When will liberals admit their philosophy is a complete failure?

Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.

(smile) Do you keep having kids to get a raise? That's what Welfare Queens do....
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.
I've spent my life being responsible for myself and contributing to society instead of leeching off of it like assholes such as yourself.
Believe me, if it were up to me, you'd stave to death and not be allowed to breed as nature intended.
You are a moron who knows nothing about other people but considers himself an expert...of something yet to be determined :lol:

I have supported myself and worked full time since I was 18. My taxes pay for our nation’s safety nets and I fully support It. It is a better investment than subsidizing your lot’s private schooling.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.

(smile) Do you keep having kids to get a raise? That's what Welfare Queens do....

Is that what you did?
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.

(smile) Do you keep having kids to get a raise? That's what Welfare Queens do....

Is that what you did?

I'm a guy, that wouldn't work the same way.
Le‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.

View attachment 353534

Face it, your ideas have failed.
The left of today are products of years of brainwashing in the public educational system, filled with Marxist educators. The Marxist/Leninist educators keep insisting that Marxism/Leninism will create a utopia. All it ever creates is tyrannical authoritarian governments that kill millions to ensure that there will be no dissenting voices and that no other political party can exist.
every time you call Democrats marxist-leninist you point out that you were incredibly ignorant and misinformed. Canada's so scary LOL
Poverty is driven by many different factors, sometimes having nothing to do with decisions one makes.

What do you mean by “my horror of restrictions”? We have not discussed restrictions, if you are psychic....you need to tune your receiver.

Name a cause of poverty - any cause that you think has nothing to do with the decisions one makes.
Lack of living wage, ridiculously expensive training and college. We did not just get the worst inequality and upward mobility the last 35 years because people just got stupid and lazy. You are a brain washed functional moron. 6 million tech jobs are going begging great job!

Lack of a living wage? Quit working at McDonald's. I have several people working for me without college degrees who make 70 to 80K a year. Self-taught in IT. I make far, far, more than that and I don't have a degree; in fact, I'm a high-school dropout. Making a less-than-living-wage is a personal choice and 100% directly related to the choices a person makes. And the beauty of it is that they can make new choices and change it any time in their life. I was 45 when I switched from electronics to IT full time - and without a degree or formal IT training.

The cost of college? The poor can attend community college for free. But college is not required to make a good living; hard work and confidence is.

Yes, you did get the worst inequality and upward mobility because you were stupid and lazy. LBJ got you hook, line, and sinker, with his Great Society and stupid people thought they could have a great life while not working.. That's stupid and lazy.

Many, many black people are not stupid and are not lazy and the didn't fall for LBJ's (Democratic) bullshit. I have had many black people and others of color working for me that prove it's not race; it's stupid, lazy, people who don't find their way out of poverty. If you're living in poverty (can you have a PC and Internet and be in poverty?) I will gladly help you build a plan that, if you follow it, you'll be making 60K in 3 years and 100K+ in 7 years. No gimmicks, nothing to buy, just hard work and study.

On the other hand, there's oil field work where you can make 100K next year... Well, not now in the middle of the Democratic economy crash, but soon afterwards. You'll just have to go where the work is. Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and many other areas, doing pipeline work. I have lots of relatives doing that. But the work is hard, very hard, physical work, long hours, weekends away from home, etc. But the money's there.

Only stupid, lazy, people make minimum wage or anything close to it.
Mario Cuomo said Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Or being politely racist for that matter.....
Mario Cuomo said ...

I see where you went wrong.
Why don't we attempt to get this one back on track and see if Coyote will stop trying to derail the thread.

Let‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.


Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per 1M Population | RealClearPolitics
Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per Population | RealClearPolitics

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.


Second shooting in 48 hours injures teen Sunday night in Seattle’s CHOP area
A shooting — the second in 48 hours — was reported Sunday night in the area known as the CHOP, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. A 17-year-old boy with a gunshot wound arrived at Harborview Medical Center in a private...

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.


104 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago
Five children were among the 14 people killed, including a 3-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl killed in separate shootings in Austin on Saturday.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.


Face it, your ideas have failed.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.

(smile) Do you keep having kids to get a raise? That's what Welfare Queens do....

Is that what you did?

