When would a 10% tax rate generate more revenue then the current tax rate?

If you can't afford the losses............then don't play the casino of Wall street.........

dear, is there even one economist who believes that Wall Street speculators alone caused the Great Depression and current Great Recession???
Dear. There are many economic sites that would say you are wrong dear..............ignore the sites posted..........it's what you do dear...........
If you can't afford the losses............then don't play the casino of Wall street.........

dear, is there even one economist who believes that Wall Street speculators alone caused the Great Depression and current Great Recession???
Dear. There are many economic sites that would say you are wrong dear..............ignore the sites posted..........it's what you do dear...........
dear, is there even one economist who believes that Wall Street speculators alone caused the Great Depression and current Great Recession???
Now back to the original topic, the principles of the Founders:

1. Protectionist

Our Founders were not economists. In fact the world's economists did not agree on free trade till protectionism caused the Great Depression trade wars and collapsed world trade.

Common sense will tell you that protection is stupid if you want to have world class goods and services.

dear, in 1980 you paid 10 years pay in Hungary for a car without a gas gage(dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor.
They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do. It is not until you have had years and years of free Republican international competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed and at what salary to produce a world class car.

Can you have the IQ to understand why the world has moved to free trade ?

the founders, idiot, lived before the industrial revolution and existed in an agrarian economy.

they never contemplated ANY economic system but for farming and trade.

it would be nice if YOU had the IQ you wish others had.
The Dot Com Bubble Burst That Caused The 2000 Stock Market Crash | Stock Picks System
The Dot Com Bubble Burst is what caused the 2000 stock market crash. The years 1992-2000 were favorable for the stock market and the dot com boom was in full effect. But things began to take a downturn from September 2000.

As per the records of September 1st 2000 of NASDAQ, the trading was at 4234.33. The fall started after that and by January 2nd 2001 there was a drop of 45.9% and the NASDAQ was now trading at 2291.86. There was a drop of 78.4% from the 5132.52 of March 2000. In October 2002, the NASDAQ was trading at 1108.49.

Causes of the Crash
The 2000 stock market crash resulted in a loss of almost $8 trillion of wealth. So what must be the reason of the crash? As has been deduced by market experts, the corporate corruption is believed to be a major reason for the crash to occur. Lots of multinational companies had been drawing profits by engaging in illegal means and frauds. The accounts that they maintained had serious loopholes and the debts were not shown. The stock options that the officers took worked towards diluting the companies. Another probable reason for the 2000 stock market crash was the overvaluation of the stocks and the dot com bubble burst. Even the companies that had absolutely no hope of earning profits and were consistently loosing money had a market capitalization of more than a billion dollar. The stock trading was going on the P/E basis.


Thank you for proven a point I've been trying to get people to recognize!
This collapse created nearly $8 trillion in tax write offs against future taxable income...i.e. 2001,2002,etc.
Yet in spite of the reduced tax revenue here is what happened.

Tax revenue increased IN spite of tax write offs from dot.com bust/911/worst hurricanes and during all of that Bush kept the country together.
Now back to the original topic, the principles of the Founders:

1. Protectionist

Our Founders were not economists. In fact the world's economists did not agree on free trade till protectionism caused the Great Depression trade wars and collapsed world trade.

Common sense will tell you that protection is stupid if you want to have world class goods and services.

dear, in 1980 you paid 10 years pay in Hungary for a car without a gas gage(dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor.
They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do. It is not until you have had years and years of free Republican international competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed and at what salary to produce a world class car.

Can you have the IQ to understand why the world has moved to free trade ?

the founders, idiot, lived before the industrial revolution and existed in an agrarian economy.

they never contemplated ANY economic system but for farming and trade.

it would be nice if YOU had the IQ you wish others had.

So what happened to change American from Agrarian to manufacturing as the number one job creator during the "industrial revolution"?
Besides "farming and trade" is not an economic system.
Definition of "economic system is:

An economic system is a system of production and exchange of goods and services as well as allocation of resources in a society.
Economic system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economic_system

Has nothing to do with what makes up an economy.
Two different concepts.
You don't need an economic system to be an agrarian economy because a person would raise food for feeding on family.
So what happened to change American from Agrarian to manufacturing as the number one job creator during the "industrial revolution"?

no, if people are allowed to freely buy and sell grain and farm implements you have capitalism long before significant industrialization.
You don't need an economic system to be an agrarian economy because a person would raise food for feeding on family.

and at the same time one family would want to trade some of its wheat for some of its neighbors corn or farm implements.

Do you understand?
the founders, idiot, lived before the industrial revolution .

See why we say the liberal will be stupid::

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes
Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You don't need an economic system to be an agrarian economy because a person would raise food for feeding on family.

and at the same time one family would want to trade some of its wheat for some of its neighbors corn or farm implements.

Do you understand?
Barter something of value.................replace currency and manipulate it...........not the same thing...............There is no standard anymore with the grain and corn and implements it is real value.............................

