When will Trump STFU?

Really, You are claiming Libya was a war?

We did not go to war in Syria.


Only a Barry/Hillary ass-kissing snowflake who wanted to defend their Un-Constitutional personal wars would argue that the United States Military being used in a conflict, dropping bombs & attacking what their President calls an 'enemy', is NOT a 'War'.

Let me guess, Snowflake, you are one of the Libs wo don't consider Viet Nam but instead a 'Police Action'?!


We are STILL 'at war' in Syria - our military TODAY is still be used to strike targets in Syria.

Judas Priest, I knew you snowflakes would stop at NOTHING to defend Hillary and Barry, but this is ridiculous.

And while you were / are still pissing and moaning about Bush in Iraq, where have you been in regards to Hillary and Obama supplying, financing, arming, training, defending, and using our military to help AL QAEIDA - the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans, and ISIS?

WHERE have you been / where has your condemnation been of Hillary and Barry using an International Arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS out of Benghazi...or Obama's recent decision to have al charges dropped against the weapons dealer...in an effort to secure his silence about the whole thing?

Where has your and the other snowflakes' condemnation of such F*ed Up foreign policy that resulted in the US aiding and abetting terrorists, needlessly dead Americans, Iraq - already liberated - being occupied by ISIS, etc?!

You are pissed Bush took the country to war with the Liberals blessing yet want to overlook all of Barry's / Hillary's 'treason', aiding and abetting terrorists, and 2 personal wars fought without Congressional approval to do so.

:lmao: :lmao:

Dude, you're hopeless, and it's a waste of time to keep talking with you.

Keep that hate, delusion, and BS burning, Dave! :rock:
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!
Bill Clinton had been out of office for 18 months. ummmmm. Do you think anything changed in those 18 months or do you think ex-presidents get security briefings.

And really, a near super majority doesn't mean shit when one Senator can filibuster. In 2008, the split was 49/49. Evidently in Whiner World, that is a near super majority.

And blaming Democrats for not stopping the oncoming Bush recession?
Liberals were 4 seats shy of a Super Majority Controlled Congress and managed to ram through into law one of the biggest pieces of unwanted shit in this nation's history - the ACA - without fear of a filibuster - yet could no nothing of substance to fix all the problems they are bitching about now?


Yeah, they were too busy ramming 7,000 pieces of DNC/Individual Liberal Politician-benefitting pork into a nearly $1 trillion pork-fest failed Stimulus bill, a bill which included liberals helping themselves to the hard working people's tax dollars to, for example, give MILLIONAIRE Liberal politician Diane Feinstein's husband a loan (he never had to pay back) to bail out his PERSONAL bankrupting business!

Libs found time and a way to pass THAT shit but could not find a way to actually help Americans?!

Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You evidently don't know that 38% of the Stimulus Bill was in the form of tax breaks & tax credits - many to working Americans (that probably left you out) It went to States to help then deal with loss of income. It went to unemployment costs & increased need for human services.

Lets talk why we needed the stimulus bill. Because Republicans through years of deregulation, massive unfunded spending, unfunded tax cuts drove this country to the edge of a depression.
Really, You are claiming Libya was a war?

We did not go to war in Syria.


Only a Barry/Hillary ass-kissing snowflake who wanted to defend their Un-Constitutional personal wars would argue that the United States Military being used in a conflict, dropping bombs & attacking what their President calls an 'enemy', is NOT a 'War'.

Let me guess, Snowflake, you are one of the Libs wo don't consider Viet Nam but instead a 'Police Action'?!


We are STILL 'at war' in Syria - our military TODAY is still be used to strike targets in Syria.

Judas Priest, I knew you snowflakes would stop at NOTHING to defend Hillary and Barry, but this is ridiculous.

And while you were / are still pissing and moaning about Bush in Iraq, where have you been in regards to Hillary and Obama supplying, financing, arming, training, defending, and using our military to help AL QAEIDA - the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans, and ISIS?

WHERE have you been / where has your condemnation been of Hillary and Barry using an International Arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS out of Benghazi...or Obama's recent decision to have al charges dropped against the weapons dealer...in an effort to secure his silence about the whole thing?

Where has your and the other snowflakes' condemnation of such F*ed Up foreign policy that resulted in the US aiding and abetting terrorists, needlessly dead Americans, Iraq - already liberated - being occupied by ISIS, etc?!

