When will the black community WAKE UP!

Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

If the mindset of the average Trump supporter is in the same ballpark as the person who started this thread:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Would you go anywhere near those supporters or their political party?

Well, it was started by S.J.
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

If the mindset of the average Trump supporter is in the same ballpark as the person who started this thread:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Would you go anywhere near those supporters or their political party?

Well, it was started by S.J.
No one wants your kkk again....
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

Every time a black says they're a Republican, they get called an Uncle Tom by the Leftists, which illustrates how racist the Leftists are.

The Democrats want all blacks to stay on the plantation, mainly because they want them to vote for them.
You'd think that there would have been outrage when an actual qualified black man ran and was destroyed by the media. I'm just kidding, he was an "Uncle Tom" because he wasn't a Democrat.

'Stay victims so you can stay Democrats' shouts the media~

Ben Carson is an exceptional man, and yes was destroyed by the MSM. Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon is 100 times better than Barack Obama, a Community Organiser who was pumped up by the same MSM as the best thing ever.

There was a thread earlier about Republicans always thinking they're the victims. WTF, no, it's the Democrats who have the victim mentality, a mentality they've instilled across portions of society, the portions of society who are always offended by something and need safe spaces.

People on the Right don't tend to get offended by a great deal, we also don't tend to need safe spaces because we're not bedwetters.
Before Ben Carson, there was Herman Cain. Another black man the media intentionally destroyed, again with no reaction from the black masses.

Of course we're not, but the Leftists love to use double standards and projection. Goes to show where all the Social Justice Warriors come from.
It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts who BTW never won anything. Republicans never elected Cain or carson to any high office.

That's why blacks don't care about two rich blacks who were used by the GOP to appear inclusive.

Let's see Republicans elect a black senator or governor and let's see that black win over black people with their results.

As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
When will they wake up? When will you go asleep? It's was past 3am when you posted this trash
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
Free them from the democrat plantation....
You're so cute I'd like to Pat you on the head
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

Every time a black says they're a Republican, they get called an Uncle Tom by the Leftists, which illustrates how racist the Leftists are.

The Democrats want all blacks to stay on the plantation, mainly because they want them to vote for them.
You'd think that there would have been outrage when an actual qualified black man ran and was destroyed by the media. I'm just kidding, he was an "Uncle Tom" because he wasn't a Democrat.

'Stay victims so you can stay Democrats' shouts the media~

Ben Carson is an exceptional man, and yes was destroyed by the MSM. Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon is 100 times better than Barack Obama, a Community Organiser who was pumped up by the same MSM as the best thing ever.

There was a thread earlier about Republicans always thinking they're the victims. WTF, no, it's the Democrats who have the victim mentality, a mentality they've instilled across portions of society, the portions of society who are always offended by something and need safe spaces.

People on the Right don't tend to get offended by a great deal, we also don't tend to need safe spaces because we're not bedwetters.
Before Ben Carson, there was Herman Cain. Another black man the media intentionally destroyed, again with no reaction from the black masses.

Of course we're not, but the Leftists love to use double standards and projection. Goes to show where all the Social Justice Warriors come from.
It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts who BTW never won anything. Republicans never elected Cain or carson to any high office.

That's why blacks don't care about two rich blacks who were used by the GOP to appear inclusive.

Let's see Republicans elect a black senator or governor and let's see that black win over black people with their results.

As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face

"It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts"

Uncle Tom sellouts? :rolleyes-41: What's the problem with them being rich? Or is it that blacks aren't allowed to work hard and make money, do you just want all blacks to stay poor and in the ghetto getting Welfare because that means they remain voting Democratic?

"As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face"

So this and the Uncle Tom comment, are both racist comments, the black face one, what would happen if someone on the Right made that sort of comment?

Either everyone is racist, or nobody is racist, you on the Left just can't have it anymore that Leftists aren't racist, if you want to say that Leftists aren't racist, then you can't keep saying that people on the Right are racist, now can you?
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

Every time a black says they're a Republican, they get called an Uncle Tom by the Leftists, which illustrates how racist the Leftists are.

The Democrats want all blacks to stay on the plantation, mainly because they want them to vote for them.
You'd think that there would have been outrage when an actual qualified black man ran and was destroyed by the media. I'm just kidding, he was an "Uncle Tom" because he wasn't a Democrat.

'Stay victims so you can stay Democrats' shouts the media~

Ben Carson is an exceptional man, and yes was destroyed by the MSM. Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon is 100 times better than Barack Obama, a Community Organiser who was pumped up by the same MSM as the best thing ever.

