Where are the Republicans?

This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"??? Of course you don't. You were watching Morning Joe play footsie with Mika while she mugged pain for the cameras.

It started as a court decision that children had to be OUT of detention in less than 30 days. And the Obama administration wrote an order to comply. It's not a "trump thing".. He doesn't like it either.

But in reality, you'd need a Trump Resort and Golf course to HOLD them all "as families". Even if you didn't KNOW if they were REALLY family because they're showing up with NO documentation or paperwork. That's not MY FAULT. But to a bleeding heart, just hiking your ass over the border with no ID, no passport, no birth records, no photo ID, no real forwarding address isn't a problem..

I saw him say "He hates It" so why didn't he take one stroke of the pen and end it if he hated it so much?

Because he's not as stupid as the last guy?
Well at least Trump didn't throw em in cages, like Hussein Obama did.

So the left wants to send children to jail with their smugglers. Do we want to send all kids to jail with their parents for all crimes or do we just want to jail illegal alien’s children.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

When you shed tears for Manafort being separated from his family, get back to me. Otherwise accept criminals aren't allowed to stay with their family.


If we're ripping kids from their parents to add unnecessary brutality to our policies and instill some deterrence to the statutes...; why haven't we stripped his kids away from him and every other Trumpian who is going to visit the inside of a jail cell? It will add a deterrent to the money launderers, hackers, witness tamperers, justice obstructors...Good idea.

Nice deflection, I guess you missed the second sentence of my post. Illegals aren't any better than citizens, when you being held for trial you don't get to keep your family with you, the courts won't allow it.

Essentially, this guy could be the spokesman for the GOP party under Trump. Read/listen to the words…doesn’t that sound like the Republican feelings toward anyone who isn’t white, protestant and wealthy?

Only in your head Candy.........only in your head.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"??? Of course you don't. You were watching Morning Joe play footsie with Mika while she mugged pain for the cameras.

It started as a court decision that children had to be OUT of detention in less than 30 days. And the Obama administration wrote an order to comply. It's not a "trump thing".. He doesn't like it either.

But in reality, you'd need a Trump Resort and Golf course to HOLD them all "as families". Even if you didn't KNOW if they were REALLY family because they're showing up with NO documentation or paperwork. That's not MY FAULT. But to a bleeding heart, just hiking your ass over the border with no ID, no passport, no birth records, no photo ID, no real forwarding address isn't a problem..

I saw him say "He hates It" so why didn't he take one stroke of the pen and end it if he hated it so much?

FF to 3:20 on the video where he answers your question.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"??? Of course you don't. You were watching Morning Joe play footsie with Mika while she mugged pain for the cameras.

It started as a court decision that children had to be OUT of detention in less than 30 days. And the Obama administration wrote an order to comply. It's not a "trump thing".. He doesn't like it either.

But in reality, you'd need a Trump Resort and Golf course to HOLD them all "as families". Even if you didn't KNOW if they were REALLY family because they're showing up with NO documentation or paperwork. That's not MY FAULT. But to a bleeding heart, just hiking your ass over the border with no ID, no passport, no birth records, no photo ID, no real forwarding address isn't a problem..

I saw him say "He hates It" so why didn't he take one stroke of the pen and end it if he hated it so much?

Because we are a nation of laws. It's the LAW that has to be changed. Not everything should solve by dictator edict when the govt is this inept and complicated. Time for Congress to fix a BUNCH of immigration issues. So they don't get all "fixed" - or more commonly re-broken - in the bureaucracy or the courts.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Fuck you. We're a nation of laws. Blame the parents for putting their children in jeopardy by breaking our laws.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
This isn't a new procedure....it's the same as the Obama administration.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"???

Wow…only if there was someone that could do something about governmental policy. Maybe with an executive order or something? Oh wait, that would hurt him politically.
Our police ignore laws every day. Few (if any) get a ticket for going 1 MPH over the speed limit; the feds have ignored states allowing the selling pot when it is against federal law, the President routinely signs "signing statements" stating that this law will not be enforced in some cases.

But for some reason, we want to put kids who are no threat to our nation in any way shape or form in lockdown for 22 hours a day?

Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam
I'd tell you "don't be stupider than you have to be" but I'd be wasting my time.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Didn't seem to be an issue when this was happening under the Obama administration the difference now is we have someone in office that had the audacity to "steal" Hillary's turn in the White House. If she had won I'm sure you retards would have continued your self-induced ignorance
Didn't happen.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
The "real Republicans" are no more. It's the new Republicans in your head you need to worry about.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Didn't seem to be an issue when this was happening under the Obama administration the difference now is we have someone in office that had the audacity to "steal" Hillary's turn in the White House. If she had won I'm sure you retards would have continued your self-induced ignorance
Didn't happen.
The amount of self-delusion from the left is staggering.

Obama administration officials are rushing to explain photos from 2014 that went viral this weekend showing locked-up immigrant children
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

When you shed tears for Manafort being separated from his family, get back to me. Otherwise accept criminals aren't allowed to stay with their family.


If we're ripping kids from their parents to add unnecessary brutality to our policies and instill some deterrence to the statutes...; why haven't we stripped his kids away from him and every other Trumpian who is going to visit the inside of a jail cell? It will add a deterrent to the money launderers, hackers, witness tamperers, justice obstructors...Good idea.

Nice deflection, I guess you missed the second sentence of my post. Illegals aren't any better than citizens, when you being held for trial you don't get to keep your family with you, the courts won't allow it.


Yes…but your family gets to visit you while you’re awaiting trial. Right?
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Didn't seem to be an issue when this was happening under the Obama administration the difference now is we have someone in office that had the audacity to "steal" Hillary's turn in the White House. If she had won I'm sure you retards would have continued your self-induced ignorance
Didn't happen.
The amount of self-delusion from the left is staggering.

Obama administration officials are rushing to explain photos from 2014 that went viral this weekend showing locked-up immigrant children
Taken during the unprecedented influx of unaccompanied minors in 2014. These children we're not taken from their parents, they arrived alone. There were so many of them that some were housed in converted buildings until enough foster parents could be lined up.

Would you like to set up another straw man for me to knock down? This is fun.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

I hate to bust your liberal bubble, but we do that every day whenever any criminal is sent to jail and/or prison. But, they are mostly just American citizens, and definitely are not as important politically as illegal immigrants.

In addition, many of these children are already separated from their parents because they are arriving at the border as unaccompanied minors.

It is far beyond time when liberal loons should stand back from the kool-aid tub and start thinking for themselves.
But they are a threat to this country.

This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Fuck you. We're a nation of laws. Blame the parents for putting their children in jeopardy by breaking our laws.

Our police ignore laws every day. Few (if any) get a ticket for going 1 MPH over the speed limit; the feds have ignored states allowing the selling pot when it is against federal law, the President routinely signs "signing statements" stating that this law will not be enforced in some cases.

But for some reason, we want to put kids who are no threat to our nation in any way shape or form in lockdown for 22 hours a day?
But they are a threat to our country.

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