When will Trump STFU?

How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Near?? Really dipstick? Near counts for something? Wow, you really must be really really educated.

Furthermore, Mr Educated, There were not 60 Democrat Senators in 2009 until July of that year when Al Franken was actually seated.

That lasted about a month until Ted Kennedy died. There were a few weeks until a replacement was named & then a Republican elected to replace him by Jan of 2010.

You whiny f*cks act like you just know everything but I keep proving that you don't know shit.
Please tell me you are NOT DENYING that Liberals controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 2st 2 years....

And UH-OH:

"York notes that it wasn’t until Democrats took over Congress in 2007 — including one Democrat named Barack Obama in the Senate — that deficits began exploding."
-- A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme - Hot Air


LMAO. Do you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq was free? Are you stupid, brainwashed or both. Do you think tax cuts didn't have consquences, especially when they were cut during a massive expansion of he Federal Government (Homeland Security). I ask again, are you stupid, brainwashed or a liar?
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Near?? Really dipstick? Near counts for something? Wow, you really must be really really educated.

Furthermore, Mr Educated, There were not 60 Democrat Senators in 2009 until July of that year when Al Franken was actually seated.

That lasted about a month until Ted Kennedy died. There were a few weeks until a replacement was named & then a Republican elected to replace him by Jan of 2010.

You whiny f*cks act like you just know everything but I keep proving that you don't know shit.
Please tell me you are NOT DENYING that Liberals controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 2st 2 years....

And UH-OH:

"York notes that it wasn’t until Democrats took over Congress in 2007 — including one Democrat named Barack Obama in the Senate — that deficits began exploding."
-- A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme - Hot Air

I am saying that you LIED when you said they held a super majority for two years 2009/2010.

Name the legislation the Democrats passed the first 9 months of 2007 that created the Bush recession that started 4th quarter of 2007.

Shall I wait for a response? Or would that be wasting my time.
“This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction. … My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose.” A vote for the resolution, she argued, “is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president. And we say to him: Use these powers wisely and as a last resort.”
-- Hillary Clinton

Clinton acknowledged that she KNEW what she was doing was giving the President of the United States the power to take the country to war. If she thought there was no need to do so yet she should have voted 'No'.

Is should also be noted that, to his credit, Bush came before Congress, made his case, and asked them for the authority to take the nation to war. In comparison Barry and Hillary NEVER went to Congress to make their arguments for taking the country to war to help Al Qaeida - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans - and ISIS take over their own countries. They did not do so because they knew there was no way in HELL that Congress would give the authorization to do so.

SO Hillary and Barry violated the Constitution and took the country to war on their own to help terrorists win their civil wars and take over their own countries. 1 is over, and 1 still rages.
Bull fucking crap.

Bush went to Congress to tell them he needed the OK for war to use it as a "big stick" and to actually only use it as a last resort.,

He got his OK & started moving troops.

George W Bush lied to invade Iraq & got 4600 soldiers killed in a war about oil.
Bush went to Congress....

Thank you for admitting that, UNLIKE BARRY, Bush followed the Constitution, made his case before Congress, asked for the approval to take the country to war, and WAS GIVEN that authorization by Congress.

If Hillary / Liberals were too stupid to understand they were giving him such authorization then they probably were to stupid to be members of congress!
'When will Trump STFU?'

He doesn't have to.
He, unlike Hillary, WON.
He is your new President.
He 'owns' the podium, the microphone, the 'phone' and the 'pen'.

He hasn't even entered the WH yet - he has 4 years.

Liberals are still extremely butthurt and don't want to hear him....

