When you surrender to the cops, are they legally obligated to yell "stop resisting" before firing?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.
When I was young, my mother, told me not to put my sorry ass in a situation that you might regret later(like going for a walk in a neighborhood that isn't yours at 3 am). I make sure when I do go out, I go straight where I am supposed, to, I get my business done, make sure there are plenty of witnesses, and go straight home. While at a bar, where my friend and I were shooting pool, a robbery was taking place somewhere else in town, soon as I was heading back to base, I was pulled over. I gave the police a , yes sir, and let them have my drivers license and proof of insurance, and when he asked me where I was about 10 minutes earlier, I told him "SIR" I was at this bar, shooting pool and you can talk to the bartender who knew me. After they checked my ID, was permitted to continue on. If you go out looking for trouble, then trouble is going to find you. Some people are too dumb and try to buck the system, they are the ones who end up dead. Darwinism, prevents those genes from spreading.
Would you care to explain what "casing the houses" means?
Case Definition of case by Merriam-Webster
Case (verb) To inspect or study especially with intent to rob

Next time take the bus.
If you didn't want to get shot in the face for walking down the street then you should have taken the bus. Also, you totally shouldn't have dressed like a rape victim and gotten drunk if you didn't want fifteen frat boys to take advantage of you.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.
Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.
Okay. That's what I wanted to know. So it would just be more of a traditional formality for them to say it in that situation?
Case (verb) To inspect or study especially with intent to rob
Thank you. You learned the language from a dictionary well. Again, your choice of words… working for Слу́жба вне́шней разве́дки.
(BTW, being the best in a "military base in California" ;), you sure have a lot of time on your hands to bullshit around on message boards )
Casing a house isn't exactly a rare expression. You don't have to be a criminal or foreigner to know what it means. I can only assume you've lived a sheltered life.
Maybe instead of casing a house, you are out there in Obama's roaring economic recovery, painting a house, or doing lawn work, you wouldn't have the POLICE showing up yelling "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out. But hey, when you vote for the 1st muslim homosexual 1/2 white community agitator who wants racial division, you get what you vote for. Worse part about that, is many voted for HIM twice, makes them double "STUPID".
No, they aren't obligated to yell that, however it's a popular phrase used by cops who do want to abuse the system. I talked to a guy who was an MP once. He told me if someone was giving them a hard time they'd throw him to the ground a few times and yell "stop resisting" no matter what the guy did, even if he layed still. That way, if people were witnesses and were asked what they saw, you remember what you hear more than what you see and you would say that you heard the MP tell the guy stop resisting and you saw the cop wrestling with the guy. That makes it sound like the guy was resisting. So no charges were ever brought.
If you watch the TV "ride-along" documentary, COPS, you often will see a number of cops who piled on a prostrate subject, grinding his face into the dirt or pavement with a knee and forcefully twisting his arms as handcuffs are applied. You will notice that while the cops are repeatedly shouting, "Stop resisting," the subject hasn't moved and is clearly not resisting.

The "Stop resisting" is for the benefit of any bystanders who might be wondering why the fully subdued prisoner is being treated so roughly. The shouting is a gimmick and is just one more way some cops have learned to circumvent restrictions on the use of force by exploiting the Rules Of Procedure.

On COPS, you also will see occasions when a submissively docile subject is forcefully slammed to the ground by cops and unnecessarily subjected to the kind of low-level brutality described above. The "Stop resisting" shouting seeks to justify the cops' redundantlyi forceful action.

They just say it anyway. Even when they are brutally arresting someone and the police victim is limp and saying "I'm not resisting". They think it makes them look good.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.

...and citizens are legally allowed to use lethal force on cops if they illegally enter your home.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.

...and citizens are legally allowed to use lethal force on cops if they illegally enter your home.

Correct, sort of.

Let's say a situation where you live at 1212 park lane and the police are serving a warrant on 1221 park lane and someone fucked up the warrant and put 1212 park lane and the cops enter your home yelling "police, police" and you shoot and kill one. you're guilty of murder. Because the police were acting on good faith. They thought they were serving a valid warrant.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.

...and citizens are legally allowed to use lethal force on cops if they illegally enter your home.

Correct, sort of.

Let's say a situation where you live at 1212 park lane and the police are serving a warrant on 1221 park lane and someone fucked up the warrant and put 1212 park lane and the cops enter your home yelling "police, police" and you shoot and kill one. you're guilty of murder. Because the police were acting on good faith. They thought they were serving a valid warrant.

no..it doesn't say anything about "good faith" or intent...it says if they enter your home illegally you can use deadly force.
They just say it anyway. Even when they are brutally arresting someone and the police victim is limp and saying "I'm not resisting". They think it makes them look good.
It's not because they think it makes them look "good." It's because most cops are aware their actions might be recorded and the redundant "Stop resisting!" command is a strategic ploy to justify what in fact is excessive force.