You are pissed Bush took the country to war with the Liberals blessing yet want to overlook all the 'treason', aiding and abetting terrorists, and 2 personal wars fought without Congressional approval to do so.

:lmao: :lmao:

Dude, you're hopeless, and it's a waste of time to keep talking with you.

Keep that hate, delusion, and BS burning, Dave! :rock:
We are not at war with Syria. And don't even try to play games by now putting "At War" in quotation marks.

I wonder, how much armament & weapons did ISIS get that we left in Iraq? OMG OMG OMG Bush aided ISIS OMG OMG OMG.

You arguments are childish & Limbaughlike bullshit.

Do you remember our war with Nicaragua under Reagan?? Neither do I asshat.
Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You continue to prove that you have no clue what you're talking about and / or you are a LIAR:

Examples of wasteful projects include:
- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw” interactive dance software
- $1.9 million for international ant research
- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home
- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP
- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK
- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers
- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music
- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity
- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus
- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects
- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

100 Wasteful Programs of Obama's Stimulus Plan

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and what can be done about it.
-- Reportedly included in Stimulus Bill

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars

MORE 'awesome' LIEBERAL Stimulus Pork Spending:

NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less
-- NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less

Homosexuals in Argentina? Chinese Prostitutes? All at US tax payer expense?


During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

If there's one thing the past year and a half has demonstrated it's the power of self-delusion. Embarrassment can't even penetrate that.

They're actually at the point of looking straight at absolute numbers -- numbers that show him trailing a popular vote by over two million --- and declaring it a "landslide" ---- in his favour. :eusa_doh:

Not much can penetrate that kind of shield. It's like intellectual Kevlar.

Trump did win in a landslide. When the MSM was predicting Hillary by 300 to 322 they were declaring that a landslide. You double talking libs just have sour grapes. Trump will be the president, with majorities in both the House and Senate, and several SCOTUS nominations. That's some butthurt but its only the beginning. You fools have no hope in the mid terms and nobody on deck for 2020. That's an ass beating if there ever was one. Poor libs :itsok:

Trump has lost the popular vote by over 2.6 million votes. If that is your idea of a landslide, I have some land on mars for sale which maybe of interest you.
DUDE quit with the popular vote. That is NOT how our system works. IF you wanted it changed you should have did it when you guys had the chance.. Because you lost you want to change it to popular vote. If they had the popular vote the candidates would have campaigned different.. If you dont like go to a country that goes by the popular vote. Hey I Hear Cuba and N Korea does but you have only one candidate you can choose from
I am fine with our system. But don't run around declaring a landslide or mandate. Trump won PA by 1.25%. If not, it would have been 252 to 286. Take that less than a percent in Mich to Clinton & its 268 270.

Yes Trump won. Landslide? No way.
Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You continue to prove that you have no clue what you're talking about and / or you are a LIAR:

Examples of wasteful projects include:
- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw” interactive dance software
- $1.9 million for international ant research
- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home
- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP
- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK
- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers
- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music
- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity
- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus
- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects
- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

100 Wasteful Programs of Obama's Stimulus Plan

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and what can be done about it.
-- Reportedly included in Stimulus Bill

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
Show me where those projects are listed in the Stimulus Bill. They are not. Grants were given to States & other Institutions. They were the ones that distributed the funding & some would have been Republicans making those decisions.

I do understand that since you are a Republican, any science research is considered to be wasteful.
Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You continue to prove that you have no clue what you're talking about and / or you are a LIAR:

Examples of wasteful projects include:
- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw” interactive dance software
- $1.9 million for international ant research
- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home
- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP
- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK
- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers
- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music
- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity
- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus
- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects
- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

100 Wasteful Programs of Obama's Stimulus Plan

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and what can be done about it.
-- Reportedly included in Stimulus Bill

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars

MORE 'awesome' LIEBERAL Stimulus Pork Spending:

NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less
-- NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less

Homosexuals in Argentina? Chinese Prostitutes? All at US tax payer expense?


BTW, when I said competitively bid contracyts, that was in response you your Feinstein boloney. Try to keep up Cupcake.
We are not at war with Syria. And don't even try to play games by now putting "At War" in quotation marks.

Our military is currently launching air strikes IN SYRIA...TODAY. We have been doing so since not long after Barry's F* Up, FAILED 'Red Line' for which he tried to hilariously blame 'the World'.

