Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

Don’t move the goalpost….the data is everywhere.
EVERY SINGLE predominantly dark community, city, state and nation the world over is nearly identical….a dirty, disgusting, dangerous, unproductive super shithole…..and you find that to be coincidental.
You believe you super tards can do it differently on American soil with the same people…hahahahah

It was your what if game, do not blame me for your stupidity
EVERY SINGLE predominantly dark community, city, state and nation the world over is nearly identical….a dirty, disgusting, dangerous, unproductive super shithole….....

Spineless fucking cockroach obsessing over color yet again. What a pathetic coward.
Why the fuck would anyone trust you, cockroach?
Keep the thread on track….Tell us Humberto, where is your Democrat policies working…you know, where you’ve planted all your foreigners and beloved illegals?
I will never vote for a billionaire for prez party matters not. It's time for a poor person to run the show...to the shagrin of those of you who worship the rich.
Spineless fucking cockroach obsessing over color yet again. What a pathetic coward.

The track of every thread you pollute with your sackless bullshit is just a display of your weakness and stupidity.
I’m just enlightening you and exposing you to scary truths. Don’t piss yourself…just tell us where your ReFuckingTarded “we need more dark people” Dem ideals are working and we’ll go away.
If you can’t tell us then we must assume you are knowingly fucking America up because, because, because….FEELZ!
It was your what if game, do not blame me for your stupidity
Scary isn’t it?
I’d use pathetic deflection techniques if I knew I didn’t have the balls to tackle the questions as well.
You done well Lefty….pulled of some serious Leftist shit right there.
Aren't you Moon Bats ashamed of this dumbass? Probably not because you have no shame.

Are you going to do another Trail of Tears to get rid of all the not white -not Christian Americans from the Red States.
Anyone who wanted to stay could, and be welcome.

Are you going to put people in camps? You've done it before.
I will never vote for a billionaire for prez party matters not. It's time for a poor person to run the show...to the shagrin of those of you who worship the rich.
We get it…you’d vote for Guadalupe with 9 children and five baby daddys because, because, because….FEELZ!
Can you point to any Democrat solutions to that list of problems?

Because it looks like Democrats support making those problems worse.
Social Security and Medicare, which you people want to kill, have expanded the life expectancy of Americans by more than 10 years...
Social programs have reduce poverty levels considerably ESPECIALLY among poor Whites...
Environmental regulations have reduced pollution of the air and water considerably...
Educational programs have bought medical care to the inner cities...

Are you getting tired of this?

Now list programs supported by the GOP that have benefitted society...

Let's start with the GOP blowing up the debt under 3 of the last 4 GOP presidents
Let's continue with tax cuts for the rich that enabled the largest wealth gap sine the 1920s.

Please, we'd like to understand those magical trickle down benifits.
That’s what you Lefties do…you always point us to a white community, state or nation to show us how good your ideas work while out the other side of your mouth you tell us we need fewer whites / “greater diversity”.

I just call it like you see it.

Try starting a thread without being racist if that is at all possible.
Social Security and Medicare, which you people want to kill, have expanded the life expectancy of Americans by more than 10 years...
Social programs have reduce poverty levels considerably ESPECIALLY among poor Whites...
Environmental regulations have reduced pollution of the air and water considerably...
Educational programs have bought medical care to the inner cities...

Are you getting tired of this?

Now list programs supported by the GOP that have benefitted society...

Let's start with the GOP blowing up the debt under 3 of the last 4 GOP presidents
Let's continue with tax cuts for the rich that enabled the largest wealth gap sine the 1920s.

Please, we'd like to understand those magical trickle down benifits.
How weird…people like free shit.
“New-age”…..let’s not talk about Democrat ideology / policy of old, it has NOTHING to do with what pillars today’s Leftist / Democrats.
Remember when a famous Democrat once said….
Social security is the greatest program this nation has ever created. Tens of millions benefited. But we can't have that now can we.

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