Why do cops do this? All cops don't do it but a significant number of them do. Some do it because of simple sadism, others do it because they enjoy certain aspects the job which, for them, is analogous to playing football in high-school.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.

...and citizens are legally allowed to use lethal force on cops if they illegally enter your home.

Correct, sort of.

Let's say a situation where you live at 1212 park lane and the police are serving a warrant on 1221 park lane and someone fucked up the warrant and put 1212 park lane and the cops enter your home yelling "police, police" and you shoot and kill one. you're guilty of murder. Because the police were acting on good faith. They thought they were serving a valid warrant.

no..it doesn't say anything about "good faith" or intent...it says if they enter your home illegally you can use deadly force.

Dude, if a cop accidentally enters the wrong house thinking he's making a legal entry, THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL.

It happens all the time. A affidavit is filled out wrong, numbers get transposed. Regrettably it happens, and when it does the police don't get in trouble for making an illegal entry, why? Because it isn't an illegal entry.

Now, the question of whether a person actually IS charged if they shoot a cop in those situations is largely a case by case decision, BUT the fact remains that you CAN be charged because the police did NOT act illegally.
They get in trouble all the time for violently entering the wrong homes and end up paying huge fines, get fired, and sometimes go to jail. Except for the cop who was killed along with five others who were wounded when entering violently the wrong home.

A cop can only use the least force necessary to enforce his business.
This is something I've been wondering for a while now too. Let's say you're returning from a job interview and choose to take the scenic route home through the rich side of town. You're wearing a white button down shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes. An old woman happens to see you and calls the police. You have no idea until a police cruiser rolls up behind you. You turn around just in time to see the officer get out and ask you what you're doing. You tell him you just interviewed for a job and you're walking home. He asks you if you've been casing any houses. You ask what he means.

A second cruiser pulls up but this new cop is remaining inside. You can just barely see him on the radio. The first cop tells you that the area you're in has recently had a rash of break ins and you were reported as a suspicious individual. It turns out that the individual who reported you did so because she had never seen you before. You deny all charges just as the second cop gets out of the car. He walks towards you with his hand on the grip of his gun and demands to know what the bulge in your pocket is. You tell him it's a bar of deodorant because it's a hot day and you wanted to smell good for your interview. He tells you to pull it out and show him. You move your hand to your pocket and immediately both weapons are trained between your eyes. You shoot your hands above your head and tell them you're unarmed.

Are they legally required to yell "stop resisting" before taking your worthless thug* ass out, or will that just be a formality?

*Because you know that's exactly how Fox is going to defend it, especially if you're black.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever, but no if you are resisting arrest, the police are under no obligation to ask you to stop resisting before they MAKE you stop resisting, using whatever force is necessary to do so.

People are dumb and need to learn the law. Police are different than the average citizen, and CAN use force, including lethal force for more than just self defense.

...and citizens are legally allowed to use lethal force on cops if they illegally enter your home.

Correct, sort of.

Let's say a situation where you live at 1212 park lane and the police are serving a warrant on 1221 park lane and someone fucked up the warrant and put 1212 park lane and the cops enter your home yelling "police, police" and you shoot and kill one. you're guilty of murder. Because the police were acting on good faith. They thought they were serving a valid warrant.

no..it doesn't say anything about "good faith" or intent...it says if they enter your home illegally you can use deadly force.

Dude, if a cop accidentally enters the wrong house thinking he's making a legal entry, THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL.

It happens all the time. A affidavit is filled out wrong, numbers get transposed. Regrettably it happens, and when it does the police don't get in trouble for making an illegal entry, why? Because it isn't an illegal entry.

Now, the question of whether a person actually IS charged if they shoot a cop in those situations is largely a case by case decision, BUT the fact remains that you CAN be charged because the police did NOT act illegally.

If a cop enters the "wrong" house, that is an illegal entry...whatever the pretense/excuse/rationalization/intent.
They just say it anyway. Even when they are brutally arresting someone and the police victim is limp and saying "I'm not resisting". They think it makes them look good.
It's not because they think it makes them look "good." It's because most cops are aware their actions might be recorded and the redundant "Stop resisting!" command is a strategic ploy to justify what in fact is excessive force.

Why do cops do this? All cops don't do it but a significant number of them do. Some do it because of simple sadism, others do it because they enjoy certain aspects the job which, for them, is analogous to playing football in high-school.

check this out..it's meant to be satire....but it's VERY close to the truth.

Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something To Prove Considering Career In Law Enforcement

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