When will the GOP recognize the MSM is the enemy and the MSM favors Democrats?

The main stream media replays what Republicans have said.........left leaning bastards!


context nutjob

remember how you losers cry about context?

does it only apply one way crybaby???

Yes, my friend CONTEXT

The legitimate media actually plays quotes in full context rather than the snippets that circulate in the rightwing media

That is why Republicans whine about being picked on



Bob Schieffer is retiring, with Sunday's "Face The Nation"
We now don’t know where people get their news, but what we do know is they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most of the information is wrong and some of it is wrong on purpose.It is our job, I think, in mainstream journalism to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant and what they need to know. That is the job of the journalist and I have to say it’s harder and harder."
Stunning Admission By Retiring MSM Journalist - States MSM Should Decide Relevancy Of News And Determine What People "Need To Know," Laments The "Revolution Of Communications"

A Journalist DOES NOT tell people what we think is relevant!!!

Headlines taking statements way way out of context!
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"
Mitt Romney: "I Like Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Services to Me"

Mitt Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People' Who Don't Provide Adequate Services
Romney: 'I Like Being Able To Fire People'

Mitt Romney in New Hampshire: "I Like Being Able to Fire People"
Headlines for January 10, 2012 | Democracy Now!

These are 3 different MSM sources that have a pronounced left wing bias.
They took a speech and used the headlines to bias the readers. "CONTEXT"...

What Mitt Romney: "I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means that if you don’t like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me."

“47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what” —
Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments: Cartoons of the day

Even Mitt Romney's staunchest defenders have to admit it's been a rough few weeks for the Republican presidential nominee. First came the Republican convention, where Clint Eastwood's rambling, ad-libbed speechovershadowed Romney's big moment. Then there were a series of polls after the Democratic convention showing President Obama opening up a slim, but significant, lead over Romney. That was followed by Romney's off-key attackson the president over violence in the Middle East. Then came a barrage of criticism from conservatives and reports of discord within the campaign, which prompted Romney advisers to insist they were charting a new course. Analysis: Will Romney's "47 percent" comment resonate?

totally taken out of context but nevertheless used as HEADLINES to put Romney in a negative light!

Except the Mother Jones article you cited said:

"Now, Romney's "I like being able to fire people" comment needs to be placed in the context of his response to the local businessman's question."

"The full context makes Romney's "fire people" quote seem less controversial. But that won't stop Republicans, Democrats, and political front groups from making use of it. Thirty-second political ads aren't known for their ability to put quotes in their proper context."

I don't live in a swing state so I never really saw many attack adds. Did they use that quote a lot? As much as the Cons used the "You didn't build that" meme?
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NO the MSM is NOT made up of diverse opinions!
Don't you read?
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

A specific example of how the MSM loves Democrats is this quote from the Editor of NewsWeek
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball,
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug and the Democrat Bias is very clear!
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

That's all by Republican/conservative choice. No one bars the Right from the media.
Bullshit! Non-lefties are ostracized by media.
What's more, editors decide what makes copy.

YOU are right! Editors/producers DO determine what makes the stories that people read/see.
So explain these EDITORS/producers political position?

Here an editor of NewsWeek supposedly a "professional journalist" takes a position regarding his "job".
And of course the MSM lapped Obama up to such a degree that the Editor of NewsWeek who once was asked about Bush:
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play
But when it came to Obama???

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

And putting THEIR money where their mouth is:
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Again...prove with FACTS and links that dispute the vast majority of the MSM is biased towards the left.

Remember, your opinions are formed by information you get from these biased MSM.
At least be intellectually honest to always preface whatever you read by the filter, 85% of MSM voted with their pocketbook for Democrats!

Maybe you should get the GOP to pass a law that makes it illegal for media outlets to express any pro-Democrat opinions.

you mean the way the Left tried to crush Fox News and the New York Post leftard?

idiots and hypocrites

English please.
The right wing view of the world rarely stands up to intense scrutiny. Journalists are paid to dig into a story and all too often the additional information they uncover makes any initial knee-jerk reaction incorrect. Conservatives tend to stick to the opinion they formed of a story in the first few seconds even after a more complete and contradictory picture emerges. There's your liberal bias, it's not the media, it's conservatives being unable to alter their opinion over the life of a story.