I'm a guy, that wouldn't work the same way.
Nothing stopping you being a baby daddy and having custody.
Here's a conservative policy better than Social Security and Medicare: Personal Responsibility.

Here's another: Families supporting their own.

Here's another: Communities supporting their own.

Here's another: The Constitution of the United States of America.

That is the age old divide between conservative and liberal ideology: what is incumbent on the individual vs. what is incumbent on the state. Individual responsibility vs. collective responsibility.

What did and does a society built on “personal responsibility“ and no social programs (social responsibility) look like?

America, stupid. Or is history among all of the other topics you're so completely ignorant of?

Aparently I have more knowledge of history than you do since America has a network of social programs and safety nets and has for some time.

I suspect your ignorance is congenital and unfixable given the burden of your extreme ideology.
Moron, you don't even know what history is. Maybe you should try looking it up or is that beyond you're limited mental ability too.
....my goodness, your response is....awesome....for a kindergartner. Why don’t you enlighten us. Tell us how the US is an example of a Land of Personal Responsibility, with none of those dumb liberal safetynets. I really want about it since it certainly isn’t now and your entire life has been surrounded by those safety nets.

(smile) Do you keep having kids to get a raise? That's what Welfare Queens do....

Is that what you did?

I'm a guy, that wouldn't work the same way.
Nothing stopping you being a baby daddy and having custody.

I've raised my 4.......all College Educated, all parents. You lose.
Why don't we attempt to get this one back on track and see if Coyote will stop trying to derail the thread.

Let‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.


Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per 1M Population | RealClearPolitics
Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per Population | RealClearPolitics

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.


Second shooting in 48 hours injures teen Sunday night in Seattle’s CHOP area
A shooting — the second in 48 hours — was reported Sunday night in the area known as the CHOP, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. A 17-year-old boy with a gunshot wound arrived at Harborview Medical Center in a private...

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.


104 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago
Five children were among the 14 people killed, including a 3-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl killed in separate shootings in Austin on Saturday.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.


Face it, your ideas have failed.
You have derailed your own Nostra. Care to address that? Do need me to show you your own derailments?
Why don't we attempt to get this one back on track and see if Coyote will stop trying to derail the thread.

Let‘s take a look at some Dimwinger Utopias:

New York: Almost 1/3 of the Chinese Virus deaths of the entire country.


Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per 1M Population | RealClearPolitics
Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per Population | RealClearPolitics

Seattle: Libtards surrender downtown to metrosexual snowflakes and let the set up a crime spree zone.


Second shooting in 48 hours injures teen Sunday night in Seattle’s CHOP area
A shooting — the second in 48 hours — was reported Sunday night in the area known as the CHOP, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. A 17-year-old boy with a gunshot wound arrived at Harborview Medical Center in a private...

Chicago: Daily shooting gallery. Open season on blacks 24/7/365.


104 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago
Five children were among the 14 people killed, including a 3-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl killed in separate shootings in Austin on Saturday.

San Francisco: Requires a Human Shit Map to walk the streets.


Face it, your ideas have failed.
You have derailed your own Nostra. Care to address that? Do need me to show you your own derailments?
I guess it didn't take.

Coyote is intent on continuing to troll and derail.

Congrats, troll.

Maybe intelligent posters will comment on the actual topic again..................
As for guns laws, the law against having fully automatic weapons on the street seems to be working just fine. In fact, I do not recall a single mass shooting by a fully automatic rifle, other than used by someone in the military.

You're pretty ignorant on gun laws. There are thousands of fully automatic weapons in private hands in the US.
They are in the hands of licensed gun holders, not in the hands of street gangs, pal. That is illegal, and the law is working.
Poverty is driven by many different factors, sometimes having nothing to do with decisions one makes.

What do you mean by “my horror of restrictions”? We have not discussed restrictions, if you are psychic....you need to tune your receiver.

Name a cause of poverty - any cause that you think has nothing to do with the decisions one makes.
Catastrophic illness.
Lack of jobs in an area, for example when industries closed up and moved overseas, decimating the towns that relied on them — the so called rust belt, or in my state, the mines. Sure they can other jobs, but none pay near the jobs they lost.
Skyrocketing housing costs in areas where work is available.
Lack of education and fewer opportunities for good jobs without it.
Lack of transportation.

