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Where Are The Left’s Success Stories?

> Where Are The Left’s Success Stories?


You know that was staged and phony, right?

They literally went through warehouses and pulled out every flag they could find, then then had a massive march through Red Square, where they ceremoniously threw them all into a pile. All told, over 200 of them, all carried by members of the NKVD. A unit specifically created for this event called the "Flag Disposal Unit".

And did it again the next week for a color camera. All with a beaming Stalin looking on.

Many of those units that had their "flags destroyed" did not even exist by the time Hitler took power, they were old Imperial Army units and disbanded after WWI So all you are really doing is repeating bad propaganda. If you look at the full film, you will see that a lot of them are old German Imperial flags. Largely taken from museums.

So wow, I guess that was an accomplishment. Looting museums for 30 year old flags, then parading them about.

Oh, and that prominent pole seen in the front? That is of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Here is the thing, the Soviets did not even capture that unit. They surrendered to US forces in Austria in May 1945. So in reality, the most obvious "banner" (really just a pole) is showing an American success.

Oh, and unlike the claim and name says, they were not destroyed. They were then scattered around the Soviet Union to museums where they were then put on display.

Too bad that some of us even know what the story is behind that image, when it was taken, and what it all was about.
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1. The title is meant to spotlight a famous author who began as a Bolshevik, and later reversed his political perspective.….and when I say ‘famous,’ clearly I don’t mean to government school grads, who are trained and programmed to be Leftists, and who don’t read books.

There are quite a number of formerly-communists who saw the light, and any who would care to read of a few,….

View attachment 535349

2. Prominent in Fleming’s book is the story of our birthday boy:

“Arthur Koestler, (born Sept. 5, 1905, Budapest, Hung. —found dead March 3, 1983, London, Eng.), Hungarian-born British novelist, journalist, and critic, best known for his novel Darkness at Noon (1940)…. his break with the Communist Party are reflected in Darkness at Noon. Published in 30 languages, it is the penetrating story of an old-guard Bolshevik who, during Stalin’s purge trials of the 1930s, first denies, then confesses to, crimes that he has not committed.

Specifically dealing with the plight of an aging revolutionary who can no longer condone the excesses of the government he helped put in power, the novel is an examination of the moral danger inherent in a system that sacrifices means to an end.” Britannica.com

3. Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

4. Koestler resigned from the German Communist Party on April 22, 1938. At that point he was a non-Communist, not an anti-Communist.

The God That Failed is a 1949 book which collects together six essays with the testimonies of a number of famous ex-communists, who were writers and journalists. The common theme of the essays is the authors' disillusionment with and abandonment of communism….The six contributors were Louis Fischer, André Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, and Richard Wright.”
The God that Failed - Wikipedia

5. It is government school “education” and the fact that they don’t read that accounts for a huge number of votes that the Democrat Party, a party that mirrors both the aims and the methods of the Bolsheviks, accumulates.

Koestler is not the only formerly-communist that I can name.

Now…..where are those authors who began on the Right and became Communists?

"Where Are The Left’s Success Stories?"​

The New Deal which gave us Social Security and Unemployment Insurance and farm programs among many other social programs.

"Where Are The Left’s Success Stories?"​

The New Deal which gave us Social Security and Unemployment Insurance and farm programs among many other social programs.

1. None of which are authorized under the law of the land, the US Constitution. See Article 1, section 8 for the enumerated powers.

2. The New Deal was taken wholesale from Mussolini's Fascist program.
If that why you vote Fascist...er, Democrat???

"The father of Fascism was Mussolini...."

Exactly who Democrat Franklin Roosevelt idolized.


Clearly you need a primer on Fascism and its influence on the Democrat Party...., Fascism, the economic program of Mussolini, that Franklin Roosevelt infected America with (sorry to end a sentence with a preposition).

Franklin Roosevelt was inspired by the power of the dictators. He took Mussolini’s Fascist economic system, and imposed it on America.

