When will Elon reinstate Trump on Twitter….will cities go up in flames?

Thank you for perfectly proving my point about the CRAP you Trumptards will swallow.

Looks like Paul and his Prostitute have done a lot of swallowing of each other in the past.
Paul should not try to stiff an insane coke addicted gay prostitute next time and maybe he doesn't get hit in the head with a hammer.
So...................how would you feel about people saying that all Jews need to be eliminated, or that all black and brown people need to leave this country or become slaves again? How about some militant group using Twitter as a way to attract followers so that they could overthrow the US government, or kill military people? Are you okay with that kind of "free speech"?

Or a comedian posting a picture holding our then President’s severed head because she disagrees with his policies? Oh yeah, that was already happening on Twitter when Trump was President.
It is kinda hard to find someone with a brain in Trumptard land.
I do think you are forgetting how absolutely clueless and impressionable you MAGAts are.
Remember "pizzagate?"
THAT'S what I'm talking about!

And that's just one example.

Every single day I still see this board FLOODED with posts full of disinformation I recognize immediately as Russian propaganda influenced fake news....that I KNOW you people are basing your voting decisions on.

So yeah, don't try playing that "yeah....b-but it doesn't influence our votes" bullshit on me.

I know better.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate report released Tuesday affirms the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a far-ranging influence campaign approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin and aimed at helping Donald Trump win the White House.

The report rejects Trump’s claims that the intelligence community was biased against him when it concluded that Russia had interfered on his behalf in the election. It says instead that intelligence officials had specific information that Russia preferred Trump in the election, that it sought to denigrate Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and that Putin had “approved and directed aspects” of the Kremlin’s influence campaign.
I asked for concrete information.
You have yet to reply to my request to prove you’re not an idiot paid to post.
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How do you define concrete information in this context if a bipartisan Senate report doesn't satisfy you?
I want details, not some hogwash about some vacuous theory.
Tell me exactly how a commercial on radio or TV convinced Liberals to vote for Trump and how many LibTards admitterd to you they are so weak minded that they were hypnotized to vote for Trump.
I'm tired of the bullshit of generalization.

NOTE: The Neo-Cons want Trump gone as much as the Demoncraps.
It's funny, all these leftys, who would normally argue about PA laws are suddenly not so adamant about them. Now it's "private business!" Wasn't that way before..
It is kinda hard to find someone with a brain in Trumptard land.
I do think you are forgetting how absolutely clueless and impressionable you MAGAts are.
Remember "pizzagate?"
THAT'S what I'm talking about!
Followed by:
Every single day I still see this board FLOODED with posts full of disinformation I recognize immediately as Russian propaganda influenced fake news....that I KNOW you people are basing your voting decisions on.

And we know the cognitive dissonance is genuine as you cannot make this shit up.
Elon can’t proclaim Twitter to be the “town square” without reinstating Trump.
Trump may decide not use Twitter after reinstatement.

Musk is going to be hard pressed to reinstate Trump given that anti-Semetic hate speech is already ramping up on Twitter since he took over.

I don't have a lot of faith that a guy like Musk has the skills to manage this company in a way that is in the public interest. His actions in regard to the Paul Pelosi conspiracy theory he tweeted is proof positive of that.

Twitter advertizers are taking a break on paid ads to see where this thing is going to go, and today Musk announced he's laying off 25% of Twitter's staff - never a good or smart thing to do a week into ownership. The people you lose are never the ones you want to go, and you lose a lot of people you needed to retain.

A lot of Twitter users are also taking a break until we see where this is headed. The free market liked Twitter a whole lot better without Donald Trump, and the hate speech. I suspect that Trump would want money to return to Twitter. I mean if Musk thinks he can make money with Trump as a user, I don't see Trump making Musk rich for free.

Twitter was losing money before Musk bought it. If he loses both users and sponsors, it'll be an expensive toy for him. Advertizers and normal people will move on to a well moderated platform. If we want lies and hate speech as a way of life, we'd be posting on 4chan.
Musk is now a captive of his advertisers. They don't want a town square smeared with shit.
That’s fine…those woke pieces of filthy dogshit can advertise on the commie-lite platforms…Elon seems pretty committed to morphing Twitter into America’s town square for real Americans whome value REAL liberty and freedom.
(please note…..self proclaimed LibTarian freedom fighter Golfing Gator liked CNM’s commie-lite post)
That’s fine…those woke pieces of filthy dogshit can advertise on the commie-lite platforms…Elon seems pretty committed to morphing Twitter into America’s town square for real Americans whome value REAL liberty and freedom.
(please note…..self proclaimed LibTarian freedom fighter Golfing Gator liked CNM’s commie-lite post)

You are such a rube!

Musk is in it to make money, he does no give a fuck about some made up thing like "America’s town square". Twitter is a business, nothing more. It is not some mythical town square, never has been, and never will be.
Because LibTards are retarded and fell for subliminal images coming over their car radios.

I love how you morons pretend that advertising does not have any impact on election when it is where the vast majority of campaign money is spent. More than 6 billion dollars will be spent on political ads this cycle.
You are such a rube!

Musk is in it to make money, he does no give a fuck about some made up thing like "America’s town square". Twitter is a business, nothing more. It is not some mythical town square, never has been, and never will be.
Because you say so huh? Twitter is whatever Musk wants it to be.
Musk is a pretty smart dude, I’m certain he knew that most advertisers have hired freedom hating, interracial dating, faggot loving purple haired woke filth marketing firms to spearhead their ad campaigns….he knows they hate free speech. If Twitter were a “business” as you say, all Musk had to do was turn the key and continue the commie-lite shit that was already going on there…that’s not what he’s done though has he? He has touted Twitter as a free speech digital town square, something you seem to hate….Considering the amount of America hating filth among us that seems like a bad “business“ model.
Because you say so huh? Twitter is whatever Musk wants it to be.

Yes it is....and some made up public square is not it.

If Twitter were a “business” as you say, all Musk had to do was turn the key and continue the commie-lite shit that was already going on there…that’s not what he’s done though has he?

Musk has to put his own stamp on things, he is not the "just turn the key and walk away" kind of business man.

He has touted Twitter as a free speech digital town square, something you seem to hate….Considering the amount of America hating filth among us that seems like a bad “business“ model.

Such a thing does not exist, will never exist. What we have instead are 10000s of "town squares" just like this one all over the internet that people are exercising their free speech on day in and day out.

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