There was a thread earlier about Republicans always thinking they're the victims. WTF, no, it's the Democrats who have the victim mentality, a mentality they've instilled across portions of society, the portions of society who are always offended by something and need safe spaces.

People on the Right don't tend to get offended by a great deal, we also don't tend to need safe spaces because we're not bedwetters.
Before Ben Carson, there was Herman Cain. Another black man the media intentionally destroyed, again with no reaction from the black masses.

Of course we're not, but the Leftists love to use double standards and projection. Goes to show where all the Social Justice Warriors come from.
It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts who BTW never won anything. Republicans never elected Cain or carson to any high office.

That's why blacks don't care about two rich blacks who were used by the GOP to appear inclusive.

Let's see Republicans elect a black senator or governor and let's see that black win over black people with their results.

As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face
How typically racist of you kkk democrats....
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
Free them from the democrat plantation....
You're so cute I'd like to Pat you on the head
I have big hands...and feet...no doubt you would enjoy that....:lol:

I don't do klan members though...sorry...
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
Free them from the democrat plantation....
You're so cute I'd like to Pat you on the head
I have big hands...and feet...no doubt you would enjoy that....:lol:

As long as you don't have a big ass, because then there could be a problem.
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.
What would West do for blacks?
Free them from the democrat plantation....
You're so cute I'd like to Pat you on the head
I have big hands...and feet...no doubt you would enjoy that....:lol:

As long as you don't have a big ass, because then there could be a problem.
Tight and small....all the liberals want it....:lol:
Ben Carson and Hermann Cain were destroyed by the media? Hardly

Ben Carson is an eccentric with a peculiar worldview.

Cain reputation is smeared by accusation of affairs. His name is better than Clinton's, who was basically accused of rape!!

Those two men still command respect due to their accomplishment. How are they 'destroyed'?
Blacks will continue in robot fashion to follow the Santa Claus party. Whichever party offers the most government programs will be the one blacks follow.
Ben Carson and Hermann Cain were destroyed by the media? Hardly

Ben Carson is an eccentric with a peculiar worldview.

Cain reputation is smeared by accusation of affairs. His name is better than Clinton's, who was basically accused of rape!!

Those two men still command respect due to their accomplishment. How are they 'destroyed'?
Not sure if serious....or just an idiot.....
Ben Carson and Hermann Cain were destroyed by the media? Hardly

Ben Carson is an eccentric with a peculiar worldview.

Cain reputation is smeared by accusation of affairs. His name is better than Clinton's, who was basically accused of rape!!

Those two men still command respect due to their accomplishment. How are they 'destroyed'?
Why don't they go run for governor of a red state? Is it cause a black man cant get white Republicans to vote for them?

Forget the first black Republican potus. Never going to happen. Not even a governor.

Meanwhile us racist liberals elected a black and next a woman.
Ben Carson and Hermann Cain were destroyed by the media? Hardly

Ben Carson is an eccentric with a peculiar worldview.

Cain reputation is smeared by accusation of affairs. His name is better than Clinton's, who was basically accused of rape!!

Those two men still command respect due to their accomplishment. How are they 'destroyed'?
Why don't they go run for governor of a red state? Is it cause a black man cant get white Republicans to vote for them?

Forget the first black Republican potus. Never going to happen. Not even a governor.

Meanwhile us racist liberals elected a black and next a woman.
Do you whip the blacks hard on the plantation?
Here's the ONLY reason blacks should need to vote REPUBLICAN this year... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

Barack Obama is completing his final year in office, and after nearly two terms of the first black president, the problems plaguing black America have subsided. Racial tension is practically non-existent; more blacks are employed now than ever, allowing them to rise up from poverty by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps; and our failing inner-city schools have been reformed, no longer failing future generations.


Read this short article by a respected black man.

Every time a black says they're a Republican, they get called an Uncle Tom by the Leftists, which illustrates how racist the Leftists are.

The Democrats want all blacks to stay on the plantation, mainly because they want them to vote for them.
You'd think that there would have been outrage when an actual qualified black man ran and was destroyed by the media. I'm just kidding, he was an "Uncle Tom" because he wasn't a Democrat.

'Stay victims so you can stay Democrats' shouts the media~

Ben Carson is an exceptional man, and yes was destroyed by the MSM. Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon is 100 times better than Barack Obama, a Community Organiser who was pumped up by the same MSM as the best thing ever.

