Where are we at with the current Middle East "Scorecard"?



The Middle East was relatively stable until the ill advised invasion of Iraq. So where are we at since that debacle:

Republicans removed the Sunni government and disbanded the military of Iraq making Iraq the new best friend of Iran and putting Shiites in power.

The Sunni's from Saddam's former military became the reason Isis seems to be the best military in the Middle East.

Iran's Shiites are fighting Isis Sunni's so the US is now on the side of Iran.

Then Iran backs militants in Yemen which puts us on the opposite side of Iran and on the side of the Saudi's which is where the 9/11 bombers came from.

In Syria, the US is on the opposite side of Syria who have been killing their own people, on the opposite side of Isis who has taken Syrian territory and the on the opposite side of Iran which has been funding insurgents in Syria. That puts us on the opposite side of everyone.

How do Republicans fit in? Seems they want to send more troops over there and bomb everywhere. They aren't quite sure where they want to bomb, but they definitely want to bomb someone.

On top of that, Europe, Russia and China have been negotiating with Iran to come to an agreement that Iran won't develop nuclear weapons. Republicans have almost surely scuttled that probably guaranteeing that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons. The GOP solution to bomb everywhere won't work because Iran has been building their facilities deep underground for decades. All bombing them will do is unite the entire Arab world against the United States. Republicans don't understand that because they don't believe in education and know nothing about the Arab world even after their fiasco triggered all this violence.

Is that about it? Does that summarize where we are at?
You forgot to mention Obama causing it by pushing the Arab Spring to cause instability, pulling our troops out of Iraq where ISIS could take over, saying everything is going great, then going golfing.
You forgot to mention Obama causing it by pushing the Arab Spring to cause instability, pulling our troops out of Iraq where ISIS could take over, saying everything is going great, then going golfing.

That's because that is not true. A great propaganda line, for sure, but not true.
You forgot to mention Obama causing it by pushing the Arab Spring to cause instability, pulling our troops out of Iraq where ISIS could take over, saying everything is going great, then going golfing.

That's because that is not true. A great propaganda line, for sure, but not true.

Then riddle me this..... When did Bush invade Libya, Syria, or Yemen? The situations there happened on Obama's watch, and the Democrats cheered when the uprisings occurred and the instability came about. Or are you maintaining that the ISIS presence in those countries is a rousing success?
And ISIS certainly would have had a harder time getting established in Iraq if they had tried that under the barrels of our tanks. They only took off after our troops left.
keep teaching them Obiwan and Todd but I don't think that they'll ever figure things out even after reading the words from you guys !!
And ISIS certainly would have had a harder time getting established in Iraq if they had tried that under the barrels of our tanks. They only took off after our troops left.
So how long should our troops have stayed? 15 years? 50 years? Getting shot at the entire time?
I know, but livestock usually isn't very intelligent.
You forgot to mention Obama causing it by pushing the Arab Spring to cause instability, pulling our troops out of Iraq where ISIS could take over, saying everything is going great, then going golfing.

That's because that is not true. A great propaganda line, for sure, but not true.

Then riddle me this..... When did Bush invade Libya, Syria, or Yemen? The situations there happened on Obama's watch, and the Democrats cheered when the uprisings occurred and the instability came about. Or are you maintaining that the ISIS presence in those countries is a rousing success?
Like the economy. Republicans pulled the rug out from under it and as it crashed, Obama was sworn into office. They then turned to him and said, this is your fault. It happened under your watch. But it started under the GOP. That makes all the difference.
The Middle East was relatively stable until the ill advised invasion of Iraq. So where are we at since that debacle:

Republicans removed the Sunni government and disbanded the military of Iraq making Iraq the new best friend of Iran and putting Shiites in power.

The Sunni's from Saddam's former military became the reason Isis seems to be the best military in the Middle East.

Iran's Shiites are fighting Isis Sunni's so the US is now on the side of Iran.

Then Iran backs militants in Yemen which puts us on the opposite side of Iran and on the side of the Saudi's which is where the 9/11 bombers came from.

In Syria, the US is on the opposite side of Syria who have been killing their own people, on the opposite side of Isis who has taken Syrian territory and the on the opposite side of Iran which has been funding insurgents in Syria. That puts us on the opposite side of everyone.

How do Republicans fit in? Seems they want to send more troops over there and bomb everywhere. They aren't quite sure where they want to bomb, but they definitely want to bomb someone.

On top of that, Europe, Russia and China have been negotiating with Iran to come to an agreement that Iran won't develop nuclear weapons. Republicans have almost surely scuttled that probably guaranteeing that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons. The GOP solution to bomb everywhere won't work because Iran has been building their facilities deep underground for decades. All bombing them will do is unite the entire Arab world against the United States. Republicans don't understand that because they don't believe in education and know nothing about the Arab world even after their fiasco triggered all this violence.

Is that about it? Does that summarize where we are at?
You forgot to mention the rest of the story. What about the scorecard that has the names of tens of thousands of our young men and women that died on it? What about the scorecard that has the borrowed debt totaling in the hundreds of $billions spent and wasted. What about the scorecard that has the names of the wounded, the disabled, and the homeless Vets on it? What about the score card listing the destruction and devastation of a country on it? What about the scorecard that list the corporations that greatly profited from the blood of our soldiers? What about the scorecard that list the nations that no longer fear and respect our military power? What about the scorecard that list the failed diplomacy and efforts to bring peace to the Middle East? The story is one of tragedy and death, destruction and human suffering, with the final chapter years away.

Besides, scorecards could never give the real picture of what happened, and is still happening today. Terrorism, the thirst and hunger for power, the fight over natural resources, and the idiotic motive associated with religious doctrine and ideology has moved the world closer to nuclear war. The extremists of the world won't be satisfied until chaos spreads around the globe, nation against nation, and the spoils of victory won't be worth having. Who gains or wins when what's left is devastation and death?
And ISIS certainly would have had a harder time getting established in Iraq if they had tried that under the barrels of our tanks. They only took off after our troops left.
So how long should our troops have stayed? 15 years? 50 years? Getting shot at the entire time?
Actually, I think the war was a mistake to begin with. Saddam may have been an ass hole, but he could have kept a lid on things, and he was leaving us alone after Desert Storm. But you need to remember that the Democrats voted for the war too, so it was a joint venture.

And after the genie was out of the bottle
, we had to deal with it.

Obama pulled our troops out against the advice of our generals, and if we have to go back in now, the casualties will be higher than they would have been if we had not allowed ISIS to take over half of Iraq. Just think the Battle of Fallujah on a massive scale.
he11 , we've been in Germany and japan since the end of ww2 and korea since the 50s Rdean .
The ME is kicking Obama's ass

The wheels are coming off in the middle east now as 150k Saudi troops wait to advance into Yemen. If Obie was Prez during WWII, we would have lost. This is going to rapidly spread and deepen and muppets elected a Prez whose gonna 'F' it up even more!
hey Sassy , some people think that mrobama likes the way things are going in the ME !!

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