When was the First time you heard or used the word "******"??

I can't remember when I first heard that word. I must have been pretty young. My grandmother used it all the time. She called brazil nuts "****** toes". I had no idea that it referred to anything other than brazil nuts until I was in my teens. To reference other people with that word has made as much sense to me as calling them an almond or a filbert.
As a kid I never thought the term "****** toes" held any special significance.

It's was just what that type of nut was called. :cool:
In school blacks and other races from throughout the Empire were referred to (officially and casually) as wogs or darkies. I can't recall anyone ever hearing the word ****** until I joined the army. Its use was tolerated depending on who you were billeted with. The blacks soon got used to hearing it - and accepted that its use wasn't going to be sanctioned - but they still retaliated with violence when and where they felt someone deserved it. I didn't blame them, either.

I use discriminatory language when and where I feel it's warranted, but not instinctively like some.
Growing up in the south I would sometimes hear people refer to a black person as a "jig-a boo".

I assume the word comes from the old stereotype of the laughing/dancing negro depicted in the old black & white movies and cartoons.

White's still felt they had to be wary of "*******" because they might turn violent on you.

But a "jig-a-boo" was basically a negro who was harmless and could be trusted.

I personally have NEVER heard a 'christian' use that vile word.... thats no lie.

The fact that you choose to CLAIM he is a "conservative christiam republican" shows your true intent Bones and its quite disappointing.
Let me guess, you go around asking folks if they are christians, conservatives or republicans alot??? If so, you need a life Dear.
I swear I am not trying to pick a fight with ya, I just find it curious why you had to say he was all three of the people you tend to disagree with politically.

The only folks I have EVER heard use that vile word are folks who are not what I would consider nice people and certainly not Godly people.

My grandpa used the word all the time when he was alive. He lived in New Orleans and was a life long Democrat and certainly not a Godly man.

However, I do hear black folks use it alot. Guess they can if they want to, but it makes me wonder why they do it.

Me... I have never used it. I think it is a very repulsive word.

Well, I've heard those who claim to be Christian use it.

I was born and raised in the south. My family is from VA (SW mountains and NoVA) .... and I have a huge extended family. I can honestly say I've never heard anyone in my family ever use that term. I remember segregation (or the last dregs of it, anyway) and until I moved to the panhandle of Florida, I never heard the word. And the ones I heard it from most were our "Christian" neighbors.

Weirdly enough, though, I remember when I was a little kid --- not more than 4 or 5 --- seeing a photograph of my (paternal) great-grandfather in a clan outfit. I can't recall where I found it, but my grandmother was horrified. She was very vague, told me her father was a bad man, and had done some very bad things in his life ... but it wasn't until I was much older that I realized what I'd seen. I mentioned it to my father, and even he didn't know that his grandfather had been a clan member.

Just recently, Dad told us of how he'd hitchhiked across country while on leave from the Army (this was back in the mid-50s) and had been picked up by an Airman heading to the same place. The man was black, and Dad said they had no trouble at all the entire trip until they entered southern VA. They stopped at a diner, and the waitress took Dad's order but wouldn't even acknowledge the other guy. He said she wasn't nasty and never told his friend to leave, it was if he just didn't exist. When she brought Dad his food, he asked her if she was going to take this man's order. She said, "We don't serve coloreds here". Dad stood up and bellowed (my father is huge with a voice to match), "Well you don't serve ME either!" and walked out.

Dad and I disagree on most everything politically, but I gotta say I was proud of him ... and I wish I could have seen that lol.
For you Afros, when was the first time you used the word Cracker?

Aw, who cares. We're just impressed that you can say a two-syllable word.
The first time I heard it I was very young. But Crusader Frank is the most times I heard it from one person.
For you Afros, when was the first time you used the word Cracker?
Aw, who cares. We're just impressed that you can say a two-syllable word.
Look, we all know that you hate blacks.

So now that you hav expressed your feelings.

Would you be so kind as to vacate the thread and refrain from posting.

Thank You
1st time I heard the word?

