When was the First time you heard or used the word "******"??

Attacking coded messages isn't being done enough. Blacks should use the "code" card like they use the race card. To the point where it gets so ridiculous no one pays attention to it anymore.
Attacking coded messages isn't being done enough. Blacks should use the "code" card like they use the race card. To the point where it gets so ridiculous no one pays attention to it anymore.

That is what they are doing.
Attacking coded messages isn't being done enough. Blacks should use the "code" card like they use the race card. To the point where it gets so ridiculous no one pays attention to it anymore.

You think no one pays attention to the race card? Are really so stupid? Afros play the race card all the time, and even though it never has any substance behind it, it always works. The Tea Party was called racist, openly just for being mostly white. What did they do? They pleaded that they aren't racist and then they backed a dumb Afro, Cain, for president.

Trayvon's Afro family played the race card to defend their son who violently assaulted someone. Numerous public figures and politicians have openly stood behind Trayvon. But, not a one public figure or politician has stood behind Zimmerman... because even in the most bogus situations, the race card works. The Republicans in Florida have even piled on Zimmerman, they're so scared of being called racist.

Either the race card has to work or society will have to admit to reality, that Afros are a great burden to society... almost incapable of being productive, but very damaging to everything they're near. If blacks could be half-decent human beings, we wouldn't be stuck in this catch-22.
Either the race card has to work or society will have to admit to reality, that Afros are a great burden to society... almost incapable of being productive, but very damaging to everything they're near. If blacks could be half-decent human beings, we wouldn't be stuck in this catch-22.
Son, this isn't a bash the black people thread.

Read the OP

Then if you have a person story to contribute then please do so.

Otherwise, refrain from posting on this thread.

Most small towns in those days had a RR train track that ran right through the center of town.

One side of the track was where the white people lived. The other side was called "****** town".

I don't think people were being overtly racist when they used the term. That was just what it was called.

When my teenage friends and I were old enough to get a drivers license. We used to drive into ****** town to by beer. There was a small neighborhood grocery store named Hattie's. The old black woman would sell us beer; no questions asked. It was quite an adventure for us to enter into that part of town.

There was a young black girl about my age who ran the cash register. She was very pretty. Her and I would always shyly look at each other. I was very attracted to her; and I believe she was with me. But the thought of asking her for a date to go to the movies never crossed my mind.

We were from separate worlds. Two ribbons of steel laid down in a straight line 4ft. apart is what divided us. But the gulf was wider than any ocean.

When we drove back across the tracks with our beer in hand we felt relieved.

Once again, we had flirted with danger and survived.
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Attacking coded messages isn't being done enough. Blacks should use the "code" card like they use the race card. To the point where it gets so ridiculous no one pays attention to it anymore.

You think no one pays attention to the race card? Are really so stupid? Afros play the race card all the time, and even though it never has any substance behind it, it always works. The Tea Party was called racist, openly just for being mostly white. What did they do? They pleaded that they aren't racist and then they backed a dumb Afro, Cain, for president.

Trayvon's Afro family played the race card to defend their son who violently assaulted someone. Numerous public figures and politicians have openly stood behind Trayvon. But, not a one public figure or politician has stood behind Zimmerman... because even in the most bogus situations, the race card works. The Republicans in Florida have even piled on Zimmerman, they're so scared of being called racist.

Either the race card has to work or society will have to admit to reality, that Afros are a great burden to society... almost incapable of being productive, but very damaging to everything they're near. If blacks could be half-decent human beings, we wouldn't be stuck in this catch-22.

"Afros"? Are talking about hair styles now? Are you so much of a fucking racist dim-wit that you can't bring yourself to communicate clearly? Are you that fucking far gone?
"Afros"? Are talking about hair styles now? Are you so much of a fucking racist dim-wit that you can't bring yourself to communicate clearly? Are you that fucking far gone?
Are you here just to attack people?

Or do you have something to add based on the thread title ?? :cool:
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"Afros"? Are talking about hair styles now? Are you so much of a fucking racist dim-wit that you can't bring yourself to communicate clearly? Are you that fucking far gone?
Are you here just to attack people?

Or do you have something to add based on the thread title ?? :cool:

I'll let you know. In the meantime, go fuck yourself.
"Afros"? Are talking about hair styles now? Are you so much of a fucking racist dim-wit that you can't bring yourself to communicate clearly? Are you that fucking far gone?
Are you here just to attack people?

Or do you have something to add based on the thread title ?? :cool:

I'll let you know. In the meantime, go fuck yourself.
Why don't you start a thread titled, "When was the first time you heard, or said the words; gook, dink, slope, slant, zipperhead, chink".

Should be interesting. :cool:
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The first time I heard it, I was a little kid. My Mom asked if me I wanted a ****** toe, which was slang for a Brazil nut.
I never heard black people being called a ****** till I was older and went to school.
Third grade and watching the miniseries Roots...powerful impact on a young kid.
On second thought .. the first time I heard that term was with that rhyme .. eany meany mynnie mow catch a.....

Eh...I was a kid...
On second thought .. the first time I heard that term was with that rhyme .. eany meany mynnie mow catch a.....

Eh...I was a kid...
I totally had forgotten about that rhyme.

Every kid knew that one.

We used it when there was only one of something; and more than one kid wanted it. :cool:
On second thought .. the first time I heard that term was with that rhyme .. eany meany mynnie mow catch a.....

Eh...I was a kid...
I totally had forgotten about that rhyme.

Every kid knew that one.

We used it when there was only one of something; and more than one kid wanted it. :cool:

Whats wrong with the word "Tiger"??
Third grade and watching the miniseries Roots...powerful impact on a young kid.

wow... that triggered a long-forgotten memory...

one night, when my then-wife and I were visiting my parents with our year-old son (who's now 35)...

the little guy happened to see the part of the opening to "Roots" where a baby was being held up in someone's hands...

Simon pulled his thumb out of his mouth, pointed to the TV, and said "baby"...

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