When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

None so blind as those who refuse to see. Case closed, like your tiny mind.
still you're just making stuff up as you go. you got fking nothing. she added risk to her coming out by bringing in children before she reported it. her children are now vulnerable as are anyone she is attached to. that doesn't jive with staying quiet to save from repercussions.
Just admit the obvious to the rest of us, you don't understand, you don't want to understand, and you don't want to believe that men like Moore would do such things but they do. That it can take decades to come out is - normal.

What i understand is there are two claims against him acting inappropriately towards under age girls and neither is credible
Three. And the reports ring more than true about Mall-rat Roy.


The original with tons of holes.

Allreds who undermined herself when she refused to allow an independent third party examine the evidence and has multiple witnesses contradicting her claims.

Who else?
Three he broke the law with.
still you're just making stuff up as you go. you got fking nothing. she added risk to her coming out by bringing in children before she reported it. her children are now vulnerable as are anyone she is attached to. that doesn't jive with staying quiet to save from repercussions.
Just admit the obvious to the rest of us, you don't understand, you don't want to understand, and you don't want to believe that men like Moore would do such things but they do. That it can take decades to come out is - normal.

What i understand is there are two claims against him acting inappropriately towards under age girls and neither is credible
Three. And the reports ring more than true about Mall-rat Roy.
well wait, is it nine, a dozen, more than a dozen or three?

They can't keep their story straight
Theee he broke the law with.
What i understand is there are two claims against him acting inappropriately towards under age girls and neither is credible
Try 17. And not credable to whom? You?
You’d sell your first born into slavery for the pussygrabber and you know it.
credible to you? who gives a shit.? see how that can work?
Woman victims are to be believed . When there are 17 of them it’s stretches the boundaries of credulity that’s ALL of them lied.
But we all know there is no lie big enough you won’t tell for your serial sex offender
and I don't believe em. what now?
Nobody fucking cares what a trump whore believes. Got it?

If you don't care, why do you keep talking to him?
Could you imagine if we could just put people in prison based upon what someone CLAIMS that person did? Good grief. Mayhem.
We do it daily here, it's called eyewitness testimony and it sends many an innocent to jail, even to their deaths.

And yet despite the fact that you know eye witness testimony sends innocent people to jail and death, you are choosing to believe the unsworn testimony of two non credible witnesses?

And you wonder why we think you are conducting a political witch hunt
They are perfectly credible and Mall-rat Roy is an admitted creep with a thing for young pussy. He sank his own boat.

I've pointed out why they aren't credible multiple times in multiple threads. I have yet to see any serious rebuttal. The fact that you're still pushing the bs mall story after a manager denied he was ever banned tells me you probably don't make a serious attempt.

Btw the fact that he dated younger women when he was *gasp* younger doesn't make him a child molester. And the fact that you refer to them as pussy tells me you don't really care about them anyway
still you're just making stuff up as you go. you got fking nothing. she added risk to her coming out by bringing in children before she reported it. her children are now vulnerable as are anyone she is attached to. that doesn't jive with staying quiet to save from repercussions.
Just admit the obvious to the rest of us, you don't understand, you don't want to understand, and you don't want to believe that men like Moore would do such things but they do. That it can take decades to come out is - normal.

What i understand is there are two claims against him acting inappropriately towards under age girls and neither is credible
Three. And the reports ring more than true about Mall-rat Roy.


The original with tons of holes.

Allreds who undermined herself when she refused to allow an independent third party examine the evidence and has multiple witnesses contradicting her claims.

Who else?
Three he broke the law with.

Then name the third one please
When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

I suppose when it is shown that he actually molested 12 women.
Just admit the obvious to the rest of us, you don't understand, you don't want to understand, and you don't want to believe that men like Moore would do such things but they do. That it can take decades to come out is - normal.

What i understand is there are two claims against him acting inappropriately towards under age girls and neither is credible
Three. And the reports ring more than true about Mall-rat Roy.


The original with tons of holes.

Allreds who undermined herself when she refused to allow an independent third party examine the evidence and has multiple witnesses contradicting her claims.

Who else?
Three he broke the law with.

Then name the third one please
The 14-year-old in her panties and bra, the 16-year-old waitress, and the 18-year-old he gave booze to.
Could you imagine if we could just put people in prison based upon what someone CLAIMS that person did? Good grief. Mayhem.
We do it daily here, it's called eyewitness testimony and it sends many an innocent to jail, even to their deaths.

