When Whiners Pose As Whistleblowers

When Whiners Pose As Whistleblowers

From an American diplomat, e-mailing Situation Report this morning: "Hicks is classic case of underachiever who whines when big breaks don't come his way. 22 years as an FSO and he is still an FS-1 (COL equivalent). His uninformed comments about F-16s validates why he is still a mid-ranked officer. Where was his testimony on his role in trying to talk his ambassador out of making an overnight visit to a place he knew was dangerous? Very few DCMs who lose an ambassador can expect greater responsibilities...and there are dozens of talented FS-1 ranked 'desk officers' working honorably at the State Department. Also of interest is that he is running for a senior leadership position in the State Dept. union/professional association, [American Foreign Service Association]. He didn't get my vote."

Foreign Policy: Situation Report
The daily briefing from FP's National Security Channel


wtf exactly is this guy supposed to be blowing the whistle on? his demotion? :eek::eek:

Where are the illegal activities and misconduct he is exposing? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

. Did Hicks mentor Snowden, the NSA leaker?
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