Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

A lot of people like their Social Security and Medicare.

A lot of people like their unemployment insurance.

And there are many more programs.
I think where you fuck up is you honestly believe that Americans live for GDP… Good real Americans are all about quality of life.
What’s bizarre as all hell is….you twisted Tards hate achievers until you don’t because the proper debate presents itself. Twilight Zone shit.
I came from a rural craphole in Alabama. My relatives are still there working crap jobs, scraping by and dying young. Ah well, Jesus will provide, eventually maybe..............
Define quality of life.
Obviously that’s subjective…quality of life for dark people is determined by whether or not they can swing that case of Modello or sack of weed this week…BUT for core Americans it’s about raising their children in safe, like minded communities, in sending their children to schools with teachers that are interested in teaching REAL curriculum and not the English language, in NOT sitting in hours of traffic with millions of illegals, in not waiting in line behind illegals for emergency care or doctors appointments, in not volunteering to pick up trash on beaches left behind by thirdworlders, in not volunteering to work at pet shelters caring for animals abused by dark people …are you starting to get it yet?
A lot of people like their Social Security and Medicare.

A lot of people like their unemployment insurance.

And there are many more programs.
How weird…people like free shit.
“New-age”…..let’s not talk about Democrat ideology / policy of old, it has NOTHING to do with what pillars today’s Democrats.
Remember when a famous Democrat once said….
Define "working".

If the outcome is to turn places like the left coast cities into filthy, drug infested, violent, third-world shitholes, the plan is really coming together.
With progs there has to be an opposite. They create social programs after social program saying they will eliminate the opposite. Every city has this in noticeable directions. Even a Prog jewel like San Fran has a ghetto sister city like Oakland.
I came from a rural craphole in Alabama. My relatives are still there working crap jobs, scraping by and dying young. Ah well, Jesus will provide, eventually maybe..............
Are you saying you prefer to sit in hours of traffic every week, you prefer shitty public education, you prefer to wait behind illegals for emergency care, you prefer living so close to your neighbor that you can hear him snore, you prefer to have to jump over piles of human shit left on sidewalks, you prefer to drive roadways lined with trash and Modello bottles, you prefer to live among unvetted thirdworlders, you prefer to stand in like at the grocery store with people who you can’t converse with?
Define "working".

If the outcome is to turn places like the left coast cities into filthy, drug infested, violent, third-world shitholes, the plan is really coming together.
Incredibly expensive filthy, drug infested, violent, third-world shitholes, please. :)
With progs there has to be an opposite. They create social programs after social program saying they will eliminate the opposite. Every city has this in noticeable directions. Even a Prog jewel like San Fran has a ghetto sister city like Oakland.
Except that San Fransicko is turning into Oakland, without all the 8-foot tall chain link fences surrounding the houses.
Are you saying you prefer to sit in hours of traffic every week, you prefer shitty public education, you prefer to wait behind illegals for emergency care, you prefer living so close to your neighbor that you can hear him snore, you prefer to have to jump over piles of human shit left on sidewalks, you prefer to drive roadways lined with trash and Modello bottles, you prefer to live among unvetted thirdworlders, you prefer to stand in like at the grocery store with people who you can’t converse with?
Are you saying you would prefer to be poor the rest of your life than pull up stakes and go somewhere where there is more economic opportunity? On my worst day I do individualism better than any "conservative".
Again, if you think the US is a failed nation...feel free to shove it and shove off. Again...I speak for everyone when I say nobody is going to miss you.
More bizarre Twilight Zone shit…just FEELINGS…which confirms that neither yourself or White 6 can tell us where your policies are creating a better America…You can only point us to people who FEEL warmer and fuzzier as their social agendas are pushed while America rots. That’s so Leftist of you.
Its more like trying to drag red states (which closely resemble third world shit holes in some aspects) kicking and screaming into (at least) the 19th century.
The pretentious, arrogant, snobbery of the left in full flower.

You stay in your urban shithole and let us in rural Murica do as we see fit.

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