I believe it was about 1964 on the Local Nightly News Station

2nd time was a few years later from a Teacher in History Class

Maybe 1958 I wanted a piece of candy that the kids called
"****** babies" small pieces of a chocolate type candy that looked like a person.
My Aunt told me not to say that word.
I have no doubt I must have heard people use the term “******” when I was little, but I don’t remember people using the term... my parents and the people around me never used the term, and I never heard my grandparents or other relatives who lived in Redneck Country use it either... they’d refer to black people as “coloreds” (as in “that colored fella who lives down the road” or “that colored lady who sells us eggs”), and I never heard any of ‘em use the term “colored” in a disparaging way...

I do remember hearing some other folks using the term “nigra” (pronounced “NIG-ra”), and I remember how mean and ugly it sounded they way they said it...

As I said, I have no doubt I heard people use the term “******” when I was little, but those instances didn’t stick in my mind... I never heard it used in a mean and ugly way like the way I’d heard some folks say the word “nigra”...

For me in Texas, Iheard the word 'nigra' from my dad and little of it from anywhere else.

And he didnt say it very often because my mother would get furious with him if he did.

I asked him about it one day and he explained that the word comse from the Spanish word for 'black' which is Negro. It sounds like nigra when said with a Southern accent.

My mom insisted that we call blacks negroes or blacks, but she prefered the first term and thought the word 'black' to be blunt and rude.

I can honestly say that I have never called any person or group of people '******'. My mom just beat into me so well that I feel awful saying it.

And why use such a generic insult to get to someone anyway? Pick out what their personal failings are and rub that in their face if you really want someone pissed off at you. Why waste time with a generic term like '******'? If it was a white person you wanted to offend you wouldnt call them a cracker now would you? You would be more personal than that.

Why should you discriminate against blacks that way?
For you Afros, when was the first time you used the word Cracker?
Aw, who cares. We're just impressed that you can say a two-syllable word.
Look, we all know that you hate blacks.

So now that you hav expressed your feelings.

Would you be so kind as to vacate the thread and refrain from posting.

Thank You

Hmmm, a troll appears; who'd a thunk it?

I personally have NEVER heard a 'christian' use that vile word.... thats no lie.

The fact that you choose to CLAIM he is a "conservative christiam republican" shows your true intent Bones and its quite disappointing.
Let me guess, you go around asking folks if they are christians, conservatives or republicans alot??? If so, you need a life Dear.
I swear I am not trying to pick a fight with ya, I just find it curious why you had to say he was all three of the people you tend to disagree with politically.

The only folks I have EVER heard use that vile word are folks who are not what I would consider nice people and certainly not Godly people.

My grandpa used the word all the time when he was alive. He lived in New Orleans and was a life long Democrat and certainly not a Godly man.

However, I do hear black folks use it alot. Guess they can if they want to, but it makes me wonder why they do it.

Me... I have never used it. I think it is a very repulsive word.

Well, I've heard those who claim to be Christian use it.

I was born and raised in the south. My family is from VA (SW mountains and NoVA) .... and I have a huge extended family. I can honestly say I've never heard anyone in my family ever use that term. I remember segregation (or the last dregs of it, anyway) and until I moved to the panhandle of Florida, I never heard the word. And the ones I heard it from most were our "Christian" neighbors.

Weirdly enough, though, I remember when I was a little kid --- not more than 4 or 5 --- seeing a photograph of my (paternal) great-grandfather in a clan outfit. I can't recall where I found it, but my grandmother was horrified. She was very vague, told me her father was a bad man, and had done some very bad things in his life ... but it wasn't until I was much older that I realized what I'd seen. I mentioned it to my father, and even he didn't know that his grandfather had been a clan member.

Just recently, Dad told us of how he'd hitchhiked across country while on leave from the Army (this was back in the mid-50s) and had been picked up by an Airman heading to the same place. The man was black, and Dad said they had no trouble at all the entire trip until they entered southern VA. They stopped at a diner, and the waitress took Dad's order but wouldn't even acknowledge the other guy. He said she wasn't nasty and never told his friend to leave, it was if he just didn't exist. When she brought Dad his food, he asked her if she was going to take this man's order. She said, "We don't serve coloreds here". Dad stood up and bellowed (my father is huge with a voice to match), "Well you don't serve ME either!" and walked out.