  • Catastrophic illness is a problem but the Constitution provides for a right to bankruptcy. Even better, pay the bills but the law limits the collection of debt to 7 years. It is a sad situation that does have limited impact on wealth for a short time. It's a rare, but sad, exception so I'll give you that one.
  • Lack of jobs in an area? When I got out of the Navy, I moved to Wyoming. After a few years of struggling with limited opportunity for my technical skills (I even spent a half-year working in a feed mill), I moved to Memphis to get a better job. From Memphis, I moved to Jackson, MS, for a better job. From there to LA, and from there to Ventura. I had a family to feed. I moved where I had to in order to improve my condition and that of my family. Ultimately, I ended up in Oklahoma and am on my third career even in Oklahoma. No jobs in your area? Load up your car and move.
  • Skyrocketing housing costs? Bull crap. Live in a slum. Live within your means. Every city in the US has illegal immigrants making very low wages living in them. Suck it up and do what it takes until you can live in the nicer neighborhoods.
  • Lack of education and fewer opportunities? You're seriously going to tell me, a high-school dropout, about opportunities without education? I've been extremely successful without an education. Not to imply that others should drop out because, even at the top where I am, I still face obstacles because I don't have an education. I find myself lacking in some of the soft skills, or having developed them far too late in life, compared to those who had an easy route through college. But that doesn't mean a person can't be very successful without a fancy diploma on the wall. I have many working for me now with Masters Degrees in various technical specialties. I don't have any at the moment but I've also had PhD's working for me.
  • Lack of transportation: I live 15 miles out from the nearest town. Mostly I have had to drive to larger Oklahoma towns or cities to work but for a few years I worked in the local town. In those years, I used to see a guy walking to work every day, and walking home every night. I stopped and offered a ride one night but he turned me down. For all those years, he walked 15 miles to and from town for work. I left that job in 2004 and hadn't seen the guy since... until I got back hanging around town again now in the COVID lockdown and, low-and-behold, I see the very same guy walking along the highway every morning and night, walking to and from work. And if you can't walk, get a fucking bicycle.
You are a moron who knows nothing about other people but considers himself an expert...of something yet to be determined :lol:

I have supported myself and worked full time since I was 18. My taxes pay for our nation’s safety nets and I fully support It. It is a better investment than subsidizing your lot’s private schooling.

It appears you're the one who knows nothing about people. Private schooling and education is far more valuable than safety nets. Creating an independent class instead of a dependent class is a far better investment.
Poverty is driven by many different factors, sometimes having nothing to do with decisions one makes.

What do you mean by “my horror of restrictions”? We have not discussed restrictions, if you are psychic....you need to tune your receiver.

Name a cause of poverty - any cause that you think has nothing to do with the decisions one makes.
Catastrophic illness.
Lack of jobs in an area, for example when industries closed up and moved overseas, decimating the towns that relied on them — the so called rust belt, or in my state, the mines. Sure they can other jobs, but none pay near the jobs they lost.
Skyrocketing housing costs in areas where work is available.
Lack of education and fewer opportunities for good jobs without it.
Lack of transportation.

  • Catastrophic illness is a problem but the Constitution provides for a right to bankruptcy. Even better, pay the bills but the law limits the collection of debt to 7 years. It is a sad situation that does have limited impact on wealth for a short time. It's a rare, but sad, exception so I'll give you that one.
  • Lack of jobs in an area? When I got out of the Navy, I moved to Wyoming. After a few years of struggling with limited opportunity for my technical skills (I even spent a half-year working in a feed mill), I moved to Memphis to get a better job. From Memphis, I moved to Jackson, MS, for a better job. From there to LA, and from there to Ventura. I had a family to feed. I moved where I had to in order to improve my condition and that of my family. Ultimately, I ended up in Oklahoma and am on my third career even in Oklahoma. No jobs in your area? Load up your car and move.
  • Skyrocketing housing costs? Bull crap. Live in a slum. Live within your means. Every city in the US has illegal immigrants making very low wages living in them. Suck it up and do what it takes until you can live in the nicer neighborhoods.
  • Lack of education and fewer opportunities? You're seriously going to tell me, a high-school dropout, about opportunities without education? I've been extremely successful without an education. Not to imply that others should drop out because, even at the top where I am, I still face obstacles because I don't have an education. I find myself lacking in some of the soft skills, or having developed them far too late in life, compared to those who had an easy route through college. But that doesn't mean a person can't be very successful without a fancy diploma on the wall. I have many working for me now with Masters Degrees in various technical specialties. I don't have any at the moment but I've also had PhD's working for me.
  • Lack of transportation: I live 15 miles out from the nearest town. Mostly I have had to drive to larger Oklahoma towns or cities to work but for a few years I worked in the local town. In those years, I used to see a guy walking to work every day, and walking home every night. I stopped and offered a ride one night but he turned me down. For all those years, he walked 15 miles to and from town for work. I left that job in 2004 and hadn't seen the guy since... until I got back hanging around town again now in the COVID lockdown and, low-and-behold, I see the very same guy walking along the highway every morning and night, walking to and from work. And if you can't walk, get a fucking bicycle.