If that would be the case then why write biased headlines that take out of context the content?

Case in point:What would be the purpose of this headline: "I Like Being Able to Fire People" said about Romney from this source:
Headlines for January 10, 2012 | Democracy Now!

Formed opinion about Romney without having to read the story...i.e. the purpose the editor had in writing this headline! The editor knew most people wouldn't read the
context. But this headline did the job.

Here are some examples of bias or stereotyping that we typically find in the news.
  • Bias through selection and omission A report or editor can express a bias by choosing to use or not to use a specific news item. This is difficult to detect. Only by comparing news reports from a wide variety of outlets can the form of bias be observed.
  • Bias through placement
    Readers of papers judge first page stories to be more significant than those buried in the back. Television and radio newscasts run the most important stories first and leave the less significant for later. So, where a story is placed can influence the importance of it to a viewer.
  • Bias by headline
    Many people read only the headlines of a news item. Most people scan nearly all the headlines in a newspaper. Headlines are the most-read part of a paper. They can convey excitement where little exists. They can express approval or condemnation.
  • Bias by photos, captions and camera angles
    Some pictures flatter a person, while others can make the person look unpleasant. Papers can choose photos to influence opinion about, for example, a candidate for election. On television, the choice of which visual images to display is extremely important.
  • Bias through use of names and titles
    News media often use labels and titles to describe people, places, and events. A person can be called an "ex-con" or be referred to as someone who "served time 20 years ago for a minor offense." Whether a person is described as a "terrorist" or a "freedom fighter" is a clear indication of editorial bias.
  • Bias through statistics and crowd counts
    To make a disaster seem more spectacular (and therefore worthy of reading about), numbers can be inflated. "A hundred injured in air crash" can be the same as "only minor injuries in air crash," reflecting the opinion of the person doing the counting.
  • Word choice and tone
    Showing the same kind of bias that appears in headlines, the use of positive or negative words or words with a particular connotation can strongly influence the reader or viewer.
My Journey Home . For Teachers . Media Literacy Workshop | PBS

If you need more proof how your MSM bias presents the news to you thus helping you form your opinion check out this web site:Media Research Center

BE WARNED!!! IT is a biased site! If you don't want to see how the biased MSM has formed a left wing, Americans are evil, GOP is evil, capitalism is evil cabal
of organizations bent on BIASING the news...don't go there!

The Media Research Center is one of the most rightwing biased sites on the internet.

AND UNLIKE YOU I SHOWED this statement:
BE WARNED!!! IT is a biased site! If you don't want to see how the biased MSM has formed a left wing, Americans are evil, GOP is evil, capitalism is evil cabal
of organizations bent on BIASING the news...don't go there!

Of course it is biased! But where is the same disclaimer from you regarding CBS/ABC/NBC etc.?
Why are you not as OPEN to presenting THEM as a biased source?
See I am obviously MORE honest as most conservatives are compared to liberals who have depended on LYING to get their ways.
After all you totally ignored Obama's grandiose statement that HE told you where he was going to LIE, use Tricks, Tactics!

And so from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

He like the MSM have to depend on "tricks", "tactics", to get their way. After all it was Obama who KNEW he had to lie and he counted on as his Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber who said that lack of transparency was a major part of getting Obamacare passed because “the stupidity of the American voter” would have killed the law if more people knew what was in it.
Obamacare Architect: Lack of Transparency Was Key Because ‘Stupidity Of The American Voter’ Would Have Killed Obamacare

Again... where is your disclaimer that the MSM i.e. ABC,CBS,NBC,PBR, etc... are all left biased media?[/QUOTE]

You're the best example of a sore loser USMB has ever seen.

Where is Foxnews' disclaimer?
White House Targeted Fox News - The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
Jul 14, 2011 - “There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. ... Pressed about the exclusion of one network from a press pool, ... Rick Becker's bill would have banned all weapons on police drones. ..... Asked to clarify those controversial statements on Obama, Moz ...

Broadcast nets rejects Obama admin's attempt to block Fox ...
Hot Air
Oct 23, 2009 - Rather than cut Fox out of the pool, the broadcast bureau chiefs ... That reinforces reporting Fox News will do in the future, to the detriment of White ... Obama tried to ban Fox News from Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg interview
Leaked File Shows Obama Admin Wants to Take Down Fox ...
Nov 25, 2014 - One of the first major scandals of the Obama administration was ... And it just won't go away, no matter how hard the administration tries to cover it up. ... that Obama's administration tried to figure out ways to silence Fox News, ...

