When will McCaine get it?

'mcstain' is a traitor , actually he is a 'republican Bush conservative' . All Bush Conservatives that understand and embrace 'Bush style Conservatism' think like 'mcstain' thinks and agree with what 'mcstain' pushes for .
Of course, you were all gung ho for Bush. In a few years, you’ll be complaining about “Trump conservatives.”
Lol you sound mad because you think only the rich recovered, but happy that Trump just gave them (and not you or anybody else) a permanent tax cut. 2.3% GDP growth for 2017, fastest recovery in history
Obama's economic policy walled off the middle class from any recovery...the proof is on the table for us all to see...we lived it...why do you think Trump won?
Lol you sound mad because you think only the rich recovered, but happy that Trump just gave them (and not you or anybody else) a permanent tax cut. 2.3% GDP growth for 2017, fastest recovery in history
Obama's economic policy walled off the middle class from any recovery...the proof is on the table for us all to see...we lived it...why do you think Trump won?
Racists and Russia.

The middle class recovered fine after years of having to manage through a national and global recession.
Racists and Russia.

The middle class recovered fine after years of having to manage through a national and global recession
Yeah 8 years...8 years and Obama couldn't turn the economy around and couldn't win a war...give me a break...
Just so you know, we in Arizona are embarrassed as all hell about McCain and Flake but the alternatives were even worse. I voted for Mac several times but not the last time and always knew Flake to be an opportunist and a liar.
'mcstain' is a traitor , actually he is a 'republican Bush conservative' . All Bush Conservatives that understand and embrace 'Bush style Conservatism' think like 'mcstain' thinks and agree with what 'mcstain' pushes for .
Of course, you were all gung ho for Bush. In a few years, you’ll be complaining about “Trump conservatives.”
---------------------------------------------- as i have said repeatedly , i voted GWB one time . After that i either didn't vote or i voted Libertarian or other third party OldSchool .
Ah yes Obama’s ultimate crime: “the recovery (from the Dubya disaster) wasn’t fast enough”
The people never recovered under Obama...the rich did but not the middle class...the middle class and the poor are now on the economic mend...lets hope the Trump haters are not successful in stopping that progress..

The Righties threw Bush under the bus..Cheney used him to make millions from the war..and you think Obama was the problem..:777: You all wouldn't even have Bush come to speak at the RNC..

Racists and Russia.

The middle class recovered fine after years of having to manage through a national and global recession
Yeah 8 years...8 years and Obama couldn't turn the economy around and couldn't win a war...give me a break...

Maybe if you live in the boonies , but the cities are booming with jobs, real estate is back up and selling..

But not for long, this next year will show Trumps economy.. Trump has been riding Obama's wave this last year..

Ah yes Obama’s ultimate crime: “the recovery (from the Dubya disaster) wasn’t fast enough”
The people never recovered under Obama...the rich did but not the middle class...the middle class and the poor are now on the economic mend...lets hope the Trump haters are not successful in stopping that progress..

So you voted for a jackass who threw the economy off the edge of a cliff and then complain that Obama didn't fix it fairly...

Obama inherited a mess... Bush got a surplus and gave back economy which needed drastic action to avoid a depression...

Obama then gets the Economy back on an even keel and grows it. Trump comes along and claims every success he inherited while he is undermining the economy...

You seriously have no shame. Where is the Dollar a year after Trump? What has the deficit next year?
The slopes broke McCain at Hoa Lo prison but I would never call him a "traitor"....sold out to Teddy Kennedy and those fools yes, but not a traitor. Even if he told his torturers everything he knew, a carrier pilot didn't know anything they didn't already know. I can say this for him, when he could have come out earlier he didn't, and that alone makes his war record a wash to me.
When will he get that no one cares about him and would like him to just hush and go somenplace and die from his tumor?

John McCain, Chris Coons unveil bipartisan immigration bill as pressure builds for a deal

Sure, nitwits ditch any and all SANE republican and all you'll have remaining is this......

View attachment 175030

Could you be any more effeminate kid? Nazi's!!!!!!! They're EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! You know we know you're an idiot? NONE of that stuff is happening.
When will he get that no one cares about him and would like him to just hush and go somenplace and die from his tumor?

John McCain, Chris Coons unveil bipartisan immigration bill as pressure builds for a deal
So McCain does the right thing and that’s how you act?
Thanks for proving once again what a true deplorable is all about.
The country would be a much better place if Trump would just go away.

Meaning of course that the "right" thing is anything you support. Are you really that stupid?
Let's face it, McCain is not a hero, he's a traitor.

Sure McCain is a "traitor: to the TRUMP CULT.......
He's a traitor to his country and to his party. He pretends to be a Republican and then stabs them in the back. He is not to be trusted. And the fact that you are defending him is proof of what I'm saying.

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