Where are all the illegal aliens voting?

The fact that people supporting voter ID's admit here that there are new hoops to jump throught is a problem in itself! You're asking homeless and poor people to jump through hoops. And RIGHT before the biggest election we've seen in a long time!

How is that not a voter purge?

Sadly, the truth is that our Constitution requires intelligent voters in order that our democracy have a chance to work. Therefore, there should be a huge purge of the unintelligent; that would include all those who cant figure out how to get ID's and those who can't pass a political IQ test.
The fact that people supporting voter ID's admit here that there are new hoops to jump throught is a problem in itself! You're asking homeless and poor people to jump through hoops. And RIGHT before the biggest election we've seen in a long time!

How is that not a voter purge?

Sadly, the truth is that our Constitution requires intelligent voters in order that our democracy have a chance to work. Therefore, there should be a huge purge of the unintelligent; that would include all those who cant figure out how to get ID's and those who can't pass a political IQ test.

I'd have to disagree. I don't think we need any unneccessary barriers to voting. I think the problem is not enough people vote.

I also think our system is so messed up that you're right in a sense about the Political IQ test. People don't know how to vote because there's too much BS to sort out the truth and how voting in one way truly affects them.
I think the problem is not enough people vote.

millions voted for Hitler. Democracy only works if the people who vote are intelligent. Would you everyone to do brain surgery? Would you want kids to vote too?

I also think our system is so messed up that you're right in a sense about the Political IQ test. People don't know how to vote because there's too much BS to sort out the truth and how voting in one way truly affects them.

if you had voter IQ tests it might spur political education to an unbelievable degree and make 30 second TV ads seems worthless, but liberals oppose so it won't happen no matter what the Constutition says
I'm sure it's true in most places but the voting precinct people have your information and signature and often even know you. Personally it is not the person I would be concerned with, but the method and counting process as Florida demonstrated in 2000. Not once in all this presumed republican concern with voting have I heard a concern over machinery and other factors. That must tell you something.

I actually have more concern with paper ballots.
did you know it was found in one county in CA for a US COngressional seat, over 700 illegal votes were cast? Don't tell me this isn't a problem that doesn't need to be dealt with.
[Footnote] In total, the Task Force found clear and convincing evidence that 748 invalid votes were cast in this election.
Committee Reports)

Sowers guilty on ten voter fraud counts
Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread
Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio – an update
Voter fraud conviction upheld
Van Hollen announces voting fraud conviction : The Bay View Compass
News Room
Welcome to the Orange County DA Office - VOTER FRAUD

Adlai Stevenson III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A grand jury later determined that Adlai Stevenson had unwittingly benefited from some 100,000 illegal ballots that had been cast in Chicago in the 1982 gubernatorial election.

Felon voters in Hennepin County: 7 convictions, 40 cases pending | MinnPost
Was Al Franken elected by 1000 felons?
http://www.ceimn.org/files/Facts ab...nd Voter Fraud in Minnesota_with appendix.pdf
Voter fraud all too real; ID laws will help - Opinion - Letters to the editor - MyrtleBeachOnline.com
Republican National Lawyers Association | (RNLA)

Felons removed in Fl 2012 as of a couple of months ago
By race
African-American: 2,956 (42.63 percent)
White: 3,018 (43.52 percent)
Hispanic: 608 (8.77 percent)
By location
Jacksonville: 928 (13.38 percent)
Miami: 367 (5.29 percent)
Tampa: 797 (11.49 percent)
Orlando: 222 (3.20 percent)
St. Petersburg: 174 (2.51 percent)
Source: Florida Department of State

Read more here: TALLAHASSEE: State purges 7,000 felons from voting rolls - Florida - MiamiHerald.com
I think the problem is not enough people vote.

millions voted for Hitler. Democracy only works if the people who vote are intelligent. Would you everyone to do brain surgery? Would you want kids to vote too?

I also think our system is so messed up that you're right in a sense about the Political IQ test. People don't know how to vote because there's too much BS to sort out the truth and how voting in one way truly affects them.

if you had voter IQ tests it might spur political education to an unbelievable degree and make 30 second TV ads seems worthless, but liberals oppose so it won't happen no matter what the Constutition says

Sorry, noob here, I don't know how to seperate quotes from previous posts. But to your first response. I thought it was funny that you asked if I'd want my kids to vote too.

I think that's funny because my kid is 10 now and he's been paying attention to me paying more attention to politics lately. He's made some funny remarks that actually make a TON of sense and come from a simple mind.
The fact that no one can find illegals voting just proves that the illegals are extra sneaky when they vote! The lack of any evidence proves the conspiracy has to be correct!

Common sense, people. Why would an illegal willingly risk deportation just to cast 1 vote? Why would a felon willingly risk jail time to cast 1 vote? The payoff-to-risk ratio is so small, no one would take the gamble. The few cases that pop up tend to be honest mistakes.
The fact that people supporting voter ID's admit here that there are new hoops to jump throught is a problem in itself! You're asking homeless and poor people to jump through hoops. And RIGHT before the biggest election we've seen in a long time!

