Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Why would they still be out in public? It was painful enough for them to come out in the first place.

Do you miss them?

Oh, and sorry about Creepy Roy :)

So, I guess their claims were simply not credible?

You used them and now they are of no significance. Typical liberal!
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Just what do you expect them to do? They came out to tell the world what moore is/was really like, they did it, and they went home. This is pretty much the end of the story.

This whole "attack the accusers" thing has gone too far. Many people don't want to talk about things that happened long ago and then realize that the circumstances are such that they should speak out. Last week, I saw a piece on the funeral plans for Cardinal Bernard Law. Three people who were victims of his cover-ups of their sexual abuse by priests when they were children appeared with their attorney to voice their indignation about the funeral, two silver-haired men and a woman of indeterminate age. I can't see any reason for rejecting their stories. These are just normal non-celebrity people, like the people in Alabama, who concluded that they needed to step into the spot light. One of the men wanted Law to be chopped up and dumped in the ocean. I don't see any reason not to believe the men and women in the entertainment industry who have made accusations against Weinstein, Spacey, or any of the other honchos, or the accusations made by people in the journalism and broadcast industries, either.

I see ZERO reason to believe any of them unless they have been tested under oath in a court of Law...sorta a Justice thingy. You know; innocent until proven guilty!!!

This hysteria is just ridiculous. However, in amongst the dross are behaviours that may well be illegal. THEY need to be sorted out!

And that goes to ALL sides of politics and whatever gender one identifies with or avoids.

And we anxiously await that day....when the victim Roy Moore sues them.....when do you think he will do that?
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Where are all these law suits the dishonorable judge was going to bring against these women. Oh that's right they will be tried right after Trumps law suits against his accusers!

Why sue somebody who cannot pay up?

Do you sue the bum on the street corner when he flips you off if you refuse to give him your change?
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Just what do you expect them to do? They came out to tell the world what moore is/was really like, they did it, and they went home. This is pretty much the end of the story.

This whole "attack the accusers" thing has gone too far. Many people don't want to talk about things that happened long ago and then realize that the circumstances are such that they should speak out. Last week, I saw a piece on the funeral plans for Cardinal Bernard Law. Three people who were victims of his cover-ups of their sexual abuse by priests when they were children appeared with their attorney to voice their indignation about the funeral, two silver-haired men and a woman of indeterminate age. I can't see any reason for rejecting their stories. These are just normal non-celebrity people, like the people in Alabama, who concluded that they needed to step into the spot light. One of the men wanted Law to be chopped up and dumped in the ocean. I don't see any reason not to believe the men and women in the entertainment industry who have made accusations against Weinstein, Spacey, or any of the other honchos, or the accusations made by people in the journalism and broadcast industries, either.

I see ZERO reason to believe any of them unless they have been tested under oath in a court of Law...sorta a Justice thingy. You know; innocent until proven guilty!!!

This hysteria is just ridiculous. However, in amongst the dross are behaviours that may well be illegal. THEY need to be sorted out!

And that goes to ALL sides of politics and whatever gender one identifies with or avoids.

And we anxiously await that day....when the victim Roy Moore sues them.....when do you think he will do that?

I don't know but until it happens we won't even get close to knowing the truth. PS: my own preference is that it be considered a criminal matter. After all molesting a 14 yo is a criminal offense so MUST be investigated by Police. I refer to the Case of Rolf Harris as an example.

the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Why would they still be out in public? It was painful enough for them to come out in the first place.

Do you miss them?

Oh, and sorry about Creepy Roy :)
What else can they do now? They've spoken out. They've been heard or not heard. They've been vilified by the Rightwing. One woman said she was afraid to go out of her house. As they have said their peace, they have no other recourse. Either people believed them or didn't. And let's not forget that police, mall supervisors, security guards, and others backed up their stories.
They lied about a great man so they could make some money and get 15 minutes of fame....they should be scared....:) Oh and no none of those people backed ANYTHING up. The mall manager said Moore was NEVER banned from the mall and even an accusers step son said she was lying AND another forged his signature to her yearbook.
First, he was not a great man, just the opposite. Second, they didn't lie: their stories were backed up by mall security, police, and many others. The yearbook was not forged, that story has been debunked. You all ask why they didn't speak out before; well, look what happens when they do. And they were young girls then--even less likely to be believed than now.

