When will the GOP recognize the MSM is the enemy and the MSM favors Democrats?

But morons who fail to vet left wing biased news just perpetuate the dishonesty.
OR..., the people have vetted the news and have determined that it's the right that's dishonest. You have to work for what you get. Right wing whining about the media usually amounts to "we want it because we deserve it" with very little in the way of facts to back it up.
Rightwing whining about 'the media' concerns news sources relating facts and the truth that conflict with conservative dogma, demonstrating that dogma to be false.

In response conservatives contrived the myth of the 'liberal media.'

they identify themselves as liberal nutjob. only a brainwashed loser believes their leanings dont bleed over into their news content
our media is full of people that are or were heavily involved in left-wing politics

libs are simply idiots who lie to themselves on the regular
Research on Media Bias - Discover the Networks
A useful way of gauging the news media's political and ideological makeup is to examine ... to which members of the news media have supported Democrat or liberal/left ... study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. ... In a 1992 poll of journalists working for newspapers, magazines, radio, and ...
The GOP sure sounds like a bunch of paranoids who see enemies behind every rock and bush.

They have to always have someone else to blame. When they lost in 2008, none admitted it was because of the policies. They blamed Obama being black and white guilt. In 2012, they blamed "free stuff" (nobody ever got their free stuff by the way) and the "stupid voters". Now that they are set to lose to Hillary, you see the excuses coming together already; "They voted for her because she's a woman".

The media, always being there, is just another useful scapegoat that is offered up to prevent/delay self examination. The fact is that they are mean spirited and that is the hardest obstacle to overcome.

Your opinion DOES NOT provide any substantiation.

A new poll asked over 1,000 Americans, in part, “How much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media … when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly?” It turns out that less than half of respondents feel they can rely on today’s mainstream news.
Gallup released the results of their latest poll on the trustworthiness of the mainstream media last month, revealing that just four in ten of those surveyed — a random cross-section of adults from all 50 states and the District of Columbia — trust the media.
Only 33 percent say they have a “fair amount” of trust in the media, and a mere 7 percent reported having a “great deal” of trust.
Gallup has collected data on the public’s perception of the media since 1972. Trust in the media has been falling since peaking at 55 percent in 1998 and 1999. Since 2007, in particular, a majority of Americans have distrusted the media.
Poll: 60% Of Americans Don’t Trust The Mainstream Media

Where did the MSM put their money in 2008?
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased
The 2015 State of the First Amendment Survey, conducted by the First Amendment Center and USA Today, was released Friday. It shows that only 24 percent of American adults agree with the statement that "overall, the news media tries to report the news without bias," while 70 percent disagree.
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased

A specific example of how the MSM loves Democrats is this quote from the Editor of NewsWeek
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball,
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

And to insure the Democrat election what did the MSM do?
130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug and the Democrat Bias is very clear!
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
A sweeping study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans.
Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors, Their conclusion:
"The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

So based on my FACTS and links, WHERE are your facts and links?
The Main Stream Media is the enemy of partisans not moderates.

The birth of Fox News sprang from Murdoch’s decision to create a television empire around sports, as he had previously in Australia and the U.K. In 1993 Fox bought the rights to broadcast the games of the NFL’s then dominant NFC division, swiping football from CBS for nearly $1.6 billion. “We’re a network now. Like no other sport will do, the NFL will make us into a real network,” Murdoch exulted to Sports Illustrated. “In the future there will be 400 or 500 channels on cable, and ratings will be fragmented. But football on Sunday will have the same ratings, regardless of the number of channels. Football will not fragment.”

He was right. And he wanted a winning weekly bookend for football to strike at another top-rated CBS program. “At that stage, Rupert Murdoch had in mind to set up a Fox News answer to ’60 Minutes,’” Neil told me. “It was to be an hour-long news show going out after the NFL football program on Fox.” His costar was to be Judith Regan, a young woman who had sliced her way to the top-selling echelons of the book publishing business. Smart, and possessed of finely sharpened elbows, Regan had by this point been rewarded with her own imprint, ReganBooks, at Murdoch’s HarperCollins publishing house. Neil started getting uneasy as Murdoch brought in a consultant to help punch up the concept of what news would look and sound like on Fox. The idea of creating a show yielded to the idea of creating an entire cable network—a niche news channel.

