When will tax payers get tired of the GOP-igs wasting their hard earned money?

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

I'm sure they will get sick of the Reps spending their money just as soon as they get sick of the Dems doing the same.

Its a win, win for the taxpayer.
8 hearings on this shit, 12 hearings on ACA....do tell what hearings have the dems had for the last umpteeth years....lie to me, son, lie to me!! Tell me some of them lies so I can forget about the truth!!

Catch a clue dumbass. Both parties have been wasting our money for decades. If you don't know that then you are one serious idiot.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

What was a waste of money was that which was spent on you in school.

When 1 in every 3 1/2 of your people stop getting food stamps compared to far less proportions for all other groups, see me. We're tired of supporting all those bastard you blacks keeps having.
The Benghazi investigation would have been a lot shorter if the administration and the democrat party obeyed the freaking law and cooperated with the investigators. You almost gotta laugh when the left whines about the expense Congress incurs by doing it's job and fulfilling it's Constitutional mandate but they don't mind too much when the president donates taxpayer money to a failed company that allegedly produced solar energy or paid back campaign contributors in an all expense tour to Norway in a laughable scheme try to get the Olympics to Chicago.
The Benghazi investigation would have been a lot shorter if the administration and the democrat party obeyed the freaking law and cooperated with the investigators. You almost gotta laugh when the left whines about the expense Congress incurs by doing it's job and fulfilling it's Constitutional mandate but they don't mind too much when the president donates taxpayer money to a failed company that allegedly produced solar energy or paid back campaign contributors in an all expense tour to Norway in a laughable scheme try to get the Olympics to Chicago.

Yup and they don't seem to give a rats ass about how much those disease ridden refugees are going to cost we the taxpayer.
The Benghazi investigation would have been a lot shorter if the administration and the democrat party obeyed the freaking law and cooperated with the investigators. You almost gotta laugh when the left whines about the expense Congress incurs by doing it's job and fulfilling it's Constitutional mandate but they don't mind too much when the president donates taxpayer money to a failed company that allegedly produced solar energy or paid back campaign contributors in an all expense tour to Norway in a laughable scheme try to get the Olympics to Chicago.

Those complaining about the investigation are the ones that caused it to go on.
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
i aint considered white....im darker than most of the Mexicans i live among...but thanks anyway....
Please don't tell me you use the same tanner as Trump....cause if I see one more Red lobster looking white fuck, I'm gonna puke!!
did you read the part where i said i aint considered a white guy....and am darker than most of the Mexicans i live among?....when i am in the sun i dont turn red....sorry to disillusion you...
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

What was a waste of money was that which was spent on you in school.

When 1 in every 3 1/2 of your people stop getting food stamps compared to far less proportions for all other groups, see me. We're tired of supporting all those bastard you blacks keeps having.

The money spent on social programs like food stamps is a minor part of the budget. Yes, cut food stamps for those who can work. Then cut 1/3 of the Dept of Defense budget. Trim the fat everywhere. Cut out the corporate welfare.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

What was a waste of money was that which was spent on you in school.

When 1 in every 3 1/2 of your people stop getting food stamps compared to far less proportions for all other groups, see me. We're tired of supporting all those bastard you blacks keeps having.

The money spent on social programs like food stamps is a minor part of the budget. Yes, cut food stamps for those who can work. Then cut 1/3 of the Dept of Defense budget. Trim the fat everywhere. Cut out the corporate welfare.

The problem is one of scale. Politicians see the budget as play money, we pay $500M a DAY in interest on our national debt, who can even fathom that kind of money? So politicians can play the "it's only 5% of our budget" game because we can't comprehend how much money 5% of our budget actually is.

As for the welfare system I could fix that in one afternoon.

If you have two arms, two legs, two hands, two feet, and an IQ over 80 and you want welfare, you WILL work. Oh you may just be picking garbage up off the side of the road for 10-20 hours a week, but by God you will be doing SOMETHING in return for the money.

And get rid of all these god damned programs which cost a fortune to maintain. Just pay these people $10 an hour tax free for their labor, they can do whatever they want with that money, but that's all there is.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!
The watermelon is especially sweet this morning. Would you like a slice?
The Benghazi investigation would have been a lot shorter if the administration and the democrat party obeyed the freaking law and cooperated with the investigators. You almost gotta laugh when the left whines about the expense Congress incurs by doing it's job and fulfilling it's Constitutional mandate but they don't mind too much when the president donates taxpayer money to a failed company that allegedly produced solar energy or paid back campaign contributors in an all expense tour to Norway in a laughable scheme try to get the Olympics to Chicago.

Yup and they don't seem to give a rats ass about how much those disease ridden refugees are going to cost we the taxpayer.
She's pissed cause with that seven million the moo hers in the WH could have taken another vacation.
Just what I need, a self-important political hack telling me that $7 million was spent wastefully, when Barry and his band of criminal thugs spend ten times the money on ignorance daily! Excuse me, but your stupidity is showing...
you are getting to be the female version of dean with a dash of guno thrown in.....
WOW, what a compliment.....thanks dust mite!!
hey no problem ....thats why im here,to give out those compliments....
I knew white people were good for somethin, just couldn't figure out what!!
We pay for your food stamps, ni#ger.
Since I can't bring up family members here, I will say this...dollar bet there's quite a few nigga's in ya family...just saying, cuz!! LOLOLOLOLO

WOW , now that is REALLY insulting family. Thought that was against the rules.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

What was a waste of money was that which was spent on you in school.

When 1 in every 3 1/2 of your people stop getting food stamps compared to far less proportions for all other groups, see me. We're tired of supporting all those bastard you blacks keeps having.

The money spent on social programs like food stamps is a minor part of the budget. Yes, cut food stamps for those who can work. Then cut 1/3 of the Dept of Defense budget. Trim the fat everywhere. Cut out the corporate welfare.

Why should something that is specifically delegated in the Constitution be cut simply because you don't like how much is being spent? Since there is absolutely nothing giving Congress the power to create food stamp programs, healthcare for the poor like Medicaid, and the like, I say cut it 100% and let those of you that believe one person should get another person's money prove it by giving them yours.
House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton
Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.

To date, this shit has gone on longer than WaterGate, the Kennedy assassination, Iran/Contra and the study on why white people loose their hair after puberty.....Its time the American Stupid demand these over paid lazy good for nothing hillbilly redneck pleasers put a period behind this bullshit and do what the fuck these sorry ass hillbillies put them there for...more goberment disability checks!!

What was a waste of money was that which was spent on you in school.

When 1 in every 3 1/2 of your people stop getting food stamps compared to far less proportions for all other groups, see me. We're tired of supporting all those bastard you blacks keeps having.

The money spent on social programs like food stamps is a minor part of the budget. Yes, cut food stamps for those who can work. Then cut 1/3 of the Dept of Defense budget. Trim the fat everywhere. Cut out the corporate welfare.

Why should something that is specifically delegated in the Constitution be cut simply because you don't like how much is being spent? Since there is absolutely nothing giving Congress the power to create food stamp programs, healthcare for the poor like Medicaid, and the like, I say cut it 100% and let those of you that believe one person should get another person's money prove it by giving them yours.

Why? Because cutting the defense budget by 1/3 will save us more than eliminating altogether.

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