When Whiners Pose As Whistleblowers

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
When Whiners Pose As Whistleblowers

From an American diplomat, e-mailing Situation Report this morning: "Hicks is classic case of underachiever who whines when big breaks don't come his way. 22 years as an FSO and he is still an FS-1 (COL equivalent). His uninformed comments about F-16s validates why he is still a mid-ranked officer. Where was his testimony on his role in trying to talk his ambassador out of making an overnight visit to a place he knew was dangerous? Very few DCMs who lose an ambassador can expect greater responsibilities...and there are dozens of talented FS-1 ranked 'desk officers' working honorably at the State Department. Also of interest is that he is running for a senior leadership position in the State Dept. union/professional association, [American Foreign Service Association]. He didn't get my vote."

Foreign Policy: Situation Report
The daily briefing from FP's National Security Channel


wtf exactly is this guy supposed to be blowing the whistle on? his demotion? :eek::eek:

Where are the illegal activities and misconduct he is exposing? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
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and another insightful thought:
Foreign Policy: Situation Report
The daily briefing from FP's National Security Channel

Gregory Hicks says his questions on Benghazi led to a demotion. During an engrossing hearing yesterday in the House, Gregory Hicks, who had served as a deputy chief of mission in Tripoli, Libya during the attack on Benghazi in September, said he challenged his superiors about the way the events unfolded that night and was later relegated to a desk job. "The sense I got was that I needed to stop the line of questioning," Hicks told members of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform yesterday as part of a hearing that was at least effective in raising some new questions on an old issue with strong political overtones. The NYT: "If the testimony did not fundamentally challenge the facts and timeline of the Benghazi attack and the administration's response to it, it vividly illustrated the anxiety of top State Department officials about how the events would be publicly portrayed."
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When Whiners Pose As Whistleblowers

From an American diplomat, e-mailing Situation Report this morning: "Hicks is classic case of underachiever who whines when big breaks don't come his way. 22 years as an FSO and he is still an FS-1 (COL equivalent). His uninformed comments about F-16s validates why he is still a mid-ranked officer. Where was his testimony on his role in trying to talk his ambassador out of making an overnight visit to a place he knew was dangerous? Very few DCMs who lose an ambassador can expect greater responsibilities...and there are dozens of talented FS-1 ranked 'desk officers' working honorably at the State Department. Also of interest is that he is running for a senior leadership position in the State Dept. union/professional association, [American Foreign Service Association]. He didn't get my vote."

Foreign Policy: Situation Report
The daily briefing from FP's National Security Channel

wtf exactly is this guy supposed to be blowing the whistle on? his demotion? :eek::eek:

Where are the illegal activities and misconduct he is exposing? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Hicks was a loyal democrat. He voted for Obama twice. He was a huge fan of Hillary Clintons. He was regarded as a very dedicated & loyal employee which is how he obtained his high level position. Now you have people inside the state dept trying to sabotage this mans career because he broke camp from the democrats when he saw the blood on their hands washed clean without so much as an apology. He was utterly astonished I'm sure at the announcement Susan Rice made about a protest over youtube video as no one clued him in she was going to lie to the american people with that fabricated event that never happened.

So you liberal democrats have a good look at Mr. Hicks because if it ever comes down to you or the democratic party? You know which way it is going to go.

Remember the liberal journalist Lara who was gang raped while reporting from Egypt? They told her to keep her mouth shut and go take a vacation. Guess that doesn't work either because Lara's career is finished as well. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. That is what you liberals have to look forward to if you ever become the next Lara or Mr. Hicks, or worse yet? Ambassador Stephens and his people. The liberals eat their own. - Jeremiah
Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.

I'd say the GOPers really came off looking like hacks and wasting everyone's time with their butthurt over the election.

This guy sounds like a disgrunted nutter. He "knew" immediately it was a terrorist attack? How did he know? He's so smart he should be president, or at least the head of the CIA. And he is upset they didn't send fighter jets to attack a country that didn't need attacking? What next, is he going to cry that Obama didn't send fighter jets to Boston?

The people the GOP are calling to testify in hearings are being portrayed as 'whistleblowers' by the right wing noise machine and the danger is that others are picking up this bogus phrasing of people being called to testify

In Right Wing World everything Obama is a coverup and a crime and every dipshit with an agenda that portrays Obama in a bad light is somehow a whistleblower :cuckoo:
I'd say the GOPers really came off looking like hacks and wasting everyone's time with their butthurt over the election.