In many cases, you are describing your personal situation as if it would or could apply to everyone, but it doesn’t.

1. Lack of jobs. Easy to move? Here are some factors...you have a house and a mortgage, in a place where you can’t possibly sell your house for close to what you paid (Detroit comes to mind)....maybe, to make it worse, there has been a huge water contamination problem with lead (Flint comes to mind) and who in their right mind will buy it? Where do you get the money to uproot your family, to a new city and pay for new housing?

Another consideration, when you had your job, you lived in your home in proximity to your extended family who could be relied upon for childcare while you worked or got training or education. You are moving to a new city for what is likely not a high paying job and you now have the added cost of childcare. If you are a single parent that can be catastrophic.

What if, like many now, you are responsible for aging parents? Are you going to move them as well?

What if the jobs you are offered are in areas where the cost of housing is way out of proportion to wages, and you can’t afford a car? Not everyone can walk 15 miles.
You are a moron who knows nothing about other people but considers himself an expert...of something yet to be determined :lol:

I have supported myself and worked full time since I was 18. My taxes pay for our nation’s safety nets and I fully support It. It is a better investment than subsidizing your lot’s private schooling.

It appears you're the one who knows nothing about people. Private schooling and education is far more valuable than safety nets. Creating an independent class instead of a dependent class is a far better investment.

Private schooling is only as valuable as that individual school. We guarantee everyone an education via the public school system. We do not guarantee Harvard. Why should I pay for that. You also create a false dichotomy...that it must be on or the other. Invest in public education and a safetynet. A safetynet doesn’t guarantee a dependancy any more than an education guarantees a productive citizen. A safetynet only guarantees that if a person falls, they won’t hit the bottom. That is well worth paying for. If you don’t think so...why not take a close look at countries lacking such.
Poverty is driven by many different factors, sometimes having nothing to do with decisions one makes.

What do you mean by “my horror of restrictions”? We have not discussed restrictions, if you are psychic....you need to tune your receiver.

Name a cause of poverty - any cause that you think has nothing to do with the decisions one makes.
Catastrophic illness.
Lack of jobs in an area, for example when industries closed up and moved overseas, decimating the towns that relied on them — the so called rust belt, or in my state, the mines. Sure they can other jobs, but none pay near the jobs they lost.
Skyrocketing housing costs in areas where work is available.
Lack of education and fewer opportunities for good jobs without it.
Lack of transportation.

