Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

Hey [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION], [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION], [MENTION=43062]velvtacheeze[/MENTION], [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]: late last night the Obama Administration released their official libtard narrative on Obama's blood-thirsty craving to invade Syria. Being good little slaves to your Dumbocrat masters, I wanted to make sure you got the talking points so you could shield Obama from criticism and try to prevent the truth:

Why would I do that.

I've said that this is a stupid war the Zionists are manipulating us into, and that's still my position.

I've pretty much said that from the beginning.

What will be amazing is how fast the GOP gets on board after AIPAC gives them their marching orders.
10 years ago when it was a repub demanding war, the liberals were marching by the millions. Now they say it's ok when their god obama destroys a nation that never did anything to us.

Where were all the Viet Nam war protesters BEFORE Viet Nam?

Where were all the Iraq protesters BEFORE Iraq?

(Hint: we are calling, e-mailing our Congressmen)
Hey [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION], [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION], [MENTION=43062]velvtacheeze[/MENTION], [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]: late last night the Obama Administration released their official libtard narrative on Obama's blood-thirsty craving to invade Syria. Being good little slaves to your Dumbocrat masters, I wanted to make sure you got the talking points so you could shield Obama from criticism and try to prevent the truth:
This Syrian issue really shows how disfunctional we are as a country. Here we are, left and right, conservative and liberal, democrat and republican, all agreeing on one issue (against military action in Syria), yet we are unable to acheive this bi-partisan goal.

Why is that?

Because the people who have the real power want this war.

Hey [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION], [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION], [MENTION=43062]velvtacheeze[/MENTION], [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]: late last night the Obama Administration released their official libtard narrative on Obama's blood-thirsty craving to invade Syria. Being good little slaves to your Dumbocrat masters, I wanted to make sure you got the talking points so you could shield Obama from criticism and try to prevent the truth:

Why would I do that.

I've said that this is a stupid war the Zionists are manipulating us into, and that's still my position.

I've pretty much said that from the beginning.

What will be amazing is how fast the GOP gets on board after AIPAC gives them their marching orders.
Why is it, all the country's we've been attacking for the last 10 years are not members of the WTO? Country's that have state-owned banks and are not subject to the derrivitive agreements the WTO imposes on its members?

Is this really just a coincedence?
Hey [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION], [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION], [MENTION=43062]velvtacheeze[/MENTION], [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]: late last night the Obama Administration released their official libtard narrative on Obama's blood-thirsty craving to invade Syria. Being good little slaves to your Dumbocrat masters, I wanted to make sure you got the talking points so you could shield Obama from criticism and try to prevent the truth:
This Syrian issue really shows how disfunctional we are as a country. Here we are, left and right, conservative and liberal, democrat and republican, all agreeing on one issue (against military action in Syria), yet we are unable to acheive this bi-partisan goal.

Why is that?

The only thing dysfunctional is this post. When did we all agree on military action on Syria?!? :cuckoo:

We SHOULD agree on what despicable hypocrites liberals are though. They actually bitch about Afghanistan (which was the result of the worst attack on the U.S. in history) but applaud when Obama demands war with Syria...
"I don't always draw red lines... but when I do, I blame the world later... stay shifty my friends...,Hey Valerie, when is my Tee Time tomorrow ???"
You got that 100% right. Obama is not a liberal (that's a breed that is nearly extinct). Obama is a radical marxist (just like ass-hats such as rdean, joeb131, Harry Reid, and about 85% of the Dumbocrat party).
I don't think he's a marxist.

He's a corporate bitch (just like his predecessor), doing what he's told, like a good little whore.

Corporate bitch? Maybe to his supporters (GM, MSNBC, green tech). But to 95% of the free market, he's punishing them for not being good little marxists sharing what they earned with others.

How unhinged is the left that they don't believe that Obama is a marxist? This is as crazy as a conservative claiming that Ron Paul is a socialist... :cuckoo:
The only thing dysfunctional is this post. When did we all agree on military action on Syria?!? :cuckoo:
Every poll you look at shows, at a minimum, at least 60% of American's are against military action in Syria.

That ain't all liberals!

