When will USMB Republicans stop with the "but Obama and but Clinton"? Trump is president.

It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
LoL! Sorry..that dog don't hunt. The Right threw 8 consecutive years of hissy fits over Obama--they never stopped crying. Face it..partisan die-hards never stop doing two things...running down the opposition..and turning a blind eye to their guys.

Both sides do this..and the more partisan the person..the more they do it..some..like a few here..do it to the exclusion of good sense and without any sense of objective reality. Lucky for us..those tinfoil hats on both sides are usually inept and powerless. Sadly, our ongoing culture war is different..and the tails are wagging the dogs.

Tell me Harmonica....if the tables were turned..would just lick your nutz and stay silent?
wrong not even close--totally wrong--BULLshit
you did NOT see all these hateful protests against a fairly, legally elected POTUS
--you people are saying FK America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK free, legal, fair elections !!!!!...FK the American way
you did not see so many hateful celebrity jackasses hating the POTUS
you did not see all these black sports players hating the WHITE POTUS
you did not see ant-Obama stories all day EVERY day for 2 years!!!!!!!
wrong and wrong---not even close buddy pal
God...you guyz are such idiots. "you people'? You know nothing about me or my positions on most cultural matters..except that I despise Trump..and I guess that's enough for you.
My number 1 reason I dislike trump is simple...in my eyes he's incompetent at governing...simple as that. As for the culture stuff..I've been a life-long Republican until recently..guess what changed that..LOL! I support the 2nd and my stance on illegal immigration is probably harder than yours.

Has it occurred to you that Trump has deliberately fomented a great deal of his opposition? That he has set himself up to be a lightening rod..because that is where he derives his political power? The left played right into his hands with their massive over-reactions and their endless mockery. By directly and hostilely engaging the media Trump assured himself the support of the disaffected..those who wished to throw a rock into the windows of our govt. It worked.

But Trump has no skills in governing..so he keeps the pot at a boil..to the detriment of our country..imo.

Please tell us what skills you think are necessary to govern ?

And how he is hurting us ?

From what I can tell, he's the center of attention and he loves it.

If you guys ignored him, he'd probably retire.
While I should know better, I'll bite:
In our system of govt. one must be able to forge alliances from disparate elements--to advocate for workable compromises. One's word must be golden...one must have a reasonable reputation for honestly and fair-dealing. IMO. a good President promotes harmony and as the head of the Executive branch promotes the even-handed enforcement of Congress's laws..whether or not he agrees with said laws. Financial impropriety..or the appearance of same--should be avoided.

I agree with you on this...if he was ignored..he's go away..of course..the lengths he'd go to get our attention...should scare anyone with an ounce of good sense.
It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
LoL! Sorry..that dog don't hunt. The Right threw 8 consecutive years of hissy fits over Obama--they never stopped crying. Face it..partisan die-hards never stop doing two things...running down the opposition..and turning a blind eye to their guys.

Both sides do this..and the more partisan the person..the more they do it..some..like a few here..do it to the exclusion of good sense and without any sense of objective reality. Lucky for us..those tinfoil hats on both sides are usually inept and powerless. Sadly, our ongoing culture war is different..and the tails are wagging the dogs.

Tell me Harmonica....if the tables were turned..would just lick your nutz and stay silent?
wrong not even close--totally wrong--BULLshit
you did NOT see all these hateful protests against a fairly, legally elected POTUS
--you people are saying FK America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK free, legal, fair elections !!!!!...FK the American way
you did not see so many hateful celebrity jackasses hating the POTUS
you did not see all these black sports players hating the WHITE POTUS
you did not see ant-Obama stories all day EVERY day for 2 years!!!!!!!
wrong and wrong---not even close buddy pal
God...you guyz are such idiots. "you people'? You know nothing about me or my positions on most cultural matters..except that I despise Trump..and I guess that's enough for you.
My number 1 reason I dislike trump is simple...in my eyes he's incompetent at governing...simple as that. As for the culture stuff..I've been a life-long Republican until recently..guess what changed that..LOL! I support the 2nd and my stance on illegal immigration is probably harder than yours.

Has it occurred to you that Trump has deliberately fomented a great deal of his opposition? That he has set himself up to be a lightening rod..because that is where he derives his political power? The left played right into his hands with their massive over-reactions and their endless mockery. By directly and hostilely engaging the media Trump assured himself the support of the disaffected..those who wished to throw a rock into the windows of our govt. It worked.

But Trump has no skills in governing..so he keeps the pot at a boil..to the detriment of our country..imo.
your opinion only= meaning not true--not proven
you and your kind do NOT AGREE with some of his policies --but we do!!!!
so because you and your kind do not agree with his policies, ''you''/they protest/hate/etc !!!!!!.......if I did that for every time I disagreed with a politician, it would be a 24/7 full time job
......no--wrong---you are saying it's different when people hate/protest Trump because they disagree with his policies whereas we didn't protest Obama because of his policies
...wrong wrong.....Obama FKd America by sympathizing with criminals---then all the VIOLENT [ and unjustifiable-without worthy causes ] protests

Trump didn't foment anything!! they hated him BEFORE --BEFORE--he was elected
BEFORE he ''tortured'' children on the border
BEFORE he talked to Putin
BEFORE he enacted POTUS policies
Protests at Donald Trump rally in New Mexico turn violent
Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles
Protesters disrupt Trump rally in Miami
Anti- and pro-Trump protesters face off in downtown L.A. rally – Daily News
Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics
etc etc etc
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
LoL! Sorry..that dog don't hunt. The Right threw 8 consecutive years of hissy fits over Obama--they never stopped crying. Face it..partisan die-hards never stop doing two things...running down the opposition..and turning a blind eye to their guys.

