When will we Americans Understand?

If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.
And that's bad how? As I see it, it will force the other countries to reimpose their own sanctions. Iran will regret this move.

And what will those sanctions do?

You're just anti-American to your core, huh?
Every filthy lefty is a traitor to this country ... every stinkin' one of 'em.

BTW, do you suppose "Brain" is silly enough to call himself that in the vain hope someone will be fooled?
And that's bad how? As I see it, it will force the other countries to reimpose their own sanctions. Iran will regret this move.

And what will those sanctions do?

You're just anti-American to your core, huh?
Every filthy lefty is a traitor to this country ... every stinkin' one of 'em.

Yep, they need to get onboard or GTFO.

The alternative is not pretty.

Either way, they're not going to win.
If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.

If others can make stuff up, so can I.
If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.

If others can make stuff up, so can I.

He made nothing up, you did, liar.
If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.

If others can make stuff up, so can I.

He made nothing up, you did, liar.

Prove it.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.

If others can make stuff up, so can I.

He made nothing up, you did, liar.

Prove it.
You just admitted you lied, dumbass. I don't have to prove a fuckin' thing. I believe teh daveman and I don't believe you because you just said you're a liar. Derp!

20 years ago was 1999, and I was owning the internet. It was hella fun!

I went to school, work, woke and slept to it.
And that's bad how? As I see it, it will force the other countries to reimpose their own sanctions. Iran will regret this move.


The other countries wanted to stay in the agreement Iran was in compliance with.
Insofar as outsiders could discern using reasonable effort...

I have read on numerous occasions that the Iranians have not allowed inspectors onto a number of known and supposedly-hidden bases.

If that observation holds-up under a closer scrutiny, then they would, in all likelihood, continue pursuing nuclear weapons in Stealth Mode.

And, the first we would know of it was when the Iranians detonated a test-weapon in some remote area on land or sea.

Then we'd have egg on our (collective) faces anyway.

So, might as well avoid the Christmas Ramadama-Ding-Dong Rush, and get them to admit it now.

The prior treaty was a joke anyway.

This way, if we need to, we can cook them down with some justification.

A millisecond of brilliant light and the problem goes away.

We can sell tickets for the 50-yard-line... and popcorn and peanuts and beer and soda... great fun, if they push us too hard.
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Iran is the major sponsor of international terrorism in the world. They have NO NEED to pursue peaceful nuclear activities as they sit on an ocean of oil, and couldn't care less about global warming. They MUST NOT BE ALLOWED to develop nuclear weapons. That is not simply my position, or the position of the United States, but rather, it is the position of every civilized country in the world.

The previous nuclear "deal" simply postponed - assuming Iran complied, which is a huge assumption - Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, it did not close the issue satisfactorily. It was an example of a politician-negotiator's greatest failing: unwillingness to walk away from a negotiation without a deal. A businessman-politician knows that NO DEAL is better than a BAD DEAL, hence Mr. Trump saw a need to change our posture with respect to Iran.

And of course the Iran nuclear treaty was never binding on the U.S. because it was never ratified by the Senate, which is required by our Constitution.
Obama said it was an “executive agreement” which is the foreign policy equivalent of an executive order. He wanted to avoid the Senate...a body elected by the people.
Cool. Maybe Angela Merkel will attack them seeing as how she is supposedly the leader of the free world now
So that's why the US has bombed so many countries. Who'd have thunk?
If you think Iran was ever in compliance you're a damn fool. The inspection regime that was agreed to was a joke.


Winner x 14
ptbw forever
Marion Morrison
The Professor
Grampa Murked U

Thank You! x 2

And of course the Iran nuclear treaty was never binding on the U.S. because it was never ratified by the Senate, which is required by our Constitution.

Thank You! x 2

Winner x 2

Agree x 1

Every assertion above is wrong. Not just a bit, not just in part, but completely, utterly otherworldly.

Breath-taking, continent-sized ignorance, stupidity on about the same level, resulting in a flock of unthinking sheep bleating in limitless, unshakable collective certainty. Dead-eyed Borg, really.

In other words, Trump's "base".
When is the radical left going to cease being agents for foreign propaganda? Iran for God's sake?
Every assertion above is wrong. Not just a bit, not just in part, but completely, utterly otherworldly.

But it's nothing new Olde one...

It occurs to me that American ignorati follows American isolationism in the sense we have identity issues.

A long history of engaging in all manner of economic extortion, political insurrection and covert ops cloaked in the guise of protectionist liberty, freedom, mom's apple pie rhetoric jingoists spew is cognitive dissonance on steroids

When will Libtards like you understand just how asinine you are?

If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.
Their material and financial support for international terrorism proves that's a lie.
If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.
Their material and financial support for international terrorism proves that's a lie.

They don't have funding. We do.
If they do get nukes, they'd be incredibly stupid to use them.

The Persians are a pretty people, I'd hate to see them all get killed off in the name of Allah.
PS: Don't mess with the Jews, or you're done like a shoeleather steak.
In the early 2000s, I read an interview with one of the high-ranking Iranian clerics who said as soon as they get a warhead, they will vaporize Jerusalem, and if even one single Iranian survives Israel's retaliatory strike, they will consider it a victory for Iran.

You can't negotiate with such insanity.

I read a report back 20 or so years ago where Iran said they simply wanted other countries to quit messing with them.

That they want peace but couldn't just sit back while other countries are constantly trying to undr cut them.

You seem to be better informed than this.

If others can make stuff up, so can I.
Could you at least try to make it believable?

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