When you’ve lost Ann Coulter . . .

Coulter has always been repulsive. I've never liked her.
This will be the lie every conservative on this Messageboard, and far beyond, will tell. :lol:

Dude, you've been busted for massive contortions in your liberal gymnastics. I've never like her. Of course you'll lie about the narrative.
I know. You never liked George W. Bush, either. Or Mitt Romney. Or John McCain.

there's one goal here: to win the fucking election for president and keep the senate and take back the house. Ann, do you want to win the goddamn thing or are we in junior high school again?
I don't think Coulter is a fan of Trump, either. I find her repulsive and disgusting, and she is a cheerleader for the former neoconservative douchebags who embroiled us in an unwinnable clusterfuck in Iraq.
Wait, you don’t consider Mitch McConnell a NeoCon?! Really? Can I hear you say that out loud?
Didn’t every single Republican Senator who was a Senator under Bush enthusiastically back every neocon policy?
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
Coulter is worth around 9 million. GWB is worth about 40 million. Do you even think before you utter such stufukinpidity?
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
LMFAO! I'm uninformed? Quick Google search, dippy shits. The Bush family is worth an estimated 400 million, Ann Coulter is worth 10. Go do the SLIGHTEST FUCKING AMOUNT OF RESEARCH before telling other people how much they do and don't know. THAT'S common sense, moron.
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
Coulter is worth around 9 million. GWB is worth about 40 million. Do you even think before you utter such stufukinpidity?
Did she invest heavily in Trump’s economy? Poor girl.
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
LMFAO! I'm uninformed? Quick Google search, dippy shits. The Bush family is worth an estimated 400 million, Ann Coulter is worth 10. Go do the SLIGHTEST FUCKING AMOUNT OF RESEARCH before telling other people how much they do and don't know. THAT'S common sense, moron.
The Bushes are worth $400 million but you want to investigate Biden? :oops:
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
Coulter has millions of fans. She doesn't need any "bulk buyers" like most Democrats do.

Oh, I forgot about the dopes who claim they don’t even know who Ann Coulter is.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You said she's worth more than the Bush people. Not even close to one of them. You know nothing about anything Adolescent Socialist Malcontent.

Do you think someone worth even just $10 million is going to be impressed with Dubya’s barbecue? :auiqs.jpg:
Coulter has always been repulsive. I've never liked her.
This will be the lie every conservative on this Messageboard, and far beyond, will tell. :lol:

Dude, you've been busted for massive contortions in your liberal gymnastics. I've never like her. Of course you'll lie about the narrative.
I know. You never liked George W. Bush, either. Or Mitt Romney. Or John McCain.

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Nope, establishment RINOs all. I do like Coulter most of the time, but sometimes she says stuff that makes me scratch my head.
She definitely seems more likely to be impressed by a dinner and cocktail party at a Bush family summer home in the Hamptons than a tailgate BBQ with some MAGA types.
You’re such an uninformed person, with seemingly no common sense. Ann Coulter has a lot more money than the Bushes. She made millions on each book - and she has a lot of books - due to bulk buying by big donors like Koch and Mercer, and the RNC. You don’t think people bought that crap, did you? It’s always been a scam. And they’re still doing it, recently with Don, Jr ‘Triggered’. They got caught. :lol:

Ann Coulter lives a very nice comfortable lifestyle and isn’t going to be impressed by much. That said, she’s scum.
LMFAO! I'm uninformed? Quick Google search, dippy shits. The Bush family is worth an estimated 400 million, Ann Coulter is worth 10. Go do the SLIGHTEST FUCKING AMOUNT OF RESEARCH before telling other people how much they do and don't know. THAT'S common sense, moron.
The Bushes are worth $400 million but you want to investigate Biden? :oops:
You got evidence of a crime that the Bushes have committed? If so, I'd be all in on investigating them. Not a fan of high corruption or the Bushes.

That said, net worth isn't evidence of corruption. I love how the same guy that was just calling me uninformed just throws that out there, obviously AGAIN with doing even a moment's worth of actual research into where they made their money. I think I'm honestly offended that there can exist people who are simultaneously dripping with condescension, and intellectually lazy to a cartoonish degree. In a just world, this combination of traits would come with frequent migraines.
Coulter is far more influential to Democrats than to rank-and-file Republicans.
We have two ways to get rid of evil Moscow Mitch:

1. Amy McGrath

2. Democrats take Senate
Absolute impossible idiocy, "Moscow Mitch," seriously? You intellectual abortions are a marvel, do none of you pay attention to real news channels reporting real news and information? McConnell and his wife are not beholding to Moscow you idiot, they made their millions from highly favorable shipping contracts awarded McConnell's wifes family by the CCP! Do you know who the CCP are? Well they are not fucking Moscow.....

Even on the rare occasion when I find myself in agreement with a radical leftist hating on a republican, as I do here, you get it all hopelessly wrong, this is because your sources are all radical democratic party controlled propaganda dispensaries, and one thing we know is the fascist democrats will never speak ill of their CCP masters, which is precisely why they use Moscow as their whipping boy, and why they cooked up the totally misdirected "Moscow Mitch" moniker.....:th_BlackHelicopter:

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