When Will The Left Finally Shut Up?

Almost all of them from your side. That just indicates your side shouldn't be listened to.

For example, your side has been predicting, nonstop, "new ice age tomorrow!" for over 40 years now. It never arrives, but their cold faith is undiminished. Each time their icy armageddon fails to arrive, they just push the date back more, as any good end times cult does.

In contrast, climate science has been right about everything over that same period.

Your side gets laughed at for being consistent clowns. The climate science side gets respect for being so consistently correct with its predictions.
As usual you lie and distort the truth a lot.

Yes there are a very few who predict a big cooling trend, maybe even into another LIA type cooling, I have never accepted those claims since there is simply no evidence for it, but there is plenty of indications that cooling is already here and it will be slow one for a while.

Climate science predictions have been wrong constantly, here are few examples of predictions that never came to pass.


Arctic Summer ice will melt away by 2007 to 2018....

Ice-Free Arctic Forecasts




10 Failed Global Warming Predictions That You Need To Know About

Stop the lies!

17 to go
"We should ignore the bad thing because some other bad thing might happen".

That's remarkably dumb logic. It's like saying "I could get hit by a car tomorrow, so I should immediately cease all personal hygeine."

The science says the recent unprecedented fast warming is entirely human-caused. You're denying the actual science, because you political group orders you to.

You don't get to cherrypick the science that TheParty approves of and discard the rest. You'll keep trying, but we'll keep pointing out what you're doing.

According to your logic, since forest fires used to always happen naturally, humans can't be the cause of any forest fires.

Your logic is really stupid.
They don't know that it is entirely human caused. The Earth has had many periods of warming and cooling, even before man was here. All they know is that it is currently happening as the same time of CO2 and industrialization. That doesn't prove that it wouldn't be happening anyway. It could very well be just a coincidence. And, even if it is due to humans, we can't do anything about it. Even the left bury under the rug that if we did everything they wanted, the planet would still be warming anyway. The world is not in this together. It is unreasonable for us to do more in order to make up for Indian and China. Why should they live the good life while we make all the sacrifices?
"We should ignore the bad thing because some other bad thing might happen".

That's remarkably dumb logic. It's like saying "I could get hit by a car tomorrow, so I should immediately cease all personal hygeine."

The science says the recent unprecedented fast warming is entirely human-caused. You're denying the actual science, because you political group orders you to.

You don't get to cherrypick the science that TheParty approves of and discard the rest. You'll keep trying, but we'll keep pointing out what you're doing.

According to your logic, since forest fires used to always happen naturally, humans can't be the cause of any forest fires.

Your logic is really stupid.
Independent thinker should review this carefully. Mamooth is correct on every point.
You project A LOT! The idiots who simplify are YOU. You claim that CO2 is the SOLE cause of climate change which is an absolutely ridiculous position to take. Yet take it you do.
You lie a lot. In all the years I have posted on this forum I have never made such a comment. It is the dominant GHG but it is not the only one.
No, it's a case of pay me now, and you can continue to pollute! Your people say "I don't care about your pollution, just pay me my carbon credits you dummy!"
This clearly shows you don't understand carbon credits.
I've noticed that only people on the right could actually answer the OP question. So, I still ask those on the left, "Will you finally shut up about Climate change when we pass the point of no return, or will you just keep on harping on it, even though we wouldn't be able to do anything about it anymore?
No, we will not shut up. If you didn't know that before you asked the question, your ignorance astounds.
So? An asteroid might be coming tomorrow with our name on it. Bottom line is, the Earth has periods of warming and cooling. That's the science. That's the facts. Why do you deny science?

An asteroid is a remote possibility
Manmade global warming is a reality.

We can’t control asteroids, we can control what we put in the atmosphere
No, we will not shut up. If you didn't know that before you asked the question, your ignorance astounds.
But, why not? The question was, once we reach the point of no return and we are all doomed, what is the point to not shutting up? The ignorance is on your side.
An asteroid is a remote possibility
Manmade global warming is a reality.

We can’t control asteroids, we can control what we put in the atmosphere
We can't control mother nature. Why is it the left refuse to acknowledge their very own science that if we did absolutely everything they wanted us to do, global temps would still rise? Why is that fact always omitted when they talk about Climate Change? Are you in denial?
We can't control mother nature. Why is it the left refuse to acknowledge their very own science that if we did absolutely everything they wanted us to do, global temps would still rise? Why is that fact always omitted when they talk about Climate Change? Are you in denial?
We can only control what we can control

We can control the filth we put into the environment
We can only control what we can control

We can control the filth we put into the environment
Yes, we can control the filth we put into our environment but we can't control global warming. By the way, who is "we"? Can you control what India pumps into the environment? Can you control what China pumps into the environment? Can you control what third world countries pump into the environment? The answer is no.
Yes, we can control the filth we put into our environment but we can't control global warming. By the way, who is "we"? Can you control what India pumps into the environment? Can you control what China pumps into the environment? Can you control what third world countries pump into the environment? The answer is no.
Cop out

I won’t do anything because they won’t.
China has made great strides in reducing emissions…..because they have to
Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?
They will be quite when you no longer have the freedom of speech, the freedom to protest, etc.

Once there is a global technocracy, and the technocratic authoritarians have complete control over every aspect of your life. . . there will be no reason to have a conversation.

. . .think. . . the world in a prison.
What a bunch of total bullshit. Why can't you guys ever tell the truth about anything?

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The question is….in what direction are they moving?
China has a long reliance on coal. It has led to severe air pollution.

But as I pointed out. China recognizes it has a severe problem and is dealing with it through rapid investment in new technology.

But China has an advantage we don’t. They don’t have to deal with a Republican Party fighting to keep them in the Stone Age

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