Both sides do this..and the more partisan the person..the more they do it..some..like a few here..do it to the exclusion of good sense and without any sense of objective reality. Lucky for us..those tinfoil hats on both sides are usually inept and powerless. Sadly, our ongoing culture war is different..and the tails are wagging the dogs.

Tell me Harmonica....if the tables were turned..would just lick your nutz and stay silent?
wrong not even close--totally wrong--BULLshit
you did NOT see all these hateful protests against a fairly, legally elected POTUS
--you people are saying FK America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK free, legal, fair elections !!!!!...FK the American way
you did not see so many hateful celebrity jackasses hating the POTUS
you did not see all these black sports players hating the WHITE POTUS
you did not see ant-Obama stories all day EVERY day for 2 years!!!!!!!
wrong and wrong---not even close buddy pal
God...you guyz are such idiots. "you people'? You know nothing about me or my positions on most cultural matters..except that I despise Trump..and I guess that's enough for you.
My number 1 reason I dislike trump is simple...in my eyes he's incompetent at governing...simple as that. As for the culture stuff..I've been a life-long Republican until recently..guess what changed that..LOL! I support the 2nd and my stance on illegal immigration is probably harder than yours.

Has it occurred to you that Trump has deliberately fomented a great deal of his opposition? That he has set himself up to be a lightening rod..because that is where he derives his political power? The left played right into his hands with their massive over-reactions and their endless mockery. By directly and hostilely engaging the media Trump assured himself the support of the disaffected..those who wished to throw a rock into the windows of our govt. It worked.

But Trump has no skills in governing..so he keeps the pot at a boil..to the detriment of our country..imo.

Please tell us what skills you think are necessary to govern ?

And how he is hurting us ?

From what I can tell, he's the center of attention and he loves it.

If you guys ignored him, he'd probably retire.

The skill to understand that he is not as smart as he thinks & he does not know more than everyone else.

This is the skill Trump lacks. He thinks he is a genius. Lets see him take a test.


Obama and Bush were no better.

When you can get that test administered prior to running....let me know.

We can just cancel the election.
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
LoL! Sorry..that dog don't hunt. The Right threw 8 consecutive years of hissy fits over Obama--they never stopped crying. Face it..partisan die-hards never stop doing two things...running down the opposition..and turning a blind eye to their guys.

Both sides do this..and the more partisan the person..the more they do it..some..like a few here..do it to the exclusion of good sense and without any sense of objective reality. Lucky for us..those tinfoil hats on both sides are usually inept and powerless. Sadly, our ongoing culture war is different..and the tails are wagging the dogs.

Tell me Harmonica....if the tables were turned..would just lick your nutz and stay silent?
wrong not even close--totally wrong--BULLshit
you did NOT see all these hateful protests against a fairly, legally elected POTUS
--you people are saying FK America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK free, legal, fair elections !!!!!...FK the American way
you did not see so many hateful celebrity jackasses hating the POTUS
you did not see all these black sports players hating the WHITE POTUS
you did not see ant-Obama stories all day EVERY day for 2 years!!!!!!!
wrong and wrong---not even close buddy pal
God...you guyz are such idiots. "you people'? You know nothing about me or my positions on most cultural matters..except that I despise Trump..and I guess that's enough for you.
My number 1 reason I dislike trump is simple...in my eyes he's incompetent at governing...simple as that. As for the culture stuff..I've been a life-long Republican until recently..guess what changed that..LOL! I support the 2nd and my stance on illegal immigration is probably harder than yours.

Has it occurred to you that Trump has deliberately fomented a great deal of his opposition? That he has set himself up to be a lightening rod..because that is where he derives his political power? The left played right into his hands with their massive over-reactions and their endless mockery. By directly and hostilely engaging the media Trump assured himself the support of the disaffected..those who wished to throw a rock into the windows of our govt. It worked.

But Trump has no skills in governing..so he keeps the pot at a boil..to the detriment of our country..imo.

Please tell us what skills you think are necessary to govern ?

And how he is hurting us ?

From what I can tell, he's the center of attention and he loves it.

If you guys ignored him, he'd probably retire.
While I should know better, I'll bite:
In our system of govt. one must be able to forge alliances from disparate elements--to advocate for workable compromises. One's word must be golden...one must have a reasonable reputation for honestly and fair-dealing. IMO. a good President promotes harmony and as the head of the Executive branch promotes the even-handed enforcement of Congress's laws..whether or not he agrees with said laws. Financial impropriety..or the appearance of same--should be avoided.

