When will Trump STFU?

'When will Trump STFU?'

He doesn't have to.
He, unlike Hillary, WON.
He is your new President.
He 'owns' the podium, the microphone, the 'phone' and the 'pen'.

He hasn't even entered the WH yet - he has 4 years.

Liberals are still extremely butthurt and don't want to hear him....

DAMN, it's gonna be a long 4 years for you sore-loser Snowflakes! :p

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Quit protecting bigots. This idea that you Trumpettes demand that everyone should accept bigoted hate spewing is just an indication of your deplorability.
After listening to you & your ilk for 8 years, I am going to enjoy returning the favor.
Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.
And he won because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame them.
I remember a number of people claiming Trump was the only republican candidate Hillary could beat.
How did that work out for ya?
I laugh at you Republicans. You are too stupid top know that Trump ran against the Republican Party. After he beat your candidates, you jump on board. People underestimated the racist/bigot vote & thought the religious right would not spit on Jesus to vote for a adulterer, woman assaulter, bigot, business cheat, lying scumbag like Trump who profited by gambling, alcohol, and prostitution.
bud, I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

There was no reason for either to even run.

I'd have backed Kasich, Walker, Webb, or O'Malley.

But not those 2

No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

Believe what you want, you're usually wrong anyway.
BTW, the state I vote in went for Hillary
Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.
And he won because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame them.

He won the biddable, and the biddable dominate in the red states of America.

As for winning, his victory is a potemkin village one, he lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5 million votes.
Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.
And he won because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame them.

He won the biddable, and the biddable dominate in the red states of America.

As for winning, his victory is a potemkin village one, he lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5 million votes.
, he lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5 million votes
Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.
And he won because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.
Blame them.
He won the biddable, and the biddable dominate in the red states of America.
Because the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton.

As for winning, his victory is a potemkin village one, he lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5 million votes.
Trump won by 74 votes, 306-232,
During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?
Twits Twirled in Tweets

The only thing that is embarrassing is to get caught in a blizzard of you snowflakes.
Yep, you won, but time will tell if those elected can actually govern, and it they will, will they represent all of the people. Of course people like you, they do not. If we are to believe Trump's rhetoric, and the rhetoric of his supporters, Mr. Franklin's admonition to this question:

Q. "Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy"

A. "A Republic, if you can keep it"

In the opinion of many American's, our Republic was put at risk by the Supreme Court's two 5-4 decision, declaring money was = to free speech:

CU v. FEC,
McCutcheon v. FEC

And now a President - elect who is an Authoritarian, a Demagogue and a Charlatan.

Hillary outspent Trump, no?
By a lot.

Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.

Trump spoke to the middle class, blue collar workers that the Democrats ignored, and it bit them on ass. THAT'S why they lost. Maybe next time the Left will pay attention to ALL Americans instead of trying to special rights to the minority and protected classes.
You were duped. Trump does not care about working people. What has he done for them in the past? Bought goods overseas, imported workers for his hotels, built buildings w/ Chinese steel, cheated contractors out of money.

Well you do know Trump is no different than those Democratic Politicians in New York and California that used Chinese Steel to build bridges with, right?

So as you bash Trump for using Chinese Steel maybe you should ask why bridges were built with it and not with U.S. Steel instead?
I remember a number of people claiming Trump was the only republican candidate Hillary could beat.
How did that work out for ya?
I laugh at you Republicans. You are too stupid top know that Trump ran against the Republican Party. After he beat your candidates, you jump on board. People underestimated the racist/bigot vote & thought the religious right would not spit on Jesus to vote for a adulterer, woman assaulter, bigot, business cheat, lying scumbag like Trump who profited by gambling, alcohol, and prostitution.
bud, I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

There was no reason for either to even run.

I'd have backed Kasich, Walker, Webb, or O'Malley.

But not those 2

No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
'When will Trump STFU?'

He doesn't have to.
He, unlike Hillary, WON.
He is your new President.
He 'owns' the podium, the microphone, the 'phone' and the 'pen'.

He hasn't even entered the WH yet - he has 4 years.

Liberals are still extremely butthurt and don't want to hear him....

DAMN, it's gonna be a long 4 years for you sore-loser Snowflakes! :p

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Quit protecting bigots. This idea that you Trumpettes demand that everyone should accept bigoted hate spewing is just an indication of your deplorability.
After listening to you & your ilk for 8 years, I am going to enjoy returning the favor.
Deeply Deplorable

Shrillary's basket: gangbangers, banksters, moochers, pedophiles, sleeper cells, Unabombers, penis-envy piranhas, and squeaky-voiced, hollow-chested girlymen.
Hillary outspent Trump, no?
By a lot.

Evidence that BIG LIES, Hate and Fear trump dollars. Trump spoke to single issue voters and those on the fence, using the mass media for free, and earned in that way the votes of gun nuts, bigots, racists and those easily led; he repeated the same refrain over and over as BIG LIARS do, and now has backed off on many of his refrains.

