When Will The Left Finally Shut Up?

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Part of that despicable behavior of the right is due to excellent politics of the left. They have done a good job of painting the other side as evil. That's not to say that some on the right aren't evil. However, just as many on the right have fallen off the edge of the Earth, many on the left have also fallen off the edge of the Earth.
i completely agree. The game of politics is a disgrace and more and more are finding it necessary because it is effective. Why is it effective? Because of we the people, we the sheep, we the gullible and drama hungry puppets. We should all do better
It is a case of pay me now or pay me later

If we do not enact climate change measures now, we will pay significantly more later

If your business cannot survive without endangering the environment, you do not deserve to survive
We can start working on climate change by no longer flying to shot hole nations run by the Dar people who are clamoring to invade the US.
Maybe not

But if you can’t manage a farm without massive farm subsidies generation after generation…….maybe you shouldn’t be farming
How many businesses don’t have write-offs and how many of the nations you admire would have food if we stopped chipping in to provide the variety we have even in the poorest areas of the US?
Your bullshit arguments don’t hold water at all.
Well, yes. Once we reach the point of no return and we are doomed, shouldn't you just shut up about it then?
You have a misconception about your erroneously named "point of no return". We have reached a point at which we will not be able to prevent exceeding a 1.5C rise. That is not the end of the process. If we were to get serious about eliminating GHG emissions, we might prevent it from reaching 2C. If we do not, we might reach 3C or 4C. This process is continuous. It seems a very common practice among global warming deniers to oversimplify complex issues. Of course, so few of them have even a basic science education I suppose their errors are almost unavoidable. This entire thread is simply another demonstration of agw-denier ignorance.
You have a misconception about your erroneously named "point of no return". We have reached a point at which we will not be able to prevent exceeding a 1.5C rise. That is not the end of the process. If we were to get serious about eliminating GHG emissions, we might prevent it from reaching 2C. If we do not, we might reach 3C or 4C. This process is continuous. It seems a very common practice among global warming deniers to oversimplify complex issues. Of course, so few of them have even a basic science education I suppose their errors are almost unavoidable. This entire thread is simply another demonstration of agw-denier ignorance.

You project A LOT! The idiots who simplify are YOU. You claim that CO2 is the SOLE cause of climate change which is an absolutely ridiculous position to take. Yet take it you do.
How many businesses don’t have write-offs and how many of the nations you admire would have food if we stopped chipping in to provide the variety we have even in the poorest areas of the US?
Your bullshit arguments don’t hold water at all.
What makes a farm any different than any other business?

If you need a government subsidy why shouldn’t other businesses that are not profitable getting subsidies ?
What makes a farm any different than any other business?

If you need a government subsidy why shouldn’t other businesses that are not profitable getting subsidies ?

Equipment write offs are not subsidies. But, I am all for ending ALL government tax breaks to ALL energy and food producers. It's a scam helping out the big farm corporations and killing the small farms.

End ALL of them.
this world is in big trouble. Fires and floods, plagues and famine,

But if we aren't doomed then why go back to wearing animal skins, get rid of planes, trains, automobiles, heating, air conditioning, and farting cows, not to mention spending quadrillions of dollars when we might not be doomed after all?

The best example I can give is a dude jumping off a high cliff into the sea. He has no idea what's at the bottom because he's simply run off the cliff and jumped before looking.

We could be doomed. We could hit some rocks at the bottom. Or we could land safely in the sea. Or there could be a sea monster at the bottom. Or there could be a soft landing on inflatable bag.

Who knows? No one knows.