  • Catastrophic illness is a problem but the Constitution provides for a right to bankruptcy. Even better, pay the bills but the law limits the collection of debt to 7 years. It is a sad situation that does have limited impact on wealth for a short time. It's a rare, but sad, exception so I'll give you that one.
  • Lack of jobs in an area? When I got out of the Navy, I moved to Wyoming. After a few years of struggling with limited opportunity for my technical skills (I even spent a half-year working in a feed mill), I moved to Memphis to get a better job. From Memphis, I moved to Jackson, MS, for a better job. From there to LA, and from there to Ventura. I had a family to feed. I moved where I had to in order to improve my condition and that of my family. Ultimately, I ended up in Oklahoma and am on my third career even in Oklahoma. No jobs in your area? Load up your car and move.
  • Skyrocketing housing costs? Bull crap. Live in a slum. Live within your means. Every city in the US has illegal immigrants making very low wages living in them. Suck it up and do what it takes until you can live in the nicer neighborhoods.
  • Lack of education and fewer opportunities? You're seriously going to tell me, a high-school dropout, about opportunities without education? I've been extremely successful without an education. Not to imply that others should drop out because, even at the top where I am, I still face obstacles because I don't have an education. I find myself lacking in some of the soft skills, or having developed them far too late in life, compared to those who had an easy route through college. But that doesn't mean a person can't be very successful without a fancy diploma on the wall. I have many working for me now with Masters Degrees in various technical specialties. I don't have any at the moment but I've also had PhD's working for me.
  • Lack of transportation: I live 15 miles out from the nearest town. Mostly I have had to drive to larger Oklahoma towns or cities to work but for a few years I worked in the local town. In those years, I used to see a guy walking to work every day, and walking home every night. I stopped and offered a ride one night but he turned me down. For all those years, he walked 15 miles to and from town for work. I left that job in 2004 and hadn't seen the guy since... until I got back hanging around town again now in the COVID lockdown and, low-and-behold, I see the very same guy walking along the highway every morning and night, walking to and from work. And if you can't walk, get a fucking bicycle.

In many cases, you are describing your personal situation as if it would or could apply to everyone, but it doesn’t.

1. Lack of jobs. Easy to move? Here are some factors...you have a house and a mortgage, in a place where you can’t possibly sell your house for close to what you paid (Detroit comes to mind)....maybe, to make it worse, there has been a huge water contamination problem with lead (Flint comes to mind) and who in their right mind will buy it? Where do you get the money to uproot your family, to a new city and pay for new housing?

Another consideration, when you had your job, you lived in your home in proximity to your extended family who could be relied upon for childcare while you worked or got training or education. You are moving to a new city for what is likely not a high paying job and you now have the added cost of childcare. If you are a single parent that can be catastrophic.

What if, like many now, you are responsible for aging parents? Are you going to move them as well?

What if the jobs you are offered are in areas where the cost of housing is way out of proportion to wages, and you can’t afford a car? Not everyone can walk 15 miles.

Always a what if. Always an excuse. The things you mention are not the cause of general poverty. There may be some who struggle with those things but those are exceptions.

I don't care about the cost of housing. Rent a refrigerator box. Don't let leftists like Coyote tell you that you can't get ahead.

Yes, move your parents, too, if necessary.

And if you own a house and have a mortgage then you're not that poor, are you? Sell the house. If you're upside down on your mortgage then that's already because of choices you made.

Walk away from the mortgage. If you live in Flint - you know, the place where the Democrat mayor and governor conspired to kill its citizens - and you haven't walked away from your mortgage you're a fucking idiot. The water is killing you. Get out. You'll have to rent for 7 to 10 years, depending on whether your lender pushes you into bankruptcy, until the credit is off your record. BFD.

YOu don't need childcare if mother stays home and takes care of the children. Oh sure, that means you'll have to settle for a 200K house when you get to that 100K salary instead of a 400K house but the option of staying in poverty is worse. Most women of poor families lose money by working. They pay more for childcare, second cars, clothes, buying McDonald's for dinner rather than cooking at home, than they make. The idea that women belong in the workforce or they don't have value is a lie and is the most demeaning thing to women to happen in the past 100 years. If a woman wants to work, fine. If she can afford to work - you know, buy the car, pay the babysitter, etc., then that's fine. But most low wage women are better off at home raising their children.

Oh, wait, you gasp out loud. What about single mothers. More personal decisions that made them poor: Marry a man you love and who loves you. Then have children. Don't quit your marriage because you're too fucking weak to work through tough times. Raise your children together. Father provides, mother nurtures. Or reverse it and mother works and father nurtures - just as soon as fathers can give birth and breastfeed.

Poverty in America is ALWAYS, with very, very, few exceptions, the result of personal choices.
You are a moron who knows nothing about other people but considers himself an expert...of something yet to be determined :lol:

I have supported myself and worked full time since I was 18. My taxes pay for our nation’s safety nets and I fully support It. It is a better investment than subsidizing your lot’s private schooling.

It appears you're the one who knows nothing about people. Private schooling and education is far more valuable than safety nets. Creating an independent class instead of a dependent class is a far better investment.

