Where are the Truth Tellers?

. . . they all seem to be busy kneeling before the enemies of our nation or licking their boots or cowering in corners.

- Black Americans, just like any other Americans, are individually responsible for their own fates. When they individually or as a group fail to put in sufficient effort to succeed in life that failure can be owned by no one but themselves.

- Black Americans comprise a small percentage of the overall US population yet commit the highest percentage of violent crime.

- Most if not all inner-city black majority neighborhoods are crime-ridden, dangerous places—dangerous even for other black people.

- Commit and be convicted of violent crimes and expect to die at the hands of the police, there's a good chance you shall.

- George Floyd is not worthy of one broken storefront window. George Floyd represents the worst possible example of a black American life for black children to follow.

- Black Lives Matter is an anti-American organization devoted to destroying our country by annihilating the structure of the traditional human family. BLM says so on its webpage where everyone on the planet can see it.

- All lives matter. If reading that bothers you, perhaps you ought to publicly announce your own life does not matter.

- No, America is not and never has been a majority racist nation, nor has she ever been systemically racist. Millions of people of all colors, shapes and sizes flock to America from all corners of the world desperate for better lives, which they find here and enjoy.

- All American History is sacred and must be preserved at all costs, including all statuary, monuments, mosaics, shrines and any and all other historical sites that might offend a small segment of the US population. No part of history should be revised, re-written or otherwise changed or deleted or hidden in any way.

- Constitutionally protected speech and the right to protest does not include arson, looting, raping or murdering fellow Americans in the name of a cause. Further, neither does seizing several square blocks of an American city and terrorizing its shop owners and residents.

- The left-leaning American cable news, all of it, has become one-hundred percent anti-American and is actively working against the survival of America as a nation, our government and our sitting President.

- The rule of law and law and order has completely broken down in most, if not all major American cities run by democrat politicians.

- The mayors of democrat run cities, the governors of democrat run states have broken law after law in their support for and creation of sanctuaries for both illegal aliens and radical leftist extremists. Order must be restored in these places at all costs and by using any means necessary in order to preserve the union.

- The President of the United States has the power to intervene both economically and militarily on every last inch of American soil. Let's hope he remembers this.

- The President is THE Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. No one else is or is a co-commander of same.

- The democratic party, through sponsorship and other direct support means and direct actions, has become an enemy of the State, a seditious enemy of our nation and every last American.
Bravo! I would never have believed that in my lifetime there would be this level of hate, division, mendacity, manipulation and fraud being foisted onto the American people. I am genuinely worried about the future of this country. I have never felt that before.
I started in 2004....so I left. I figured The Empire Inc, nlc(no liability corp) would have gone up in flames years ago. Big Empire/slow death

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