I think you are suffering from time zone distorted fake news. Nothing you claimed was true in any way shape or form.
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Laughing.....is this like when your ilk insisted that all of Trump's accusors had 'disappeared'?
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Where are all these law suits the dishonorable judge was going to bring against these women. Oh that's right they will be tried right after Trumps law suits against his accusers!

Why sue somebody who cannot pay up?

Do you sue the bum on the street corner when he flips you off if you refuse to give him your change?

Or you don't sue because you have no case. There is always that!
Don't you love how on the one hand, they support a child molester and on the other hand they make accusations about the girls who were molested out of whole cloth with no proof?

you do realize that every one of the "accusers" says that Moore backed off when they asked him to




and people like you crying "child molester" are the same ones that said that a 40 + year old man getting his dick sucked by a 22 year old intern was no big deal

does the hypocrisy ever bother you? even just a little?

I mean, if it doesn't, I get it - just be honest about it :)
A 22 year old is an adult. And she was no innocent: she was a sexually experienced adult. And she went after him. He did not take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.

By federal law, he was guilty of sexual harassment. Have a nice day! :D
Don't you love how on the one hand, they support a child molester and on the other hand they make accusations about the girls who were molested out of whole cloth with no proof?

you do realize that every one of the "accusers" says that Moore backed off when they asked him to




and people like you crying "child molester" are the same ones that said that a 40 + year old man getting his dick sucked by a 22 year old intern was no big deal

does the hypocrisy ever bother you? even just a little?

I mean, if it doesn't, I get it - just be honest about it :)
A 22 year old is an adult. And she was no innocent: she was a sexually experienced adult. And she went after him. He did not take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.

So then any boss can fuck his underlings in the office?

You Communists are such hypocritical frauds.

If the CEO of Exxon did the same, they would all be screaming for his head on a platter.
Consensual sex? No. No one would care.

So how many generals, admirals, and other senior military officers were run out of the military for doing the exact same thing Clinton did?
you do realize that every one of the "accusers" says that Moore backed off when they asked him to




and people like you crying "child molester" are the same ones that said that a 40 + year old man getting his dick sucked by a 22 year old intern was no big deal

does the hypocrisy ever bother you? even just a little?

I mean, if it doesn't, I get it - just be honest about it :)
A 22 year old is an adult. And she was no innocent: she was a sexually experienced adult. And she went after him. He did not take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.

So then any boss can fuck his underlings in the office?

You Communists are such hypocritical frauds.
It isn't illegal.
It's sexual harassment according to the law Clinton signed.
Really? Why don't you produce the text of that law and we'll see. She went after him. He didn't coerce her. He didn't make her job dependent on having sex with him. She went after him.

It doesn't matter.
you do realize that every one of the "accusers" says that Moore backed off when they asked him to




and people like you crying "child molester" are the same ones that said that a 40 + year old man getting his dick sucked by a 22 year old intern was no big deal

does the hypocrisy ever bother you? even just a little?

I mean, if it doesn't, I get it - just be honest about it :)
A 22 year old is an adult. And she was no innocent: she was a sexually experienced adult. And she went after him. He did not take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.

So then any boss can fuck his underlings in the office?

You Communists are such hypocritical frauds.
It isn't illegal.


How about if the President of Walmart did it?

That you are a partisan hack and hypocrite in no way changes reality.

The boss in a position of power used his position to gain sexual favors.
SHE WENT AFTER HIM. She stated her intention to do so before she left for Washington. He did not take advantage of her.

It's sexual harassment.
So then any boss can fuck his underlings in the office?

You Communists are such hypocritical frauds.
It isn't illegal.


How about if the President of Walmart did it?

That you are a partisan hack and hypocrite in no way changes reality.

The boss in a position of power used his position to gain sexual favors.
SHE WENT AFTER HIM. She stated her intention to do so before she left for Washington. He did not take advantage of her.

Utter bullshit.