The new network would speak to viewers who felt the rest of the press was too liberal, like the New York Times, even 60 Minutes itself. The consultant had been a political strategist for presidents Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush, the executive producer of a TV show starring Rush Limbaugh, and the head of financial news channel CNBC.

His name was Roger Ailes.

The birth of Fox News - Salon.com
You use a salon link to make that point? You just dmonstrated the impact of left wing news bias.

Too liberal for you huh? Yeah I understand.

The Main Stream Media is made up of a large number of diverse opinions. I'm sure you can find the same history elsewhere.

NO the MSM is NOT made up of diverse opinions!
Don't you read?
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

A specific example of how the MSM loves Democrats is this quote from the Editor of NewsWeek
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball,
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug and the Democrat Bias is very clear!
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

That's all by Republican/conservative choice. No one bars the Right from the media.
Bullshit! Non-lefties are ostracized by media.
What's more, editors decide what makes copy.

YOU are right! Editors/producers DO determine what makes the stories that people read/see.
So explain these EDITORS/producers political position?

Here an editor of NewsWeek supposedly a "professional journalist" takes a position regarding his "job".
And of course the MSM lapped Obama up to such a degree that the Editor of NewsWeek who once was asked about Bush:
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play
But when it came to Obama???

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

And putting THEIR money where their mouth is:
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Again...prove with FACTS and links that dispute the vast majority of the MSM is biased towards the left.

Remember, your opinions are formed by information you get from these biased MSM.
At least be intellectually honest to always preface whatever you read by the filter, 85% of MSM voted with their pocketbook for Democrats!
The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!
In looking back through the above comments, few IF ANY of the the critics of the thread title addressed the point of the thread title.
That the GOP establishment seems to think THEY need MSM validation to win elections.
The GOP establishment starting with McCain and others really don't comprehend that the MSM looks at the GOP with disdain and this is illustrated by the facts
that the MSM presents constantly the GOP in a negative light while presenting the majority of stories about Democrats in a positive light.

Once the GOP establishment recognizes the MSM is the enemy they will not only every time any GOP leader speaks realize their words will be twisted, put out of context and otherwise never be a positive story. If I were a GOP establishment person being interviewed by MSM each time I'd start out by making a statement like this:
"The following words/images will be presented by a biased MSM and consequently please consider the source."
Simple always confronting the MSM with disclaimers such as the above will not only educate the reader/listener but will ultimately alter the MSM efforts.
The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!


context nutjob

remember how you losers cry about context?

does it only apply one way crybaby???

Yes, my friend CONTEXT

The legitimate media actually plays quotes in full context rather than the snippets that circulate in the rightwing media

That is why Republicans whine about being picked on
hey lefties! to prove there is no MSM/LSM bias, show us at least three stories/articles/commentaries by your favorite "news" source showing Hitlery with negative reviews.., can any one of you leftards do this????

i really kinda doubt it!! :up:
The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!


context nutjob

remember how you losers cry about context?

does it only apply one way crybaby???

Yes, my friend CONTEXT

The legitimate media actually plays quotes in full context rather than the snippets that circulate in the rightwing media

That is why Republicans whine about being picked on

you mean you got a bunch of shills that make excuses for the QUOTES of your own leaders

you're a clown, and everybody knows it
Last edited:
hey lefties! to prove there is no MSM/LSM bias, show us at least three stories/articles/commentaries by your favorite "news" source showing Hitlery with negative reviews.., can any one of you leftards do this????

i really kinda doubt it!! :up:

Hillary Clinton 'Very Confident' Despite Drop in Women Support
For Hillary Clinton, email no longer a joking matter - CNNPolitics.com

neither of those articles is critical of hillary you moron

thanks for making the case for the other side though!!
The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!


context nutjob

remember how you losers cry about context?

does it only apply one way crybaby???

Yes, my friend CONTEXT

The legitimate media actually plays quotes in full context rather than the snippets that circulate in the rightwing media

That is why Republicans whine about being picked on


Bob Schieffer is retiring, with Sunday's "Face The Nation"
We now don’t know where people get their news, but what we do know is they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most of the information is wrong and some of it is wrong on purpose.It is our job, I think, in mainstream journalism to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant and what they need to know. That is the job of the journalist and I have to say it’s harder and harder."
Stunning Admission By Retiring MSM Journalist - States MSM Should Decide Relevancy Of News And Determine What People "Need To Know," Laments The "Revolution Of Communications"

A Journalist DOES NOT tell people what we think is relevant!!!