This guy sounds like a disgrunted nutter. He "knew" immediately it was a terrorist attack? How did he know? He's so smart he should be president, or at least the head of the CIA. And he is upset they didn't send fighter jets to attack a country that didn't need attacking? What next, is he going to cry that Obama didn't send fighter jets to Boston?


:clap2: Yeah, guy says Ambassador said 'under attack'

what happened to the GOP insistence that people use the term 'terrorist' as in 'terrorist attack'?

The man was not in Benghazi. Also there were 'attacks going on around the same time in Tripoli (GOP memo: Tripoli is part of Libya) and other places. Also, the Benghazi attack was a series of TWO attacks 6 hours apart. -- damn facts!!!
Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.


Your point being that Change that does not Change anything is real Change?

BTW, what the hell is Seltember?
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Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.


Your point being that Change that does not Change anything is real Change?

BTW, what the hell is Seltember?

Your being only a few generations removed from swinging in the trees I can see how you would mistake nitpicking for constructive dialogue.

Change? Didn't vote for Obama in 2008. So please troll elsewhere.
Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.

You have omuerta and loyalty confused, Dante. :evil:

Ambassadors murdered: Obama 1, Bush 0
Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.


Your point being that Change that does not Change anything is real Change?

BTW, what the hell is Seltember?

Your being only a few generations removed from swinging in the trees I can see how you would mistake nitpicking for constructive dialogue.

Change? Didn't vote for Obama in 2008. So please troll elsewhere.

Swinging from trees. This Dante guys a hoot.

You keep bringing up Bush, yet Obama had all those Bush incidents to learn from. And the IMPROVEMENT was?

And, your postcard has Seltember on it. Oops

Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.

You have omuerta and loyalty confused, Dante. :evil:

Ambassadors murdered: Obama 1, Bush 0

Obama said his favorite movie was the godfather. So Omuerta is the correct term here. Good call. - Jeri
Your point being that Change that does not Change anything is real Change?

BTW, what the hell is Seltember?

Your being only a few generations removed from swinging in the trees I can see how you would mistake nitpicking for constructive dialogue.

Change? Didn't vote for Obama in 2008. So please troll elsewhere.

Swinging from trees. This Dante guys a hoot.

You keep bringing up Bush, yet Obama had all those Bush incidents to learn from. And the IMPROVEMENT was?

And, your postcard has Seltember on it. Oops


My postcard? :cuckoo:

still nitpicking? no real arguments or refutations?

url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qXrtVziKPRI]Susan Rice, Great American Award, May 8, 2013 - YouTube[/url]

We never liked Susan Rice.

so what is your point?

Oh is she being offered up next? I had not heard.

Susan Rice made enemies in Democratic and liberal circles ages ago. Many people would love to see her stfu and go, but throwing under a bus?

Stop projecting right wing tactics on every honest and truthful post people make
Loyal Democrat? I was unaware the DNC functioned like the GOP with loyalty oaths. :laugh2:

No one had blood on their hands because of Ben Ghazi's gay affair with Ben Dover and Ben Gay

unfortunately, some of us have memories of our own.

You have omuerta and loyalty confused, Dante. :evil:

Ambassadors murdered: Obama 1, Bush 0

Watergate: crimes committed in a GOP White House and Presidential Re-Election Committee headed by the GOP President's former Attorney General

Benghazi: no crime committed by WH or RE Committee

the crime in Libya was committed by people who attacked the Consulate twice, 6 hours apart while attacks were going on in Tripoli and all over the world. Why?

Why were attacks going on in Benghazi and Tripoli and all over the world? :eusa_whistle:
Your being only a few generations removed from swinging in the trees I can see how you would mistake nitpicking for constructive dialogue.

Change? Didn't vote for Obama in 2008. So please troll elsewhere.

Swinging from trees. This Dante guys a hoot.

You keep bringing up Bush, yet Obama had all those Bush incidents to learn from. And the IMPROVEMENT was?

And, your postcard has Seltember on it. Oops


My postcard? :cuckoo:

still nitpicking? no real arguments or refutations?


Read the second line. It appears graphic arts is not the only skill you need to work on.

Your point is, by having the card in your post, Bush did it and there was no outrage. Obama is supported by you because he represented change from Bush. Yet, when Obama faced a situation as Bush did, he did what? Blame a Video?

You should be outraged as there appears to have been a lack of said change.

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