Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

Yes. Williamson went Democratic first time. The leg had to Gerry mandrel it into a pretzel in the last redistricting.

And purple is appropriate. They Don't want either extreme.
Please share what you’re smoking. Texas is as red as my state is blue.
I suppose I'm asking you why you think republican polices are so awesome when every rural nowhere shithole has been a laboratory for their polices for many decades?
Looky here! We have a leftist using the butbutbutbut Kentucky! Defense.
I came from a rural craphole in Alabama. My relatives are still there working crap jobs, scraping by and dying young. Ah well, Jesus will provide, eventually maybe..............

Look at the all loving and caring leftist crap all over his family.
My guess,every one of them is a better person than you.
Social Security and Medicare, which you people want to kill, have expanded the life expectancy of Americans by more than 10 years...
Social programs have reduce poverty levels considerably ESPECIALLY among poor Whites...
Environmental regulations have reduced pollution of the air and water considerably...
Educational programs have bought medical care to the inner cities...

Are you getting tired of this?

Now list programs supported by the GOP that have benefitted society...

Let's start with the GOP blowing up the debt under 3 of the last 4 GOP presidents
Let's continue with tax cuts for the rich that enabled the largest wealth gap sine the 1920s.

Please, we'd like to understand those magical trickle down benifits.
Is your skewed knowledge of history -- you know, the one where Democrats are perfect angels -- the product of public education?
Then why secede? You make no sense.
I make perfect sense. It's just over your head.

Say a coalition of red states secedes. Anyone who wants to stay and be a citizen of the Free States of Normal People is welcome to stay. Those who don't wish to be free and normal are free to move to the Socialist Shithole States of Fucked-Up People.
I make perfect sense. It's just over your head.

Say a coalition of red states secedes. Anyone who wants to stay and be a citizen of the Free States of Normal People is welcome to stay. Those who don't wish to be free and normal are free to move to the Socialist Shithole States of Fucked-Up People.
You still make no sense. Ravings of a loon.
How weird…people like free shit.
“New-age”…..let’s not talk about Democrat ideology / policy of old, it has NOTHING to do with what pillars today’s Leftist / Democrats.
Remember when a famous Democrat once said….
You mean like trillions in tax cuts, billions in tax abatements...
People pay taxes, so they DO PAY.

Unless, of course their rich.
There was a time when the parties were separated by the smallest of issues and things got accomplished in traditional bipartisanship nature.
That’s certainly not the case any longer….New-age Democrats are all about social engineering / social construct…they have almost no interest in real politics / economics / foreign policy any longer…and they don’t have to….they struck gold in compartmentalizing their constituents….All they have to do is make their ‘classes’ of people feel warm and fuzzy inside and make it rain free shit. Hell, my teen daughter could be a Democrat POTUS.

Obviously you've been living under a rock the last dozen years so you missed the part where the GOP was filibustering their own legislation.

Perhaps a class in US history since 1992 might help you.

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