But the question is, would you take that jump?
The left will shut up when the mind of Jesus comes into their mind. Jesus has a kingdom that is not of this world. Jesus does not see the end of all things, as the end. He sees it as a new begginning. What is, will pass away. Devils panic. Left people will not stab at cartoon characters when Jesus is in their mind. They that do that are doing a character assassination, regarding the people who made Pepe Le Pew, and others. The Devil hates sexy. That is a sexless being. It is not bad to have Lola Bunny to look sexy. Woke people are more than asleep. They are in a vegetative state, being in a coma. Left people are flying blind. Blind people think guns are the problem. The sword in Gethsemane was not used by Jesus. It was used by one of his disciples. A weapon is only as dangerous as the person who is around the weapon. Left people need to see that. Muslims love weapons. They try to destroy Israelite's, constantly. All are an Israelite to a Muslim. They that die at the hand of another will be with God. How is that bad? zoophilia people, and pedophilia people will be seen as being people. Jesus sees us as being people.
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The left will shut up when the mind of Jesus comes into their mind. Jesus has a kingdom that is not of this world. Jesus does not see the end of all things, as the end. He sees it as a new begginning. What is, will pass away. Devils panic. Left people will not stab at cartoon characters when Jesus is in their mind. They that do that are doing a character assassination, regarding the people who made Pepe Le Pew, and others. The Devil hates sexy. That is a sexless being. It is not bad to have Lola Bunny to look sexy. Woke people are more than asleep. They are in a vegetative state, being in a coma. Left people are flying blind. Blind people think guns are the problem. The sword in Gethsemane was not used by Jesus. It was used by one of his disciples. A weapon is only as dangerous as the person who is around the weapon. Left people need to see that. They that die at the hand of another will be with God. How is that bad? zoophilia people, and pedophilia people will be seen as being people. Jesus sees us as being people.
Jesus hates Republicans

Every time you vote Republican, Jesus weeps
The best example I can give is a dude jumping off a high cliff into the sea. He has no idea what's at the bottom because he's simply run off the cliff and jumped before looking.

We could be doomed. We could hit some rocks at the bottom. Or we could land safely in the sea. Or there could be a sea monster at the bottom. Or there could be a soft landing on inflatable bag.

Who knows? No one knows.

But the question is, would you take that jump?
Does the jump involve me having a drastically changed life and maybe losing my job? Does the jump involve adding quintillions of dollars onto the national debt? I have no problem with taking reasonable steps on the environment but the left are totally bonkers. We already owe 30 trillion dollars and they want to add hundreds of trillions of dollars onto the national debt, make me lose my job and drastically change my life, while China takes advantage of it all and rules the world.
Does the jump involve me having a drastically changed life and maybe losing my job? Does the jump involve adding quintillions of dollars onto the national debt? I have no problem with taking reasonable steps on the environment but the left are totally bonkers. We already owe 30 trillion dollars and they want to add hundreds of trillions of dollars onto the national debt, make me lose my job and drastically change my life, while China takes advantage of it all and rules the world.

Would you prefer to CHOOSE how you change your life, or would you prefer it to come because nature says so?

Even if we try and live in balance with the world, there'll still be jobs.

In fact, it's technology that's going to take your job away, not anything people do about climate change.
The best example I can give is a dude jumping off a high cliff into the sea. He has no idea what's at the bottom because he's simply run off the cliff and jumped before looking.

We could be doomed. We could hit some rocks at the bottom. Or we could land safely in the sea. Or there could be a sea monster at the bottom. Or there could be a soft landing on inflatable bag.

Who knows? No one knows.

But the question is, would you take that jump?

The analogy is wrong. The doomsayers have no evidence for anything. We have actual, real evidence that everything is normal.

But ask yourself a question. Why is it that EVERY solution consists of punishing the poor and the middle class with carbon taxes.

Taxes that are then given to Uber rich bankers. Who then allow the companies to continue polluting?

You would think that if everything was so dire, there would be immediate, draconian measures instituted to stop pollution. But no.

The gross polluters can continue to pollute. They just have to pay the rich bankers for the privilege.

Why is that?
Why are you using electricity?
I hate denier hippies.

But then, everyone hates denier hippies.

Moonbeams, if you want to live in a cave with a hairy-legged woman and spend your days humping trees, feel free. The rest of us like indoor plumbing and electricity.

That's why we're working to keep the lights on after the fossil fuel is gone. We won't let deniers leave humanity shivering in the dark.
I hate denier hippies.

But then, everyone hates denier hippies.

Moonbeams, if you want to live in a cave with a hairy-legged woman and spend your days humping trees, feel free. The rest of us like indoor plumbing and electricity.

That's why we're working to keep the lights on after the fossil fuel is gone. We won't let deniers leave humanity shivering in the dark.

Ummm, that's EXACTLY what you sheep bleat every day
Ummm, that's EXACTLY what you sheep bleat every day
As the years go by, your weepy lies get more stupid and butthurt.

If you're not lying, you can surely point to these liberals who want to end electricity. You can't, obviously, because you made it up, same as you make up everything.

Now, run along and dream of your Stalinist utopia, where anyone who isn't a high-ranking party apparatchik will be left shivering in the dark.

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