Dad and I disagree on most everything politically, but I gotta say I was proud of him ... and I wish I could have seen that lol.

Sounds like a good man. He took a rare position for that time and swam upstream with it.

Good for him.
I grew up in the segregated south.

A black was referred to as a ******; sometimes coon or jig-a boo; but ****** was the most common term.

In the summer my family would drive up north to visit my grandmother.

One day I was playing her front yard. I was around 8 or 9 years old.

As I was playing; I noticed two black boys about my same age riding down the sidewalk on their bikes.

They appeared to be twins; and both were riding identical red bicycles, and dressed exactly the same with white T-shirts, blue jeans, and white US Keds tennis shoes.

Startled at the sight, I blurted out, "What are you ******* doing here"?

Both of the black boys slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop. Then one of the black boys dismounted and let his bike fall to the ground.

He walked straight towards me; made a fist, and punched me in the face.

I fell backwards on the grass.

As I started to stand up. Both of the black kids were already on their bikes and peddling down the sidewalk.

I was in a complete state of shock and puzzlement as to what had just taken place..

And remember thinking to myself, "Why did he do that"?

my neighbors had a black dog called ****** charlie..I was about 7 or 8 never made the connection to race until I was playing with this kid that was visiting with his dad and my dad who was a police detective , my dad had met him as a suspect in a string of armed robberies .he was black his wife was white when that was still very uncommon ,he was suspect number one due to some circumstantial evidence ,he was pulled over and had a bunch of cash and a handgun..but it was because he was new in town and had emptied his account and he was staying in a hotel while looking for a place and had a gun packed with his stuff my dad was the first to say they is not the guy and they became life long friends as he was sure he otherwise would of been raillroaded..anyways we where outside having fun playing with my dog and the neighbors dog and his son who about the same age asked the dogs name and I blurted out ****** charlie and then the fun ended and he looked really hurt and said that was racist..so I went in and asked my dad why and he explained it and then him and his friend went over to talk to the neighbor and his dog was forever more was known as ..charlie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgePEO7GUtE]The Dambusters: A Dog Called ****** - YouTube[/ame]
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The first time I heard the term "negger" is when I came to these boards.

Oh, so sorry,,,,, I misread the thread's title.
My father said that he had a friend who knew some people where he worked that would say
they were going to go down and shoot some *******. They thought of them as animals.
The word "niggardly" originally meant someone who was a penny pincher.
The word ****** just refers to the Spanish word for black, and is a slur depending on how
it is being used.
It was once just a descriptive term. No worse than saying someone had black hair or blue eyes. Read anything by Mark Twain as to how this word was used. It only became a bad word when it was socially designated a bad word. Liberals are trying to do the same thing to the word "illegal" now. Black people have had a lot of sucess politicizing the word ******. So much so that the new "******" is now communist, socialist, and benefit recipient. Blacks have designed an entire lexicon of code words that they insist white people use.

How many code words do you use?

Coded prejudice is cloaked dagger - chicagotribune.com

Terms such as "welfare queens" and "crime-ridden neighborhoods" have long been used to refer to African-Americans, Dawson said. In recent years, other analysts said, discussions about patriotism have increasingly become coded with phrases such as "full-blooded Americans" used to exclude certain ethnic groups, particularly Latino immigrants.

During the Democratic primary season, Sen. Hillary Clinton was accused of using racial code when she said that Obama's support among "hardworking Americans, white Americans," was weakening. The inference, critics said, is that only white Americans work hard.

Since the first racial code word lawsuit in 1996, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has seen an influx of cases involving racially coded messages. In the earlier case, the federal appeals court in Philadelphia overturned a lower court ruling and found in favor of a credit manager who sued Cort Furniture Rental. Carol Aman said she and other black employees were referred to as "you people" and "that one in there."
The racially coded messaging of the far right has been exposed for a couple of decades, and they resent they have been outed and minimized because of it. Tuff luck.

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