DAMN, it's gonna be a long 4 years for you sore-loser Snowflakes! :p

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Quit protecting bigots. This idea that you Trumpettes demand that everyone should accept bigoted hate spewing is just an indication of your deplorability.
After listening to you & your ilk for 8 years, I am going to enjoy returning the favor.
Deeply Deplorable

Shrillary's basket: gangbangers, banksters, moochers, pedophiles, sleeper cells, Unabombers, penis-envy piranhas, and squeaky-voiced, hollow-chested girlymen.
I am sure Trump got your vote when he claimed he had a huge penis.
Final Kazoo Notes From Pathetic Prog Pipsqueaks

Giggling-adolescent responses like that is all Progressive degenerates have left, as they rot away in putrid misery.
I am saying that you LIED when you said they held a super majority for two years 2009/2010.

1. I am saying you are a d@mn LIAR because I never said liberals held a Super majority. I made it clear (for everyone NOT a flaming liberal retard) that the Liberals held a NEAR-Super Majority of both Houses of Congress.

2. I am saying they did not just hold this NEAR-Super majority for 2 (TWO) years - they held it for 4 (FOUR) years - Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Pull your head out of your ass, learn to read, & get your OWN facts straight before you call anyone else a Liar, boy!


Don't get pissy with ME just because YOUR liberals FAILED to so anything but jack up the debt, act to benefit themselves and their own party, and did nothing for Americans - to include ramming the ACA into law against the majority opposition of Americans!

If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!

Funny chit coming from a person who was duped by a loud mouthed, uninformed bigoted person who lied to you every time he opened his mouth. A man that cheated his business associates, cheated on his wives, likely cheated on his tax returns and groped women & likely raped a 13 year old girl. A man who paints himself orange & has the most ridiculous hair style. A man who lashes out at any one who identifies his weaknesses.
Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can't, Preach.

You're jealous of Trump's penis size, proving that Liberalism is a symptom of male inadequacy.
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?
As long as he's tweeting, Paul Ryan and the Kochs can go about privatizing soc sec and medicare while spending more on stuff that really counts. Haven't you notice d the Trumpettes swallowing a load of shit?

Trumpettes are eating it by the truckload, or Trumpload.
There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!

Funny chit coming from a person who was duped by a loud mouthed, uninformed bigoted person who lied to you every time he opened his mouth. A man that cheated his business associates, cheated on his wives, likely cheated on his tax returns and groped women & likely raped a 13 year old girl. A man who paints himself orange & has the most ridiculous hair style. A man who lashes out at any one who identifies his weaknesses.
Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can't, Preach.

You're jealous of Trump's penis size, proving that Liberalism is a symptom of male inadequacy.

And talk is cheap. Actions, not words, count. And Trump is counting out $25M to settle his fraud lawsuit after he said repeatedly that he doesn't settle.
Are you getting all this yet? That's just one example.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Near?? Really dipstick? Near counts for something? Wow, you really must be really really educated.

Furthermore, Mr Educated, There were not 60 Democrat Senators in 2009 until July of that year when Al Franken was actually seated.

That lasted about a month until Ted Kennedy died. There were a few weeks until a replacement was named & then a Republican elected to replace him by Jan of 2010.

You whiny f*cks act like you just know everything but I keep proving that you don't know shit.
Please tell me you are NOT DENYING that Liberals controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 2st 2 years....

And UH-OH:

"York notes that it wasn’t until Democrats took over Congress in 2007 — including one Democrat named Barack Obama in the Senate — that deficits began exploding."
-- A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme - Hot Air


LMAO. Do you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq was free? Are you stupid, brainwashed or both. Do you think tax cuts didn't have consquences, especially when they were cut during a massive expansion of he Federal Government (Homeland Security). I ask again, are you stupid, brainwashed or a liar?

All three.

These poor folks didn't have the privilege of driving through northern Virginia repeatedly from 2003 through 2009 like some of us did. We saw how hiring for HS turned that area into massive suburban sprawl.
Why do the Liberals want to maintain the failing Status Quo?

The ACA is on life support and is dying....Libs demand no one change a thing.

Barry stole from Medicare to prop up the ACA - it, SS, Medicaid have all been predicted to fail in the future unless something is done, but the Libs want no one to touch a thing...as long as they can continue to use these programs as their own personal / political piggy bag until the collapse.

They have NO plans of their own to help them become stronger while attacking anyone who has a plan.