Headlines taking statements way way out of context!
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"

Mitt Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People' Who Don't Provide Adequate Services
Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People'

Mitt Romney in New Hampshire: "I Like Being Able to Fire People"
Headlines for January 10, 2012 | Democracy Now!

These are 3 different MSM sources that
have a pronounced left wing bias.
They took a speech and used the headlines to bias the readers. "CONTEXT"...

What Mitt Romney: "I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means that if you don’t like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me."

“47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what” —
Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments: Cartoons of the day

Even Mitt Romney's staunchest defenders have to admit it's been a rough few weeks for the Republican presidential nominee. First came the Republican convention, where Clint Eastwood's rambling, ad-libbed speechovershadowed Romney's big moment. Then there were a series of polls after the Democratic convention showing President Obama opening up a slim, but significant, lead over Romney. That was followed by Romney's off-key attackson the president over violence in the Middle East. Then came a barrage of criticism from conservatives and reports of discord within the campaign, which prompted Romney advisers to insist they were charting a new course. Analysis: Will Romney's "47 percent" comment resonate?

totally taken out of context but nevertheless used as HEADLINES to put Romney in a negative light!

The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!


context nutjob

remember how you losers cry about context?

does it only apply one way crybaby???

Yes, my friend CONTEXT

The legitimate media actually plays quotes in full context rather than the snippets that circulate in the rightwing media

That is why Republicans whine about being picked on



Bob Schieffer is retiring, with Sunday's "Face The Nation"
We now don’t know where people get their news, but what we do know is they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most of the information is wrong and some of it is wrong on purpose.It is our job, I think, in mainstream journalism to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant and what they need to know. That is the job of the journalist and I have to say it’s harder and harder."
Stunning Admission By Retiring MSM Journalist - States MSM Should Decide Relevancy Of News And Determine What People "Need To Know," Laments The "Revolution Of Communications"

A Journalist DOES NOT tell people what we think is relevant!!!

Headlines taking statements way way out of context!
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"

Mitt Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People' Who Don't Provide Adequate Services
Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People'

Mitt Romney in New Hampshire: "I Like Being Able to Fire People"
Headlines for January 10, 2012 | Democracy Now!

These are 3 different MSM sources that have a pronounced left wing bias.
They took a speech and used the headlines to bias the readers. "CONTEXT"...

What Mitt Romney: "I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means that if you don’t like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me."

“47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what” —
Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments: Cartoons of the day

Even Mitt Romney's staunchest defenders have to admit it's been a rough few weeks for the Republican presidential nominee. First came the Republican convention, where Clint Eastwood's rambling, ad-libbed speechovershadowed Romney's big moment. Then there were a series of polls after the Democratic convention showing President Obama opening up a slim, but significant, lead over Romney. That was followed by Romney's off-key attackson the president over violence in the Middle East. Then came a barrage of criticism from conservatives and reports of discord within the campaign, which prompted Romney advisers to insist they were charting a new course. Analysis: Will Romney's "47 percent" comment resonate?

totally taken out of context but nevertheless used as HEADLINES to put Romney in a negative light!
The right wing view of the world rarely stands up to intense scrutiny. Journalists are paid to dig into a story and all too often the additional information they uncover makes any initial knee-jerk reaction incorrect. Conservatives tend to stick to the opinion they formed of a story in the first few seconds even after a more complete and contradictory picture emerges. There's your liberal bias, it's not the media, it's conservatives being unable to alter their opinion over the life of a story.
The right wing view of the world rarely stands up to intense scrutiny. Journalists are paid to dig into a story and all too often the additional information they uncover makes any initial knee-jerk reaction incorrect. Conservatives tend to stick to the opinion they formed of a story in the first few seconds even after a more complete and contradictory picture emerges. There's your liberal bias, it's not the media, it's conservatives being unable to alter their opinion over the life of a story.

more laughable stupidity and projection>

let's see who's wordview and facts dont hold up to scrutiny shall we?
or are y ou too much of a coward???
i'll even let you pick the first topic

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