His economic adviser, Rex Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described." Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew." The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans. They actually imprisoned a NJ tailor who charged a nickel below the price FDR set.

Democrats and Fascism....carrots and peas.

Did you notice that you put your hoof in your mouth every time you post.

Don't stop now.
Too bad that some of us even know what the story is behind that image, when it was taken, and what it all was about.
Your vile post doesn't deserve an answer.
After several generations of rotten propaganda, it is not surprising that there are young people in Japan who believe that the USSR dropped atomic bombs on them...

Bravo, mein junge!
Where are the Left's success stories?

The world's leading democracies are considered to be 'left', socialist, or even communist by extremists. Yet they all lead the US on quality of life and on freedoms.

The question then becomes, what is important to Americans?

If freedom and quality of life aren't important to Americans then for what reason do they wave their flags?
Where are the Left's success stories?

The world's leading democracies are considered to be 'left', socialist, or even communist by extremists. Yet they all lead the US on quality of life and on freedoms.

The question then becomes, what is important to Americans?

If freedom and quality of life aren't important to Americans then for what reason do they wave their flags?

Canada has the same population size as California.

California has twice the GDP that Canada has.
Canada has the same population size as California.

California has twice the GDP that Canada has.
GDP is worth mentioning but it has to take a back seat to 'freedom' and 'quality of life'. To Canadians that is but those may not be of first priority to Americans?

I think they should be and Americans should start to question the emphasis being placed on building the wealth of billionaires even more!

What other factors other than GDP in California could answer Chicy's questions?
Your vile post doesn't deserve an answer.
After several generations of rotten propaganda, it is not surprising that there are young people in Japan who believe that the USSR dropped atomic bombs on them...

"Vile Post"?

No, it's called "history".

Of course, with you I rather suspect that anything that you do not like or agree with is "vile" and "propaganda".

Here is a full Soviet program about the second parade.

There are also videos that show the first parade, in B&W.

Oh, and a listing of the parade as well. Including who the "Flag Disposal Regiment" actually was.

Flag Disposal regiment of the 1st Internal Troops Division of the USSR NKVD "Felix Dzerzhinsky"

Hell, there is even an article on Wikipedia about it, listing all the standards shown in the parade.

Around twenty standards at the parade were not Nazi and belonged to previous German units (in 1944 Adolf Hitler ordered to move all military unit standards to museums to prevent their capture in a battle). All the rest were made in 1935.

You know, you really look idiotic when you try to scream my post is "vile" and "rotten propaganda", when it is in fact well known history. Including the fact that the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler was not captured by the Soviets. They surrendered to the Americans near Steyr in Austria on 8 May 1945.

But please, provide some actual references that prove I am just spouting vile propaganda, and you are not.
You know, you really look idiotic when you try to scream my post is "vile" and "rotten propaganda", when it is in fact well known history. Including the fact that the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler was not captured by the Soviets. They surrendered to the Americans near Steyr in Austria on 8 May 1945.

But please, provide some actual references that prove I am just spouting vile propaganda, and you are not.
I watched the video you posted, it's a perfect example of a half-truth from which people like you are doing outright shit.
Okay, I'll take some of my time to sort out some of the misinformation you provided.
You mention the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, which surrendered to the Americans. Yes, it surrendered to the Americans on May 8, after signing the GENERAL surrender to the allies.
It's no secret that the German units tried their best to surrender to the Americans, because they knew that they would have to answer for the crimes they committed on Soviet soil. So they ran, losing their slippers, underwear and their standards to escape russian captivity. They fled from the Red Army, being repeatedly beaten by it. I don't see why not to use such a standard, and even with the name of their Fuhrer on the parade? In addition, part of this division ("Kampfgruppe Monke") ended its days in Berlin, defending the Reich Chancellery, and in general division fought against the Red Army all spring of 1945, and only surrender to the Americans. So the appearance of the standard at the Victory Parade is legal even by your double standards.