Arms dealer says Clinton and Obamagave guns to ISIS, Al Qaeda and Benghazi attackers - through Benghazi - then tried to scapegoat him for their screw-up by charging him with crimes - the charges for which Barry had his DOJ drop!

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

NO 'ACCIDENT': Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban
- Memos recovered from Benghazi compound divulge covert effort

"The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi."
-- Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton
-- Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria
"In an appearance this morning on CNN, Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard (D) characterized the United States' involvement in Syria as two different wars, claiming one is illegal.

“The reality is that the United States right now is waging two wars in Syria that have opposing goals and opposing objectives.”

Gabbard said the first war is the one against extremists groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, but defined the second war as “completely opposite to the first.” She added:

“...the one that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are waging against the Syrian government of Assad. Working towards the exact same objective as ISIS, as al Qaeda, as al Nusra, these other groups in Syria.”

The Congresswomen continued:

“So, this second war is illegal, Congress has not authorized us to go to war against the government of Syria. And it's counter-productive because it's actually strenghtening these groups. It's strengthening ISIS and al Qaeda.”

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria

We are not at war with Syria. And don't even try to play games by now putting "At War" in quotation marks.

Our military is currently launching air strikes IN SYRIA...TODAY. We have been doing so since not long after Barry's F* Up, FAILED 'Red Line' for which he tried to hilariously blame 'the World'.

Arms dealer says Clinton and Obamagave guns to ISIS, Al Qaeda and Benghazi attackers - through Benghazi - then tried to scapegoat him for their screw-up by charging him with crimes - the charges for which Barry had his DOJ drop!

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

NO 'ACCIDENT': Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban
- Memos recovered from Benghazi compound divulge covert effort

"The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi."
-- Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton
-- Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria
"In an appearance this morning on CNN, Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard (D) characterized the United States' involvement in Syria as two different wars, claiming one is illegal.

“The reality is that the United States right now is waging two wars in Syria that have opposing goals and opposing objectives.”

Gabbard said the first war is the one against extremists groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, but defined the second war as “completely opposite to the first.” She added:

“...the one that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are waging against the Syrian government of Assad. Working towards the exact same objective as ISIS, as al Qaeda, as al Nusra, these other groups in Syria.”

The Congresswomen continued:

“So, this second war is illegal, Congress has not authorized us to go to war against the government of Syria. And it's counter-productive because it's actually strenghtening these groups. It's strengthening ISIS and al Qaeda.”

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria


So, you are saying all military actions are war & must be approved by Congress.

You are such a dick.

Did you look up that Nicaragua War yet?

Did or did not Obama request authorization through a resolution to use our military to fight ISIS?

In the past, we launched missiles to attack Iran. When was that Iran War?

We armed rebels groups in Libya & Syria not associated with Al Qaeda. You are just so uninformed that you think all the groups were ISIS. And thern you have the gall to say that I don't know what I am talking about.

Turn off Conservative talk radio & step away from the radio. Its making you stupid.
We are not at war with Syria. And don't even try to play games by now putting "At War" in quotation marks.

Our military is currently launching air strikes IN SYRIA...TODAY. We have been doing so since not long after Barry's F* Up, FAILED 'Red Line' for which he tried to hilariously blame 'the World'.

Arms dealer says Clinton and Obamagave guns to ISIS, Al Qaeda and Benghazi attackers - through Benghazi - then tried to scapegoat him for their screw-up by charging him with crimes - the charges for which Barry had his DOJ drop!

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

NO 'ACCIDENT': Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban
- Memos recovered from Benghazi compound divulge covert effort

"The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi."
-- Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton
-- Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria
"In an appearance this morning on CNN, Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard (D) characterized the United States' involvement in Syria as two different wars, claiming one is illegal.

“The reality is that the United States right now is waging two wars in Syria that have opposing goals and opposing objectives.”

Gabbard said the first war is the one against extremists groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, but defined the second war as “completely opposite to the first.” She added:

“...the one that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are waging against the Syrian government of Assad. Working towards the exact same objective as ISIS, as al Qaeda, as al Nusra, these other groups in Syria.”

The Congresswomen continued:

“So, this second war is illegal, Congress has not authorized us to go to war against the government of Syria. And it's counter-productive because it's actually strenghtening these groups. It's strengthening ISIS and al Qaeda.”

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria


So, you are saying all military actions are war & must be approved by Congress.

You are such a dick.

Did you look up that Nicaragua War yet?

Did or did not Obama request authorization through a resolution to use our military to fight ISIS?

