When will Trump STFU?


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!

Funny chit coming from a person who was duped by a loud mouthed, uninformed bigoted person who lied to you every time he opened his mouth. A man that cheated his business associates, cheated on his wives, likely cheated on his tax returns and groped women & likely raped a 13 year old girl. A man who paints himself orange & has the most ridiculous hair style. A man who lashes out at any one who identifies his weaknesses.
Bla bla bla bla bla Dee da!
Hey Dave, YOU were duped by a candidate who is so much worse that she LOST to the guy you described.

Poor Snowflake.

I voted for a person who knows what it is to be President & what is needed with experience in the legislature & vast foreign policy experience. You voted for what?
Hey Dave, YOU were duped by a candidate who is so much worse that she LOST to the guy you described.

Poor Snowflake.

How was I duped. Fact checkers during the campaign showed Hillary far far gar more honest than your fluffy orange liar who led the pack in telling lies.

BTW, since the election, his statements are still rated over 60% mostly false, false, or pants on fire. I bet that makes you soooo proud.

If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!

Funny chit coming from a person who was duped by a loud mouthed, uninformed bigoted person who lied to you every time he opened his mouth. A man that cheated his business associates, cheated on his wives, likely cheated on his tax returns and groped women & likely raped a 13 year old girl. A man who paints himself orange & has the most ridiculous hair style. A man who lashes out at any one who identifies his weaknesses.

Hey Snowflake your response to me was the most idiotic response I ever read. I am not writing about the one you wrote to easy but the one you wrote to me directly.

You gave me a chance for what?

It seem you are stuck on stupid and do not know which poster you are posting to because I am not Will either even though I was answering you when you posted your comment to Will.

Now here some advice and remove your kunt of a head from your smelly ass for once and realize you are a damn pathetic joke Snowflake.

Using tabloid news about the accusation of Trump raping some thirteen year old make you no better than those that accuse Clinton raping children, but of course you will disagree because Progressive Snowflakes like you believe you're special when in fact the only thing that is special about you is your stupidity!

Now go on with Tabloid nonsense just like Trump does and show you are no better than him you worthless Snowflake and remember to eat the yellow snow!
Hey Dave, YOU were duped by a candidate who is so much worse that she LOST to the guy you described.

Poor Snowflake.

I voted for a person who knows what it is to be President & what is needed with experience in the legislature & vast foreign policy experience. You voted for what?

Now that is funny!

She knows what it takes to lead this country?

She was a failure as a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State. You voted for a woman that was duped by George W. Bush ( You know the guy most of you call a monkey and idiot ) to vote for the Iraq Resolution and Patriot Act, and you claim to be smart don't ya!?!
By a lot.

Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.

Trump spoke to the middle class, blue collar workers that the Democrats ignored, and it bit them on ass. THAT'S why they lost. Maybe next time the Left will pay attention to ALL Americans instead of trying to special rights to the minority and protected classes.
You were duped. Trump does not care about working people. What has he done for them in the past? Bought goods overseas, imported workers for his hotels, built buildings w/ Chinese steel, cheated contractors out of money.

Well you do know Trump is no different than those Democratic Politicians in New York and California that used Chinese Steel to build bridges with, right?

So as you bash Trump for using Chinese Steel maybe you should ask why bridges were built with it and not with U.S. Steel instead?

First of all, the project you are talking about was awarded to two US companies & they opted to use Chinese steel. Second, it was when Arnold was Gov & he was a Republican.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

Also who was the Mayor of the City that the Bridge was built for in California and Name the Governor of New York for the other Bridge.

Funny how you left that one part out as usual to spin your story as Democrats are never at fault for what they do while screwing the American worker over!

You do know Construction Companies have to meet Local,State and Federal Guidelines when building bridges and roads that use local, state and federal money, or are you too ignorant to know this!?!

Democrats are no better than the GOP you cry about and hope Bill Clinton is paying you with cigars up the ass for your dishonesty!
How was I duped. Fact checkers during the campaign showed Hillary far far gar more honest than your fluffy orange liar who led the pack in telling lies.

Let me guess - 'Politifact', the 'fact check site' that was caught LYING in Hillary's favor?!


During the election

- Polls showed the MAJORITY of the country felt Hillary was 'UN-Trustworthy', less so than Trump...

- Hillary received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x PANTS ON 'FIRE', and 4 x PINOCCHIOS

- The head of the FBI testified before Congress declaring SHE LIED and BROKE THE LAW

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.
How was I duped. Fact checkers during the campaign showed Hillary far far gar more honest than your fluffy orange liar who led the pack in telling lies.

Let me guess - 'Politifact', the 'fact check site' that was caught LYING in Hillary's favor?!


During the election

- Polls showed the MAJORITY of the country felt Hillary was 'UN-Trustworthy', less so than Trump...

- Hillary received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x PANTS ON 'FIRE', and 4 x PINOCCHIOS

- The head of the FBI testified before Congress declaring SHE LIED and BROKE THE LAW


In my opinion:

True Progressives would have never voted for Hillary Clinton and would have voted for Jill Stein instead. This OP'er of a Snowflake is the typical Clintionite of a Troll that believe that if they write enough nonsense people will believe it without looking up their damn lies!
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

That is the truth.

Their argument is Bush left the economy in such a mess that they had to fix it, but what is forgotten two years before Bush left office the Democratic Party had the House and Senate and did nothing to prevent the collapse of the economy.

Of course the Progressive will argue that Reid only had 49 seats while ignoring the 2 ind. seats that caucus with the Democratic Party that gave the Democratic Party a slight majority in 2006.

