from the left in regards to those congressional pay raises. My suggestion on pay raises for Congress is having the people vote on rather they deserve one I think that would be very fitting given they are supposed to work for us though I doubt you would get any Democrat or Republican to go for it.
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Liberals are generally smarter than us, so I'll let you guys explain the effect of the cause.

A. U.S. worker makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexican worker makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Who you hiring to make the stuff? Shame Trump won't read into your wisdom, but you have my attention.

I am sure you are willing to take that pay cut and work for no bennies. That is the Rethugicon west dream right there.

That your answer? Come on liberals, enlighten us so we can see into your wisdom while adding merit to the OP and your opinions of. Here's the scenario again.

A. U.S.factory makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexico factory makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Trump says the business in Mexico is more attractive, but you say he's mistaken. Who you hiring to make the stuff and why?
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Liberals are generally smarter than us, so I'll let you guys explain the effect of the cause.

A. U.S. worker makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexican worker makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Who you hiring to make the stuff? Shame Trump won't read into your wisdom, but you have my attention.

I am sure you are willing to take that pay cut and work for no bennies. That is the Rethugicon west dream right there.

That your answer? Come on liberals, enlighten us so we can see into your wisdom while adding merit to the OP and your opinions of. Here's the scenario again.

A. U.S.factory makes stuff at $15 an hour plus another $5 in benefits and taxes are liberally high at another $5.

B. Mexico factory makes the same stuff at $5 an hour, no benefits and taxes are moderate.

Trump says the business in Mexico is more attractive, but you say he's mistaken. Who you hiring to make the stuff and why?

As I said, this is a Rethugicons set dream! They want you to work for.That wage and no benies and you are so willing to do it for.them. Enlightened me why you are so willing to do this with your brilliance of course.

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