How is that not a voter purge?

Ignoring my suggestion of making it for the NEXT election I see. Gives them plenty of time, doesn't it?

But you'll notice that's not what they're doing.
Granted, there are special considerations, especially when dealing with the Elderly, still, that is a matter of logistics, something that should be worked out, with the State Government Agencies, along with the Fed's. Should even be able to do it in home.

The logistics don't matter. The whole goal is to remove enough poor people from the rolls to enable a Romney victory.

Not from where I sit. Further, I think the bigger problem, more on your side, is people so fed up with the bullshit and lies, that they just say fuck it, and stay home. I personally came very close to that, last round, with McCain.

That may not be your view, but that's certainly the view of elected officials pushing these measures.
The fact that no one can find illegals voting just proves that the illegals are extra sneaky when they vote! The lack of any evidence proves the conspiracy has to be correct!

Common sense, people. Why would an illegal willingly risk deportation just to cast 1 vote? Why would a felon willingly risk jail time to cast 1 vote? The payoff-to-risk ratio is so small, no one would take the gamble. The few cases that pop up tend to be honest mistakes.

Maria Azada, 53, of Grayslake, faces 17 felony counts of perjury, mutilation of election materials and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen, according to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Azada is accused of voting nine times in primary, general and consolidated elections between 2003 and 2009, officials said.
- Chicago Sun-Times

A Mexican who was deported decades ago for drug trafficking pleaded guilty this week to living illegally in Escondido under a false identity and fraudulently voting in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, federal authorities said Friday.
ESCONDIDO: Mexican man admits to voter fraud : Escondido

Two elections supervisors are taking action after an NBC2 investigation uncovers flawed record keeping and human error allowing people who are not citizens of the United States to vote.

No one knows how widespread this problem is, because county election supervisors have no way to track non-citizens who live here.
NBC2 Investigates: Voter fraud - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

want more?
Its especially harder if you live in one state but were born in another.

Not to mention even if you applied for a copy of your birth certificate right now there's a good chance it won't come in on time.

Granted, there are special considerations, especially when dealing with the Elderly, still, that is a matter of logistics, something that should be worked out, with the State Government Agencies, along with the Fed's. Should even be able to do it in home.

The logistics don't matter. The whole goal is to remove enough poor people from the rolls to enable a Romney victory.

And can you back up this inflammatory and accusatory post with any actual facts or data? I highly doubt it.

This is just another one of the random disparaging remarks that leads to nothing. There is no grand conspiracy to block legal voters from voting so that the right can steal the election. There is a group of people that believe the right to vote should be protected by showing an ID and verifying who you are before casting their vote. There is another group that thinks ID is a hurtle that is too high for the act of voting. We can discuss the merits of either side but no so long as you are hurling accusations that this is all some conspiracy to steal an election.
Granted, there are special considerations, especially when dealing with the Elderly, still, that is a matter of logistics, something that should be worked out, with the State Government Agencies, along with the Fed's. Should even be able to do it in home.

The logistics don't matter. The whole goal is to remove enough poor people from the rolls to enable a Romney victory.

And can you back up this inflammatory and accusatory post with any actual facts or data? I highly doubt it.

This is just another one of the random disparaging remarks that leads to nothing. There is no grand conspiracy to block legal voters from voting so that the right can steal the election. There is a group of people that believe the right to vote should be protected by showing an ID and verifying who you are before casting their vote. There is another group that thinks ID is a hurtle that is too high for the act of voting. We can discuss the merits of either side but no so long as you are hurling accusations that this is all some conspiracy to steal an election.

If you can't see that this is an attempt to purge voters I feel sorry for you. It's clear as day.

Let me help....

New laws sponsored by repubs
Put into effect and made known only by main stream media shortly before the election.
Biggest election in a long time.
Clear data on how it disenfranchises millions, and hurts only one party
No significant data on voter fraud

It'd be one thing if they did this right after an election so the public had time to prepare.

Can you imagine 400000 extra Pennsylvania voters waiting at the dmv to get voter ids. It would take way too long!

But here I don't know if you heard about this a few months ago......

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes - Salon.com
Last edited:
The logistics don't matter. The whole goal is to remove enough poor people from the rolls to enable a Romney victory.

And can you back up this inflammatory and accusatory post with any actual facts or data? I highly doubt it.

This is just another one of the random disparaging remarks that leads to nothing. There is no grand conspiracy to block legal voters from voting so that the right can steal the election. There is a group of people that believe the right to vote should be protected by showing an ID and verifying who you are before casting their vote. There is another group that thinks ID is a hurtle that is too high for the act of voting. We can discuss the merits of either side but no so long as you are hurling accusations that this is all some conspiracy to steal an election.

If you can't see that this is an attempt to purge voters I feel sorry for you. It's clear as day.

Let me help....

New laws sponsored by repubs
Put into effect and made known only by main stream media shortly before the election.
Biggest election in a long time.
Clear data on how it disenfranchises millions, and hurts only one party
No significant data on voter fraud

It'd be one thing if they did this right after an election so the public had time to prepare.