We SHOULD agree on what despicable hypocrites liberals are though. They actually bitch about Afghanistan (which was the result of the worst attack on the U.S. in history) but applaud when Obama demands war with Syria...
The liberals who do that, ARE fuckin' hypocrites. But that's not the issue here.

Why is it, you and I are both in agreement on no military action in Syria, yet all you wanna do, is trash liberals?
Corporate bitch? Maybe to his supporters (GM, MSNBC, green tech). But to 95% of the free market, he's punishing them for not being good little marxists sharing what they earned with others.

How unhinged is the left that they don't believe that Obama is a marxist? This is as crazy as a conservative claiming that Ron Paul is a socialist... :cuckoo:
He's not a marxist and the left doesn't support him (or his policies).

As far as your "sharing" comment, do you really think a hedge fund manager "earns" $37,000/hr?
The only thing dysfunctional is this post. When did we all agree on military action on Syria?!? :cuckoo:
Every poll you look at shows, at a minimum, at least 60% of American's are against military action in Syria.

That ain't all liberals!

60% is barely more than HALF of America. That's your idea of ALL?!? :cuckoo:

We SHOULD agree on what despicable hypocrites liberals are though. They actually bitch about Afghanistan (which was the result of the worst attack on the U.S. in history) but applaud when Obama demands war with Syria...
The liberals who do that, ARE fuckin' hypocrites. But that's not the issue here.

Actually - that is the issue (perhaps you should read the thread title and opening post before weighing in?). This entire thread was about the hypocrisy of the liberals on this issue (well, 98% of them anyway). Notice people like Bodecia claim to be calling their representatives - but haven't showed even the slightest ounce of the seething hatred on USMB that they still display towards Bush?

Why is it, you and I are both in agreement on no military action in Syria, yet all you wanna do, is trash liberals?

I do not agree on military action in Syria. Where in the hell did you get that?!?

I'm also not against it. As of right now, I'm waiting for someone to tell me WHY we need any action against Syria. I am not aware of Assad of having any history like Saddam Hussein. I'm not aware of him raping women by the thousands. I'm not aware if him torturing his citizens by the tens of thousands. I'm not aware if him invading another country on multiple occassions. I'm not aware of him doing any of the heinous acts that Saddam Hussien was guilty of.

Until someone can give me the REAL reason we are going in to Syria, I oppose it. I've asked several times now for a real answer and all I've gotten are racist dirt-bags like JoeB blaming Jews (as if that tin foil hat theory makes any sense - if Jews were behind this, we'd be nuking Iran, not invading Syria).
Corporate bitch? Maybe to his supporters (GM, MSNBC, green tech). But to 95% of the free market, he's punishing them for not being good little marxists sharing what they earned with others.

How unhinged is the left that they don't believe that Obama is a marxist? This is as crazy as a conservative claiming that Ron Paul is a socialist... :cuckoo:
He's not a marxist and the left doesn't support him (or his policies).

As far as your "sharing" comment, do you really think a hedge fund manager "earns" $37,000/hr?

Did he steal it? Did he embezzle it? Did he extort it? If the answer to those questions are "no" - then he absolutely earned every penny of it.

Don't hate someone because they are more successful than you Billo - it's so unbecoming...

Actually - that is the issue (perhaps you should read the thread title and opening post before weighing in?). This entire thread was about the hypocrisy of the liberals on this issue (well, 98% of them anyway). Notice people like Bodecia claim to be calling their representatives - but haven't showed even the slightest ounce of the seething hatred on USMB that they still display towards Bush?

1) Obama isn't lying to get us into this war, like Bush did.
2) Obama is deferring to Congress.

But here's the thing. This has no good answers. If we don't go to war, Assad will finish this war by murdering hundreds of thousands of people.

I do not agree on military action in Syria. Where in the hell did you get that?!?

I'm also not against it. As of right now, I'm waiting for someone to tell me WHY we need any action against Syria. I am not aware of Assad of having any history like Saddam Hussein. I'm not aware of him raping women by the thousands. I'm not aware if him torturing his citizens by the tens of thousands. I'm not aware if him invading another country on multiple occassions. I'm not aware of him doing any of the heinous acts that Saddam Hussien was guilty of.[/

You aren't? Maybe you need to look up the rap sheet on Assad...