FCC Petitioned To Remove Fox News' Broadcasting License
Mar 8, 2015 - Months after both the House and Senate cleared the Obama ... Sign the petition to have Fox News' broadcast license revoked HERE ... Corey Jones Was A Gun Owning Christian; So Why Are Christian Gun Lovers Silent On ...
Poor bedowin certainly is a loyal and prolific cult parrot. And he's not the only member of that cut-and-paste legion. They get their marching orders, and run here to carry them out.

Of course, they don't know any better, given how their cult has forbidden them from viewing any info that comes from outside the cult. That's how the right-wing-fringe cult keeps such tight control over the minds of its members. The media is liberal, they've got the meaningless snippets to "prove" it, and any counter-evidence is, by definition, faked by the liberal conspiracy. It's a hermetically sealed worldview.
Any Democrat understands that they're running against both the media and the Republicans. It's how it's always been.

And any intelligent person isn't fooled by the Republican attempts to work the refs here. The Republican plan -- which has been very successful -- is to scream "LIBERAL MEDIA!" at any media source that fails to report on Republicans in glowing terms, which makes the media terrified of saying anything bad about Republicans. This thread is a good example of that strategy.

Very true

Republicans have badgered the media about being biased to the point where even though it is the republicans at fault, the media blames both parties
Any Democrat understands that they're running against both the media and the Republicans. It's how it's always been.

And any intelligent person isn't fooled by the Republican attempts to work the refs here. The Republican plan -- which has been very successful -- is to scream "LIBERAL MEDIA!" at any media source that fails to report on Republicans in glowing terms, which makes the media terrified of saying anything bad about Republicans. This thread is a good example of that strategy.

this is the reason for the cut and past on my part leftard. this is you crying like a baby that Republicans are making up the notion that the media leans heavily left

then you have the gall to cry that i copy and paste when i provided very real examples to back up what i am saying

but nobody is surprised you're a loser that wont admit anything even when proof is stuck in your face. you are, in short, the exact kind of rabid, partisan lemming you're accusing me of being

idiots and hypocrites
Poor bedowin certainly is a loyal and prolific cult parrot. And he's not the only member of that cut-and-paste legion. They get their marching orders, and run here to carry them out.

Of course, they don't know any better, given how their cult has forbidden them from viewing any info that comes from outside the cult. That's how the right-wing-fringe cult keeps such tight control over the minds of its members. The media is liberal, they've got the meaningless snippets to "prove" it, and any counter-evidence is, by definition, faked by the liberal conspiracy. It's a hermetically sealed worldview.

i'm going to show you stuff from "outside the cult" you say i'm in

you're going to:

1. laughably and most pathetically deny it
2. be a coward and not admit i did venture outside the box you say i'm stuck in
3. cry like a baby
4. disappear for a good long while then come back with something just as stupid as every thing else you post.
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here is THE DAILY KOS article on why Hillary's email CRIMES are VERY REAL:


Hillary Clinton's Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server
by leveymgFollow
Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed a felony. That is apparent from the facts and in the plain-language of the federal statute that prohibits "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.
It's called a prima facie case: clear on the basis of known facts.
It's up to prosecutorial discretion by the US Attorney as to what charges may be filed and when. Nonetheless, Mrs. Clinton is clearly chargeable for violation of federal law. As of right now, the matter is under FBI investigation. This isn't just about violation of Departmental policy.
The facts:
NYT: F.B.I. Tracking Path of Classified Email From State Dept. to Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email server are seeking to determine who at the State Department passed highly classified information from secure networks to Mrs. Clinton’s personal account, according to law enforcement and diplomatic officials and others briefed on the investigation.
To track how the information flowed, agents will try to gain access to the email accounts of many State Department officials who worked there while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the officials said. State Department employees apparently circulated the emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and some were ultimately forwarded to Mrs. Clinton.
They were not marked as classified, the State Department has said, and it is unclear whether its employees knew the origin of the information.
F.B.I. is also trying to determine whether foreign powers, especially China or Russia, gained access to Mrs. Clinton’s private server, although at this point, any security breaches are speculation.

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