Can you imagine 400000 extra Pennsylvania voters waiting at the dmv to get voter ids. It would take way too long!

But here I don't know if you heard about this a few months ago......

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes - Salon.com

from Jim Greer, who is charged with felonies for defrauding the GOP? That Jim Greer? :badgrin:
Just before the election? Really? It would be different if they waited till after this election?

This has been going on for years. These calls are not new by any standard. If the right did as you suggested, then such laws would never have been passed. As it is, most of the bills are taking so long because the legal process is slow and arduous.
If you can't see that this is an attempt to purge voters I feel sorry for you. It's clear as day.

Let's never forget that the Constitution requires us to purge children and adults as dumb as children from the voter rolls.

You do see that democracy depends on intelligent voters, not dumb voters -right???
The logistics don't matter. The whole goal is to remove enough poor people from the rolls to enable a Romney victory.

And can you back up this inflammatory and accusatory post with any actual facts or data? I highly doubt it.

This is just another one of the random disparaging remarks that leads to nothing. There is no grand conspiracy to block legal voters from voting so that the right can steal the election. There is a group of people that believe the right to vote should be protected by showing an ID and verifying who you are before casting their vote. There is another group that thinks ID is a hurtle that is too high for the act of voting. We can discuss the merits of either side but no so long as you are hurling accusations that this is all some conspiracy to steal an election.

If you can't see that this is an attempt to purge voters I feel sorry for you. It's clear as day.

Let me help....

New laws sponsored by repubs
Put into effect and made known only by main stream media shortly before the election.
Biggest election in a long time.
Clear data on how it disenfranchises millions, and hurts only one party
No significant data on voter fraud

It'd be one thing if they did this right after an election so the public had time to prepare.

Can you imagine 400000 extra Pennsylvania voters waiting at the dmv to get voter ids. It would take way too long!

But here I don't know if you heard about this a few months ago......

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes - Salon.com
These mesures or changes to things have been going on since it was found that many frauds were being perpetrated in these elections recently (dead people voting and on and on it all goes), and then when someone finally tries to start dealing with it all, it is met with the immediate response of you are just trying to supress the vote is what is said, but what should be the flag for everyone imho, should be this, where as when their are those who jump because someone is trying to do something that makes our elections for Americans more fair and honest, then we should wonder what it is exactly that they who oppose this are trying to hide actually.
And can you back up this inflammatory and accusatory post with any actual facts or data? I highly doubt it.

This is just another one of the random disparaging remarks that leads to nothing. There is no grand conspiracy to block legal voters from voting so that the right can steal the election. There is a group of people that believe the right to vote should be protected by showing an ID and verifying who you are before casting their vote. There is another group that thinks ID is a hurtle that is too high for the act of voting. We can discuss the merits of either side but no so long as you are hurling accusations that this is all some conspiracy to steal an election.

If you can't see that this is an attempt to purge voters I feel sorry for you. It's clear as day.

Let me help....

New laws sponsored by repubs
Put into effect and made known only by main stream media shortly before the election.
Biggest election in a long time.
Clear data on how it disenfranchises millions, and hurts only one party
No significant data on voter fraud

It'd be one thing if they did this right after an election so the public had time to prepare.

Can you imagine 400000 extra Pennsylvania voters waiting at the dmv to get voter ids. It would take way too long!

But here I don't know if you heard about this a few months ago......

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes - Salon.com
These mesures or changes to things have been going on since it was found that many frauds were being perpetrated in these elections recently (dead people voting and on and on it all goes), and then when someone finally tries to start dealing with it all, it is met with the immediate response of you are just trying to supress the vote is what is said, but what should be the flag for everyone imho, should be this, where as when their are those who jump because someone is trying to do something that makes our elections for Americans more fair and honest, then we should wonder what it is exactly that they who oppose this are trying to hide actually.

Most of the voter fraud recently has come from places like Florida and their methods of "counting" the vote accurately. There has been no SIGNIFICANT evidence of mass voter fraud anywhere. There's a few cases here and there, but I remember one article calculated it to be about .0000004% or some stupid number like that as a percentage of the pop vote.

The fact that our vote already doesn't really count and that the risk of getting caught outweighs any return on effort to fraudulently vote should make it clear that there would be no drive to fraudulently vote.

It's hard enough getting people out to the polls anyway.

You said more fair and honest but it is absolutely not fair or honest to do this to people.

These poor folk, around 400,000 in PA alone, don't have the money or time to get what they need to get these voter ID's. What about the poor folks that don't live in the same county or even state where they were originally born. You expect them to figure out a way to drive and get to a courthouse where they were originally from to get a birth certificate in order to do the one thing in our country that every citizen of age is ACTUALLY ENTITLED to?

then we should wonder what it is exactly that they who oppose this are trying to hide actually.

Democrats know that the more welfare someone receives the more likely he is to vote for more welfare.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
then we should wonder what it is exactly that they who oppose this are trying to hide actually.

Democrats know that the more welfare someone receives the more likely he is to vote for more welfare.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

Actually that is what you assume. There are democrats out there that don't think we should be handing out welfare so easily.

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