F* Staus Quo. That is for losers who are trying to milk the American people until these programs collapse and the American people are f*ed.

Instead of attacking GOP leaders for trying to come up with solutions, why don't liberals stop being part of the problem and actually try to HELP Americans?!
Bush went to Congress....

Thank you for admitting that, UNLIKE BARRY, Bush followed the Constitution, made his case before Congress, asked for the approval to take the country to war, and WAS GIVEN that authorization by Congress.

If Hillary / Liberals were too stupid to understand they were giving him such authorization then they probably were to stupid to be members of congress!
So, it was Hillary's fault that Bush lied? The President of the United States went to Congress & basically said we needed to invade Iraq because they likely had a nuke & were selling it to Al Qaeda. Really, who thought Bush would lie about such a thing? Its not as if Trump did it when everyone knows how Trump lies. Bush had the backing of the country after 9-11 & he used it to fuck America.
] So, it was Hillary's fault that Bush lied?
You're the ONLY one saying that. SNOWFLAKE.

I am saying Bush followed the Constitution, asked Comgress for the authorization, and Congress - including Hillary- gave it to him...

...while Hillary & Barry violated the Constitution to take the country to war twice on their own without Congressional approval to do so...TO HELP TERRORISTS, INCLUDING THE GROUP THAT MURDERED 3,000 AMERICANS.
Why do the Liberals want to maintain the failing Status Quo?

The ACA is on life support and is dying....Libs demand no one change a thing.

Barry stole from Medicare to prop up the ACA - it, SS, Medicaid have all been predicted to fail in the future unless something is done, but the Libs want no one to touch a thing...as long as they can continue to use these programs as their own personal / political piggy bag until the collapse.

They have NO plans of their own to help them become stronger while attacking anyone who has a plan.

F* Staus Quo. That is for losers who are trying to milk the American people until these programs collapse and the American people are f*ed.

Instead of attacking GOP leaders for trying to come up with solutions, why don't liberals stop being part of the problem and actually try to HELP Americans?!
More lies. The Democrats are open to changes that improve the law. Always were. When did Republicans offer a change to make it better?

No money was stolen from Medicare. Yet another lie. The ACA made changes to Medicare that saved Money. This saved money was balanced by some ACA expenses not funded through revenue generation. This balanced out the law so it was fully funded. No Medicare funds were used.

Medicare & SS have always needed periodic adjustments. Democrats realize this & want to make corrections. The Republicans want to make Medicare a voucher program so corporations can make money from it. For SS, Democrats favor raising or eliminating the cap on SS taxes (wealthier people would pay) while Republicans want to raise the retirement sge ( A tax on all not currently on SS).
Why do the Liberals want to maintain the failing Status Quo?

The ACA is on life support and is dying....Libs demand no one change a thing.

Barry stole from Medicare to prop up the ACA - it, SS, Medicaid have all been predicted to fail in the future unless something is done, but the Libs want no one to touch a thing...as long as they can continue to use these programs as their own personal / political piggy bag until the collapse.

They have NO plans of their own to help them become stronger while attacking anyone who has a plan.

F* Staus Quo. That is for losers who are trying to milk the American people until these programs collapse and the American people are f*ed.

Instead of attacking GOP leaders for trying to come up with solutions, why don't liberals stop being part of the problem and actually try to HELP Americans?!
More lies. The Democrats are open to changes that improve the law. Always were. When did Republicans offer a change to make it better?

No money was stolen from Medicare. Yet another lie. The ACA made changes to Medicare that saved Money. This saved money was balanced by some ACA expenses not funded through revenue generation. This balanced out the law so it was fully funded. No Medicare funds were used.

Medicare & SS have always needed periodic adjustments. Democrats realize this & want to make corrections. The Republicans want to make Medicare a voucher program so corporations can make money from it. For SS, Democrats favor raising or eliminating the cap on SS taxes (wealthier people would pay) while Republicans want to raise the retirement sge ( A tax on all not currently on SS).
Blah, blah, blah...