In the past, we launched missiles to attack Iran. When was that Iran War?

We armed rebels groups in Libya & Syria not associated with Al Qaeda. You are just so uninformed that you think all the groups were ISIS. And thern you have the gall to say that I don't know what I am talking about.

Turn off Conservative talk radio & step away from the radio. Its making you stupid.

You are such a PROVEN idiot. Almost EVERYTHIG you said was wrong, as proved eoth links / videos, and even attacks on Obama by Democrats. Even the liberals your are defending don'agree with you and are contradicting your nonsense!

This thread should be changed to:


Enough time has been wasted on your ignorance. Have fun trying to convince yourself of the BS you are spewing.
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

If there's one thing the past year and a half has demonstrated it's the power of self-delusion. Embarrassment can't even penetrate that.

They're actually at the point of looking straight at absolute numbers -- numbers that show him trailing a popular vote by over two million --- and declaring it a "landslide" ---- in his favour. :eusa_doh:

Not much can penetrate that kind of shield. It's like intellectual Kevlar.

Trump did win in a landslide. When the MSM was predicting Hillary by 300 to 322 they were declaring that a landslide. You double talking libs just have sour grapes. Trump will be the president, with majorities in both the House and Senate, and several SCOTUS nominations. That's some butthurt but its only the beginning. You fools have no hope in the mid terms and nobody on deck for 2020. That's an ass beating if there ever was one. Poor libs :itsok:

Trump has lost the popular vote by over 2.6 million votes. If that is your idea of a landslide, I have some land on mars for sale which maybe of interest you.
DUDE quit with the popular vote. That is NOT how our system works. IF you wanted it changed you should have did it when you guys had the chance.. Because you lost you want to change it to popular vote. If they had the popular vote the candidates would have campaigned different.. If you dont like go to a country that goes by the popular vote. Hey I Hear Cuba and N Korea does but you have only one candidate you can choose from
I am fine with our system. But don't run around declaring a landslide or mandate. Trump won PA by 1.25%. If not, it would have been 252 to 286. Take that less than a percent in Mich to Clinton & its 268 270.

Yes Trump won. Landslide? No way.

Trump crushed her 306 to 232 fact, actual results vs your what if wishful thinking.
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!
Bill Clinton had been out of office for 18 months. ummmmm. Do you think anything changed in those 18 months or do you think ex-presidents get security briefings.

And really, a near super majority doesn't mean shit when one Senator can filibuster. In 2008, the split was 49/49. Evidently in Whiner World, that is a near super majority.

And blaming Democrats for not stopping the oncoming Bush recession?
Liberals were 4 seats shy of a Super Majority Controlled Congress and managed to ram through into law one of the biggest pieces of unwanted shit in this nation's history - the ACA - without fear of a filibuster - yet could no nothing of substance to fix all the problems they are bitching about now?


Yeah, they were too busy ramming 7,000 pieces of DNC/Individual Liberal Politician-benefitting pork into a nearly $1 trillion pork-fest failed Stimulus bill, a bill which included liberals helping themselves to the hard working people's tax dollars to, for example, give MILLIONAIRE Liberal politician Diane Feinstein's husband a loan (he never had to pay back) to bail out his PERSONAL bankrupting business!

Libs found time and a way to pass THAT shit but could not find a way to actually help Americans?!


You're full of shit!

But, maybe you are simply brainwashed (do you have a functioning brain, I doubt it)
  • Obama wanted to put to work American blue collar workers' to rebuild, renew or replace our nations crumbling infrastructure
  • The GOP wanted to return to power, and thus roadblocked his efforts.
  • In CA. major issues were partially funded by the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
  • In Red States, the Republican Governors' goal was McConnell's, to make Obama a one term president, and thus roadblock his efforts to fix what the GOP had totally fucked up and didn't use the funds which would have benefited their citizens.
I can't believe how stupid the individuals are who voted for Trump, and R's running in their own state. The take away is this, democracy in a state of fools, does not work, unless and until the fools one day see the light.