Trump spoke to the middle class, blue collar workers that the Democrats ignored, and it bit them on ass. THAT'S why they lost. Maybe next time the Left will pay attention to ALL Americans instead of trying to special rights to the minority and protected classes.
You were duped. Trump does not care about working people. What has he done for them in the past? Bought goods overseas, imported workers for his hotels, built buildings w/ Chinese steel, cheated contractors out of money.

Well you do know Trump is no different than those Democratic Politicians in New York and California that used Chinese Steel to build bridges with, right?

So as you bash Trump for using Chinese Steel maybe you should ask why bridges were built with it and not with U.S. Steel instead?

First of all, the project you are talking about was awarded to two US companies & they opted to use Chinese steel. Second, it was when Arnold was Gov & he was a Republican.
'When will Trump STFU?'

He doesn't have to.
He, unlike Hillary, WON.
He is your new President.
He 'owns' the podium, the microphone, the 'phone' and the 'pen'.

He hasn't even entered the WH yet - he has 4 years.

Liberals are still extremely butthurt and don't want to hear him....

DAMN, it's gonna be a long 4 years for you sore-loser Snowflakes! :p

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Quit protecting bigots. This idea that you Trumpettes demand that everyone should accept bigoted hate spewing is just an indication of your deplorability.
After listening to you & your ilk for 8 years, I am going to enjoy returning the favor.
Deeply Deplorable

Shrillary's basket: gangbangers, banksters, moochers, pedophiles, sleeper cells, Unabombers, penis-envy piranhas, and squeaky-voiced, hollow-chested girlymen.
I am sure Trump got your vote when he claimed he had a huge penis.
I laugh at you Republicans. You are too stupid top know that Trump ran against the Republican Party. After he beat your candidates, you jump on board. People underestimated the racist/bigot vote & thought the religious right would not spit on Jesus to vote for a adulterer, woman assaulter, bigot, business cheat, lying scumbag like Trump who profited by gambling, alcohol, and prostitution.
bud, I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

There was no reason for either to even run.

I'd have backed Kasich, Walker, Webb, or O'Malley.

But not those 2

No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
bud, I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

There was no reason for either to even run.

I'd have backed Kasich, Walker, Webb, or O'Malley.

But not those 2

No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?

Clinton less risky?

You are full of koolaid, aren't you?
bud, I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

There was no reason for either to even run.

I'd have backed Kasich, Walker, Webb, or O'Malley.

But not those 2

No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!
No excuse. Not voting for President is like voting for Trump.


If I didn't vote for Trump, it was a vote for Hillary.

If I didn't vote for Hillary, it was a vote for Trump

You people are insane.

I voted for neither,

It was a vote for sanity

There is no way two candidates are exactly the same. The choice was between two acndidates.

So, you opted not to choose.

Or so you say.

I say you voted Trump & won't say so you can sit on the sidelines & throw stones.

And you're the typical moron that believe in the two party system and most likely vote straight ticket Democratic because you believe in the one party system.

The reality is some Americans did not vote for the President and others went third party ( like me ) but to claim that if someone did not vote for Hillary mean they voted for Trump tell me the partisan whore you are and the waste of life you are!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt & assumed you were not a complete idiot. Any sane person comparing Trump & Clinton who did not like either, would pick Clinton as the less risky. Ate you saying you think Trump was a better choice than Clinton?
No, Dave, only a Snowflake with their head up Hillary's ass would choose Hillary.

Only LOSERS would pick Hillary...and since she LOST the election that makes YOU a LOSER!

Funny chit coming from a person who was duped by a loud mouthed, uninformed bigoted person who lied to you every time he opened his mouth. A man that cheated his business associates, cheated on his wives, likely cheated on his tax returns and groped women & likely raped a 13 year old girl. A man who paints himself orange & has the most ridiculous hair style. A man who lashes out at any one who identifies his weaknesses.
Hey Dave, YOU were duped by a candidate who is so much worse that she LOST to the guy you described.

Poor Snowflake.

During the campaign, Trump said offensive things, & outright lies. His supporters said that it was just election talk.

The election is over & still the orange asshat can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Still tweeting lies. Still acting like he is in Elementary School. Some one says " Trump is fat" & Trump will tweet " No I'm not, you are"

Come on. Shouldn;t he at least try to act like an adult? Isn't he embarrassing you Trumpettes yet?
During the 8 years that B.O. has been president, he has said offensive things, and outright lies. His supporters said that it is just black language. He bows to world leaders embarrassing the fuck out of the rest of US, he insults other nations but invites radical Muslims into the White House. The day Trump shuts up, will be the day that Obama drinks anti-freeze. Please that would finally shut the bi racial moron up. I am tired of his anti US rhetoric. If what I say offends you, go fuck yourself, Cuba is open, there is a big safe zone there, go live your Socialist Utopian Dream there, the US citizens have voted and we don't like you here.

Seeing your signature meme juxtaposed against your politics brought a wry grin to my lips.

Oh, the irony.

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