When you’ve lost Ann Coulter . . .

I don't think Coulter is a fan of Trump, either. I find her repulsive and disgusting, and she is a cheerleader for the former neoconservative douchebags who embroiled us in an unwinnable clusterfuck in Iraq.
Wait, you don’t consider Mitch McConnell a NeoCon?! Really? Can I hear you say that out loud?
Didn’t every single Republican Senator who was a Senator under Bush enthusiastically back every neocon policy?

There was but one exception, only one Republican with any integrity, and he voted against the Iraq war in the infamous vote of October 2002. I forget his name, but he would later divorce himself from the GOP completely, and I believe he became a Democrat.

I looked that up. I didn't remember any republicans voting against it but apparently there was.

In fact there was three republicans who voted no. Their names are:

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Coulter has always been repulsive. I've never liked her.
This will be the lie every conservative on this Messageboard, and far beyond, will tell. :lol:

They liked her just fine when she was cheerleading the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Now they are anti-war after years of supporting the neoconservatives every move.
Yup, it’s particularly amusing to me, since I’ve been posting with CrusaderFrank and a few others of his ilk since around 2004, on Hannity’s old forum. So when they post here how anti Bush, anti-neocon they are I have to laugh. They were lockstep with the whole ‘W is still your president’ taunts, and pro-Iraq War, and defending torture and waterboarding, and defending bush over Katrina, and Albert Gonzalez, and, and, and EVERYTHING the Republicans did. :lol:

They all marched lock step with the bush boy the same way they are with trump.

Which is why I'm not surprised with their unquestioning and blind love for trump and anyone with an R after their name.

So either they didn't believe what they were saying in the bush boy years or they don't believe what they're saying now.

Either way, I don't believe one word from any of them.
Ann Coulter bailed from Trump in the first 6 months of his administration when Trump offered the Dems the DACA deal that the Dems turned down.
OP lives under a manhole cover as this is not breaking news nor a new revelation about Coulter.
Umm...it’s a tweet about Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell, but please continue being a Snowflake For Donald.
I don't think Coulter is a fan of Trump, either. I find her repulsive and disgusting, and she is a cheerleader for the former neoconservative douchebags who embroiled us in an unwinnable clusterfuck in Iraq.
Wait, you don’t consider Mitch McConnell a NeoCon?! Really? Can I hear you say that out loud?
Didn’t every single Republican Senator who was a Senator under Bush enthusiastically back every neocon policy?

There was but one exception, only one Republican with any integrity, and he voted against the Iraq war in the infamous vote of October 2002. I forget his name, but he would later divorce himself from the GOP completely, and I believe he became a Democrat.

I looked that up. I didn't remember any republicans voting against it but apparently there was.

In fact there was three republicans who voted no. Their names are:

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Ron Paul wasn’t an actual Republican. It was the only way he could get elected.
I don't think Coulter is a fan of Trump, either. I find her repulsive and disgusting, and she is a cheerleader for the former neoconservative douchebags who embroiled us in an unwinnable clusterfuck in Iraq.

What about the unwinnable actions in Syria?

Anyway, this is pretty big if she actually said this.

What false equivalency are you trying to construct? How many soldiers did we lose in Syria?


You're comparing apples to sledgehammers.

Stupid is as stupid does. It was all stupid.
Ann Coulter bailed from Trump in the first 6 months of his administration when Trump offered the Dems the DACA deal that the Dems turned down.
OP lives under a manhole cover as this is not breaking news nor a new revelation about Coulter.
Umm...it’s a tweet about Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell, but please continue being a Snowflake For Donald.

When one bails on Trump, they totally bail on him.
Coulter totally bailed 6 months in, Ignatz.
You truly live under a manhole cover.

And then there is always the title of your lame thread that only mentions Coulter, A-Hole.
I looked that up. I didn't remember any republicans voting against it but apparently there was.