The sexual predator boss with a LONG history of preying on the help was diddling his subordinate who was seeking advancement in the office.

That you hypocritical hacks try and excuse this just shows how devoid of any sense of integrity you are.
OMG She said she was going after him. She joked about taking her kneepads. She told friends of her intentions toward him. LOL You people are so partisan you are blind to reality.

Doesn't matter. It's sexual harassment.
you do realize that every one of the "accusers" says that Moore backed off when they asked him to

every single one

and people like you crying "child molester" are the same ones that said that a 40 + year old man getting his dick sucked by a 22 year old intern was no big deal

does the hypocrisy ever bother you? even just a little?

I mean, if it doesn't, I get it - just be honest about it :)

Monica was 4 years over the legal age and a consenting adult. Leah Corfman was 4 years UNDER the legal age and a child. Do you see the difference?

And sorry but I didn't notice him backing off of Beverly Young Nelson -- unless you figure that driving her to a dark spot next to a diner dumpster, groping her, choking her and leaving her in the parking lot to be "backing off" :rolleyes-41:

When will you stop defending the kiddie diddler?

Mr. Moore was wearing brown hush puppies on his feet. He drove a two door car. I believe that it was an old car, but I do not recall the model. I got into his car in the passenger seat. He began driving. I thought he would get on the highway, but instead he drove to the back of the restaurant. I was not immediately alarmed as there was an exit from the back of the restaurant to the street and he could drive from there to my house without getting on the highway. However, instead of driving to the street he stopped the car and parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. The area was dark and deserted. I was alarmed and I immediately asked him what he was doing.

Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out. I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face.

At some point he gave up. He then looked at me and said, “you are a child. I am the District attorney of Etiwah County. If you tell anyone about this, no one will believe you.” He finally allowed me to open the car door and I either fell out or he pushed me out. I was on the ground as he pulled out of the parking area behind the restaurant. The passenger door was still open as he burned rubber pulling away leaving me lying there on the cold concrete in the dark.​

Look at the red text. That alone proves she lied.
Really? Why don't you produce the text of that law and we'll see. She went after him. He didn't coerce her. He didn't make her job dependent on having sex with him. She went after him.

bripat is making shit up again. There was no crime involved with what Clinton did with Lewinsky. And she teased the F out of him with sexy lingerie and clearly wanted it Clinton's only crime was lying about a blow job.

Under federal law, Clinton was guilty of sexual harassment by having consensual relations with an intern. That is all that mattered. Age has no bearing and her consent had no bearing.
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter
They disappeared just like other tools of a Democratic Party campaign. More like them will churn-up in 2018. Democrats strategy. Lie about abuse...then disappear after the election.
They slandered him. That much is clear. The one with the yearbook admitted Moore's signature was a forgery. .

Wrong, the admitted she made notes under the yearbook signature, just like the other woman made notes under the graduation card. The signature was authenticated.
It's a forgery, in other words.

Ehhh - NO. Has it been THAT long since you had yearbooks signed? In both HS and college mine were signed over a period of as much as two weeks. Many times I added dates and locations just for memory's sake. MANY people do the same thing.

That is not forgery lil feller

Why didn't she admit to altering it BEFORE it was alleged to be a forgery?
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Where has Roy Moore's law suit gone? Remember how he said he was going to sue all of the women?

If Moore's accusers on TV repeating their accusations right now- you would be accusing them of being liars or shills. But since they are not on TV- oh wait- you are accusing them of being liars or shills......
It sure appears to be a fake. One thing it is not is the orginal issued on the day of his birth.

Why shouldn't 4-5 experts have a chance to examing the yearbook? Moore could choose two of them and Gloria Alred could choose the other two. Why do Dims always object to examining the evidence?

The handwriting WAS analyzed and not by 4 or 5. More like around 20 experts. Nobody could have proven it conclusively one way or the other. But the handwriting and signature were "consistent".

As for this - VERY funny thanks!

Why do Dims always object to examining the evidence?

Why does Trump object to letting us examine his taxes? :D

Then why did Allred have a press conference saying it would not be surrendered for independent analysis?

Your lies are doubling back on you Doc!

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