Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

It's not my job to do your research for you, guy.

"It's not my job to do your research for you" = "shit, I've got nothing"

Why post a link at all then since it's "not your job"? Just to waste people's time? just in hopes that they won't read it and people will assume you are "informed"?

As usual, you have no clue what you're talking about. You desperately threw up a link which had nothing to do with the issue at hand (typical). The issue is Assad - not refugees resulting from a Civil War.

Are you saying Assad has nothing to do with the millions of refugees? Seriously?

Or is your Obama Derangement Syndrome at such an advanced stage that you'll embrace anyone Obama doesn't like?

I don't embrace shit... I'm the only one honest enough here to admit I don't know anything about this guy. And I guaran-damn-tee that you don't either. I guaran-damn-tee you never hear of him before a couple of weeks ago. But now, like the typical asshat libtard, you want to act like the authority. Except when someone like me calls you on your shit, you get exposed. I asked about Assad, you posted a link to Amnesty fuck'n International about refugees... :cuckoo:

I don't embrace shit... I'm the only one honest enough here to admit I don't know anything about this guy. And I guaran-damn-tee that you don't either. I guaran-damn-tee you never hear of him before a couple of weeks ago. But now, like the typical asshat libtard, you want to act like the authority. Except when someone like me calls you on your shit, you get exposed. I asked about Assad, you posted a link to Amnesty fuck'n International about refugees... :cuckoo:

Well, you'd be wrong. I've known who Assad was, I know about his father, Hafez who was the previous dictator.

If anything, Assad is kind of sad. He was never supposed to be the dictator. His older brother Bassal was. Poor old Bashir is an eye doctor by training.

The fact is, this family has a horrible human rights record in Syria and Lebanon. he's every bit as bad as Saddam.

Now, that said, I still think getting goaded into this war because the Zionists want to send a message to Iran is a pretty fucking awful idea.

I don't embrace shit... I'm the only one honest enough here to admit I don't know anything about this guy. And I guaran-damn-tee that you don't either. I guaran-damn-tee you never hear of him before a couple of weeks ago. But now, like the typical asshat libtard, you want to act like the authority. Except when someone like me calls you on your shit, you get exposed. I asked about Assad, you posted a link to Amnesty fuck'n International about refugees... :cuckoo:

Well, you'd be wrong. I've known who Assad was, I know about his father, Hafez who was the previous dictator.

If anything, Assad is kind of sad. He was never supposed to be the dictator. His older brother Bassal was. Poor old Bashir is an eye doctor by training.

The fact is, this family has a horrible human rights record in Syria and Lebanon. he's every bit as bad as Saddam.

Now, that said, I still think getting goaded into this war because the Zionists want to send a message to Iran is a pretty fucking awful idea.

I see someone made a quick stop on Wiki this morning... :lmao:

I don't embrace shit... I'm the only one honest enough here to admit I don't know anything about this guy. And I guaran-damn-tee that you don't either. I guaran-damn-tee you never hear of him before a couple of weeks ago. But now, like the typical asshat libtard, you want to act like the authority. Except when someone like me calls you on your shit, you get exposed. I asked about Assad, you posted a link to Amnesty fuck'n International about refugees... :cuckoo:

Well, you'd be wrong. I've known who Assad was, I know about his father, Hafez who was the previous dictator.

If anything, Assad is kind of sad. He was never supposed to be the dictator. His older brother Bassal was. Poor old Bashir is an eye doctor by training.

The fact is, this family has a horrible human rights record in Syria and Lebanon. he's every bit as bad as Saddam.

Now, that said, I still think getting goaded into this war because the Zionists want to send a message to Iran is a pretty fucking awful idea.

I see someone made a quick stop on Wiki this morning... :lmao:

No, guy, I study middle east affairs pretty thoroughly. You kind of have to when you have the Zionists trying to get us into wars over there every five minutes.

Can't check the terrorists without a scorecard.

Especially when yesterday's friend is tomorrow's enemy.

Here's the thing. Before this civil war started, we were totally good with the Eye Doctor.

You, on the other hand, are pretty ignorant of a few things, but spout off anyway.

But man, this Assad must be a wonderful guy if the Magic Negro hates him. Rush said so.
Well, you'd be wrong. I've known who Assad was, I know about his father, Hafez who was the previous dictator.

If anything, Assad is kind of sad. He was never supposed to be the dictator. His older brother Bassal was. Poor old Bashir is an eye doctor by training.

The fact is, this family has a horrible human rights record in Syria and Lebanon. he's every bit as bad as Saddam.

Now, that said, I still think getting goaded into this war because the Zionists want to send a message to Iran is a pretty fucking awful idea.

I see someone made a quick stop on Wiki this morning... :lmao:

No, guy, I study middle east affairs pretty thoroughly. You kind of have to when you have the Zionists trying to get us into wars over there every five minutes.

Can't check the terrorists without a scorecard.

Especially when yesterday's friend is tomorrow's enemy.

Here's the thing. Before this civil war started, we were totally good with the Eye Doctor.

You, on the other hand, are pretty ignorant of a few things, but spout off anyway.

But man, this Assad must be a wonderful guy if the Magic Negro hates him. Rush said so.

you really need to get over the evil joooooooooooooooo thing. The jooooooooooooz do not control the world or the USA. Grow the fuck up and get over the hate.

It always amazes me to see the blind hatred that comes from the political left.
Well, you'd be wrong. I've known who Assad was, I know about his father, Hafez who was the previous dictator.

If anything, Assad is kind of sad. He was never supposed to be the dictator. His older brother Bassal was. Poor old Bashir is an eye doctor by training.

The fact is, this family has a horrible human rights record in Syria and Lebanon. he's every bit as bad as Saddam.

