Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

The US. All the cities and suburbs your children are abandoning you for.
Hahaha…$30T in debt, a larger homeless population than some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal trespassers fucking over the citizenry, a worthless public school system, a destroyed healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, criminality off the charts, a pandemic killing in record numbers, social media and media steering the direction of the nation, fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure you’re paying attention and know what positive trajectory is? Remember, we aren’t interested in your personal FEELZ…point us to a Dem run community, city, state or nation on the up an up in real world practice.
They were done by Democrats actually. If farmers didn't get socialist price supports half would go out of business, and wreck 3/4s of the red states.
Nearly all those price supports go to big corporate farms....Them going out of business and turning the land back over to the small private operator would be a good thing.
More bizarre Twilight Zone shit…just FEELINGS…which confirms that neither yourself or White 6 can tell us where your policies are creating a better America…You can only point us to people who FEEL warmer and fuzzier as their social agendas are pushed while America rots. That’s so Leftist of you.
You are an outright LIAR and a loser, so no wonder you are broke! I don't point to people "FEELING" warm and fuzzy and have certainly supported no riot. I'm just a flag waving, card-carrying patriot, unwilling to give up representative democracy for your short term political goals.
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Are you saying you would prefer to be poor the rest of your life than pull up stakes and go somewhere where there is more economic opportunity? On my worst day I do individualism better than any "conservative".
What does that mean? I thought you loved poor people? The poor people I know are the happiest people I know.
You can’t compare poor Cletus living on the river bank in Podunk, Missippi to poor DaShawn with fo baby mama’s working the struggle in Loon York city.
As post #3 said, their policies are working great toward the ultimate goal of one-world order communism.

They're excellent at dumbing people down, and the corruption required for the goal stated above.

They've demonstrated how people will vote for anyone or anything so long as it's tribal. Look at Xiden and The Giggler, shit there's a clue.

They've shown how the GDP can increase under scare-tactics, COVID is a fine example. They've shown the same are important for elections.

They've shown how to set the table for the black community to destroy themselves from within, and fuck, they'll even vote for them for the effort. Pretty good for the party of slavery, oh my, let's support them 9-1, what could go wrong?

They've shown how they can destroy small business in favor of monopolies and Chinese supplies. Fuck that should be obvious by now, look it up.

They've shown they've championed projection, and everything they accuse the right of is equal to a confession.

They've shown how actions have no meaning so long as they're supported by MSM, miseducation and nearly all sources of information.

They've taken Hollywood and turned it into real life. It's not real, however the fabrication & manipulation exists, and that requires some talent.

The Democrats have accomplished a lot.
As post #3 said, their policies are working great toward the ultimate goal of one-world order communism.

They're excellent at dumbing people down, and the corruption required for the goal stated above.

They've demonstrated how people will vote for anyone or anything so long as it's tribal. Look at Xiden and The Giggler, shit there's a clue.

They've shown how the GDP can increase under scare-tactics, COVID is a fine example. They've shown the same are important for elections.

They've shown how to set the table for the black community to destroy themselves from within, and fuck, they'll even vote for them for the effort. Pretty good for the party of slavery, oh my, let's support them 9-1, what could go wrong?

They've shown how they can destroy small business in favor of monopolies and Chinese supplies. Fuck that should be obvious by now, look it up.

They've shown they've championed projection, and everything they accuse the right of is equal to a confession.

They've shown how actions have no meaning so long as they're supported by MSM, miseducation and nearly all sources of information.

The Democrats have accomplished a lot.
So you’re saying what I’m saying… Democrats aren’t trying to improve or enhance America they are actually trying to run it off the cliff… A reality the ‘moderates’ here Mac1958 Golfing Gator White 6 can’t seem to admit in public.
You are an outright LIAR and a loser, so no wonder you are broke! I don't point to people "FEELING" warm and fuzzy and have certainly supported no riot. I'm just a flag waving, card-carrying patriot, unwilling to give up representative democracy for your short term political goals.
Nah…you’re a FEELZ guy using “INSURRECTION DAY” as your veil.
You’re still locked in FEELINGS mode…this thread was started with a question you can’t answer….”Where is Leftist / Democrat policy working?”

You're still locked in shit-brains mode.

The proof is all around you that liberal policies have worked... Everything from compulsory education to clean air and water... Only idiots like...well...as far as I can tell...you're a unique idiot in this aspect that you feel the US has failed.
No, he didn’t…Mark Zuckerherg, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos and those elites you proclaim to hate achieved that….you should be proud
Whose in the White House now? Not your blob. It's Joe Biden...YOUR PRESIDENT.

You're still locked in shit-brains mode.

The proof is all around you that liberal policies have worked... Everything from compulsory education to clean air and water... Only idiots like...well...as far as I can tell...you're a unique idiot in this aspect that you feel the US has failed.
GOP doesn't want good education and clean water? How about Defund the Police? Good policy?
More bizarre Twilight Zone shit…just FEELINGS…
Every argument you make is emotional. You simply gaslight and try to make pretend these pathetic isolationist fantasies of yours are new or anywhere even bordering upon factual. That's you're malfunction. No one sane buys your magaturd bullshit. You cry about it. I still have zero fucks to bestow upon you.
Every argument you make is emotional. You simply gaslight and try to make pretend these pathetic isolationist fantasies of yours are new or anywhere even bordering upon factual. That's you're malfunction. No one sane buys your magaturd bullshit. You cry about it. I still have zero fucks to bestow upon you.
Says the man who said all Trump supporters should die. Amazing. Hypocrisy 101.
Every argument you make is emotional. You simply gaslight and try to make pretend these pathetic isolationist fantasies of yours are new or anywhere even bordering upon factual. That's you're malfunction. No one sane buys your magaturd bullshit. You cry about it. I still have zero fucks to bestow upon you.
Cool…tough guy.
Now point us to what keeps you so LefTarded…where are your ideologies working?
Placed there by Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, the Google faggots, George Floyd and China by way of a Dem concocted scamdemic.
But, but, but RUSSIA!
You should be so proud.
I'm elated your blob is out of office.

Seeing you spiral more and more out of control daily is just an added bonus.

Nah…you’re a FEELZ guy using “INSURRECTION DAY” as your veil.
No, but you should not support the man that supported insurrection over his oath of office to the Constitution. Those people he riled up and sent to the capital became his criminal sheep, as they felt it was the right thing to do, to try to overthrow the will of the vote of the people. It was not the right thing to do, no matter how much you feel it. That's why many of them are in jail or prison.

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