In fact there was three republicans who voted no. Their names are:

View attachment 362114View attachment 362115View attachment 362116

Yea, but those are House members. There was one Republican in the Senate, some northeastern state (New Hampshire, Rhode Island, can't remember) who voted against this. He later became a Democrat.
This will be the lie every conservative on this Messageboard, and far beyond, will tell. :lol:
I don't tell that lie. Coulter is massively informed, writes heavily sourced books, and her critics are just being born, compared to her level of knowledge. They generally haven't read the books, and don't know how much they don't know.
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
LMFAO! I'm uninformed? Quick Google search, dippy shits. The Bush family is worth an estimated 400 million, Ann Coulter is worth 10. Go do the SLIGHTEST FUCKING AMOUNT OF RESEARCH before telling other people how much they do and don't know. THAT'S common sense, moron.
The Bushes are worth $400 million but you want to investigate Biden? :oops:
You got evidence of a crime that the Bushes have committed? If so, I'd be all in on investigating them. Not a fan of high corruption or the Bushes.

That said, net worth isn't evidence of corruption. I love how the same guy that was just calling me uninformed just throws that out there, obviously AGAIN with doing even a moment's worth of actual research into where they made their money. I think I'm honestly offended that there can exist people who are simultaneously dripping with condescension, and intellectually lazy to a cartoonish degree. In a just world, this combination of traits would come with frequent migraines.
Yes, because they were failures, so you no longer admit to being their fanboi. In a few years, or sooner, you will be swearing that you never supported trump, and knew all along he was a criminal idiot.
I no longer admit to being their fanboi? I supported GWB when he was president, but I was never a fanboi. I wanted Pat Buchannan to win the 2000 primaries, but by the time the hanging chad recounts were happening in Florida, I was all-in on a Bush presidency. I also believed the justifications for going to war with Iraq. Granted, I was like 19, but yeah, the WMD stories seemed plausible, and I was fired up about getting everyone responsible for 911, everybody that might have helped facilitate or fund it, and everybody that the TV managed to convince me was likely to pull off the next big attack. Teenagers are ignorant and easy to persuade, and I wasn't much of an exception.

I have never denied this and never will. The fact that I don't like the Bushes now was never meant to be some smoke screen to obscure past bad opinions. I don't experience all that much shame over being caught in my misconceptions, I simply seek to correct them. If, in years to come, some proof emerges that Trump really was a Russian plant, I will likewise refer to him as such from that point forward, while continuing to tell anyone who asks that I didn't believe the story back before they had that proof.

Anyway, at this point you're pulling some angry girlfriend tactics and just randomly changing the topic of what we're talking about to try and attack my integrity. I don't see any purpose in having that sort of conversation with someone I'm not even sleeping with, so I'm gonna go ahead and stop responding after this.
Ron Paul wasn’t an actual Republican. It was the only way he could get elected.
His son was never a real Libertarian though, and eventually became a Trump puppet.

Sad, he had some good ideas earlier. He wanted to break with Saudi Arabia.
His son was never a real Libertarian though, and eventually became a Trump puppet.

Sad, he had some good ideas earlier. He wanted to break with Saudi Arabia.

The real reason he didn't break from S.A., had to do more with Al-Queda in Yemen.

I now return you to the next re-run of 'Friends'.
The real reason he didn't break from S.A., had to do more with Al-Queda in Yemen.

I now return you to the next re-run of 'Friends'.
They are in South Yemen, closer to SA's ideology.
Stay away from geo-politics!
It ain't your roundhouse.
Faraway lands that your mentor thinks are surrounded by water, lots of water, very much water....

Did you know Finland is not part of Russia?
Ron Paul wasn’t an actual Republican. It was the only way he could get elected.
His son was never a real Libertarian though, and eventually became a Trump puppet.

Sad, he had some good ideas earlier. He wanted to break with Saudi Arabia.
Well, in the past 10 years Ron hasn't been much of a libertarian either.
Stay away from geo-politics!
It ain't your roundhouse.
Faraway lands that your mentor thinks are surrounded by water, lots of water, very much water....

Did you know Finland is not part of Russia?

Did you know that Finland has already tried a 'guaranteed income' program and they did away with it because it was a massive fail?
Yeah, but their PM is a looker:


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