When will Trump STFU?

How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Do you ever ask yourself why the D's had such a majority, and how the R's were able to regain the majority?
How does this answer the question of why didn't libs solve all these problems when they had a NEAR Super Majority control of Congress for 4 years?
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

When will you STFU???
Why do the Liberals want to maintain the failing Status Quo?

The ACA is on life support and is dying....Libs demand no one change a thing.

Barry stole from Medicare to prop up the ACA - it, SS, Medicaid have all been predicted to fail in the future unless something is done, but the Libs want no one to touch a thing...as long as they can continue to use these programs as their own personal / political piggy bag until the collapse.

They have NO plans of their own to help them become stronger while attacking anyone who has a plan.

F* Staus Quo. That is for losers who are trying to milk the American people until these programs collapse and the American people are f*ed.

Instead of attacking GOP leaders for trying to come up with solutions, why don't liberals stop being part of the problem and actually try to HELP Americans?!
More lies. The Democrats are open to changes that improve the law. Always were. When did Republicans offer a change to make it better?

No money was stolen from Medicare. Yet another lie. The ACA made changes to Medicare that saved Money. This saved money was balanced by some ACA expenses not funded through revenue generation. This balanced out the law so it was fully funded. No Medicare funds were used.

Medicare & SS have always needed periodic adjustments. Democrats realize this & want to make corrections. The Republicans want to make Medicare a voucher program so corporations can make money from it. For SS, Democrats favor raising or eliminating the cap on SS taxes (wealthier people would pay) while Republicans want to raise the retirement sge ( A tax on all not currently on SS).
Blah, blah, blah...

Then whydidn't the libs do a damn thing to fix any of these problems when they controlled Congress for 4 years?

More LIP SERVICE with NO ACTION from librral
Republicans controlled congress basically for 12 years between 1995 & 2006. By the time Democrats took over, certainly everything should have been fixed, right?

Yep, they never "fixed" Row by repealing it, but did keep their promise to repeal the Brady Bill, thus keeping the 2nd A. nuts happy and in the fold, while allowing those who want to commit mass murder the tools necessary.

Since being in the majority again, in 2010, using hate and fear of socialism, they convinced the biddable and achieved their one and primary goal, control of he Congress; of course they managed that - Lincoln explained how in his debate with Douglas - and so far have named a number of post offices, yet failed to repeal the PPACA though they tried several dozen times. And of course they claim to be all in, in the name of liberty and freedom, even when opposing same sex marriage and gay and lesbian citizens the Right to serve in our armed forces.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Do you ever ask yourself why the D's had such a majority, and how the R's were able to regain the majority?
How does this answer the question of why didn't libs solve all these problems when they had a NEAR Super Majority control of Congress for 4 years?

Of course YOU would never question your opinions, even though they were promulgated by others, and not a product of your own independent thought.

A. The Democrats returned to power because of the complete and utter failure of the G.W. Bush Administration's foreign policy, i.e. the fiasco they created in Iraq, and failure to provide necessary attention to domestic issues. Bush knew the housing bubble was a problem, he addressed it in the his SOTU Address.

A. The R's returned to power in 2010 by their usual tactic of dishonest rhetoric, creating news events where the biddable screamed and yelled at members of Congress for turning the US into what they were told to believe, a Socialist Country. Fear by the ignorant drove them to protest and vote against their own self interests.

Lincoln said it best, yes Virginia, you can fool some of the people, all of the time. The fooled didn't miss a beat when the Tea Party Caucus changed its name to the Freedom Caucus, a misnomer of epic proportions.
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

When will you STFU???

A neo fascist once again seeks to limit the first amendment only to those on the far right. Claudette hopes to censor anyone who disagrees with the dogma she has been fed, and her fuhrer, The Donald, wants to jail anyone who burns the American Flag.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!

Your arrogance only is dominated by your dishonesty, for those who want some factual info on health care reform read the following links:

History of health care reform in the United States - Wikipedia

Nixon’s Plan For Health Reform, In His Own Words

See the similarities ^^^ with Obamacare

Democratic Party on Health Care

Republican Party on Health Care
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

When will you STFU???

A neo fascist once again seeks to limit the first amendment only to those on the far right. Claudette hopes to censor anyone who disagrees with the dogma she has been fed, and her fuhrer, The Donald, wants to jail anyone who burns the American Flag.

Nah. Just find it amusing that everything out of his mouth is against a guy who he thought was a joke. A joke who is the President Elect.

Carry on dimwit.
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?
The election is over but democrats are still in their safe space and Jill Stein is still wanting to recount
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!
Bill Clinton had been out of office for 18 months. ummmmm. Do you think anything changed in those 18 months or do you think ex-presidents get security briefings.

And really, a near super majority doesn't mean shit when one Senator can filibuster. In 2008, the split was 49/49. Evidently in Whiner World, that is a near super majority.

And blaming Democrats for not stopping the oncoming Bush recession?
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

If there's one thing the past year and a half has demonstrated it's the power of self-delusion. Embarrassment can't even penetrate that.

