When will Elon reinstate Trump on Twitter….will cities go up in flames?

Also why would Trump go back to Twitter seeing he has the Social Media of his?
2million users
just under 400 million.

Nuff said.
Because LibTards are retarded and fell for subliminal images coming over their car radios.

It was because of Trump's shady dealings with the Rooskies at the exact same tine he was lying about having no contact with Russia AND Russia was meddling in our election trying to sway it in Trump's direction.


It was because of Trump's shady dealings with the Rooskies at the exact same tine he was lying about having no contact with Russia AND Russia was meddling in our election trying to sway it in Trump's direction.

Tell everyone with a brain exactly how the Russians got LibTards to vote for Trump and tell us how many LibTards you have actually met that told you they voted for Trump.
What makes you think that Musk is gonna reinstate Trump's twitter account? And, what makes you think Trump is going to sign back up if allowed?

Musk has already said he's going to create a content board to screen tweets made by people, and Trump has repeatedly said he's going to stay with his Truth Social venue.
Elon doesnt want people banned for stupid reasons. Of course Trump will be back. He never Tweeted anything that he should have been banned for.
Tell everyone with a brain exactly how the Russians got LibTards to vote for Trump and tell us how many LibTards you have actually met that told you they voted for Trump.
It is kinda hard to find someone with a brain in Trumptard land.
I do think you are forgetting how absolutely clueless and impressionable you MAGAts are.
Remember "pizzagate?"
THAT'S what I'm talking about!

And that's just one example.

Every single day I still see this board FLOODED with posts full of disinformation I recognize immediately as Russian propaganda influenced fake news....that I KNOW you people are basing your voting decisions on.

So yeah, don't try playing that "yeah....b-but it doesn't influence our votes" bullshit on me.

I know better.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate report released Tuesday affirms the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a far-ranging influence campaign approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin and aimed at helping Donald Trump win the White House.

The report rejects Trump’s claims that the intelligence community was biased against him when it concluded that Russia had interfered on his behalf in the election. It says instead that intelligence officials had specific information that Russia preferred Trump in the election, that it sought to denigrate Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and that Putin had “approved and directed aspects” of the Kremlin’s influence campaign.
The announcement of Trumps reinstatement to Twitter is sure to piss off the unAmerican freedom haters.
So when does it happen? Will Antifa take to the streets? Will the savages burn shit down?
Only Democrat Cities will go up in flames. Remember, Democrats like to Abort Themselves.
It is kinda hard to find someone with a brain in Trumptard land.
I do think you are forgetting how absolutely clueless and impressionable you MAGAts are.
Remember "pizzagate?"
THAT'S what I'm talking about!

And that's just one example.

Every single day I still see this board FLOODED with posts full of disinformation I recognize immediately as Russian propaganda influenced fake news....that I KNOW you people are basing your voting decisions on.

So yeah, don't try playing that "yeah....b-but it doesn't influence our votes" bullshit on me.

I know better.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate report released Tuesday affirms the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a far-ranging influence campaign approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin and aimed at helping Donald Trump win the White House.

The report rejects Trump’s claims that the intelligence community was biased against him when it concluded that Russia had interfered on his behalf in the election. It says instead that intelligence officials had specific information that Russia preferred Trump in the election, that it sought to denigrate Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and that Putin had “approved and directed aspects” of the Kremlin’s influence campaign.
Hair sniffing PIzza Gate was real. There is a reason why Joe is beholden to The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby and why Hunter calls him Pedo Peter, and why his daughter accused him of taking naked showers with her when she was a sexually mature teenager.

The Treasonous, Seditious, Insurrectionist COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane was also real, and so was Obama and Fauci attacking America, our Elections, and Our Democracy with their BIOWEAPON.

Joe Biden was involved in all of this and so was most of the DemNazi Party.

They won't see justice until they see God on Judgment Day, but we can make sure these Traitors are booted out of office in 2 weeks to make sure they don't pull this crap again.

as it was written so it shall be said​

and trump the father said I will send my only son to the white house and he will "f" up the world - cause many to perish and make friends with the enemies for all the unkind words the trump family has endured though out the history of time in america - and he will cause unmentionable atrocities even after he is kicked out of the white house - just to be a consistent pain in the ass - and further disrupt the world - and he will be sent to jail where he will spend the rest of his life and be even a bigger pain in the ass and they will throw him out of jail because they can't stand him anymore and he will be resurrected and sent back to the white house where he will continue from where he left off to continue to "f" up the world and the universe with his space force
Hair sniffing PIzza Gate was real. There is a reason why Joe is beholden to The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby and why Hunter calls him Pedo Peter, and why his daughter accused him of taking naked showers with her when she was a sexually mature teenager.

The Treasonous, Seditious, Insurrectionist COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane was also real, and so was Obama and Fauci attacking America, our Elections, and Our Democracy with their BIOWEAPON.

Joe Biden was involved in all of this and so was most of the DemNazi Party.

They won't see justice until they see God on Judgment Day, but we can make sure these Traitors are booted out of office in 2 weeks to make sure they don't pull this crap again.
Thank you for perfectly proving my point about the CRAP you Trumptards will swallow.


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