Will they ever? I think not, the other goal of the Plutocrats who control the Republican Party, and the sheep who vote for them, is to dumb down the hoi polloi, and this election is evidence that have succeeded.
Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You continue to prove that you have no clue what you're talking about and / or you are a LIAR:

Examples of wasteful projects include:
- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw” interactive dance software
- $1.9 million for international ant research
- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home
- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP
- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK
- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers
- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music
- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity
- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus
- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects
- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

100 Wasteful Programs of Obama's Stimulus Plan

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and what can be done about it.
-- Reportedly included in Stimulus Bill

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars

MORE 'awesome' LIEBERAL Stimulus Pork Spending:

NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less
-- NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less

Homosexuals in Argentina? Chinese Prostitutes? All at US tax payer expense?



If you can do simple arithmatic, add up all of the figures above, and compared them to the one month cost to prosecute the invasion and occupation of Iraq + the one month cost to fund Homeland Security.
We are not at war with Syria. And don't even try to play games by now putting "At War" in quotation marks.

Our military is currently launching air strikes IN SYRIA...TODAY. We have been doing so since not long after Barry's F* Up, FAILED 'Red Line' for which he tried to hilariously blame 'the World'.

Arms dealer says Clinton and Obamagave guns to ISIS, Al Qaeda and Benghazi attackers - through Benghazi - then tried to scapegoat him for their screw-up by charging him with crimes - the charges for which Barry had his DOJ drop!

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

NO 'ACCIDENT': Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban
- Memos recovered from Benghazi compound divulge covert effort

"The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi."
-- Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton
-- Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to 'protect' Clinton

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria
"In an appearance this morning on CNN, Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard (D) characterized the United States' involvement in Syria as two different wars, claiming one is illegal.

“The reality is that the United States right now is waging two wars in Syria that have opposing goals and opposing objectives.”

Gabbard said the first war is the one against extremists groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, but defined the second war as “completely opposite to the first.” She added:

“...the one that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are waging against the Syrian government of Assad. Working towards the exact same objective as ISIS, as al Qaeda, as al Nusra, these other groups in Syria.”

The Congresswomen continued:

“So, this second war is illegal, Congress has not authorized us to go to war against the government of Syria. And it's counter-productive because it's actually strenghtening these groups. It's strengthening ISIS and al Qaeda.”

Democratic Congresswoman Rips Obama's 'Illegal' Actions in Syria


So, you are saying all military actions are war & must be approved by Congress.

You are such a dick.

Did you look up that Nicaragua War yet?

Did or did not Obama request authorization through a resolution to use our military to fight ISIS?

In the past, we launched missiles to attack Iran. When was that Iran War?

We armed rebels groups in Libya & Syria not associated with Al Qaeda. You are just so uninformed that you think all the groups were ISIS. And thern you have the gall to say that I don't know what I am talking about.

Turn off Conservative talk radio & step away from the radio. Its making you stupid.

You are such a PROVEN idiot. Almost EVERYTHIG you said was wrong, as proved eoth links / videos, and even attacks on Obama by Democrats. Even the liberals your are defending don'agree with you and are contradicting your nonsense!

This thread should be changed to:


Enough time has been wasted on your ignorance. Have fun trying to convince yourself of the BS you are spewing.

I'll STFU & not reply when you can post something not full of lies.

Did you find out anything on our war in Nicaragua?

I don't expect to agree with all Liberal thinking people.
Now you lie about the Stimulus Bill. Competitively bid contracts.

You continue to prove that you have no clue what you're talking about and / or you are a LIAR:

Examples of wasteful projects include:
- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw” interactive dance software
- $1.9 million for international ant research
- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home
- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP
- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK
- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers
- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music
- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to inequity
- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus
- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects
- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

100 Wasteful Programs of Obama's Stimulus Plan

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars
The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and what can be done about it.
-- Reportedly included in Stimulus Bill

U.S. Government Funds $400,000 Study on Gay Sex in Argentina Bars

MORE 'awesome' LIEBERAL Stimulus Pork Spending:

NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less
-- NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study to Get Prostitutes in China to Drink Less

Homosexuals in Argentina? Chinese Prostitutes? All at US tax payer expense?


Of course there are wasteful government programs but that can not determined by looking titles of programs. In the 1970's a grant provided $100,000 to study the spread of disease in African baboons; what a waste of money. It was cancelled before it got off the ground with a change of administration. However, the disease being studied was hemorrhagic fever, better known today as Ebola.

Every couple of years someone trying to create a story or make a name for themselves as a fearless crusader to cut waste in government comes out with one of these lists carefully screened so the title will show government waste. The big waste in government is certainly not millions of dollars for research grants, but rather the tens and hundreds of billions spent on useless ill conceived social programs and military weapons systems.

Forum List