Now, that said, I still think getting goaded into this war because the Zionists want to send a message to Iran is a pretty fucking awful idea.

I see someone made a quick stop on Wiki this morning... :lmao:

No, guy, I study middle east affairs pretty thoroughly. You kind of have to when you have the Zionists trying to get us into wars over there every five minutes.

Can't check the terrorists without a scorecard.

Especially when yesterday's friend is tomorrow's enemy.

Here's the thing. Before this civil war started, we were totally good with the Eye Doctor.

You, on the other hand, are pretty ignorant of a few things, but spout off anyway.

But man, this Assad must be a wonderful guy if the Magic Negro hates him. Rush said so.

I don't "spout off" at all on things I'm not informed on. Going back though this thread will prove that.

Someone is just having trouble expressing themselves after being exposed for making a trip to Wiki this morning :lol:

The only thing you "study" is how to fuck the American tax payer out of every penny. You know nothing about the Middle East until you Google it out of desperation. It shows because you're arguments and your links are so weak (ie you don't know what you're talking about to begin with and in your haste to post, you don't have time to thoroughly read everything - so we end up with uselss links like Amnesty International on political refugees when specifically discussing Assad).

you really need to get over the evil joooooooooooooooo thing. The jooooooooooooz do not control the world or the USA. Grow the fuck up and get over the hate.

It always amazes me to see the blind hatred that comes from the political left.

Hey, DeadFish, guess who's screaming bloody murder about this diplomatic solution.

Come on. Guess.

The Weekly Standard.
Bill Kyrstol.
Sheldon Adelson

The usual suspects.
I feel the need to quote myself:

Well, you know....



A classic. :lol:

Pfft. A classic? There's no liberal who said this. In fact, it's a lot like WMD in Iraq: A total fucking figment of the right wing imagination.

I don't "spout off" at all on things I'm not informed on. Going back though this thread will prove that.

Someone is just having trouble expressing themselves after being exposed for making a trip to Wiki this morning :lol:

The only thing you "study" is how to fuck the American tax payer out of every penny. You know nothing about the Middle East until you Google it out of desperation. It shows because you're arguments and your links are so weak (ie you don't know what you're talking about to begin with and in your haste to post, you don't have time to thoroughly read everything - so we end up with uselss links like Amnesty International on political refugees when specifically discussing Assad).

Again, guy, whose responsible for the refugees?


You also claimed Assad never invaded anyone, and I point out they Syrians have been occupying Lebanon for decades.

But if you scrolled down past the first link, you'd have found a bunch of good things about how Assad murders dissidents and even makes people disappear... Just like Saddam did.

Syrian authorities determined to silence activists with bogus ?terrorism? charges | Amnesty International

Syria: Men subjected to enforced disappearance | Amnesty International

Syria: Stop extrajudicial executions of civilians for military gains | Amnesty International

But since you are ignorant of Assad and his history. Here's a primer written for your level.

It's got cartoons in it so you can follow along.

Bashar Al-Assad, Syria?s autocratic ophthalmologist - Slate Magazine

Pfft. A classic? There's no liberal who said this. In fact, it's a lot like WMD in Iraq: A total fucking figment of the right wing imagination.

Jesus - listen to Larry Literal over here :bang3:

Of course they wouldn't say it dumb ass (that's part of what makes this funny - the idea that a libtard would be honest). But actions speak louder than words, and the libtard actions right now are "I never knew how cool wars could be until Obama started them". :lol:

Watching you have a meltdown over a classic (because it's TRUE) is almost as funny as the picture itself... :lol:
Honestly speaking, the 'Anti-War Left' was very weak on this one. Their credibility continues to slip away.
Honestly speaking, the 'Anti-War Left' was very weak on this one. Their credibility continues to slip away.

Considering where the credibility of the right-wing is, I think the left is very credible.

And, it sounds like you want the left to protest against something that the right-wing GOP may just very well be in favor of! Won't that be a kick in the rear for some of you.

And, then again, Obama being as brilliant as he is, may pull a rabbit out of the hat and amaze everyone with his ability to control situations such as this instead of going ape shit like our previous doofus leader did!
ran across this at Reason..I think it sums it up well...:lol:

Has There Been a Rapture of Anti-War Celebrities? If Not, Where The Hell Are They?


At least one of the folks on Ekdahl's list has publicly commented on the lack of star-studded anti-war rhetoric directed at the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize honoree, Barack Obama. Back before Obama took office, Ed Asner, best-remembered for his portrayal of lovably gruff newsman Lou Grant, said, “I also think that there is a strong streak of racism, and whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color."

Now, he tells The Hollywood Reporter, "A lot of people don't want to feel anti-black by being opposed to Obama."

"I voted for him, but I'm not proud. He hasn't thrown himself on the funeral pyre. I wanted him to sacrifice himself. Instead, he has proved himself to be a corporatist, and as long as he's a corporatist, he's not my president," Asner said. "A lot of people have lost hope -- with the betrayals, the NSA spying ... People aren't getting active because 'Who gives a shit?' is essentially the bottom line."

more at
Has There Been a Rapture of Anti-War Celebrities? If Not, Where The Hell Are They? - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Todays population is not very big on protest. People would rather text there complaints to there friends than stand up and speak out publicly about them.
And, then again, Obama being as brilliant as he is, may pull a rabbit out of the hat and amaze everyone with his ability to control situations such as this instead of going ape shit like our previous doofus leader did!

The War Party OWNS BOTH.

The demopublicans are subservient to the military-industrial complex and other powerful factions like the Zionists and Saudi Arabians.

The better question, since most on the right here seem to be opposed to a strike - Where are the right-wing anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

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