They're actually at the point of looking straight at absolute numbers -- numbers that show him trailing a popular vote by over two million --- and declaring it a "landslide" ---- in his favour. :eusa_doh:

Not much can penetrate that kind of shield. It's like intellectual Kevlar.

Trump did win in a landslide. When the MSM was predicting Hillary by 300 to 322 they were declaring that a landslide. You double talking libs just have sour grapes. Trump will be the president, with majorities in both the House and Senate, and several SCOTUS nominations. That's some butthurt but its only the beginning. You fools have no hope in the mid terms and nobody on deck for 2020. That's an ass beating if there ever was one. Poor libs :itsok:

Trump has lost the popular vote by over 2.6 million votes. If that is your idea of a landslide, I have some land on mars for sale which maybe of interest you.
DUDE quit with the popular vote. That is NOT how our system works. IF you wanted it changed you should have did it when you guys had the chance.. Because you lost you want to change it to popular vote. If they had the popular vote the candidates would have campaigned different.. If you dont like go to a country that goes by the popular vote. Hey I Hear Cuba and N Korea does but you have only one candidate you can choose from
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!

Your arrogance only is dominated by your dishonesty, for those who want some factual info on health care reform read the following links:

History of health care reform in the United States - Wikipedia

Nixon’s Plan For Health Reform, In His Own Words

See the similarities ^^^ with Obamacare

Democratic Party on Health Care

Republican Party on Health Care
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

When will you STFU???

A neo fascist once again seeks to limit the first amendment only to those on the far right. Claudette hopes to censor anyone who disagrees with the dogma she has been fed, and her fuhrer, The Donald, wants to jail anyone who burns the American Flag.

Nah. Just find it amusing that everything out of his mouth is against a guy who he thought was a joke. A joke who is the President Elect.

Carry on dimwit.

You may find my wit a bit dim, but that is entirely a result of the fact - proved by your many ridiculous posts - that you are witless and biddable.

If you can read and comprehend, which I sincerely doubt, read my posts above without bias and turn off Faux News and the Limbaughs' on AM Radio.
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!

Your arrogance only is dominated by your dishonesty, for those who want some factual info on health care reform read the following links:

History of health care reform in the United States - Wikipedia

Nixon’s Plan For Health Reform, In His Own Words

See the similarities ^^^ with Obamacare

Democratic Party on Health Care

Republican Party on Health Care
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

When will you STFU???

A neo fascist once again seeks to limit the first amendment only to those on the far right. Claudette hopes to censor anyone who disagrees with the dogma she has been fed, and her fuhrer, The Donald, wants to jail anyone who burns the American Flag.

Nah. Just find it amusing that everything out of his mouth is against a guy who he thought was a joke. A joke who is the President Elect.

Carry on dimwit.

You may find my wit a bit dim, but that is entirely a result of the fact - proved by your many ridiculous posts - that you are witless and biddable.

If you can read and comprehend, which I sincerely doubt, read my posts above without bias and turn off Faux News and the Limbaughs' on AM Radio.

Oh another dimwit who thinks they are the smartest guy in the room.

Oh and I don't watch Fox, listen to Limbaugh or AM Radio. Maybe you should.

Take a hike asshole.
I am saying that you LIED when you said they held a super majority for two years 2009/2010.

1. I am saying you are a d@mn LIAR because I never said liberals held a Super majority. I made it clear (for everyone NOT a flaming liberal retard) that the Liberals held a NEAR-Super Majority of both Houses of Congress.

2. I am saying they did not just hold this NEAR-Super majority for 2 (TWO) years - they held it for 4 (FOUR) years - Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Pull your head out of your ass, learn to read, & get your OWN facts straight before you call anyone else a Liar, boy!


Don't get pissy with ME just because YOUR liberals FAILED to so anything but jack up the debt, act to benefit themselves and their own party, and did nothing for Americans - to include ramming the ACA into law against the majority opposition of Americans!
Look Trumpette, One of your buddires said it, I respoin ded, then you stuckl yopur fat nose into thast conversation have one of your tissy fits lying asboiut what I said.

The Senate split in 2007 & 2008 was 49- 49 you stupid shit.

I'll get pissy with you every time you lie & twist the truth. I am sick & tired of your whony ass blaming everything on Democrats when your party nearly killed America in 2008. So take your heaping pile of lies & bullshit elsewhere because they will no longer be tolerated here.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!
Bill Clinton had been out of office for 18 months. ummmmm. Do you think anything changed in those 18 months or do you think ex-presidents get security briefings.

And really, a near super majority doesn't mean shit when one Senator can filibuster. In 2008, the split was 49/49. Evidently in Whiner World, that is a near super majority.

And blaming Democrats for not stopping the oncoming Bush recession?
Liberals were 4 seats shy of a Super Majority Controlled Congress and managed to ram through into law one of the biggest pieces of unwanted shit in this nation's history - the ACA - without fear of a filibuster - yet could no nothing of substance to fix all the problems they are bitching about now?


