When we die

I suppose everybody has their preference as far as how they want to be dressed and what not when they're buried. I told my son, put me in blue jeans, a T-shirt and my leather biker jacket. My sister and mother about had a fit, but hey, if they put me in a suit, it just wouldn't be me. Make me look like the way I looked in life, not something else. That's why I think it's important to follow the wishes of people about what to do with them when they die.
When I go I want to be blown up. I think that would be cool. I don't yet know how we're going to work it out but we'll figure out a way!
My wife was talking about her mom the other day and mention that when she dies (her mom) she wants certain soft and silky materials inside the casket to make her comfortable. Does this seem ridiculous to anybody else? I could understand wanting to bury a loved one in a nice casket with a nice arrangement of flowers and whatnot. But wanting it for yourself so you feel comfortable? Okay, first of all, you're dead. You're not going to have the brain functionality to give two shits what you're buried in. And second, did she think that maybe a couple of people might be upset that she died rather than worry about her own damn comfort when she's dead? I can't wrap my head around this. If someone else feels this way, please explain to me why it would be necessary.

Where's the harm? If it comforts both wife and mom, what the hell, STFU and do it.
My wife was talking about her mom the other day and mention that when she dies (her mom) she wants certain soft and silky materials inside the casket to make her comfortable. Does this seem ridiculous to anybody else? I could understand wanting to bury a loved one in a nice casket with a nice arrangement of flowers and whatnot. But wanting it for yourself so you feel comfortable? Okay, first of all, you're dead. You're not going to have the brain functionality to give two shits what you're buried in. And second, did she think that maybe a couple of people might be upset that she died rather than worry about her own damn comfort when she's dead? I can't wrap my head around this. If someone else feels this way, please explain to me why it would be necessary.

Where's the harm? If it comforts both wife and mom, what the hell, STFU and do it.

Comfort is the key word here....huh? yes it is...

My comfort is not to get rotten and be eaten by worms and stink ...but hey... we are all different
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Oh get this. Brother that got cremated- so we planted some of his bits on a plot that we owned next to where our mother was buried. Some years later we decided to set a marker on that spot. "In Memory Of" thing.

I called the cemetary and ordered the marker and was asked if anyone was actually buried in that spot.
Well, not exactly but...

I was told that technically since we buried 3-1/2 tablespoos of my brother, then yes he's buried there.
More paperwork. More expense.

Cremation? Pfft.

Did you know that even though you wish to be cremated that the body must first be prepared as if it were a full body burial? Imbalming, etc. Then they shove you in the oven.

Not 4 me.
I wanna be cremated .... it's beautiful.... ashes to ashes .... that is music to my ears
...and that is why I will be cremated. No fuss, no bother.

end of story.

Same here. I've already let be known loud and clear NOT to bury me in the ground. Just put me in a box, fire up the hole and get the Urn ready.
They already know what to do with my ashes... ;)
I wanna be cremated .... it's beautiful.... ashes to ashes .... that is music to my ears

What song makes you think of this?

For me it's this one...

Nous sommes du soleil... we are of the sun.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64lyI_GdGuQ]The Ritual by Yes FULL - YouTube[/ame]

hehe I will need some time to find the right song....:tongue: ,,,,some time
Cremate me please!
Mom wants to be cremated and scattered in a certain body of water.

I had a friend who was cremated and we mixed wildflower seeds in with his ashes. Had a ceremony of sorts on the top of a hill. Those of us who were brave enough grabbed a handful of ash and ran up the side of a mountain scattering ash and seed around.

My Grandmother was cremated. When I tracked her down I took her back to where she was raised and buried her box with the people that raised her (long story).

The thing my kids complain about the most is if I'm cremated they won't have anywhere to 'visit'. I tell them put me in a pretty little box and take me with you.
I wouldn't want myself parceled out like Mr H had to do with his brother.
The kids would have to take custody of me for several months at a time. :D
(proving I could still torture them...)

I also have a friend whose mother was cremated. 'Mom" was made into some very pretty jewelry.
I honestly think is the best way to dispose with the body,cremation.... it's clean, ... why would you want to be buried and get rotten and all that? because it doesn't matter anyway ...we won''t feel a thing LOL ...it's true.... :) Takes less place too
The whole body may be in a box in the ground, but the life that was is amongst the flowers and earth and sky and water. Don't relegate my earthly remains to such folly. Cremation is a waste to be disperesed at the whim of survivors. I choose to not be disrespected in such manner.
The whole body may be in a box in the ground, but the life that was is amongst the flowers and earth and sky and water. Don't relegate my earthly remains to such folly. Cremation is a waste to be disperesed at the whim of survivors. I choose to not be disrespected in such manner.

Sorry H ..please sorry! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: so funny! :D:clap2::badgrin:
Little crunchy bits. Bone chips and dustyness.

And what becomes of the carbon effluent during cremation? Global warming, folks. Global fucking warming.

Plant me whole. To the earth return me.

I may not have a wounded knee, but bury my heart nonetheless.

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