Syria | Amnesty International

First, the Assad Regime HAS invaded Lebanon and has murdered Lebanese leaders they don't like.

Second, it is a serial abuser of human rights. It has murdered 100,000 people in this war so far.


Until someone can give me the REAL reason we are going in to Syria, I oppose it. I've asked several times now for a real answer and all I've gotten are racist dirt-bags like JoeB blaming Jews (as if that tin foil hat theory makes any sense - if Jews were behind this, we'd be nuking Iran, not invading Syria).

Poodle, sweetie, the ZIONISTS (not Jews) are behind this.

They even admit as much. Those last two sources are ISRAELI sources that say they want us to take action in Syria. (which to me, is the best argument to do nothing I've heard.)

Why Israel Supports the Syria Strike - Jake J. Smith - The Atlantic

AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

So why does Obama want this so badly?

Obama is an old 'community organizer'.
He's accustomed to bending the will of people towards his agenda.
It's really chapping his ass that it's not working this time around.

One thing is for sure;
You can bet that it will be one HELLUVA speech Tuesday night.
He will be smooth and suave. You can bet on it.
I just hope that (not too many) people fall for his snake-oil sales pitch

Old? I bet he's younger than you.

Several GOP leaders are on his side - I guess they fell for the snake-oil? Oh, wait a minute, they were the ones that were urging him to strike!

History does have a way of repeating itself.

Do you want a list of Democrats that urged George Bush to attack Iraq? It was a LOT more than two or three. The list includes the present (Kerry)and past (Clinton) Sec's of State as well as a large number of Senators and Representatives still serving in Congress.
You mean like you?

Are you looking in the mirror?

You made me laugh out loud. You started this, how am "I" looking in the mirror?

Being a liberal is never having to stand behind anything you say, isn't it closed caption? And then other liberals run over and stick their hand down your pants to start a circle jerk. It's not my thing, but I'm glad you found happiness.

To be fair that is not just a liberal trait...it is a typically human trait. That's why when it does actually happen it really stands out and is noticed.
the ZIONISTS (not Jews) are behind this

"It's not the liberals behind this, it's the Democrats"

"It's not the Soviets behind this, it's the Russians"

"It's not the Catholics that molest children, it's the priests"


You're making an absurd distinction there and you know it. You also know that "zionist" is you're way of screaming "filthy jew".
You aren't? Maybe you need to look up the rap sheet on Assad...

Syria | Amnesty International

Joe - your link is useless. I'm openly acknowledging I don't know much about Assad. Sending me a link about refugees because of a civil war isn't helpful. If you have some good info on Assad, by all means please post it. If you don't, don't waste my time on Amnesty International links about refugees...
the ZIONISTS (not Jews) are behind this

"It's not the liberals behind this, it's the Democrats"

"It's not the Soviets behind this, it's the Russians"

"It's not the Catholics that molest children, it's the priests"


You're making an absurd distinction there and you know it. You also know that "zionist" is you're way of screaming "filthy jew".

It's not an "absurd" distinction at all.

Most Russians were not "Soviets".

Most Catholics were not "priests". In fact, growing up Catholic, we all knew the priests were queers and the nuns were dykes. And then it became okay to be gay, and suddenly, no one is joining "HOly Orders" anymore.

but let's look at the Jew/Zionist paradox. Most Jewish folks are NOT Zionists. in fact, Jewish folk in America and Europe look at Israel as more of an embarrassment than something to be proud of. So the Zionists have changed their sales tactic. They are going for the FundiTARD Christian who think we need to have Israel so Jay-A-zus can come back.

Meanwhile, American Jews voted 69% for Obama in 2012, despite Romney's best appeals to Zionist scum like Adelson.
Millions of anti-war protesters marching 10 years ago? Where? The country gave overwhelming support for the wars in Afganistan and Iraq. The anti-war protest didn't start until the wars began to drag on and mission creep had set in.

You are a lying yellow dog. Lots of protesting 10 years ago prior to the invasion.

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