Private schooling is only as valuable as that individual school. We guarantee everyone an education via the public school system. We do not guarantee Harvard. Why should I pay for that. You also create a false dichotomy...that it must be on or the other. Invest in public education and a safetynet. A safetynet doesn’t guarantee a dependancy any more than an education guarantees a productive citizen. A safetynet only guarantees that if a person falls, they won’t hit the bottom. That is well worth paying for. If you don’t think so...why not take a close look at countries lacking such.

Public schools with a guarantee for everyone? Really? Tell it to the children in Baltimore Public Schools where, in 13 high schools, not a single child proficient in math. Anyone who supports public schools is a racist, slaver, intending to keep poor children of color on the Democratic plantation dependent on Democrats to feed and house them.

Private schooling is only as valuable as that individual school. We guarantee everyone an education via the public school system. We do not guarantee Harvard. Why should I pay for that. You also create a false dichotomy...that it must be on or the other. Invest in public education and a safetynet. A safetynet doesn’t guarantee a dependancy any more than an education guarantees a productive citizen. A safetynet only guarantees that if a person falls, they won’t hit the bottom. That is well worth paying for. If you don’t think so...why not take a close look at countries lacking such.

Safety nets do nothing except reduce the pain of making bad choices - therefore reducing the incentive to make good choices. The best teacher is pain and hunger. Teach families that they must work to eat and must learn to work and they'll do both. Don't bring up hungry children in Africa (or do; your choice). It's a different situation; they don't have the opportunity and, in addition, those are hungry children. There are no hungry children in the US.
Private schooling is only as valuable as that individual school. We guarantee everyone an education via the public school system. We do not guarantee Harvard. Why should I pay for that. You also create a false dichotomy...that it must be on or the other. Invest in public education and a safetynet. A safetynet doesn’t guarantee a dependancy any more than an education guarantees a productive citizen. A safetynet only guarantees that if a person falls, they won’t hit the bottom. That is well worth paying for. If you don’t think so...why not take a close look at countries lacking such.

Safety nets do nothing except reduce the pain of making bad choices - therefore reducing the incentive to make good choices. The best teacher is pain and hunger. Teach families that they must work to eat and must learn to work and they'll do both. Don't bring up hungry children in Africa (or do; your choice). It's a different situation; they don't have the opportunity and, in addition, those are hungry children. There are no hungry children in the US.
You make assumptions that aren't true.
What are you going to tell the mother who works multiple jobs to make ends meet, gets CHIP and food stamps about work? You think she doesn't know about work?

Why would I bring up hungry children in zAfrica when we are t a lking about the US? The reason we no longer have outright starvation is due to the safetynets you despise.
You are a moron who knows nothing about other people but considers himself an expert...of something yet to be determined :lol:

I have supported myself and worked full time since I was 18. My taxes pay for our nation’s safety nets and I fully support It. It is a better investment than subsidizing your lot’s private schooling.

It appears you're the one who knows nothing about people. Private schooling and education is far more valuable than safety nets. Creating an independent class instead of a dependent class is a far better investment.

Private schooling is only as valuable as that individual school. We guarantee everyone an education via the public school system. We do not guarantee Harvard. Why should I pay for that. You also create a false dichotomy...that it must be on or the other. Invest in public education and a safetynet. A safetynet doesn’t guarantee a dependancy any more than an education guarantees a productive citizen. A safetynet only guarantees that if a person falls, they won’t hit the bottom. That is well worth paying for. If you don’t think so...why not take a close look at countries lacking such.

Public schools with a guarantee for everyone? Really? Tell it to the children in Baltimore Public Schools where, in 13 high schools, not a single child proficient in math. Anyone who supports public schools is a racist, slaver, intending to keep poor children of color on the Democratic plantation dependent on Democrats to feed and house them.

Oh brother, so now it's the Drmocrat Plantation. Can you conceive of a discussion with out the standard talking points? If the schools are bad, do something about it... who is it that screams about cutting funding for education...oh ya..it is you guys isnt it? (hold on...whose plantation is it really...). Invest in public schools, don't expect me to subsidize your kids' private or religious education when you don't even want to pay for essentials like food.
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