There was a thread earlier about Republicans always thinking they're the victims. WTF, no, it's the Democrats who have the victim mentality, a mentality they've instilled across portions of society, the portions of society who are always offended by something and need safe spaces.

People on the Right don't tend to get offended by a great deal, we also don't tend to need safe spaces because we're not bedwetters.
Before Ben Carson, there was Herman Cain. Another black man the media intentionally destroyed, again with no reaction from the black masses.

Of course we're not, but the Leftists love to use double standards and projection. Goes to show where all the Social Justice Warriors come from.
It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts who BTW never won anything. Republicans never elected Cain or carson to any high office.

That's why blacks don't care about two rich blacks who were used by the GOP to appear inclusive.

Let's see Republicans elect a black senator or governor and let's see that black win over black people with their results.

As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face
They're so reliant on the government, said black people would have to be advocating more perpetuated laziness and freedom from consequences. So, to win over the black population, they'd have to basically be Democrats.

Also, you proved my point. To Democrats a black Republican is an 'Uncle Tom' by default.
When the GOP became infested with Southern Bigots after LBJ's civil rights programs, that was when the GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln and started being the party of the KKK.

Get it?

Unless certain rich black people are earning way over $250K/yr and they really need the tax breaks for the rich, they really have no reason to vote GOP at all. And selling out is no excuse either.

There are plenty of white folk way over $250K/yr who DON'T vote GOP either.

No, democrats were the party of slavery and segregation and continue the segregation part today as they try to separate races, ethnicities into nice little bouquets.
Every time a black says they're a Republican, they get called an Uncle Tom by the Leftists, which illustrates how racist the Leftists are.

The Democrats want all blacks to stay on the plantation, mainly because they want them to vote for them.
You'd think that there would have been outrage when an actual qualified black man ran and was destroyed by the media. I'm just kidding, he was an "Uncle Tom" because he wasn't a Democrat.

'Stay victims so you can stay Democrats' shouts the media~

Ben Carson is an exceptional man, and yes was destroyed by the MSM. Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon is 100 times better than Barack Obama, a Community Organiser who was pumped up by the same MSM as the best thing ever.

There was a thread earlier about Republicans always thinking they're the victims. WTF, no, it's the Democrats who have the victim mentality, a mentality they've instilled across portions of society, the portions of society who are always offended by something and need safe spaces.

People on the Right don't tend to get offended by a great deal, we also don't tend to need safe spaces because we're not bedwetters.
Before Ben Carson, there was Herman Cain. Another black man the media intentionally destroyed, again with no reaction from the black masses.

Of course we're not, but the Leftists love to use double standards and projection. Goes to show where all the Social Justice Warriors come from.
It's not impressive the GOP found two token rich uncle Tom sellouts who BTW never won anything. Republicans never elected Cain or carson to any high office.

That's why blacks don't care about two rich blacks who were used by the GOP to appear inclusive.

Let's see Republicans elect a black senator or governor and let's see that black win over black people with their results.

As far as we are concerned carson and Cain are just bush in black face
They're so reliant on the government, said black people would have to be advocating more perpetuated laziness and freedom from consequences. So, to win over the black population, they'd have to basically be Democrats.

Also, you proved my point. To Democrats a black Republican is an 'Uncle Tom' by default.
If it helps I feel the same way about greedy white ignorant conservative assholes. There's just no name for it with them. Like no white equivalent to the n word. Uncle Tom is any black republican
When the GOP became infested with Southern Bigots after LBJ's civil rights programs, that was when the GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln and started being the party of the KKK.

Get it?

Unless certain rich black people are earning way over $250K/yr and they really need the tax breaks for the rich, they really have no reason to vote GOP at all. And selling out is no excuse either.

There are plenty of white folk way over $250K/yr who DON'T vote GOP either.

No, democrats were the party of slavery and segregation and continue the segregation part today as they try to separate races, ethnicities into nice little bouquets.
It's what democrats do...slavery is inbred into them....
When the GOP became infested with Southern Bigots after LBJ's civil rights programs, that was when the GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln and started being the party of the KKK.

Get it?

Unless certain rich black people are earning way over $250K/yr and they really need the tax breaks for the rich, they really have no reason to vote GOP at all. And selling out is no excuse either.

There are plenty of white folk way over $250K/yr who DON'T vote GOP either.

I agree, it would be a disaster to be the party of the KKK:


Here is Hillary making out with a KKK leader, a democrat senator. Here is what she has to say about this exceptional individual:



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