Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

Dem policies don't work as witnessed by the fact that wages for average workers in america are so bad it's pathetic. Yet employers want workers to work "hard" for those wages. I have news for employers. Productivity is directly tied to wages. The more one is paid the harder they work and vice versa.
The relevance is you live in a place you despise filled with people you hate. It explains why you are so damn unhappy all the time
I’m not unhappy at all…I spend very little time outside my bubble anymore. I rage here on you disgusting Leftists because your belief system / policies / ideologies are so bad for the future of my children and this nation.
I have life by the balls…I’m insulated from all your filth…I can go wherever the fuck want whenever I want but I care about this nations future and you should to.
Its more like trying to drag red states (which closely resemble third world shit holes in some aspects) kicking and screaming into (at least) the 19th century.
Yeah, progressives are so progressive, huh. Our society is getting dumber every day, and that's no accident.
One lives where they want to live. I'm not stupid enough to move because of politics. I am an island.
Listen to what you ‘re saying…
”Lets make this nation better for the newcomers, the bottom feeding degenerates among us while fucking it all up for the core people.”
Do you hear that, do you hear how fucked and twisted that sounds?
hahahaha….and you wonder why good, real, core Americans are opposed to your ideals.

I can speak for everyone when I say ,"Less of people like you and more of anybody else is a good thing."
Yeah, progressives are so progressive, huh. Our society is getting dumber every day, and that's no accident.
What candycorn and all filthy leftists never realize is all their policies do is expand a desperate underclass…THEN they spend their days complaining about why so many people struggle…It’s become the Democrat way…create a problem and then bitch about the problem you create.
I can speak for everyone when I say ,"Less of people like you and more of anybody else is a good thing."
There you have it folks…another admission.
”We are good with trading positive contributors for desperate wetbacks from the thirdworld…we know we can create a better America with this model…JUST TRUST US.”
LefTard Logic
I’m not unhappy at all…

So this is all just an act. Gotcha

I spend very little time outside my bubble anymore.

This does not surprise me at all. Your kind always withdrawal into your little groups and stagnate.

I can go wherever the fuck want whenever I want but I care about this nations future and you should to.

As can I, and as do I. And will do all I can so that my children do not have to inherit the racist, bigoted society you seek.

The good news for them is that your kind is dying out
What candycorn and all filthy leftists never realize is all their policies do is expand a desperate underclass…THEN they spend their days complaining about why so many people struggle…It’s become the Democrat way…create a problem and then bitch about the problem you create.

Liberal policies of equal protection under the law, compulsory schooling for all children, clean air, water etc... created the greatest nation on earth.

That was reflected in the last presidential election when people could have chosen to double down on fear and hate...but didn't.
$20 pet hour is a job one should put a small amount of effort into. Democrats tell us that one should work hard for that. Sorry that is wrong in every aspect.
There you have it folks…another admission.
”We are good with trading positive contributors for desperate wetbacks from the thirdworld…we know we can create a better America with this model…JUST TRUST US.”
LefTard Logic

You've contributed nothing positive ever...except to give us all a superiority complex.
$20 pet hour is a job one should put a small amount of effort into. Democrats tell us that one should work hard for that. Sorry that is wrong in every aspect.

What you are being paid should not really have a bearing on your effort. If you accept a job and a rate of pay you should give it your best, regardless of what that rate of pay is.
No, you should not. Pay one $40 per hour vs $20 per hour. Which one does one put in real effort?
What candycorn and all filthy leftists never realize is all their policies do is expand a desperate underclass…THEN they spend their days complaining about why so many people struggle…It’s become the Democrat way…create a problem and then bitch about the problem you create.
Agree. Democrats don't fix pronlems, they exploit them.
Liberal policies of equal protection under the law, compulsory schooling for all children, clean air, water etc... created the greatest nation on earth.

That was reflected in the last presidential election when people could have chosen to double down on fear and hate...but didn't.
Those aren't exclusively leftist policies. Leftist and Liberal are not synonymous. You probably believe Democrats were anti slavery, pro women voting, and pro Civil Rights of 1964, when the truth is Democrats were 100% anti 13, 14 and 15th Amendments, a larger percentage than republican against women voting and Civil Rights of 1964. You probably know that, but you'll continue to lie because that's what leftists do.

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