When white people attack....its different....WTF?

The main difference is whites don't defend white killers. Blacks and leftists immediately come to the defense of a non-white perp.
Get the fuck outta here...there's not one white killer out here, that the media via neighbors and family don't spin a hardluck story for these murderers that garner both sympathy and empathy from the public. Zimmerman got rewarded via a web site, over 30,000 dollars of defensive love. That Roof bitch, the cops bought him a burger and fed the bitch once captured...nigga's get a bullet, this mf gets a burger....white people do nothing but defend thier own.

Zimmerman isn't white. He also wasn't a perp. He defended himself against an attacker, period.
Well, it's different when black people attack too.

Usually they're involved in mindless petty crime. They commit crime because of intelligence and lack of morality, not to advance a cause like an ideology.

But yeah,the RARE attacks by whites are different too. Some few will fight, and even kill, when OUTSIDERS attempt to take over THEIR white country through ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, using our laws to destroy our culture and terrorist attacks against our nations. Sometimes, SOME of us will say "enough is enough," and actually fight back.
Really? You nuts have spent your entire history whining about "others" taking over your domain, your space, your country, your jobs, your this your that.....it started with slavery, segregation, destruction of Jews and now Trump....and yet, you maintain as we speak, all the good will a country such as the US has to offer and still you complain. You will find someday, that life..rewards character and humility, something white people lack in spades. The privilege life has afforded you and your ungratefulness to share its bounty, will someday come home to roost.

Back of the bus ******.
The main difference is whites don't defend white killers. Blacks and leftists immediately come to the defense of a non-white perp.
Get the fuck outta here...there's not one white killer out here, that the media via neighbors and family don't spin a hardluck story for these murderers that garner both sympathy and empathy from the public. Zimmerman got rewarded via a web site, over 30,000 dollars of defensive love. That Roof bitch, the cops bought him a burger and fed the bitch once captured...nigga's get a bullet, this mf gets a burger....white people do nothing but defend thier own.

Zimmerman was a hero, one dead ****** thug down, millions to go.
GOP Congressman Insists White Terrorist Attacks Are Totally Different

Of course it is...When they riot for sports its cool...When they kill each other they say "but blacks"....When they are poor its white poverty which is better...When their breath stinks its freshened when it is expelled from the Caucasoid lip
I was told there'd be no math.
LOL! Cept we're most of the serial killers.

Percentage wise, blacks are more likely to be a serial killer:

http://maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf
Historically, white people are the number one proprietors of serial killings in the country.....From Jack the Ripper to just about every serial and mass killings hence forth...own it, damit!
jack the ripper was in the UK......just sayin....

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