Then whydidn't the libs do a damn thing to fix any of these problems when they controlled Congress for 4 years?

More LIP SERVICE with NO ACTION from librrals!
] So, it was Hillary's fault that Bush lied?
You're the ONLY one saying that. SNOWFLAKE.

I am saying Bush followed the Constitution, asked Comgress for the authorization, and Congress - including Hillary- gave it to him...

...while Hillary & Barry violated the Constitution to take the country to war twice on their own without Congressional approval to do so...TO HELP TERRORISTS, INCLUDING THE GROUP THAT MURDERED 3,000 AMERICANS.
Liar. The post to which I replied said Hillary was stupid for believing Bush. Do you ever tell the truth?

What war did Obama start? Did or did not Obama adk Congress for a resolution about fighting ISIS & did or did not the Republicans do nothing?
Why do the Liberals want to maintain the failing Status Quo?

The ACA is on life support and is dying....Libs demand no one change a thing.

Barry stole from Medicare to prop up the ACA - it, SS, Medicaid have all been predicted to fail in the future unless something is done, but the Libs want no one to touch a thing...as long as they can continue to use these programs as their own personal / political piggy bag until the collapse.

They have NO plans of their own to help them become stronger while attacking anyone who has a plan.

F* Staus Quo. That is for losers who are trying to milk the American people until these programs collapse and the American people are f*ed.

Instead of attacking GOP leaders for trying to come up with solutions, why don't liberals stop being part of the problem and actually try to HELP Americans?!
More lies. The Democrats are open to changes that improve the law. Always were. When did Republicans offer a change to make it better?

No money was stolen from Medicare. Yet another lie. The ACA made changes to Medicare that saved Money. This saved money was balanced by some ACA expenses not funded through revenue generation. This balanced out the law so it was fully funded. No Medicare funds were used.

Medicare & SS have always needed periodic adjustments. Democrats realize this & want to make corrections. The Republicans want to make Medicare a voucher program so corporations can make money from it. For SS, Democrats favor raising or eliminating the cap on SS taxes (wealthier people would pay) while Republicans want to raise the retirement sge ( A tax on all not currently on SS).
Blah, blah, blah...

Then whydidn't the libs do a damn thing to fix any of these problems when they controlled Congress for 4 years?

More LIP SERVICE with NO ACTION from librrals!

Republicans controlled congress basically for 12 years between 1995 & 2006. By the time Democrats took over, certainly everything should have been fixed, right?
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

That is the truth.

Their argument is Bush left the economy in such a mess that they had to fix it, but what is forgotten two years before Bush left office the Democratic Party had the House and Senate and did nothing to prevent the collapse of the economy.

Of course the Progressive will argue that Reid only had 49 seats while ignoring the 2 ind. seats that caucus with the Democratic Party that gave the Democratic Party a slight majority in 2006.

How Obama voters soon forget their political party did very little to stop the collapse and road it to victory in 2008 but by 2010 no one was buying their bullshit hope and change anymore and now the Democratic Party is soulless and is the one bleeding badly after the ass kicking of this election and 2018 is not going to be any better for them either!

Are you a fool, or a liar? One Senator has more power than the POTUS in terms of passing a bill or installing a member of the Supreme Court. The rules of the Senate will always prevail.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Do you ever ask yourself why the D's had such a majority, and how the R's were able to regain the majority?
What war did Obama start?

Obama took the country to war - in the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Nthrn Africa - to help the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country.

He supplied, financed, armed, trained, defended, protected and enabled ISIS, allowing them to flow into Iraq to take over territory our military had already liberated. He took the nation to war AGAIN - into the middle of another civil war between another dictator and terrorists - to help ISIS overthrow Assad.

And F*ING LIBERAL TRAITORS like YOU say nothing because you're so filled with misplaced hatred you are pissed of more that Bush took the country to war with the authorizstion given to him by Congress / Hillary....something Barry never had.

Dude, take your own advice & STFU!

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