When will the alt right dump Trump ?

There is no more reason for Americans to dump Trump than there is Limies to dump their wretched Monarchy.
The Monarchy don't run their country. You are pinning your hopes on either Trumpy or Dumby running yours. Big difference.
"sweet cheeks" .. :laugh: perhaps you should know how to spell philosophy then... Sorry, sleepy and anal at the moment..
I honestly believe the best thing that could happen to the US is if at the next Trumpy-Dumby public debate a great fissure would open in the earth beneath the podium and swallow both of them. You could then raffle off the nomination among the audience. I am certain you'd end up with a better leader than the pair of idiots you have right now.

Don't mind me, I'm just causing trouble and I just recalled that you were fun.
There's nothing wrong with that. :biggrin:
Last time I saw anyone in Free Fall like Trump it was George Clooney in the Movie "Gravity"
If Trump loses the election we'll have to discard him. The problem with you're train of thought is that you think the alt right finds trump to be ideal. That simply is not the case. What he does have is name recognition, money, and the right attitude, personality wise when it comes to saying what most Americans have been saying for years. He doesn't bother with PC garbage.
He's already performed a valuable service, regardless of how the election turns out. The Republican party has been put on notice. They now see the cost of disobeying the will of their own constituency. Republicans will have to change the way they run for office from here on out. Not to mention the way they vote once in office. Trump also has paved the way for future republicans with the same ideas, but in a more polished , and refined form. These next candidates will seem like a breath of fresh air compared to Trump, and possess the political acumen to garner the support of the newly molded Republican party.

It would be naive to believe that the rise of Trump was a flash in the pan occurence. It took at least 6 years to push Americans to the point, where they would tolerate Trumps antics. For the most part this behavior has been tolerated because a significant portion of the American public demands change. Trump, unlike any other candidate most of us can remember is truly symbolic.

The system/establishment despises Trump. A huge portion of the American public despises, and does not trust the establishment. Trumps popularity is merely the symptom of the disease that is our failing trust between the citizenry and government. And one thing is for sure. A Hillary win is about the worst possible prospect for curing that ailment. More likely it will fuel the fire.

Trump just happened to fit the bill at the time; but there are many additional options who are more politically capable. And now they have a voice, and what's more; now they will be heard.
But the evidence seems to suggest that this philosophy is unelectable. It looks like the GOP is in thrall to special interest groups that pull all its candidates to the right of the spectrum. If you have to appease,for example, an anti abortion lobby or climate change deniers then that gives any candidate a problem when they emerge into the sunlight. There is too much baggage to pick up the educated vote.
We get it Tommy, you don't need to break a crayon for our sake.

Failure to bend over and grab your ankles for every leftist cause is a hard pull to the right, wrongheaded, backwards and downright evil. You can safely label these types and then when properly demonized, simply associate any enemy with them. We've seen it all before.

...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.

Joseph Goebbels
The Alt Right, lumpy, are out in the open and can't hide in the shadows anymore.

America knows what the far right and alt right voters, with their social and cultural and racial taboos, value, and the great majority of Americans wants nothing of that stuff.
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Trump is now promising to create a "Pussy Tsar" to regulate pussy grabbing in a bid to make gains among women voters...

by the way "Pussy Tsar"...great name for a band
The Alt Right, lumpy, are out in the open and can't hide in the shadows anymore.

America knows what the far right and alt right voters, with their social and cultural and racial taboos, value, and the great majority of Americans wants nothing of that stuff.
That is the key question now.

On the face of it they really have to do this.Their extreme blend of racism ,stupidity and misogyny is being dragged through the mud every day by the orange one.

When will they cut the cord ?

1. Never.

2. Never

3. If you are confused then read one and two again and remember Never Ever...


You live on that little Island across the pond and read your slanted news about the fringe right, but you have no damn clue about the people of this great country ( America )...

Sure there are racists and sexists voting for Donald Trump and there are racists and sexists voting for Hillary Clinton, so when will the Progressive left dump Hillary Clinton?
There is no more reason for Americans to dump Trump than there is Limies to dump their wretched Monarchy.
The Monarchy don't run their country. You are pinning your hopes on either Trumpy or Dumby running yours. Big difference.

The question to which I responded was meant to be genuine - although severely biased - my answer was clearly hypothetical.
The British Monarchy will stay until the day the British people decide to do otherwise.
Removing a Monarchy is almost impossible unless it is done the way Lenin and his thugs did to the Russian Monarchy.
There is no more reason for Americans to dump Trump than there is Limies to dump their wretched Monarchy.
The Monarchy don't run their country. You are pinning your hopes on either Trumpy or Dumby running yours. Big difference.

The question to which I responded was meant to be genuine - although severely biased - my answer was clearly hypothetical.
The British Monarchy will stay until the day the British people decide to do otherwise.
Removing a Monarchy is almost impossible unless it is done the way Lenin and his thugs did to the Russian Monarchy.
You might be right, but the first thing to understand is whether or not the specific Monarchy actually have any power. If it serves a practical purpose then there is no harm in it.
i guess mentioning about the reality, rather the non-reality, of the alt-right is out of the question? that's the off limits taboo, or is tommy such a large fat man to cast such a huge shadow over half the population of america?
"sweet cheeks" .. :laugh: perhaps you should know how to spell philosophy then... Sorry, sleepy and anal at the moment..
I honestly believe the best thing that could happen to the US is if at the next Trumpy-Dumby public debate a great fissure would open in the earth beneath the podium and swallow both of them. You could then raffle off the nomination among the audience. I am certain you'd end up with a better leader than the pair of idiots you have right now.

Don't mind me, I'm just causing trouble and I just recalled that you were fun.
There's nothing wrong with that. :biggrin:

Okay, you're fun but nuts.

bottom line choice .. change the direction in Washington/America or be swallowed by the status quo political and power broker elites.

Yup, trust a status quo government R&D that has doubled the national debt in 8 years and produced amazingly dismal results, lets go for more, what could go wrong...:laugh:...
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When will the communists finally put an end to hilly. Probably after she has led the nation into a futile war.
Hilly will make sexual racism against the law. Failing to fuck someone of another race will be a hate crime.

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