How Obama voters soon forget their political party did very little to stop the collapse and road it to victory in 2008 but by 2010 no one was buying their bullshit hope and change anymore and now the Democratic Party is soulless and is the one bleeding badly after the ass kicking of this election and 2018 is not going to be any better for them either!
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.

You people (crazy right wingers) are brainwashed and partisan hypocrites who are best defined on what you hate. Hate is an emotion, and leaves little room for reason and rational discourse.

When the Republican's controlled both Chamber of Congress, the White House and 4 sure and one usually sure members of the USSC why didn't they make abortion illegal?

The answer is, abortion is a wedge issue, and one which provides easily led people to vote for the R. Party; voters who can never quite figure out they are being manipulated by demagoguery. The same strategy was employed by Donald Trump fully understood President Lincoln when he said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tomfoolery, voting against there self interest unwittingly, is how Trump won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes. Remember, those without higher education predominantly voted for Trump, those of us with a college or U. degree, voted for HRC. That says a lot.
NONE of what you said answers the question of why didn't the libs fix any of our problems when they had a near-Super Majority control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office and Obama's 1st 2.

All they did was help themselves and push their own radical, minority-supported agenda.

One simple question many Snowflakes can not answer with honesty is if Hillary Clinton was lied to by Bush when she voted for the Iraq Resolution then why did Bill Clinton not correct her and tell her to vote against the resolution?

See these Snowflakes love to rewrite history and tell how the opposition party lied to their dear leaders but the truth is Hillary Clinton went along with everything while eyeing her run for the oval office so she could abuse the Patriot Act and run on the failure of Bush, but it failed in 2008 and those like me never forget her poor performance as a senator.

Also the near super majority was in 2008 and lasted from 2009 to 2011. They did nothing to prevent the crash because they knew it would work in their benefit and when they failed to keep their promise on stuff like Immigration Reform while passing the ACA made it clear the Democratic Party did not care about those that voted for them.

Hell the ACA alone should have pissed off the Snowflake voter but instead they keep on defending the law that should have never been passed.

Now if you really want to watch the Snowflake then ask them why didn't President Obama request the Nixon-Kennedy plan for Healthcare Reform and watch the Snowflake go blank without knowing America almost had Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President but because of Watergate and the Democratic Party refusal the plan never got passed!
“This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction. … My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose.” A vote for the resolution, she argued, “is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president. And we say to him: Use these powers wisely and as a last resort.”
-- Hillary Clinton

Clinton acknowledged that she KNEW what she was doing was giving the President of the United States the power to take the country to war. If she thought there was no need to do so yet she should have voted 'No'.

Is should also be noted that, to his credit, Bush came before Congress, made his case, and asked them for the authority to take the nation to war. In comparison Barry and Hillary NEVER went to Congress to make their arguments for taking the country to war to help Al Qaeida - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans - and ISIS take over their own countries. They did not do so because they knew there was no way in HELL that Congress would give the authorization to do so.

SO Hillary and Barry violated the Constitution and took the country to war on their own to help terrorists win their civil wars and take over their own countries. 1 is over, and 1 still rages.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Near?? Really dipstick? Near counts for something? Wow, you really must be really really educated.

Furthermore, Mr Educated, There were not 60 Democrat Senators in 2009 until July of that year when Al Franken was actually seated.

That lasted about a month until Ted Kennedy died. There were a few weeks until a replacement was named & then a Republican elected to replace him by Jan of 2010.

You whiny f*cks act like you just know everything but I keep proving that you don't know shit.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

:wtf:are you talking about?

Hey Snowflake, Liberals had a near Super Majority control of the entire Congress (4 seats shy of a complete Super Majority) for the final 2 YEARS of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 YEARS of Obama's Presidency.

Educate yourself so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Near?? Really dipstick? Near counts for something? Wow, you really must be really really educated.

Furthermore, Mr Educated, There were not 60 Democrat Senators in 2009 until July of that year when Al Franken was actually seated.

That lasted about a month until Ted Kennedy died. There were a few weeks until a replacement was named & then a Republican elected to replace him by Jan of 2010.

You whiny f*cks act like you just know everything but I keep proving that you don't know shit.
Please tell me you are NOT DENYING that Liberals controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 2st 2 years....

And UH-OH:

"York notes that it wasn’t until Democrats took over Congress in 2007 — including one Democrat named Barack Obama in the Senate — that deficits began exploding."
-- A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme - Hot Air

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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
Good point - when Liberals had a near Super majority Control of Congress why didn't the Libtards fix all the things they say the GOP must fix now instead of wasting their time ramming the f*ed up ACA into law against the majority will of the people?!

They had their chance - they acted to benefit themselves, and they screwed the people.

'Nuff said.
How much did you want them to get done in 8 months?

Two points which negate the meme/lie that the Obama Admin. and the Democrats in Congress "screwed the people"
  1. The PPACA reformed health care and benefited the people.
  2. The Lily Ledbetter Laws was passed benefiting women exploited by the greedy.
BTW, Obama attempted to close GITMO, the Congress and right wing did what they always do, create a huge hugh and cry of hate and fear, they opposed the Rights first enumerated in 1215 by the Magna Carta and in the same manner claimed that the PPACA was "SOCIALISM!" which it is not, but fools believe it so.

The same crap was used in other emotional plays on the fools: BENGAHZI! SOLYNDA! & a dozen or more efforts to assassinate the character of everyone who didn't adopt the agenda of the crazy right wing, and R's who put themselves and the party first, and our nation and its people dead last.

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