Yeah, they were too busy ramming 7,000 pieces of DNC/Individual Liberal Politician-benefitting pork into a nearly $1 trillion pork-fest failed Stimulus bill, a bill which included liberals helping themselves to the hard working people's tax dollars to, for example, give MILLIONAIRE Liberal politician Diane Feinstein's husband a loan (he never had to pay back) to bail out his PERSONAL bankrupting business!

Libs found time and a way to pass THAT shit but could not find a way to actually help Americans?!

During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

If there's one thing the past year and a half has demonstrated it's the power of self-delusion. Embarrassment can't even penetrate that.

They're actually at the point of looking straight at absolute numbers -- numbers that show him trailing a popular vote by over two million --- and declaring it a "landslide" ---- in his favour. :eusa_doh:

Not much can penetrate that kind of shield. It's like intellectual Kevlar.

Trump did win in a landslide. When the MSM was predicting Hillary by 300 to 322 they were declaring that a landslide. You double talking libs just have sour grapes. Trump will be the president, with majorities in both the House and Senate, and several SCOTUS nominations. That's some butthurt but its only the beginning. You fools have no hope in the mid terms and nobody on deck for 2020. That's an ass beating if there ever was one. Poor libs :itsok:

Trump has lost the popular vote by over 2.6 million votes. If that is your idea of a landslide, I have some land on mars for sale which maybe of interest you.
DUDE quit with the popular vote. That is NOT how our system works. IF you wanted it changed you should have did it when you guys had the chance.. Because you lost you want to change it to popular vote. If they had the popular vote the candidates would have campaigned different.. If you dont like go to a country that goes by the popular vote. Hey I Hear Cuba and N Korea does but you have only one candidate you can choose from

I'm not asking for the results of the election to be changed after the fact, so you can put that bullshit in the toilet where it belongs. My point which flew way over your head is clear to most people, that you don't get it is kinda sad.

In short, the popular vote does not give Trump a mandate and his campaign was not supported by the majority of voters. It's really that simple.

The effort to have the Electors not put party first is a legitimate call, since Trump has offended all but the less biddable of his supporters by backing off of the promises he made.

Would you support a serial liar to hold the office of POTUS?
What war did Obama start?

Obama took the country to war - in the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Nthrn Africa - to help the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country.

He supplied, financed, armed, trained, defended, protected and enabled ISIS, allowing them to flow into Iraq to take over territory our military had already liberated. He took the nation to war AGAIN - into the middle of another civil war between another dictator and terrorists - to help ISIS overthrow Assad.

And F*ING LIBERAL TRAITORS like YOU say nothing because you're so filled with misplaced hatred you are pissed of more that Bush took the country to war with the authorizstion given to him by Congress / Hillary....something Barry never had.

Dude, take your own advice & STFU!
Really, You are claiming Libya was a war? So you supported the murdering Libyan leader. We helped in a NATO action providing air power. Not all rebels were Al Qaeda.

Just like Syrian rebels are all not ISIS. Most were not in Libya & Syria..

My God, you are sofa king uninformed. No wonder you voted for the orange cupcake.

We did not go to war in Libya. We did not go to war in Syria.
Look Trumpette, One of your buddires said it, I respoin ded, then you stuckl yopur fat nose into thast conversation have one of your tissy fits lying asboiut what I said.
Dude, I didn't get past this point because of your atrocious typing. It's easier if you get your head out of Hillary's ass before you try to type (I imagine). :p
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?

If there's one thing the past year and a half has demonstrated it's the power of self-delusion. Embarrassment can't even penetrate that.

They're actually at the point of looking straight at absolute numbers -- numbers that show him trailing a popular vote by over two million --- and declaring it a "landslide" ---- in his favour. :eusa_doh:

Not much can penetrate that kind of shield. It's like intellectual Kevlar.

Trump did win in a landslide. When the MSM was predicting Hillary by 300 to 322 they were declaring that a landslide. You double talking libs just have sour grapes. Trump will be the president, with majorities in both the House and Senate, and several SCOTUS nominations. That's some butthurt but its only the beginning. You fools have no hope in the mid terms and nobody on deck for 2020. That's an ass beating if there ever was one. Poor libs :itsok:

Trump has lost the popular vote by over 2.6 million votes. If that is your idea of a landslide, I have some land on mars for sale which maybe of interest you.
DUDE quit with the popular vote. That is NOT how our system works. IF you wanted it changed you should have did it when you guys had the chance.. Because you lost you want to change it to popular vote. If they had the popular vote the candidates would have campaigned different.. If you dont like go to a country that goes by the popular vote. Hey I Hear Cuba and N Korea does but you have only one candidate you can choose from

I'm not asking for the results of the election to be changed after the fact, so you can put that bullshit in the toilet where it belongs. My point which flew way over your head is clear to most people, that you don't get it is kinda sad.

In short, the popular vote does not give Trump a mandate and his campaign was not supported by the majority of voters. It's really that simple.

The effort to have the Electors not put party first is a legitimate call, since Trump has offended all but the less biddable of his supporters by backing off of the promises he made.

Would you support a serial liar to hold the office of POTUS?
Hildabeast was losing the popular vote until crazy Cali votes came in... crazy Cali should never be determining who is president of United States… Fact

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