Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

You are correct--it's not about gas. We're doing it for Saudia Arabia.

Saudi-Syrian Relations: A Historic Divide | Al Akhbar English

No, he is doing it all for Israel.

AIPAC plans to send 250 lobbyists to Congress next week to push for military intervention.

Groundswell on Syria: The people versus AIPAC

AIPAC on an Island: 'Politico' report says Israel lobby alone in pushing for war in Syria

Uh....what?!?! Obama hates Isreal. He's a racist, anti-Semite muslim... :cuckoo:

Yet he still enjoys all the benefits of our relations with Israel. Just how much he dislikes Israel is the question, since Obama has done nothing to change the status quo.
Why do Cons look for liberals to do shit instead of looking at themselves?

We don't - we simply point out how you libtards have the biggest mouths until your party does the exact same thing you ran your mouths about Republican's doing. Then you suddenly sit down and shut up...
Protesting is too hard I guess....You're too busy "wanting" in a office chair

You whine endlessly on message boards, what have you been out actually protesting?

Bwahahaha! So, are you for the strike? If you aren't, why aren't you protesting instead of posting about Libs not protesting? Because you really don't know what you want, you're going to wait for your lame leaders to make the decision so you don't end up going against them! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


That's sums up everything about Dumocrats. Mindlessly worship whatever their leaders do and go out of their way to remain willfully ignorant...
Apparently someone hasn't been watching the news, the protesters have been everywhere.

I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

I have Rubio, Nelson, and Rooney stored in my contacts.

But if 2 of those 3 vote no we'll be called racists
By the way, a little secret. This is not an invasion. A few sailors at sea will push some buttons and call it a day.

So you're saying it's ok if people die and America enrages muslims, so long as it's done by our Navy "pushing buttons"?

Funny, you whailed like a little bitch about any conservative action which COULD be "used as recruiting material for Al Qaeda". But if Obama kills muslims? Well Hells bells, G-string is all in! :cuckoo:
Apparently someone hasn't been watching the news, the protesters have been everywhere.

I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

Obama's addressing the nation Tuesday night
What a conundrum he must feel.......convince congress and/or the people????
Apparently someone hasn't been watching the news, the protesters have been everywhere.

I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

Obama's addressing the nation Tuesday night
What a conundrum he must feel.......convince congress and/or the people????

Depending on the vote, I sure hope they don't load the wrong speech in his teleprompter.
Hmmmmm...I wonder what the difference is between an EIGHT YEAR war that COST OVER THREE TRILLION DOLLARS and involved HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS and a MASSIVE INVASION and... the proposed action in Syria which will fire LESS MISSILES THAN WERE FIRED IN THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE IRAQ WAR and will NOT INVOLVE AN INVASION.

Gosh. I'm totally stumped! I can't tell the difference.

The Russians and the faux right wing piss pourers leading you idiots around are counting on you not having have any sense of proportion or any critical thinking abilities of any kind. :lol:

It's aggression. It's an act of War. You can try to rationalize and justify it. But it is what it is.

You dopes are trying to put it on the same level as Iraq, and that makes you profoundly mentally handicapped.

And you libtards are trying to downplay it to protect "dear leader". Just for once in your miserable life g-string, take your lips off of Obama's cock so you can take in some oxygen for your brain and possibly THINK.

You're humiliating yourself with support for attacking Syria which has ZERO benefit for the U.S. while crying like a little girl about taking out Saddam Hussein
I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

Obama's addressing the nation Tuesday night
What a conundrum he must feel.......convince congress and/or the people????

Depending on the vote, I sure hope they don't load the wrong speech in his teleprompter.

:lmao: Hands down the post of the day! :lmao:
You whine endlessly on message boards, what have you been out actually protesting?

Bwahahaha! So, are you for the strike? If you aren't, why aren't you protesting instead of posting about Libs not protesting? Because you really don't know what you want, you're going to wait for your lame leaders to make the decision so you don't end up going against them! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Man you leftys aren't very bright are you?

It's called pointing out hypocrisy. "Hypocrisy" Google it.

You're the one that needs to google it - you're joining in on the bandwagon that lefties aren't protesting, while sitting on your butt? That's hypocrisy.

I'm not protesting because I think it's useless, The GOP will either have a majority voting with the President, or lock-step against it. Either way, it's on them. We'll do the same shit Reps did on the Iraq war, and tell those of you that oppose it, that your leaders in Congress voted for it, and if they vote against it, those that wanted it, can't blame the President.

