When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

NOT a drag queen or trans:

On the evening of March 15, FBI agents smashed open the door to the home of Michael Dolce, a West Palm Beach lawyer who had advocated for and represented sexual abuse survivors for the past 20 years. Armed with three warrants, the agents did not have to search long to find what they were looking for.

"They discovered Dolce actively downloading child pornography using peer-2-peer software," the Department of Justice alleges.
Hahaha, yeah I’m sure he is more worried about people who support the gay community more than those who are hateful bigots like yourself. ““ hey I’m not hateful, just keep that sick perverted shit away from my kids”” you don’t even understand how stupid you sound do you?!
You are a stupid, bigoted, ignorant piece of shit you asswipe. Learn to read fucktard. You and fellow dumbfuck citygator don’t have the intelligence to see past a lifestyle stereotype that you made up. God forbid he reject assholes like you and your fantasies and want to be known for his talent and not have people ignore that and concentrate on his lifestyle. You’re just a lower than whaleshit idiot who has yet to defend his disgusting views about exposing children to sick shit. You're too stupid to see how stupid you are. Your just admitted to wanting kids exposed to sexual deviancy. No surprise. GFY degenerate.
So you are accusing me of being a child abuser?

And you walk away from all those youtube videos you watch don't you?

Why isn't there a video of you stopping all those people you say are abusers?

Could it be because you actually don't do anything but mouth off here on the internet?
You need to STFU asshole. You’re doing nothing but supporting the abuse of kids by admitting you just ignore it.
Exactly. The debate is whether schools should be used for indoctrination (imho, the answer is no). So why not address that, instead of fantasizing about "grooming"? Is a prurient witch hunt just more fun?
The Indoctrination of young children with the intent of influencing a desired response to sexual suggestion is by very definition grooming.

Children need to be left alone to be children.
There's no reason on Earth children as young as kindergarten are exposed to the garbage. Absolutely none
No there isn't.

It has nothing to do with their education. They might as well bring in a latex mistress with a chained gimp in tow wearing a ball gag.

Today's leftists only see children as a resource to exploit. They are incapable of seeing them as children and wanting to protect then.
"Well, Johnnie, we realize you are only 5, but the staff here at Madison elementary thinks it is never too early to get you thinking about sucking cock".
This would likely stop if some teachers and others got perp walked and charged for this. That mayor in Ohio had it right. Telling the board to resign or face charges. Parents are tired of nothing being done, so like it or not, vigilante justice could be seen in the future.
This would likely stop if some teachers and others got perp walked and charged for this. That mayor in Ohio had it right. Telling the board to resign or face charges. Parents are tired of nothing being done, so like it or not, vigilante justice could be seen in the future.
I'm to the point of wondering if vigilante justice may be the only thing that stops it.

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