And yet despite the fact that you know eye witness testimony sends innocent people to jail and death, you are choosing to believe the unsworn testimony of two non credible witnesses?

And you wonder why we think you are conducting a political witch hunt
They are perfectly credible and Mall-rat Roy is an admitted creep with a thing for young pussy. He sank his own boat.

I've pointed out why they aren't credible multiple times in multiple threads. I have yet to see any serious rebuttal. The fact that you're still pushing the bs mall story after a manager denied he was ever banned tells me you probably don't make a serious attempt.

Btw the fact that he dated younger women when he was *gasp* younger doesn't make him a child molester. And the fact that you refer to them as pussy tells me you don't really care about them anyway
32 does not try to date 16. That was all any decent person needed to know.
Could you imagine if we could just put people in prison based upon what someone CLAIMS that person did? Good grief. Mayhem.
We do it daily here, it's called eyewitness testimony and it sends many an innocent to jail, even to their deaths.

And yet despite the fact that you know eye witness testimony sends innocent people to jail and death, you are choosing to believe the unsworn testimony of two non credible witnesses?

And you wonder why we think you are conducting a political witch hunt
They are perfectly credible and Mall-rat Roy is an admitted creep with a thing for young pussy. He sank his own boat.

I've pointed out why they aren't credible multiple times in multiple threads. I have yet to see any serious rebuttal. The fact that you're still pushing the bs mall story after a manager denied he was ever banned tells me you probably don't make a serious attempt.

Btw the fact that he dated younger women when he was *gasp* younger doesn't make him a child molester. And the fact that you refer to them as pussy tells me you don't really care about them anyway
32 does not try to date 16. That was all any decent person needed to know.
so you think seinfeld is a sicko he dated publicly a 17 year old when he was in his 30's.
We do it daily here, it's called eyewitness testimony and it sends many an innocent to jail, even to their deaths.

And yet despite the fact that you know eye witness testimony sends innocent people to jail and death, you are choosing to believe the unsworn testimony of two non credible witnesses?

And you wonder why we think you are conducting a political witch hunt
They are perfectly credible and Mall-rat Roy is an admitted creep with a thing for young pussy. He sank his own boat.

I've pointed out why they aren't credible multiple times in multiple threads. I have yet to see any serious rebuttal. The fact that you're still pushing the bs mall story after a manager denied he was ever banned tells me you probably don't make a serious attempt.

Btw the fact that he dated younger women when he was *gasp* younger doesn't make him a child molester. And the fact that you refer to them as pussy tells me you don't really care about them anyway
32 does not try to date 16. That was all any decent person needed to know.
so you think seinfeld is a sicko he dated publicly a 17 year old when he was in his 30's.
Yes. Too old for too young.
I suppose he will be held accountable if he ever does molest 12 women. So far that hasn't been the case.
16 women say differently. 12 had the courage to speak out. They all got death threats from DEPLORABLES.
Were you one of them?
What are the case numbers and where is the evidence?

A sitting president can neither be sued nor indicted.

Why would you say something so stupid?

There is nothing in the constitution or the law that says sitting presidents are shielded from the law.

More ignorant rightwingism.
Mueller will prove them all wrong when he hits the pussygrabber with an obstruction of justice indictment.
Can you believe these retards deny he did it after admitting doing it live on TV during the Lester Holt interview? Lol
How do you claim obstruction of justice when there's no justice to obstruct? You're thinking more along the lines of obstructing your sense of childish outrage. Not justice.
Unless there are charges filed, he will not be held accountable for any wrongdoing. You have to be CHARGED with a crime first. What you want is for him to be impeached, but that is most likely not going to happen.

That's all that's really important after all.

Yes, that is how our justice system works. We don't put people in jail or impeach presidents because of mere allegations.

Mueller won’t have mere allegations. He already has Trump’s financial records and ample evidence his staff colluded with Russians. Actually 9 of them. Watch him pull a Christie and claim he knew nothing about it.
I bet Bob Mueller will have some evidence on that too..

Mueller? Is that the Bob Mueller of Uranium One, Co-conspirator with Hillary Clinton? :dunno:
I'm still wondering, where is all of this evidence? Face it, if there was dirt on an American POTUS, the media would be having a field day. There is nothing except crying, whining and gnashing of teeth.

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