Currency wars are ongoing in the world, manipulating currency to deflate their value to improve Trade..............Congress has been complaining about it, and there are many sites that say the same............dear..............
.................replace currency and manipulate it...........not the same thing...

same exact thing you idiot!!! If one country doubles its currency or cuts it in half you are free to pay double or pay half to get the value you think fair!!

Do you understand??
there are many sites that say the same............dear..............

100% stupid there are many sites that say anything you want!!! So what!!!!!!!
LOL Even the congressional ones.................LOL...........well you might have a point there............

The Markets are a casino from hell where they have bet money they don't have............and take down the whole country with their BS bets............

But hey..........they cranked out over 4 Trillion Green Backs for the last one.............to save Wall Street.......aka QE's...............The Federal Reserve balance is over 4 Trillion now................Yet they will not do the same for our debt now will they............How about doing it to end INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE DEBT.....................not gonna happen..........JFK kicked out the Silver Backs...........didn't work out well for him.
.................replace currency and manipulate it...........not the same thing...

same exact thing you idiot!!! If one country doubles its currency or cuts it in half you are free to pay double or pay half to get the value you think fair!!

Do you understand??
Debasing our currency is BS............plenty of countries over time have debased it to the point of needing a wheel barrel full of it to buy a loaf of bread............Debasing our currency is a tax on the people.................the Founding Fathers warned us not to do it............we didn't listen.............Too Big to Fail allowed to self regulate..................they would never do something to take down the markets now would they..............I gave examples of massive losses in the markets.........and speculation played the major role................But the Casino goes on now doesn't it.................
to improve Trade...................

100% stupid!!! all countries want to improve trade and all countries create their own currency!!!
Sessions, Bipartisan Group Of Senators Unveil Bill To Stand Up For American Jobs By Addressing Currency Manipulation - News Releases - Senator Jeff Sessions

Addressing Currency Manipulation Could Create Nearly Six Million Jobs by Leveling the Playing Field for American Manufacturers and Workers
WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) today introduced the Currency Undervaluation Investigation Act, along with Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Richard Burr (R-NC). The legislation would protect U.S. manufacturing jobs by cracking down on illicit currency devaluation that artificially advantages foreign producers over American producers:

“America has always been a trading nation, but a trade relationship is like a contract: both parties must agree and play by the same set of rules,” Sessions said. “When one of our trading partners harms American workers by skirting the rules, we have an obligation to respond in their defense. I hope the Senate will again bring up this commonsense legislation for a vote, and I’m confident it will again pass with strong bipartisan support.”

“Instead of addressing our growing trade deficit, we’re pursuing trade deals with countries that manipulate their currency,” Brown said. “Foreign companies who don’t play by the rules are actively trying to undermine the effectiveness of our trade laws. It’s time to level the playing field for American manufacturers and workers – the most competitive in the world. This bipartisan bill would create jobs and ensure American business can compete – at no cost to taxpayers.”

“For far too long, China, Japan and other countries have rigged the rules of the game and millions of American workers have lost their jobs,” Schumer said. “While these countries have manipulated their currency, American manufacturing has been hollowed out—it’s time to put those days in the rear view mirror. If we are going to even consider passing a free trade agreement with Asian countries, Congress must pass and the President must sign a tough currency bill."

“It is universally accepted that China and other major countries intentionally manipulate their currency to create an advantage for themselves in the marketplace” Graham said. “Manufacturing jobs in South Carolina and across the country are being destroyed because the Chinese and others continue to defy the rules of international trade.”

Yep them dumb ass Senators need to come see Edward........because none of this shit happens according to him...........When you gonna be a Senator to straighten these guys out....................and save us all.............LOL
“It is universally accepted that China and other major countries intentionally manipulate their currency to create an advantage for themselves in the marketplace”

The solid line in the chart above shows that the yuan has strengthened 35% against the U.S. dollar over the past decade. All else equal, this represents an effective rise in the price of Chinese exports to the United States by more than one-third, which is certainly not consistent with the charge of continued intentional underpricing.

The case against China’s currency manipulation is even weaker if we consider a more relevant indicator of the overall cost of Chinese exports: China pegs its currency to the U.S. dollar, but it exports to many countries beyond the United States. The world price of Chinese exports must reflect prices among the full range of its trading partners.

Also, the price of Chinese exports depends on the yuan price of what it costs to manufacture in China, not just the yuan price of foreign currencies, and inflation in China has been higher than that of its trading partners. Currency manipulation is not like pornography–you don’t know it when you think you see it. It’s hard to define and even harder to prove. At one level, any country that has a fixed exchange rate–such as France, Germany, Greece, and China–is, by definition, a currency manipulator

What you may not know about China and currency manipulation
“It is universally accepted that China and other major countries intentionally manipulate their currency to create an advantage for themselves in the marketplace” Graham said.

and the USA too- right??? The Fed now has $4 trillion balance sheet- right?????????????

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