WASHINGTON — Dozens of people opposed to President Barack Obama's call for a U.S. military strike against Syria are picketed outside the White House on Saturday. Chanting "They say more war; we say no war," speakers said the picket line marks a line Congress should not cross as it prepares to vote on the issue. Obama left the White House during the protest, traveling by car to Andrews Air Force Base to play golf with three aides. In New York City, a small crowd of protesters gathered in New York City's Times Square to condemn possible U.S. military action in Syria. The gathering included anti-war activists, anti-Wall Street activists, and also some Syrian expatriates who said they supported the Assad government. Some people carried signs saying, "No more wars for corporate profit," and "Cut the Pentagon, not food stamps." Police barricaded off several areas to allow the protesters to gather without disrupting the flow of tens of thousands of tourists through the square.

Protesters rally against Syria strike in D.C., NYC
Apparently someone hasn't been watching the news, the protesters have been everywhere.

I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

So why does Obama want this so badly?

Obama is an old 'community organizer'.
He's accustomed to bending the will of people towards his agenda.
It's really chapping his ass that it's not working this time around.

One thing is for sure;
You can bet that it will be one HELLUVA speech Tuesday night.
He will be smooth and suave. You can bet on it.
I just hope that (not too many) people fall for his snake-oil sales pitch
I just got back from a protest in Princeton sponsored by the Coalition for Peace Action. Bottom line: everyone call your senators on Monday and tell them to vote no.

Go here and get their phone numbers: National Congressional Officials - Project Vote Smart

They are voting on Tuesday.

So why does Obama want this so badly?

Obama is an old 'community organizer'.
He's accustomed to bending the will of people towards his agenda.
It's really chapping his ass that it's not working this time around.

One thing is for sure;
You can bet that it will be one HELLUVA speech Tuesday night.
He will be smooth and suave. You can bet on it.
I just hope that (not too many) people fall for his snake-oil sales pitch

Old? I bet he's younger than you.

Several GOP leaders are on his side - I guess they fell for the snake-oil? Oh, wait a minute, they were the ones that were urging him to strike!
10 years ago when it was a repub demanding war, the liberals were marching by the millions. Now they say it's ok when their god obama destroys a nation that never did anything to us.

I'm just sitting at home same as you. You cons have all the guns. When are you going to use them for stopping our god from destroying America? Maybe ted nugent will lead you guys. Good luck.
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The first three weren't worth the blood & treasure wasted. Saddam had no WMD. The country has been turned over to Iranians. There is no democracy there. Their security forces can't stop the bombings.

Listen, just give up on trying to whitewash the Iraq War Debacle. I know that you're angry about being proven wrong, and that you hate the idea of 4000 some US troops dying in vain, but the truth is that the Iraq War was a mistake. It's not just liberals, but Iraqis, who say this.

Listen, I know how you hate FACTS, but that doesn't change them. Stop trying to blackwash Iraq because your a brainwashed libtard and your master George Soros told you to hate it. Everything listed there is 100% undeniable FACT. Everyone from U.S. Navy Seals, to exposed State Department cables by WikiLeaks, to even MSNBC themselves have confirmed thousands of WMD's located in Iraq. You just look like a stupid fuck'n asshole (well, more than normal I mean) when you try to deny reality so undeniable, even MSNBC had to cave and admit it.... :lol:

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax Archives

The Iraq War killed over 1 million civilians at least, it was an unlawful war based on lies. Saddam did not have WMD. We deposed one dictator and brought terrorism and instability to Iraq. It was a collossal failure. Every soldier who died, they died for nothing.

The only WMD was the United States.

Assad has butchered thousands of Syrian men women and children but when I mentioned aid to refugees, several rw's here said they didn't care.

By by fucking damn, if even one Syrian dies as the result of a "punitive" US Strike the same rw's will be outraged and there will be endless lying threads about Obama.

The horrible images of dead children - they don't give a shit. But, can you just imagine what the rw's here would say if they learned that even on "bombed" woman was pregnant!!!!!!!!!

I mean, remember that these are the same people who first wanted to give credit to Bush and the pubs when Navy Seals killed bin Laden at President Obama's command. Then they wanted to give bin Laden a "decent burial" and they actually mourned that he wasn't in a country club prison in the US.

And, when Obama ordered the deaths of known terrorists, the rw's all formed a Terrorist Fan Club to mourn their passing.

I can't wait to hear them whine if we hit some Chinese and Russian planes and tanks. That would piss off their new hero, Putin.

Screw the rw's They hate the US and want it to fail. If they didn't, they wouldn't vote for GObP/pub scum.

Edited to add:

Please note that I have never ever said I was in favor of any war, including this one. Several rw's have already lied about that ... Maybe I should make that my sig. Naw ... let them lie.

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