When will the black community WAKE UP!

Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
West can do little for blacks, except convince them that continuous voting for Democrats will get them nothing more than increased dependency on the Democrat plantation owners. Blacks need to see that their plight is cultivated and nurtured by the very people who claim to help them...with "free things" from Mother Government. Passing out money for every baby a single mom has at home does NOT give the children any sort of father image. The break down of family values within the black ghettos is the construct of liberalism. Consequently, every large liberal-run city has the inner-city-ghetto problem.
So nothing. You and west will do nothing. Got it. Now let's see what blacks do.

Why should we help you with your messaging. I like your pitch. Go with it.
What else can one do besides convince them that they are misguided and mistaken in thinking that the liberals are actually out to help them out of the shithole they are in? You can't ORDER them to switch sides. You can't expect them to switch sides without understanding why they should. The libs and the Democrat party have done next to nothing to help the blacks improve themselves. The libs and the Democrat party want to keep the blacks as serfs, dependent upon government to provide their needs with no requirement to actually work for their on advancement.
You know how I know ur dumb? Because I'm a white lib and you say similar stupid shit about us
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
West can do little for blacks, except convince them that continuous voting for Democrats will get them nothing more than increased dependency on the Democrat plantation owners. Blacks need to see that their plight is cultivated and nurtured by the very people who claim to help them...with "free things" from Mother Government. Passing out money for every baby a single mom has at home does NOT give the children any sort of father image. The break down of family values within the black ghettos is the construct of liberalism. Consequently, every large liberal-run city has the inner-city-ghetto problem.
So nothing. You and west will do nothing. Got it. Now let's see what blacks do.

Why should we help you with your messaging. I like your pitch. Go with it.
What else can one do besides convince them that they are misguided and mistaken in thinking that the liberals are actually out to help them out of the shithole they are in? You can't ORDER them to switch sides. You can't expect them to switch sides without understanding why they should. The libs and the Democrat party have done next to nothing to help the blacks improve themselves. The libs and the Democrat party want to keep the blacks as serfs, dependent upon government to provide their needs with no requirement to actually work for their on advancement.
You know how I know ur dumb? Because I'm a white lib and you say similar stupid shit about us
Not at all. It is you that is dumb for not realizing you're being duped. White lib, black lib; makes know difference. You're all mentally ill...but you don't know it yet!
So nothing. You and west will do nothing. Got it. Now let's see what blacks do.

Why should we help you with your messaging. I like your pitch. Go with it.
What else can one do besides convince them that they are misguided and mistaken in thinking that the liberals are actually out to help them out of the shithole they are in? You can't ORDER them to switch sides. You can't expect them to switch sides without understanding why they should. The libs and the Democrat party have done next to nothing to help the blacks improve themselves. The libs and the Democrat party want to keep the blacks as serfs, dependent upon government to provide their needs with no requirement to actually work for their on advancement.
What an idiot you are. I thought you were going to explain how you were going to help them but all you can talk about is how we aren't helping them.

And meanwhile you offer nothing.

You are not convincing at all
I cannot MAKE them do anything, including listen to reason. They must do whatever it takes to escape the control of the Democrat mentality. All I can do is convince them of the harm they do to themselves in believing that the Democrats are their friends. All the Democrats give a shit about is getting their votes. If you had the ability to understand that giving someone subsistence will do nothing toward teaching them to work for greater things. It is you that borders on idiocy.
Im white and I'm not buying it.
I don't care what color you are. You are a fool if you think the Democrats have really been helping the black community. There are many people, black and white, that have far more knowledge of what is going on and they agree with what I say here.

Stick your head back in the sand and vote for corruption.
What a dope. I don't know who you are, where you live, how much your daddy made, how you got your first job, do you live in the ghetto or a nice city with lots of jobs,etc.

You just proved my point dummy. You think GOP is right and Democrats are wrong. Black or white. No gray. Everyone either votes like you and thinks like you or they are wrong.

Fact is America actually agrees with us libs on almost every issue. Tax breaks to the rich, clean energy, gun control, abortion.

Have fun losing another election
What would West do for blacks?
West can do little for blacks, except convince them that continuous voting for Democrats will get them nothing more than increased dependency on the Democrat plantation owners. Blacks need to see that their plight is cultivated and nurtured by the very people who claim to help them...with "free things" from Mother Government. Passing out money for every baby a single mom has at home does NOT give the children any sort of father image. The break down of family values within the black ghettos is the construct of liberalism. Consequently, every large liberal-run city has the inner-city-ghetto problem.
So nothing. You and west will do nothing. Got it. Now let's see what blacks do.

Why should we help you with your messaging. I like your pitch. Go with it.
What else can one do besides convince them that they are misguided and mistaken in thinking that the liberals are actually out to help them out of the shithole they are in? You can't ORDER them to switch sides. You can't expect them to switch sides without understanding why they should. The libs and the Democrat party have done next to nothing to help the blacks improve themselves. The libs and the Democrat party want to keep the blacks as serfs, dependent upon government to provide their needs with no requirement to actually work for their on advancement.
You know how I know ur dumb? Because I'm a white lib and you say similar stupid shit about us
Not at all. It is you that is dumb for not realizing you're being duped. White lib, black lib; makes know difference. You're all mentally ill...but you don't know it yet!
Damn my lying eyes

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