Regarding the search for German banners in museums. Are you such a gullible fool?
In Courland ONLY in May 1945, after the surrender of Germany, more than two dozen german divisions surrendered in an organized manner. And these are the banners of divisions and regiments and individual battalions, that were solemnly adopted. It will already be more than a hundred banners...
The fact that some of the banners were from the First World War is quite possible. In principle, there is nothing special here, the germans themselves regularly demonstrated in trophies all sorts of flags from the Palace of Pioneers and Labor red banners, that had nothing to do with Red army.
Red army picked up a lot of "material" in 1945, and there were no historical experts on banners to sort it out a month before the parade, but it was not very important in general. Do not forget that in the First World War the Russian army fought against Germany and in the Red Army in 1945 there were participants of that war, this time victorious.

And we must also remember that the germans themselves gave out some of the historical flags to all sorts of new formations like Volkssturm, so it was the germans, who pulled the flags out of museums, and the vile propagandists subsequently distorted this fact. In general, these flags could be on the Victory Parade. And it doesn't matter at all because The Red Army defeated 2/3 German troops and the best ones. So it had enough nazi rags, they could choose the most colorful ones from a whole bunch.
As for the fact that they were destroyed, I don't know, in 1969 I saw a display with trophies in the Historical Museum on Red Square in Moscow. There were banners, orders, small arms, etc. in a pile, so nobody made a secret out of it.
The fact that there was a scumbag who decided to hurt the Red Army about Nazi flags only says that these scoundrels scrape the bottom of the filthy barrel of their vile propaganda.

Decent people should remember this fact about that war - the Soviets and Americans were allies in the fight against real evil.
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I searched more for information about the nazi flags at the Victory Parade - they were selected by appearance.
This story is 15 years old or more - they investigated in 2005 what was left in the storerooms of museums, and what was irretrievably lost
In any case, the show on the parade turned out to be notable - Germany (in all its incarnations) was unconditionally humiliated and trampled. End of story.
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In any case, the show on the parade turned out to be notable - Germany (in all its incarnations) was unconditionally humiliated and trampled. End of story.

Which by the way, I find all of this absolutely fascinating.

Especially as in a thread in the Military section, you were just going on and on about how correct a group was in screaming that the bombing done by the UK on Germany was a war crime and inhumane.

A group that are Holocaust Deniers, and actual modern Nazis. And you were supporting them. Of course, I am also positive you did not even bother to look at who you were supporting. Like the Nazis always did, they were spouting a line of Leftist garbage, and you were cheering right along with it.

So, do you commonly stand in support of National Socialists?
Especially as in a thread in the Military section, you were just going on and on about how correct a group was in screaming that the bombing done by the UK on Germany was a war crime and inhumane.
Don't remember that, I am all for bombing the shit out of nazi Germany. Don't care about imperial Japan ether.
Don't remember that, I am all for bombing the shit out of nazi Germany. Don't care about imperial Japan ether.

The author of the plan of massive bombing of Germany is responsible, according to some estimates, for 600 thousand German deaths. Harris considered it absurd to kill guys at the front and spare girls in factory workshops collecting hundreds of bombs per shift.

Of course, knowing you are also a denier of the Holodomor, it is not surprising. I am honestly finding it absolutely fascinating how alike Communists and National Socialists are. And the more I see of you in other threads, it just confirms that. One group of Socialists takes out another group of Socialists, and screams in triumph.
Of course, knowing you are also a denier of the Holodomor, it is not surprising. I am honestly finding it absolutely fascinating how alike Communists and National Socialists are. And the more I see of you in other threads, it just confirms that. One group of Socialists takes out another group of Socialists, and screams in triumph.
No. much more surprising how much Nazis and Americans capitalists are.
After the war, there were American cafes in Germany where german prisoners of war could go, but US black soldiers could not go. It reminds me of something... Some specific feature of the Nazi regime ... Ah! Remembered! Racial inferiority! A thing that could not be overcome either in the Nazi or in the American society of that time.
Born black, so you'll be riding on the back of a bus all your life. Hitler approves.
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