I agree with you on this...if he was ignored..he's go away..of course..the lengths he'd go to get our attention...should scare anyone with an ounce of good sense.

While I agree with you on all of that, means the WH should be empty.

The GOP started it with GWB and a drunken sailor congress.

In response we got Obama.

And in response to Obama (and the same tired bullshit from both sides) we got Trump.

While it would be nice.....it's not what we deserve. We, as a people are pretty stupid.
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
They don't like to admit their mistake so they dwell on Clinton and Obama.
It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
Thank you for your feedback, child.

What does that have to do with the Truth about how "ordinary" it is that the New Guy's Minions blame the Last Guy for their troubles?
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
They don't like to admit their mistake so they dwell on Clinton and Obama.

What mistake ?

I didn't like Trump when I voted for him and I'd vote for him again today.

I like him better now than I did then.

If, for no other reason than he has got you pissants all wound up and using words like "groomed" (not knowing that describes your sorry loser asses to a fault).
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
They don't like to admit their mistake so they dwell on Clinton and Obama.

I actually have come to appreciate them.

They gave us Trump..the guy who is mocking the system and exposing the left for the cage of baboons that it is.
so he foments opposition/etc by protecting America's borders???
you don't want America's borders protected??
...especially after 9-11 where more American's were murdered by invaders, than were killed at Pearl Harbor........?
It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
Thank you for your feedback, child.

What does that have to do with the Truth about how "ordinary" it is that the New Guy's Minions blame the Last Guy for their troubles?
.....they are not blaming the Last Guy as nearly as much as the liberals/etc are bashing/attacking/slandering/lying/etc about Trump
...the liberal's heads are exploding
...24/7 on MSM
sports players
talk show hosts
..it is in response to the liberals whining/bullshit--get it??
the liberals initiated the bullshit--not the ''conservatives''
...They gave us Trump..the guy who is mocking the system and exposing the left for the cage of baboons that it is.
Well, I've gotta admit, The Creature is good for something... namely, that.

A great many of them are emoting, oversensitive, unthinking hive-mind minions who couldn't find their own a$$e$ with both hands.

Almost as bad as very large numbers of Right-Wingers... just in different ways... same old $hit... different wrapper...
I would point out the irony in this thread but as the first post after the OP already has I won't.
...They gave us Trump..the guy who is mocking the system and exposing the left for the cage of baboons that it is.
Well, I've gotta admit, The Creature is good for something... namely, that.

A great many of them are emoting, oversensitive, unthinking hive-mind minions who couldn't find their own a$$e$ with both hands.

Almost as bad as very large numbers of Right-Wingers... just in different ways... same old $hit... different wrapper...

it's been a ton of fun to watch.
...the liberals initiated the bullshit--not the ''conservatives''
Yeah, yeah, yeah... the other guy started it... the devil made me do it... the dog ate my homework... whatever...

The trick is to demonstrate more grace and class than the other guy, and not stoop to his level.

Then again, with such a Creature in the Oval Office, one need not stoop... one has already hit rock-bottom.

The MSM piles-on the Creature because it represents such a target-rich opportunity... there's so much there to despise.
It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
that's right --WINNING side
it used to be the losers were good losers/accepted a fair, legal election
but you losers are bad losers---crying ever since the election--never stop crying
LoL! Sorry..that dog don't hunt. The Right threw 8 consecutive years of hissy fits over Obama--they never stopped crying. Face it..partisan die-hards never stop doing two things...running down the opposition..and turning a blind eye to their guys.

Both sides do this..and the more partisan the person..the more they do it..some..like a few here..do it to the exclusion of good sense and without any sense of objective reality. Lucky for us..those tinfoil hats on both sides are usually inept and powerless. Sadly, our ongoing culture war is different..and the tails are wagging the dogs.

Tell me Harmonica....if the tables were turned..would just lick your nutz and stay silent?

In all honesty....the right has been garnering state houses and state legislatures en mass.

As they should....they espouse local politics.

The left wants to homogonize the whole fucking country.

I fully expected Hillary to be the president.

He she won and won the senate....I might be eternally drunk.

But, I am active in local stuff and would have contiued to be so.
...the liberals initiated the bullshit--not the ''conservatives''
Yeah, yeah, yeah... the other guy started it... the devil made me do it... the dog ate my homework... whatever...

The trick is to demonstrate more grace and class than the other guy, and not stoop to his level.

Then again, with such a Creature in the Oval Office, one need not stoop... one has already hit rock-bottom.

The MSM piles-on the Creature because it represents such a target-rich opportunity... there's so much there to despise.
racist Maxine tells people to HARASS cabinet members!!!!!
Rep. Maxine Waters Tells Supporters to Harass Trump Cabinet Members
BLM anti-Trumpers say to KILL white people!!!!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
...anti-Trumpers disrupt Trump meetings--EXACTLY like hitler's SA--so you are saying the liberals/anti-Trumpers have just as much class as hitler's SA/Brownshirts::
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

Protesters disrupt Trump rally despite attempt to admit only supporters
etc etc

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